
I was proposed to with a clarity enhanced diamond


Nov 27, 2015
Should I be upset? I don't know if he even realizes that it was. I had a feeling that it was so I dug around and found out from the paperwork. I love my ring and thing that it is beautiful but I am nervous about it fading over time? I don't know anything about them. It is almost 3 carats and I know it is past the return date. Do I ask my fiancé if it was enhanced even though I'm sure that it is? I don't know what kind of enhancement was done and I have read that it is harder to clean them and you have to be careful? What do I need to know and be worried about? It was appraised for more than double than what he paid for it. Is that because the jeweler didn't realize that it was enhanced? I can't imagine that an appraiser wouldn't know but I have also read that it is hard to tell. He did get a separate appraisal from someone other than who he bought it through. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!
newlyengaged23|1448636224|3954654 said:
Should I be upset? I don't know if he even realizes that it was. I had a feeling that it was so I dug around and found out from the paperwork. I love my ring and thing that it is beautiful but I am nervous about it fading over time? I don't know anything about them. It is almost 3 carats and I know it is past the return date. Do I ask my fiancé if it was enhanced even though I'm sure that it is? I don't know what kind of enhancement was done and I have read that it is harder to clean them and you have to be careful? What do I need to know and be worried about? It was appraised for more than double than what he paid for it. Is that because the jeweler didn't realize that it was enhanced? I can't imagine that an appraiser wouldn't know but I have also read that it is hard to tell. He did get a separate appraisal from someone other than who he bought it through. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

Past the return date really changes my advice which is to do nothing and enjoy your ring. Inflated appraisals aren't worth the paper they are written on independent or otherwise.

I don't know what kind of CE was done or if you have a guarantee if it was filled.

CE diamonds can stand up just fine, sometime down the road you might need a good cleaning and possibly a retreatment if the drilling holes were filled but that is a remote possibility and for now I wouldn't worry about it too much and just enjoy your ring. You likely got a much bigger one for the same money as an unenhanced one.

Some CE diamonds have a guarantee to be retreated if they have to be(rarely), its important that if you ever have the ring reset you tell your jeweller that it is a CE diamond so that they don't treat the diamond with harsh chemicals.
Agreed, if it's past the return date learn to love it. I do know that in regards to CE that YEHUDA is the most well respected company for the process. Your diamond will need special care and if/when it needs to be cleaned out and re-treated contact Yehuda.
Of course I know nothing about your fiance, but in defence of all those men out there who are flailing around in the confusing diamond retail world, he could very well have heard the words "clarity enhanced" and thought, oh good, they cleaned it really well! So he could know that it is CE but have no knowledge of what it means. He just wanted (it sounds like) to make you very happy with a beautiful big diamond, and that sentiment goes a long way. Just sayin', there's worse things in the world..... :angel:
I would agree with Sharonyanddave that at this point you probably shouldn't sweat it too much. Just enjoy rockin a big diamond :wink2:

Although you may have to be gentle in your approach with your SO, I do think it is important that you understand the details of your diamond as it may have some bearing on how you handle it through the years. You do want to give any jewelers that ever work on your ring the proper guidance.

There is also the possibility that although your are beyond your return window, return or exchange might be a possibility under certain circumstances. For instance, you mention that your SO might not have known it was a treated diamond. That seems like a low probability in that he apparently had an independent assessment done. But if somehow he did not know, he probably would like to.
I find it interesting that you dug around to confirm the quality of the diamond.
Most women would be thrilled with the moment.
I will assume you accepted the engagement proposal.
If you can't return, you might want to keep quiet about it to your fiancé.
I would venture to say he may not take kindly to his act of love if you complained about it.
Very often people get taken to the cleaners on the purchase of the first diamond, they end up on this forum for guidance.
Live with it for now, say nothing to him, and in a few years if you feel the same way, upgrade it.
Congrats on your engagement.
I was really more concerned about using certain cleaners and how gentle I need to be with it that is why I wanted to look at the specs paperwork. I figured that he honestly didn't know when he bought it because he is clueless. I feel bad and I love him and the work that he still put in to finding it and still love the ring. Just nervous about 5 years from now. Does anyone know if somehow the appraisal he got done may not be valid if for some reason the jeweler didn't know it was enhanced? I imagine that the jeweler would have to know. I did find out that it was a laser drill enhancement.
newlyengaged23|1448646508|3954691 said:
I was really more concerned about using certain cleaners and how gentle I need to be with it that is why I wanted to look at the specs paperwork. I figured that he honestly didn't know when he bought it because he is clueless. I feel bad and I love him and the work that he still put in to finding it and still love the ring. Just nervous about 5 years from now. Does anyone know if somehow the appraisal he got done may not be valid if for some reason the jeweler didn't know it was enhanced? I imagine that the jeweler would have to know. I did find out that it was a laser drill enhancement.
I'm not really an expert in this area as our company does not deal in treated diamonds, but I would be more comfortable with a laser drill enhancement than a fracture filled enhancement. Unless there are many drills close together, there would most likely be no durability issue. And drill holes are so small that even dirt and grime will not penetrate during normal wear. There are some drill techniques that create feathers that open to the surface that can then be fracture filled. You would need an expert to examine your stone to determine the extent and type of filling and if there are any practical concerns with wear or maintenance (maybe you could do that on your own for your peace of mind (?) ). It is quite possible that you have nothing at all to worry about.
Appraises for more than purchase price, as much as 2x purchase price, is pretty standard. The appraisals that you get from some jewelers or jewelry sellers can range from pretty accurate to vastly overinflated. If you *really* want to know what its specs and value are, you'd need to have it appraised by a very skilled and neutral 3rd party appraiser. I think it's pretty common for a jewelry store to give one an appraisal that says it's worth 2x what was paid. It's a "full retail value appraisal" that is often a lot more money that it would take to actually replace the stone or piece of jewelry. You might be overpaying for insurance on it.

