
I think it's safer to NOT order take out from restaurants


Apr 30, 2005
All restaurants in California are supposed to be closed, except for take out, which I think is called carry out in Britain.

But take out involves more people handling your food than if you prepared it yourself.
Plus, with many of us off work, or working from home, we have more free time than before.
Let's use it to cook healthier foods, which is often a time-consuming thing.

When it comes to food prep, the more you do yourself the more you can control everything and be careful.
Plus, cooking your own food eliminates yet another potential virus incubator from your food chain who's unaware that (s)he is also delivering CV-19, ... the delivery person.

Supporting our restaurants surely "sounds" altruistic, but further reducing the odds of my family NOT getting CV-19 sounds even nicer.
Altruism to one's self? ... hmmmmmm.

All things being equal everyone has the same odds of getting infected but some groups are more likely to die than others.
I'm in 4 or 5 groups that increases the chances I'll die if I get it.
I'm old and have a few medical conditions on that list that greatly raises my risk of death.

I'm truly sorry restaurants are going bankrupt, but I value my life more than someone's business.
In this situation, it's them or me; I choose me.

Let the youngest people with no medical conditions support the restaurants.
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Aug 29, 2014
*shrug* I feel more anxiety going into a crowded grocery store vs a pick up or take out order.

I'm also not off work, I'm just working from home. In fact I think I'm working more as people aren't adhering to normal office hours. I like the idea of supporting my neighbours and their businesses, during good times and bad.

That said, some lockdowns are excluding all restaurants/fast food/take out, so it may be coming, who knows.


Feb 2, 2016
We have gotten take out a few times but we get coffee daily from our favorite shop and I make sure they get a generous tip. They are fairly new place and have a new baby so I would hate to see them not make it.

I'll support local business in my town as much as possible.


All restaurants in California are supposed to be closed, except for take out, which I think is called carry out in Britain.

But take out involves more people handling your food than if you prepared it yourself.
Plus, with many of us off work, or working from home, we have more free time than before.
Let's use it to cook healthier foods, which is often a time-consuming thing.

When it comes to food prep, the more you do yourself the more you can control everything and be careful.
Plus, cooking your own food eliminates yet another potential virus incubator from your food chain who's unaware that (s)he is also delivering CV-19, ... the delivery person.

Supporting our restaurants surely "sounds" altruistic, but further reducing the odds of my family NOT getting CV-19 sounds even nicer.
Altruism to one's self? ... hmmmmmm.

All things being equal everyone has the same odds of getting infected but some groups are more likely to die than others.
I'm in 4 or 5 groups that increases the chances I'll die if I get it.
I'm old and have a few medical conditions on that list that greatly raises my risk of death.

I'm truly sorry restaurants are going bankrupt, but I value my life more than someone's business.
In this situation, it's them or me; I choose me.

Let the youngest people with no medical conditions support the restaurants.

I agree 100000%%%% We don't know who is handling this food and how sanitary they are. My husband commented - is the food as fresh as it would be had they been opened and busy? I must agree, it's much safer to prepare your own food. And I am working from home however, things have slowed significantly since I'm in residential real estate which allows more time to cook.


Sep 17, 2008
The way I see it, you put yourself at risk anytime you go grocery shopping, and at this time, when you have take out.

Now that said the restaurant around the corner from where I am, basically has contactless takeout. they will call you when your food is ready. you call them from your car to confirm the order number and last 4 of your card. they tell you to pull up to the door and they put the food on a table...and you pick it up from that table. then step back from it. Remember this is not only for you but for them as well.

So I think that some really do try. I like this place, its a small business, so I will support them as long as they can stay open.

Also I still work from home same amount of hours as usual. The work load is getting a bit crazier because of who I work for but kind of expected


Jul 13, 2007
We've had take-out once in the last 2 weeks. I do want to support local businesses, but for us it's strictly a treat nowadays. The delivery person no longer hands it over. It's left on the porch, prepaid of course.


Mar 2, 2009
I do take out once a week, but I’m also young, no risk factors, and risk exposure regularly anyways as a doctor in a hospital so forgoing the takeout doesn’t really lower my risk that much but it would be a huge hit to my morale lol.

