
IDJewelry vs Whiteflash for a tennis bracelet, continued!!


Jan 9, 2006
And resolved! :bigsmile:

I've been selling a few unworn jewellery pieces and saving up for months for a 3 prong diamond bracelet in WG, and a while back I was deliberating over whether to get Whiteflash's/BGD's 2ctw, or for the same price, the 3ctw version from ID Jewelry. I posted to see what the rest of you lovelies thought, and the overwhelming response was to go for the higher ctw!

OK, OK, you twisted my arm :rodent:

Here she is! 3.02ct of F-G, SI, excellent cut goodness! :lickout: :lickout: It's about to start its long journey across the Pacific to come home to mama, I can't wait to see it in person! I've dealt solely with Luann through the whole process, and she's been fantastic to work with. Highly recommended!! This is my first big (for me!) purchase online, and I'd do it all again! I'll post real life pics when I get the bracelet, but for now, here are the pics Luann sent me.


Re: IDJewelry vs Whiteflash for a tennis bracelet, continued

Ohh those look the perfect size! Can't wait for handshots. When is the due date?
Re: IDJewelry vs Whiteflash for a tennis bracelet, continued

Sorry for asking a question not regarding your lovely bracelet, just tell me if it is not ok. How have you insured your diamonds when you send them to danielm? Those lovely studs and rings of yours make me want one too.
Re: IDJewelry vs Whiteflash for a tennis bracelet, continued

awesome!! :appl: :appl: ID Jewelry is great to work with.
Re: IDJewelry vs Whiteflash for a tennis bracelet, continued

natascha|1289480437|2761255 said:
Sorry for asking a question not regarding your lovely bracelet, just tell me if it is not ok. How have you insured your diamonds when you send them to danielm? Those lovely studs and rings of yours make me want one too.

I recommend insuring them while shipping--- always! It should not be too spendy.
Re: IDJewelry vs Whiteflash for a tennis bracelet, continued

Sorry for the threadjack: the problem is I can't find an insurance that accepts me as a Swedish citizen( Swedish insurance does not cover your ring will it is at the jewelers).

On topic: DandiAndi do you know how big each diamond is?
Re: IDJewelry vs Whiteflash for a tennis bracelet, continued

:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT!!!!!!!!!! So blingy! I can't wait to see real life pics!!!!
Re: IDJewelry vs Whiteflash for a tennis bracelet, continued

Re: IDJewelry vs Whiteflash for a tennis bracelet, continued

Congratulations! It looks beautiful! I was just reading your earlier thread yesterday and wondering if you had made your decision. I can't wait to see your pics and wrist shots when you get it! Do you know what size each stone is? When will you get it? So excited for you!
Re: IDJewelry vs Whiteflash for a tennis bracelet, continued

Very Nice!!! :love: :love: :love: :love:
Re: IDJewelry vs Whiteflash for a tennis bracelet, continued

natascha, the bracelet will be shipped very soon, it's in the US and I'm in Australia, so I'm hoping by the end of next week! EEK! :D Regarding my diamonds I sent to DanielM, I just purchased insurance at the post office, didn't cost much for peace of mind. What projects are you cooking up? :bigsmile: Thanks for your lovely comments sweetheart!

Thanks so much bean! I've had a terrific experience with them! I'll definitely be back :Up_to_something: :Up_to_something:

LALove, I adore your enthusiasm, makes me even more excited to get my sparklie on my wrist!! :loopy: Thanks lovely!!

Thankyou gorgeous tyty! I really must agree with you there =)

jill_s, yayyy thankyou hon!! Each stone is 5.6pt a piece, for a total of 3.02ct. Perfect, methinks!! :halo:
Thankyou heaps, Andelain! :wavey:

Thanks so much for sharing in my excitement girlies!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Re: IDJewelry vs Whiteflash for a tennis bracelet, continued

Ohmigosh!!! That is a stunning bracelet!!! :love: :love: :love:

I can't wait to see pictures on your wrist!! Just wanted to say that i am glad you have had a positive experience with ID. It's great to see so many PSer's using them now!!
Re: IDJewelry vs Whiteflash for a tennis bracelet, continued

I'm so happy you went with the three carat. I think you're going to love it. I have one and I adjusted to those three carats right away. LOL! :naughty:
Re: IDJewelry vs Whiteflash for a tennis bracelet, continued

Gorgeous - can't wait to see wrist shots!
Re: IDJewelry vs Whiteflash for a tennis bracelet, continued

natascha, the bracelet will be shipped very soon, it's in the US and I'm in Australia, so I'm hoping by the end of next week! EEK! Regarding my diamonds I sent to DanielM, I just purchased insurance at the post office, didn't cost much for peace of mind. What projects are you cooking up? Thanks for your lovely comments sweetheart!

