
If you could change ONE thing what would it be?


I should have taken the shingles vaccine years ago. I contracted shingles in my face that has left me with (post herpectic) neuralgia and that has really impacted my life since there is no treatment (or nothing works for me so I don't take anything). Chronic pain is a (major) bummer.

canuk-gal|1456461451|3995905 said:

I should have taken the shingles vaccine years ago. I contracted shingles in my face that has left me with (post herpectic) neuralgia and that has really impacted my life since there is no treatment (or nothing works for me so I don't take anything). Chronic pain is a (major) bummer.


Hi Sharon, I am so sorry you are dealing with this and thank you for sharing and as a PSA I hope others will take note. I too wish I had taken the shingles vaccine and I had even asked my doctor about it the year before I came down with shingles and he said no he didn't recommend it because I was under 50 at the time. In hindsight I wish I had insisted but I deferred to my doctor. Big mistake IMO and I hope PSers will get the vaccination. It is not 100% effective however if you get the vaccination and still come down with shingles at a later date it will be a much less severe form of shingles and you would probably avoid the post herpetic neuralgia so something for everyone (no matter their age IMO) to consider.

Hi alongcat, thank you for posting and yes hindsight is 20/20 and how clearly we see things when looking back with the wisdom we acquired living the years and experiencing life. Hoping more wonderful opportunities come your way and that you can realize some past dreams. And so happy you have a wonderful loving family.
I try not to dwell on what could have been with thoughts of "if only". I, like many of you; have faced challenges and losses during my life but they have all made me the person I am today. Every bump, scar, crash and burn incident hopefully made me a wiser and better person. Every ribbon, recognition, prize and cherished memory has made me feel blessed. Every person, family and friend I connected with enriched my life and expanded my horizons. So while there are many things I might wish to add or have in my life; I wouldn't change a moment of it.
oh, alj, i know this all too well.
it will never be the same, but it can be just as good, though different. you deserve it to be and those you lost would want you to have it.

Sharon, i am so sorry. Chronic pain is a constant threat. it can be terrorising. I wish you eons of relief.

i cant think of what, if i changed it, would make a difference. i hope i change things yet to happen, and not beat myself up for what i didnt change.