If you’re interested in supporting a favorite restaurant you can always get gift cards as presents to people you know who still do take out or donate food orders to your local health care providers and EMTs. Trust me we get super psyched when people send us food.


Mar 6, 2006
I totally agree. I am avoiding take out as well. If an employee is sick and coughs or sneezes near the food, it exposes my kids and I. I feel food is safer if I prepare it myself.


Jul 20, 2012
We live in a community that has an immediate downtown center full of mostly locally owned restaurants, many of which are our friends. I would absolutely hate to loose any of them during this time, but I will have to say, I absolutely 100% agree with Kenny.

We went out to eat in our state on 3/8, & walking out that night I told hubby that was our last. We are under full isolation here, & thankfully, am able to order groceries. I drive up, they wheel them out to the car, I load them into my car with gloves on. My meat I source from a local butcher & our chicken comes from a chicken farm about 30 minutes away. No way, no how would I get take out or anything to put in my mouth that comes from out of the house. And yes, there is nothing I would love more than a pizza for our fav pizza place....this is not easy, but a choice we've made for our family. Every one has to do what's best for them & their family.


Aug 14, 2009
Avoiding takeout for the same reasons.
Have, however, bought gift certificates from our favourite haunts for the value of several meals.
Same upside as ordering food - cash in register now - without the risks.


Aug 22, 2012
some areas of our state are getting hit very hard but there are no community spread cases in my town ...just one in the county from travel and that person has been isolated. Unless/until that changes we are ordering some meals for pick up because the restaurants are being greatly impacted. We don’t have a lot of chains, the restaurant owners and employees are our friends, neighbors, people we go to church with. The risk is low right now...we may have to reevaluate at some point though.


Sep 10, 2003
Today I missed the 2 hr shopping period the grocery store saves for us oldies and when I got there, very few people were paying attention to 6ft distance guideline. I gave stink eye to everyone who forgot about it. For me, it's a matter of a daily weighing of risks for exposure and making the choice based on what's happening here at the moment.


Aug 4, 2008
If I lived in a hard hit hot area yea 100% avoid.
It is not yet that bad here so I would do drive through with cash and tell them to keep the change.


Jun 27, 2019
My bf and I have been ordering grocery deliveries since mid-Feb. While I don't think contamination is a huge risk, it's just better to be safer than sorry.


Apr 19, 2004

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
all take aways are off limits here for the lock down - because its been spreading the virus over seas we were told
all resturants, cafes, bars must be closed now
last night before lock down it was pathetic, unsafe and foolhardy the long quees at MacDonals
risking lives for a big Mac


Oct 5, 2006
I feel the same way as you, @kenny. In fact, I've been wondering why the lockdown and shutting of restaurants and cafes (well, apart from social distancing, of course), if one continues to eat food prepared and handled by other people. Who knows who's infected and who isn't.

I'm immuno-compromised (Hashimoto's) and have just had major surgery. So, I am not prepared to risk my life. I do feel sorry for the businesses but I have to put myself first in this regard and limit exposure to anyone who comes into contact with me (my Dr, nurses, my live-in helper who helps me with food preparation, taking care of my daily needs etc).
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Feb 24, 2017
We call it take away @kenny - we’d like to help out the local restaurants who’ve had to close, but we’re just not sure whether it’s really safe.


May 1, 2007
I agree. I am really struggling with seeing restaurants (or any businesses, for that matter) suffer. However takeout comes in boxes, containers, plastic, etc. Someone delivered these containers, someone stacked them in the restaurant, someone pulled them out to put the food in, someone touched the takeout bag.... I can't sanitize these items and I can't avoid touching them to get at my food. I have heard several people tout 'we/they use gloves' however unless everyone handling the food/storage containers throws out their gloves and puts on new ones for *every* new/different order and also if/when they handle money/ccs then gloves are no safer than bare hands (which can be washed, I might add).

What if the delivery person stops for gas, and doesn't use a new set of gloves (or a doggie bag per a suggestion I loved) to pump? Then they use the same hands they used to touch the pump that has come into contact with who knows how many people to pick up your bags from their car and leave them on your doorstep.