There are threads on here about appraisals and about insurance. Find using the Search.
newlyengaged23|1448646508|3954691 said:
I was really more concerned about using certain cleaners and how gentle I need to be with it that is why I wanted to look at the specs paperwork. I figured that he honestly didn't know when he bought it because he is clueless. I feel bad and I love him and the work that he still put in to finding it and still love the ring. Just nervous about 5 years from now. Does anyone know if somehow the appraisal he got done may not be valid if for some reason the jeweler didn't know it was enhanced? I imagine that the jeweler would have to know. I did find out that it was a laser drill enhancement.
Just to "enhance the clarity" of the issue that brings you here, it occurs to me that we may be mixing treatment types (and I may have contributed to that). Your subject line refers to "clarity enhanced diamond" which generally refers to fracture filling. You also refer to "laser drill enhancement" which can be used in conjunction with fracture filling, but is most commonly used as a stand-alone treatment to remove or reduce the appearance of a crystal type inclusion. In that technique a tiny laser drill is made to the location of the inclusion. Then acid is introduce into the hole to dissolve the inclusion. It can remove an eye visible inclusion, leaving behind a tiny white thread-like tunnel which may not be visible to the eye, thereby improving the diamond's visual appearance. Simple laser drilling such as that has been considered acceptable by a wide portion of the market for many years as it is permanent and does not require extra care.

Fracture filled "clarity enhanced" diamonds on the other hand are not considered an acceptable treatment by a large portion of the market as the filling material can change/degrade over time, and special care must be taken with the diamond to avoid problems. This is why it is important to know what it is you are dealing with. Exactly what did the paperwork you saw indicate? Was there any type of lab report on the diamond?
Thank you so much! I am feeling more at ease with this thread. What I read said that it was clarity enhanced. It didn't say what kind. I then just contacted the website where it was purchased and asked what kind of clarity enhancement they do and they told me that it is all done by laser drilling. Does that make sense? I'm just kind of surprised because I'm pretty sure that it appraised for 3 times the amount paid so I'm not sure if the jeweler who appraised even noticed? I would rather my fiancé not even know that I know for as long as I can because I would never want to hurt his feelings and make him feel like he didn't get me something special because he definitely did and I still think he got a great deal on it and I do love deals, so it does make sense for me as long as we don't get screwed over in the next few years!

Thanks again!
newlyengaged23|1448657182|3954733 said:
Thank you so much! I am feeling more at ease with this thread. What I read said that it was clarity enhanced. It didn't say what kind. I then just contacted the website where it was purchased and asked what kind of clarity enhancement they do and they told me that it is all done by laser drilling. Does that make sense? I'm just kind of surprised because I'm pretty sure that it appraised for 3 times the amount paid so I'm not sure if the jeweler who appraised even noticed? I would rather my fiancé not even know that I know for as long as I can because I would never want to hurt his feelings and make him feel like he didn't get me something special because he definitely did and I still think he got a great deal on it and I do love deals, so it does make sense for me as long as we don't get screwed over in the next few years!

Thanks again!
Most diamonds that size that just have simple laser drills would be offered with a lab report of some kind. Is there one in the paperwork you saw? If you could post the website we might be able to determine what kind of treated diamonds the company is selling.
Just enjoy your ring :)

The most important part is that your SO is the right person for you. He probably was just thinking about you and want you to be happy when he bought it. Probably didn't think about anything else much...

There are far many more things to look for in a relationship than a ring. A ring is just a materialistic symbol that looks real pretty, nothing more than that. Love doesn't depend on this, it is so much more...don't end up like me, got a real nice ring but everything else is falling apart...

