
IDJ 1.0ct 1/2 eternity WB; LOTS OF PICS!!!


Deactivated member 42515

PA-C said:
so I randomly fell off the face of the planet for a while after switching the course of my career and taking a new position at a new hospital in internal medicine (i was doing neurosurgery/neurology)....needless to say all that combined with wedding planning has taken a toll on my pricescope time :(

either way, i wanted to thank everyone so much for all the wonderful comments!!

also, i STILL do not have the completed ring. :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: and honestly, after i received the "temporary" white gold setting, the communication from IDJ has been absolutely horrible (IMO). i honestly have felt like i've had to keep reminding them that i'm still waiting for it. mind you that the original mistake was made and noted in a June 12th email (after waiting about 2.5 weeks for completion) and i was subsequently told that it would take approximately another 3 weeks for completion of the platinum ring because of the july 4th holiday. i then waited....and waited and finally emailed to check on the status. i felt like i was reminding them that it still needed to be made at that point. finally on july 27th i was told i could send back the WG version to exchange for the platinum version. it was sent back on july 30th after i was finally given the shipping label. and i'm still waiting. so at this point i'm wondering if they hadn't even made the platinum version while i'd been waiting that entire time. i was told "When the platinum ring is finished I will send you a return label " to send back to WG ring meaning that the platinum version would be DONE when the WG was sent back." obviously this was not the case because why else would it take so long to complete and send me the platinum version? i was told it should be ready by the end of this week so we'll see.

please don't get the wrong idea by my explanation of all of this that i am saying anything about the quality of work from IDJ; i just merely wanted to voice my opinion about the way communication suddenly took a 180 degree turn after the original mistake was made. i felt like i had to keep reminding and initiating communication when prior to that happening i felt like i got immediate responses. i mean, at one point i even had to call them because i got no response to an email i had sent inquiring about the status since it had been taking so many weeks. overall i have been waiting since about the end of may and i can't help but feel that they were sort-of ticked that i didn't want to accept the WG version (since they had offered a discount on it). thankfully my wedding date isn't until september but, had it been sooner, i would be quite peeved!! i'm just hoping i love the final product because otherwise i don't have time to go through this again! argh!

one last point is that i did request they change the way the metal on the end diamonds was shaped since it scratched the HECK out of my fingers (it created a really sharp edge for some reason) and it was actually seriously painful and would leave very red/scratched areas in between my fingers. i spun the ring around so that i had just diamonds in between my fingers just to make sure it wasn't the diamonds/prongs causing the pain and it definitely wasn't - it was the metal edge on the end. hopefully that will be fixed and i will be a super happy camper when i get the final product. i'm sure it will be worth the wait....

obviously i'll post pictures when it comes in....
Even tho this is not necessarily a rant against IDJ, poo on the situation!!! It seems you were one of the very few people that fell between the cracks!


Feb 10, 2012
PA-C, I'm so sorry to hear about your experience with IDJ. I know this doesn't help but I wanted to let you know that you're not alone, I had a similar experience with them and ended up forfeiting my deposit and scrapping my order. What was supposed to take two weeks ended up turning into two months and I never got updates from them, I always had to reach out (it would have gone even longer if I hadn't decided to move on to another vendor). Also, the first time they made my ring the craftsmanship was rather poor - stones were not set straight and didn't sit nicely in baskets. I ended up going with WhiteFlash instead and had an amazing experience with them (I will create post on my ring soon).

Good luck to you, it's frustrating to go through what you're dealing with especially when they have such great reviews from other people.


Jun 27, 2011
@Brownie22 - so glad you posted that you had a similar experience. it is getting incredibly frustrating. i STILL do not have the ring despite having been told that it was "definitely" going to ship by the end of last week. i had to reach out (yet again) to ask about the status and was told that it would be shipped today and that they had to send it back one more time to make it "perfect." i even asked in my email if there was something wrong that i should know about since it's taking so darn long. i honestly can't believe it. :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire:

i seriously hope it IS perfect when i get it!!!! argh. i'll be posting more pics when (IF !!???!!) it gets here....


May 23, 2012
I'm so sorry to hear this! I hope you get it in the next few days and that it's so fantastic it helps make up for the crazy long wait!


Aug 19, 2007
PA-C and Brownie22, I'm chiming in to say that I too have experienced communication issues with IDJ! I'm so sorry about your experiences, but I guess I'm glad to see that I'm not alone!

I had the hardest time even placing my order. I emailed for a quote twice with no response, and then I called 3 times - each time I was told someone would return my call but nobody ever did! Finally on the fourth call (and two weeks later) I was able to connect with Luann and her email communication has been very good - if concise.

However, I was told that my ring would be ready last Monday, then it was supposed to be ready this past Friday, now my anniversary is tomorrow and I still do not have my ring! I'm desperately hoping they ship it today so I can receive it tomorrow but I haven't heard back from them yet. I also asked for pictures so I could approve everything before they ship, but now there isn't any time to fix any possible issues and still get my ring on time for my first anniversary. I can only hope that it everything looks amazing and I can still receive my ring tomorrow, but I'm just feeling worried and slightly disappointed. Maybe I've been spoiled working with BGD and whiteflash, but I don't think it's unreasonable to expect a certain level of customer service. I'm sure they must be very busy, but my frustration level is rising...


Aug 8, 2005
It's great looking! I really like it.


Dec 16, 2007
I hope this all gets worked out for you PAC! I think there is little excuse for long wait times and incorrect information communicated to consumers regarding delivery timelines. BUT when you are paying substantially less money than the competition there are tradeoffs. I think we can't expect the same customer service when we want to pay less. Hopefully, IDJ will see this thread and improve the things they can improve, like accurately communicating timelines, for example, even if they can't improve some other things, like longer communication times due to a smaller workforce at their office.