For me it just comes with too many unknowns and therefore too much risk. So far we have been able to have our groceries delivered to our garage. I wipe down anything that can take it, throw away bags and needless packaging, wash my hands, then store in my house. I even filled the sink with soap and water to soak the produce because that has been touched by many hands before arriving to me, and potentially exposed to sneezes and coughs and whatnot. A couple of weeks ago I would have thought that was utter insanity/overkill but now I have the time and it gives everyone in my house peace of mind.

We are all enjoying fresh bread - google no-knead recipes. They are so easy I cannot believe it, and the results are relish. Of course, trying to find flour and yeast right now is almost as difficult as finding TP and meat, so I'm not the only one diving into fresh bread-making, lol!


Aug 18, 2013
Agreed. We were supporting our local diner by getting take-out every day up until a week ago or so.

Every time you get take out, you roll the dice and hope. In this environment, that's just not good enough.


Jan 9, 2015
I agree that cooking from scratch is better for your health. It's what we do. From scratch meaning: no pie crust, no cans (except tomatoes), no bagged mixes, no jars.

However, hot food (60 degrees Celsius) has zero risk for you to catch a virus.

If you don't touch your face directly after handling the bags and wash your hands throughly, the containers aren't a risk factor either.

People seem to get distracted by all the endless possibilities to get freaked out about and forget the really important messages:

keep at least 1 m between yourself and others if you must go out.

If don't have to go out, stay the eff at home.
Wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands.

Then wash your hands some more.

My 3 y/O looks like a miniature nurse now, when she washes her hands. The singing of 3 x "happy birthday" to be sure she's washed her hands for the full 30 seconds are are free bonus!

A 3y/o can do it (cheerfully). Everyone can!


May 13, 2018
I don't think take out from restaurants is less risk for everybody.

If you cook for yourself, unless you're making stuff directly from the freezer, you are gonna have to go into the grocery store. Sans N95 mask and gloves, I think a large grocery chain is higher risk (more traffic and more individuals who have breathed in the enclosed space) compared to a restaurant that orders groceries delivered to their doorstep wholesale.

So imo 1) it depends on what your need is for fresh groceries when you are cooking for yourself, 2) how high traffic your grocery store is, and 3) the PPE you have to wear when you go shopping. If you're in the high-risk group and the grocery chain implements a 7-8am policy for high risk and disability groups, then if you go shopping at 7am then yes, it's much less risk compared to take out. If you go grocery shopping in the afternoon at a large chain, you're at risk even from breathing the air.

Not to mention that some people have grown up without ever having figured out how to cook, so like...they should stick with take out so they don't have to go to the grocery store multiple times because they didn't realize they need some crucial ingredient or equipment. :) Like...some of the college age and younger crowd, if they cooked for themselves, they wouldn't get proper nutrition and that might result in compromised immune system.


Aug 14, 2009
I agree. I am really struggling with seeing restaurants (or any businesses, for that matter) suffer. However takeout comes in boxes, containers, plastic, etc. Someone delivered these containers, someone stacked them in the restaurant, someone pulled them out to put the food in, someone touched the takeout bag.... I can't sanitize these items and I can't avoid touching them to get at my food. I have heard several people tout 'we/they use gloves' however unless everyone handling the food/storage containers throws out their gloves and puts on new ones for *every* new/different order and also if/when they handle money/ccs then gloves are no safer than bare hands (which can be washed, I might add).

What if the delivery person stops for gas, and doesn't use a new set of gloves (or a doggie bag per a suggestion I loved) to pump? Then they use the same hands they used to touch the pump that has come into contact with who knows how many people to pick up your bags from their car and leave them on your doorstep.

For me it just comes with too many unknowns and therefore too much risk. So far we have been able to have our groceries delivered to our garage. I wipe down anything that can take it, throw away bags and needless packaging, wash my hands, then store in my house. I even filled the sink with soap and water to soak the produce because that has been touched by many hands before arriving to me, and potentially exposed to sneezes and coughs and whatnot. A couple of weeks ago I would have thought that was utter insanity/overkill but now I have the time and it gives everyone in my house peace of mind.

