
I returned the heart. . . but got something else instead.

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Sep 20, 2008
I don't know if some of you remembered my green heart in the "show me your hearts" thread. I returned it. After looking at the stone in the pictures and in various lighting, it just wasn't speaking to me. But the good news is that I got this instead!!

2.7 ct mint green grossular.

It's a better color than the heart, and better cut and a carat larger. It has a couple of inclusions but you cannot see them with the naked eye. Best of all it was on sale and only $80 more than the heart, which was blah in color next to it. It even sparkles more than the heart.

I love bargains. It's very very minty in person.

I think we're having green garnet fever on PS lately. It's a 9x9 trilliant and there is a split shank LOGR for this.
It would be perfect for a bezel though, it glows when I cup it or put it in the shade, kind of like my Afghan mint tourmaline.

Awesome stone! You don''t see a lot of trilliants around PS, but I don''t think that is a reason to kick this beauty out of bed. I love them in pendants, as well, but I am partial to gorgeous gemstone pendants.

Looking forward to more pictures of this project.
Thanks FlyGirl!!
It's such a neon stone that it's very difficult to get the full neon effect on camera, so I put it on a black surface next to a non-neon garnet ring. Diffused sunlight.

a less fuzzy picture. The black spots in the stone are reflections from my black sweater. The stone has a little blue in it, but my camera is not picking it up. I hate my camera - it does the worst job photographing greens.

It was meant to be TL! Which LOGR will you put it in?
Thanks LD. I HATE MY CAMERA. What I''m seeing is a vibrant, neon, minty green with a tinge of blue, kind of like this gem, and my camera keeps washing out the color and adding more yellow and grey to the stone.

Very nice ! I didn''t see the heart ( I''ll have to go back and look) but I like this one.
Love it TL. I don''t remember the heart either. I''ll have to go back and look.
Thanks IK and Freke.

The heart was pretty, but it went more yellow in incandescents, and that bugged me. I wanted it to hold it's green better. My camera couldn't photograph that one either and the photos were worse than this one. This stone is definitely a bright neon green, and it goes even deeper green in incandescent light. I did the chelsea filter on this one and it does contain some chromium. I wonder if it also has some vanadium. It's too light to be called tsavorite, but I love minty gems, and it's so hard to find any. As soon as you see the word "mint" in a listing, it's gone. I have been looking for minty tourmalines for quite some time since I love the one Gene cut for me, but I wanted something bigger. I pretty much gave up finding a minty tourmaline, so I decided to look for a minty garnet instead. They sparkle more, so that's also a plus!! This one is a keeper!! I just wish I could convey the true color. I'll see if I can get some good incandescent shots later if I don't smash my camera to bits first.

Oh yes, it's from Tanzania, so I believe it qualifies as a merelani mint, but it was advertised as a green grossular. I think all the merelani's come from Tanzania, but I could be wrong. If someone knows more about that, please let me know.
I think it is gorgeous TL! I did not see your heart, but I would take a trillion over a heart anyday! I can see it looking lovely in that trilliant LOGR split shank setting!
It''s gorgeous. I love the color.
Great color TL! It''ll look fantastic in a split shank LOGR!
Thank you again CCN, and thank you Marcy and BEG! I'll probably upgrade the diamonds. I think it's worth it.

I was playing with some more setting on my camera and white balance, and this is the best I could come up with for now.

This is in dim incandescent light and diffused evening sunlight. As you can see the stone has body color and isn't washed out, but it is very neon. Ugh, I still see olive in the picture. Oh well, you can only try taking so many pictures.

I''ve actually got this setting that had an ugly synthetic stone in it. I plucked it out and put the garnet in there. I like it in yellow gold, it brings out more of the blue in the stone I think. Camera still stinks. It''s gorgeous in person, and a real sparkler.

The setting is only 10K gold though.

It''s a nice stone, and perhaps I should get a better mount for it. What do you guys think?

Here''s the heart for relative comparison. It was more of a lime green, and it was bright, but no blue. I wanted a touch of blue in my mint. The camera made it look super olive in this photo.

Different personalities!!

Sorry for all the pics, just playing and experimenting with my camera.

Another finger shot in the yellow gold mount.

This looks a lot like the color of my stone in some lighting. This is a nice shot because it''s similar to the LOGR''s we''re so used to buying. This is a merelani mint garnet, so I think I have one as well. I wish an expert would chime in. The stone appears red under the chelsea filter, although it''s a light red.

That green is lovely, TL. I like it in the old setting but I think it will look much yummier in the LOGR style.
Date: 4/10/2009 10:28:13 PM
Author: mochi
That green is lovely, TL. I like it in the old setting but I think it will look much yummier in the LOGR style.

I agree! I like the "updated" LOGR setting!
Off topic, but I''m starting to like your garnet in the rose gold. It looks better everytime I see it.

As for the mint, I think it looks far better than the heart. You sure got a bargain on it too.
ooooooooooooooh TL, I recognize that garnet and it''s gorgeous!! jealous!
I missed the heart the first time around, but I agree...I like this one much better!
Date: 4/10/2009 10:28:13 PM
Author: mochi
That green is lovely, TL. I like it in the old setting but I think it will look much yummier in the LOGR style.
Thanks Mochi!

Okay, I did some weird funky stuff with my camera correcting for white balance. I noticed another thread with a merelani mint garnet by maxspinel (and it was a trillion in almost the same size - LOL!!), and she couldn't get it photographed well either until she played with the white balance on her camera. This is more of what I'm seeing, but the stone is a little brighter without the camera shadow on it. How do you guys think it looks surrounded by diamonds in white gold? I think I'll still do yellow gold though (it brings out more blue).

Thanks CCN, Mochi, Chrono, Icekid, TG.

Chrono, the Malaya is growing on me as well. Most of my gems are green or blue, so it was a foray into the world of garnets that made me get the Malaya. I'm glad I did!!

TG - yes, the heart was nice, but it just couldn't compare to this one. It just was too yellow in incandescents, and I wanted it to be more green.
I do think white balance helps!! It was so difficult trying to convey the true color of my rough minty tourmaline as well, but this is the best one yet!

TL, have a heart (no pun intended). Stop it with the green already, it''s just too gorgeous. I''ve fired up the laptop this morning and this is the 3rd green stone I''ve commented on and they are all gorgeous, this one especially.

I can''t start with the green, I just can''t. If I do, green will lead to blue and then where will I be.

And btw, love the yellow gold, I really do.
It''s very pretty, TL! I can''t wait to see how you set it.
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