Holding my tumbs that the bracelet comes soon. I am waiting on a pendant and going more crazy by the minute, do you get used to the waiting after a couple of times? Sorry that I was not clear in my post, I am going crazy trying to find out how to insure the diamond while it is at DanielM. I'm planning a reset of my engagement ring so hopefully we will soon have pics of a DaielM halo. Although those lovely 8 prongs made me lust after them too.
Re: IDJewelry vs Whiteflash for a tennis bracelet, continued

DandiAndi - thanks for the extra info on the size of each stone. Did the bracelet come with excellent cut stones or did you request an upgrade to the stones? Also, do you mind sharing the final price? Was the price in line with the 2ctw WF/BGD bracelets? Sorry for all the questions, I'm also considering a tennis bracelet (still quite a few months off), and I've been considering going with ID because I like their price points for the carat size you get! Can't wait to see wrist shots!
Re: IDJewelry vs Whiteflash for a tennis bracelet, continued

Lovely! That's the ctw that I would like to go for also. :appl:
Re: IDJewelry vs Whiteflash for a tennis bracelet, continued

It is beautiful Dandi! Can't wait to see wristshots!
Re: IDJewelry vs Whiteflash for a tennis bracelet, continued

Thanks gorgeous h.o.t!! They have been so fantastic and I couldn't be happier with the speed and service!

gemgirl, so am I! :bigsmile: Have I seen pictures of your bracelet?! I'm going to go and peruse your threads now!! Thanks sweetheart!

Thankyou heaps, lovely vesper! I'll probably be poised at the door with the camera when the Fedex man gets here, tee hee! :Up_to_something:

natascha, waiting is part of the excitement I think! It's something to look forward too, but I do get a bit anxious and just want my precious stones back in my hot little hands after a while! I hope you can resolve the problem re. insurance!! Yes yes, I love my 8 prongs!! =)

jill, the price of the WF 2ct was my absolute limit, and I asked Luann if she could swing anything for me in the 3ct range providing the stones were excellent cut and eyeclean (I think that's all they use??) for that price (just a hair under 2k). There are quite a few on their website at the moment, but nothing that just fit what I was after to a tee. So, her boss picked out a range of stones for me and set them from scratch, and the final price including shipping was exactly that of the WF 2ct one, so I was one happy camper! When you're ready to buy I would just let them know what you're after and how much you plan to spend, and the guys there will give you the best they can for your intended budget. They really have been so helpful, I can't speak highly enough of them. I look forward to seeing what you come up with!! :appl: :appl:

Thankyou so much for your awesome comments lyra! I'm itching to see it in person, aaaahhhh!!!!! It's killing me! :loopy:

lizzyann, hi there love! :wavey: Thankyou very very much, I've already cleared room on the camera's memory card :D Thankyou!!
Re: IDJewelry vs Whiteflash for a tennis bracelet, continued

SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! It's here!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: And man, it is WAY gorgeous! So, so white, and the fire and sparkles are mindblowing. It throws off masses of tiny rainbows, the workmanship is incredible, it's just really amazing. I'm so glad I went with this one!! Onto the pics...

BraceletIDJ 002.jpg

BraceletIDJ 001.jpg
Re: IDJewelry vs Whiteflash for a tennis bracelet, continued

I've tried so hard to capture the intense brilliance of these little diamonds, but it's just impossible!

BraceletIDJ 019.jpg

BraceletIDJ 017.jpg

BraceletIDJ 013.jpg

BraceletIDJ 009.jpg
Re: IDJewelry vs Whiteflash for a tennis bracelet, continued

Bleh, mind the icky veiny hands. My friends call me road map! ;))

Last one, sitting pretty in the box.

BraceletIDJ 006.jpg
Re: IDJewelry vs Whiteflash for a tennis bracelet, continued

Simply gorgeous!!!!! :love:
Re: IDJewelry vs Whiteflash for a tennis bracelet, continued

Wow! Looks wonderful on you.
Re: IDJewelry vs Whiteflash for a tennis bracelet, continued

Andi it looks FABULOUS on you! I'm so glad you went for the extra carat. It's so absolutely white and brilliant. Score! I lovelovelove getting great quality at a great price. There's nothing better.

You can see my three carat tennis bracelet about 3/4 down the page here- [URL=''][/URL]
We're bracelet twins ;)) .
Re: IDJewelry vs Whiteflash for a tennis bracelet, continued

Oh WOW its GORGEOUS!!!! ENJOY it!!!! :appl: :love: :appl: :love:
Re: IDJewelry vs Whiteflash for a tennis bracelet, continued

Wow!!! :love: :appl:
Re: IDJewelry vs Whiteflash for a tennis bracelet, continued

Thankyou purplesilk! I am so thrilled with it! The only time I have taken it off was this afternoon when a delivery truck came to our house with hundreds of square meters of instant turf that we had to lay. I wasn't too impressed about having to take my bracelet off to get in the garden I must add :cheeky:
iota, thankyou love :wavey: ! The size is perfect for my wrist, I loves it! :bigsmile:

gemgirl, I :love: luuuuuuuuurve :love: your stunning 3 carat bracelet! YAY for being bracelet twins!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: And you are so right - yay for a great deal! Thankyou so much sweetheart!!

Aww thanks lovely dani! I certainly am enjoying it muchly!!

Thanks frenchgirl! I posted my bracelet in your bracelet thread, there's some yummy eyecandy in there!
Re: IDJewelry vs Whiteflash for a tennis bracelet, continued

YEAH!!! It looks great! Your pictures make the bracelet look stunning and so delicious! I'm so glad you came back and posted wrist shots. So, I have to ask, is it everything you were hoping for? I noticed from some of your old threads that you've had some other diamond tennis does this one compare? Are the stones as advertised - F/G, excellent cut and eye clean? Are you pleased with the size, do you think you could go bigger? Thanks so much for sharing! I think your pictures make the bracelet look so much better than even the IDJ pics. You are really making me want to get one too!!!
Re: IDJewelry vs Whiteflash for a tennis bracelet, continued

Beautiful bracelet, its the perfect size!!