
IGI is a better Lab

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Oct 5, 2002
Finally we have an international Lab in Canada
Greatcall would be a pseudonym for some one who works in a diamond lab making "great calls" on clarity and color?

Perhaps you might like to declare or refute that you work for IGI?

I have very occasionally agreed with EGL in Europe and Belguim, sometimes with EGL USA, often with HRD and frequently with GIA, but I have never bought an IGI graded stone because the dealers who use IGI usually will not sell the stone at what a reasonable price. I mean if it has been given a great call of say F VS2 and I offer to buy it at what it really is - say H SI2 - we never seem to agree on a price. Funny about that.
Someone with more tendency to "flame" than myself has said that an IGI cert isn't worth the paper it's printed on. My opinion: An IGI certed diamond we bought and sent to GIA was rated by IGI as a "G" color. GIA said it was a "K". I could go on, but out of kindness will not.:naughty:
Having just started my adventures in buying a stone using the HCA and ideal-scope, I was presented with an IGI certed stone.


Table 59%
Cr 11%
Pav 43%
Depth 57.2%
Culet - med

Looked very nice with ideal scope
HCA: LR exc, fire v.good, scint v.good, spread excel, HCA 1.3

It was priced at AUS$7800 (but not much different from poorly cut stones presented to me) A bit steep for what I have seen but I am still getting to used to the vagaries and randomness of diamond prices.

I also wonder whether vendors know the difference between perfect cut and less-than-ideal cut.

Beware - you should get and use angles for accurate HCA results.

I suspect the stone has a very thick girdle too.

Mostdefinitely ask for a second opinion on the color clarity. If you are in Australia there are 2 labs in Sydney who have sarin instruments.
Can't you use simple trig to work out the angles? (I think you will know from this statement who I am Cut Nut ) Am I ignoring some part of the calculation?

Unfortunately the IGI stone was sealed. Nevertheless, still got a good image with the ideal-scope.

As per previous correspondences - does not the ideal-scope image trump any other data e.g. girdle thickness, Sarin proportions? If the ideal-scope image looks good then IT IS GOOD. When I saw this stone, it had minimal leakage at the edge and no table leakage - even the symmetry was quite good.

Because the stone is sealed, I guess I won't be able to get it reevaluated. Should I just leave it?
What kind of a name is Cut Nut. . I have bought an IGI cert diamond it was graded VS 2 H. I decided to send the stone to GIA in CA. The grading that GIA assigned was surprising. They classified the diamond a VS 2 G. I am very happy. It is people like yourself who intimidate and confuse the public.
Dymonite the ideal-scope does over ride the other data. but the % data is rounded to whole #'s and the presnce of a culet invalidates pavilion depth data. Angles are best.

Great call I believe you work for IGI.
Cut nut,

A few questions re use of ideal-scope arising from this experience:

Can you get a reasonable image of a sealed stone which lies on a white background (such as the one I examined)?

Will I find that once opened, the stone performs worse under I-Scope?

What other cautions to do I need when examining sealed stones with I-scope?

I tried looking at a sealed stone lying on a black background and it looked good. According to first principles, since light has to enter the pavilion and girdle to detect leakage with the I-Scope, is it useless to examine it in this condition?
I have never tried this and would never buy a diamond in a sealed package (and never have).
The plastic they use has waves and ripples. I do not like it.

I have not studied the possability. I do not see why anyone could not take the diamond out of the sealed packet for you?

Every other lab in the world sells the stone loose and the paperwork comes seperately. It just turns me off.

But to answer your ?

You must back light the diamond. If not then study the section on examining set stones
I wish I did . I would be making a lot more money than what i am doing now.
Greatcall, name calling or inappropriate language is prohibited on the forum.

As a moderator I censored your recent posts at this time.

Members who violate the forum rules will be banned from the system.
Greatcall, I wonder if you are even Canadian given your poor manners.

I noticed in another thread that you claimed IGI was better than Gemscan. On what basis do you make this claim? Have you ever tried Gemscan? And if you respond that, in fact, you sent the same stone that you sent to the GIA to Gemscan and they were even softer on it, that will confirm everyone's suspicions.

I am not an expert and am in no position to compare Gemscan to other labs, but I did use them recently to verify a GIA certed stone. I received personal service and a cert with full Sarin analysis. They also do laser inscribing. Does IGI?

Here is a test question to see if you are really Canadian: Who gave the Russians the finger from the ice in Moscow during the 1972 hocky summit series between Canada and the USSR?
Esposito is the answer. Henderson scored the goal. I can also tell u all u need to know about the 87 series as well. I just called IGI they also have laser inscribing service. anything else you would like to know. I think alot of you misunderstood my remarks. lets get a few things clear Nuts Cut:

I am Canadian

I am not an employe of IGI

I am just glad that an international firm is in Canada.

So when I chat with other people about my fiance's diamond they will recognize the certificate.

But it seems to me alot of you people are really (how can i say it politely) tight.

Thanks for the feedback (although it was very critical)
Esposito is the answer. Henderson scored the goal. I can also tell u all u need to know about the 87 series as well. I just called IGI they also have laser inscribing service. anything else you would like to know. I think alot of you misunderstood my remarks. lets get a few things clear Nuts Cut:

I am Canadian

I am not an employe of IGI

I am just glad that an international firm is in Canada.

So when I chat with other people about my fiance's diamond they will recognize the certificate.

But it seems to me alot of you people are really (how can i say it politely) tight.

Thanks for the feedback (although it was very critical)
Wrong! Allan Eagleson, the guy who organized the series and has since done jail time for ripping off players as their agent, gave the finger to the Russians from the ice.
From G to a K maybe you sent it to FGI (Fantasy Gem institute)
Are you a Canadian? If you are then yell me during the 1992 WS who was on first base when Ed sprague hit the home run in game 1 top of 9 to give the Jays the lead who was on first base?

Second when was the skydome first opened? and who did the Jays play?

What part of Canada are u from???????
Please guys!

Greatcall, there is no reason to be upset. If you were unhappy with GemScan service and pleased with IGI in Canada that's fine.

Your post will remain on this board as all other consumer feedbacks.

Let's refrain from fights here.
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