Fingers crossed it all works out in the end!


Feb 10, 2012
Dreamer_D|1345507113|3254622 said:
I hope this all gets worked out for you PAC! I think there is little excuse for long wait times and incorrect information communicated to consumers regarding delivery timelines. BUT when you are paying substantially less money than the competition there are tradeoffs. I think we can't expect the same customer service when we want to pay less. Hopefully, IDJ will see this thread and improve the things they can improve, like accurately communicating timelines, for example, even if they can't improve some other things, like longer communication times due to a smaller workforce at their office.

Fingers crossed it all works out in the end!

Like Dreamer_D said, I realized that I was getting what I paid for in terms of quality and service. I had heard so many rave reviews about IDJ so I thought maybe I would have a great experience and get a great deal but in the end I think there is a reason they cost less than everyone else. IDJ also laughed and brushed me off when I mentioned concern that a shared-prong eternity ring would damage the prongs of my engagement ring (Whiteflash confirmed that it could but I gave it a chance and decided I'd get a spacer if necessary - the prongs were noticeably scratched after 3 days :errrr:! It's aggravating that IDJ made me feel stupid for something that's a real issue - I appreciated WF's honesty).

I truly hope your ring arrives soon and is beautiful (there are many happy PriceScopers so hopefully you end up being one!) If not, I have nothing but positive things to say about Whiteflash.


May 25, 2006
326 sorry you are having so many problems with your ring! I am now getting worried as I just ordered a ring from IDJ last week. It will be my first online ordering experience and seeing that others are also having problems with them is making me nervous! I hope everything works out before your wedding!


Aug 19, 2007
lvnut I just wanted to let you know that I just received my half eternity from IDJ and it is amazing! I picked it up yesterday morning from FedEx and it's beyond gorgeous. I don't think you need to be too worried, but I can understand how you feel as I felt the exact same way! In reality, I just needed to chill out :) I think the key is to be very clear about what your expectations are and what your timeline is. I think the most important lessons I learned were: 1) Be persistent in contacting them as they are very busy. 2) Have all of your requests in writing (PS quality stones, set low as possible, etc.) 3) When in doubt, talk to Yekutiel :)

I'll be posting pics of my ring in another thread.

PA-C I really hope everything works out for you with your ring!


May 25, 2006
Thanks KatSullivan for your reply! Glad you are happy with your ring and it arrived in time. I have spoken with Luann several times and have been very clear about the PS quality stones...although I haven't been clear about setting the stones as low as possible because I am getting a pave eternity band. Now I am wondering if I should call her today! The only e-mail specs were what Luann sent me so hopefully that is good enough. I don't really have a deadline as I am purchasing this for myself for days when I don't want to wear my wedding ring....

Sorry for the thread jack PA-C...I hope your ring comes in soon!!!


Jun 11, 2012
Hi PA-C, did you ever get your ring? Were the stones the same? How did it go?

I need closure! :D


Jun 27, 2011
sorry i haven't followed up until now but i was busy with last minute wedding stuff and then marrying the man of my dreams and then going to cabo for a super awesome honeymoon :)

so, i did get the second ring shortly after my last post and the diamonds are, in fact, NOT the same diamonds. there are more that have fluoro but none that have as strong of fluoro as the ones in the last ring. i can take a pic of the fluoro later for posting but don't have one right now. the quality of the diamonds are about the same as the first ring so i didn't go to the trouble of taking pics of each and every diamond this time, haha.

i also got the 1mm spacer for june designs from etsy. it took quite a while to get here but i am happy with the final product. however, i think i'm going to have to wind up getting a thicker spacer for everyday wear since the prongs on my ering are ALREADY getting scratched after less than two weeks of wear with the 1mm spacer which i have worn constantly with the set since the day we were married. kindof a bummer but at least i'll have the 1mm for when i want a different look on special occassions.





Jun 27, 2011





Jun 27, 2011





Jun 27, 2011
also, i should add that i did get a personal email from Yekutiel who apologized for the long wait and how things went with the mix up in the order, etc. i really appreciated that a lot since it was quite frustrating. i would definitely purchase from IDJ again in the further and i'm really excited about my wedding band which people definitely notice. it came out perfect and exactly as i was hoping for. the edges of the band don't scratch the insides of my fingers at all - it's a really smooth transition from the diamonds into the band. absolutely perfect :appl: :appl: :appl:


May 23, 2012
That combo is just spectacular!!!!

Congrats on the wedding!


Jun 12, 2010
That final product with your ering looks great.
Cute cat too!


Sep 20, 2012
This is an awesomely informative post. We're looking for a vendor in a couple of months and this type of detail really helps me in my search for the right choice for us.


May 31, 2007
I'm sorry for the frustrating experience you had but definitely excited about the outcome! Gorgeous ring and looks perfect with your Ering. Love the profile shots as mine look the same just on a smaller scale :) Maybe one day I'll have a 2ct once I get done with my MSN if ever :sick: But congrats again!! And congrats on your wedding!!!


Jan 9, 2008
GORGEOUS!!!!!!!! :love: :love: :love: But, please jump online and buy a wider space right now, if it's scratching your ER!!!!!


Jun 11, 2012
Thanks for posting the new ring PA-C. I'm glad it turned out well, it looks gorgeous. Congratulations on the wedding and honeymoon!


Aug 9, 2011
I love the size with your solitaire! Perfecto!
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