Like Bryan has put it and it should make your mind feel at ease that indeed only laser drill enhancement is permanent and does not become worse over the time. The only remnants or the memory it has are the ever so thin hair line (even that is thick) laser drill tunnels which are visible only under the loupe to a trained eye as opposed to filled diamonds where fractures/feathers are filled with silicon which oppose as durability threat whilst the jewellery is being cleaned with certain chemicals (chlorine?) or cleaned in an ultra sonic cleaner.
For now you have nothing to worry about and you have a huge diamond on your finger. Congratulations.


WillyDiamond|1448639067|3954670 said:
I find it interesting that you dug around to confirm the quality of the diamond.
Ha. A Pser who doesn't want to know every tiny detail of a stone?

To the OP. Congratulations on your engagement. You are smart to research, but knowing exactly what you have does not preclude the love behind the giving of ring. Wear your ring in good health, and all the best to you both.

I tend to agree that you should not discuss the treatment with your fiance as it might make unhappiness between you. I'm sure it's a beautiful stone and now you know how to take care of it! :appl:
Show that baby off!! :love:
Post some pictures so we can see your beauty given with love :appl: we are not all diamond snobs on PS
It's mentioned above but I want to make sure it's clear. Laser drilling does not affect the durability of the stones and the resulting enhancement does not deteriorate over time.
I found this quote from JCK magazine.

JCK Magazine | March 1, 1998 | 

The Federal Trade Commission’s revised Guides for the Jewelry Industry say it’s OK to sell diamonds with laser drill holes and not tell anyone about them. The 1997 regulations state that “if a diamond has been treated, it is unfair or deceptive not to disclose that the diamond has been treated and that the treatment is not or may not be permanent.” But laser drilling is not considered a treatment; hence, no disclosure is needed.

Have there been any changes to the FTC guideline since 1998?
Modified Brilliant|1448721813|3954924 said:
I found this quote from JCK magazine.

JCK Magazine | March 1, 1998 | 

The Federal Trade Commission’s revised Guides for the Jewelry Industry say it’s OK to sell diamonds with laser drill holes and not tell anyone about them. The 1997 regulations state that “if a diamond has been treated, it is unfair or deceptive not to disclose that the diamond has been treated and that the treatment is not or may not be permanent.” But laser drilling is not considered a treatment; hence, no disclosure is needed.

Have there been any changes to the FTC guideline since 1998?
I found this on the FTC website:

FTC Amends its Guides for the Jewelry Industry
Changes Address Disclosures for Permanent Gemstone Treatments Such as Laser Drilling
December 1, 2000
The Federal Trade Commission today announced that it is amending its Guides for the Jewelry, Precious Metals and Pewter Industries, commonly known as the Jewelry Guides, to require disclosure of permanent treatments to gemstones that significantly affect the value of the gemstone, which would include laser drilling of diamonds.

It sounds like the laser drilling was disclosed by the seller. The open question is whether there was filling as well as laser drilling. That is what the OP needs to understand in terms of caring for her ring.
Thanks for the update and clarification, Bryan.
WillyDiamond|1448639067|3954670 said:
I find it interesting that you dug around to confirm the quality of the diamond..

I would have dug around also. :). I definitely had to guide my husband or he would have paid way, way, way more than necessary. My first was actually purchase from consignment (knowingly). Only way we could afford a 1 ct. Ok w me. It is, what it is. :)

I have seen a few CE diamonds and they are remarkably stunning! Aesthetically, they look the same to me :). Sounds like he picked you out a nice, huge diamond which is great! I bet it's a knockout! I'm a size gal :) Lol! Wow!! Just under 3cts? U did well girl ;).

I must agree, say nothing to him. It really, really doesn't matter at this stage in the game. Nobody else will know, so it's just a matter of you moving past in your mind. It's still a diamond :). Heck, prob way cleaner than my SI2 I just bought :). Enjoy!!

Congrats!! :dance:
A word about values.

Laser drilled diamonds trade at a fairly significant discount on the secondary market. Clarity Enhanced diamonds are virtually unsalable on the secondary market.

This according to an acquaintance who deals in the secondary market for the last thirty years or so.

So, as someone already said, over inflated appraisals have no value but to the insurance company who will gladly charge you too much for your insurance if you use that appraisal.

The question is, who do you love more? The ring or your finacee?
If its the latter, accept it as a mistake, or whatever the reason and choose to live happily every after.
Pictures please :appl:
After reading I think the OP is at peace with the situation. I think she's asking more how to take care of the diamond?

I'm sure there's a lot of helpful information on the internet. Other than that, I would tell anybody who is going to be doing any sort of work on the ring. I'm not sure if you need to take any precautions and cleaning when cleaning at home.

And yes! Pics :) :)
Great thread!
Kudos to all!

I only take issue with the use of the term, snob.
Snobs don't actually exist.
Snobbery is an unkind judgement that only exists in the eyes of the beholder.

Some might say a person who simply must have a real diamond even it it weighs only one point is a snob.
It's all relative.