We are all enjoying fresh bread - google no-knead recipes. They are so easy I cannot believe it, and the results are relish. Of course, trying to find flour and yeast right now is almost as difficult as finding TP and meat, so I'm not the only one diving into fresh bread-making, lol!

Yes. Completely agree with this. Having someone else prepare and package your food involves a LOT of plastic, cardboard, textile that you can't possibly disinfect.

We don't ever wear outdoor shoes in the house. Asian thing. Dogs' paws get wiped down before they come in if they've been out in public spaces (rare, we've fenced the back yard so they come and go as they please).

I always use gloves at the grocery store, and when we get home all fruit and vegetables are washed and dried before they go into the fridge (travel-size hairdryer lives by the sink), all cans and boxes are wiped down before they go into the larder, all bagged goods are transferred to our own airtight boxes. It's a time-consuming PITA. But the upside is that our routine hasn't changed at all with this current scare.

I have been using disposable gloves at the petrol pump since I first learnt to drive. You can't know who's been touching that handle and those buttons... But you do know that they haven't been cleaned since they were first installed. My other half thought it was ridiculous and refused. Not so ridiculous anymore!


Jan 7, 2009
This is such a tough question.
No matter how you slice it, people have to eat.
So we have to risk going to the store for food.
There's also the fact that there's many people who depend on restaurants for a large portion of their nutrition.
People that are normally shut inside, or are unable to cook for other reasons.....there's a lot of people like that in NYC, for example.


Mar 2, 2009
This is such a tough question.
No matter how you slice it, people have to eat.
So we have to risk going to the store for food.
There's also the fact that there's many people who depend on restaurants for a large portion of their nutrition.
People that are normally shut inside, or are unable to cook for other reasons.....there's a lot of people like that in NYC, for example.

Also docs and nurses pulling long shifts often find take out a life saver because the idea of cooking after a 12 hour shift can be enough to make you cry. I already ate an insane amount of ramen as a resident. Not sure I would have eaten any veggies if not for take out at the time.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
I agree that cooking from scratch is better for your health. It's what we do. From scratch meaning: no pie crust, no cans (except tomatoes), no bagged mixes, no jars.

However, hot food (60 degrees Celsius) has zero risk for you to catch a virus.

If you don't touch your face directly after handling the bags and wash your hands throughly, the containers aren't a risk factor either.

People seem to get distracted by all the endless possibilities to get freaked out about and forget the really important messages:

keep at least 1 m between yourself and others if you must go out.

If don't have to go out, stay the eff at home.
Wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands.

Then wash your hands some more.

My 3 y/O looks like a miniature nurse now, when she washes her hands. The singing of 3 x "happy birthday" to be sure she's washed her hands for the full 30 seconds are are free bonus!

A 3y/o can do it (cheerfully). Everyone can!

This. It cannot survive on hot food. Cold food is a risk. We have ordered a few times. We get rid of the packaging as soon as we can and wash our hands. Take-out is a great way to break things up since we are eating three meals a day at home. We pick local, nicer places vs. fast food. Of course we all have to gauge our own risk factors. I just cannot be constantly in fear. We are being smart, staying at home (unless for groceries) and washing our hands/cleaning frequently touched surfaces.


Feb 29, 2012
My husband won’t let us. For money reasons (a month without a paycheck) and for safety reasons.


Oct 11, 2011
I totally agree. I am avoiding take out as well. If an employee is sick and coughs or sneezes near the food, it exposes my kids and I. I feel food is safer if I prepare it myself.

There is very little risk of contracting a respiratory illness by eating food; so far there is no evidence it is a vector of transmission for Covid19. If you wipe down the containers they arrive in, it should be fine, but even more fine if you order hot food.

However I'm a highly anxious person in general, and especially with food due to food allergies, so I'm not ordering takeout/delivery. My husband still is though.


Jan 7, 2009
Clearly there's no "right" answer...
I'm sure we all can agree, local restaurants are of immense value to the community.
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