
I kind of had a breakdown.... but we talked.

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Oct 1, 2006
Our three year anniversary is coming up, so that might be part of it. I''m also feeling old, even though I realize I am only 27 and he is 33.

We really do have a great relationship. We hug and kiss all of the time -- we say "I love you" 5 times a day at *least*... we are both cuddle-monsters, and are always very physically affectionate. He is the best man I have ever met -- a gentleman in every sense of the word. We''re doing quite well financially -- I recently purchased a car (got a GREAT deal on it), we have savings, we have a cat that is our "child"... Everyone treats us like we''re already married, because all our my friends truly believes we are soulmates. We can talk for hours. We don''t fight. We are very accommodating of each other, and if a disagreement comes up we talk it out.

I have a feeling part of the reason it hit quasi-breakdown level for me, though, is that I have a possibly irrational fear of pressuring him. I was engaged right after high school -- I had made it no secret that I wanted to marry him. He cared about me but really didn''t want to commit. We had been each other''s only real boyfriend/girlfriend through most of high school. Apparently he felt obligated, when I made it known that I really did want to marry him, to ask me to. He did, and I thought he did it because he actually felt the same way... but he told me later it was because he didn''t want to disappoint me. The engagement lasted about a year. Because of the baggage from that heartbreak, I felt like I had made a huge mistake by making it known that I wanted to get married. I told myself after that experience that I would never, ever pressure anyone into making a commitment, and I think I take it a bit too far -- I simply don''t talk about my wants and needs when it comes to commitment. (As far as I know I didn''t guilt-trip my high school sweetheart -- he was just a very caring and accommodating guy who hated to disappoint anyone.) But it has led to me bottling up my feelings re: commitment.

The bottle finally exploded thanks to a bottle of wine at a friend''s house -- I ended up crying because I was a bit toasted and I told my friend exactly how I felt. I truly feel he is the one for me, I feel (irrationally) that time is running out when it comes to me having children easily -- I know rationally that a woman can have a child when she''s over 40, but I always saw myself as a younger mother and would rather have my last child before I am 35. I feel that we already act like we''re married -- we have durable and full power of attorneys over each other, my insurance company covers both of us as domestic partners, we are both each other''s life insurance beneficiaries, we each have full signing powers on each other''s checking accounts, etc.... I repaired his credit while I was repairing mine... and we''ve looked at purchasing land to build a home together. And I''m frustrated at waiting. I just don''t see why we need to wait any longer. I know it''s just a piece of paper -- but it means so much more than that to me. I love him and want to call him my husband.

I know that marriage doesn''t mean that we will be together forever -- I''m divorced and so is he. But my first marriage was entered into stupidly -- I was totally bowled over that my ex, who is incredibly handsome, a doctor, who could have any woman he wanted, said he wanted me, and we hadn''t known each other long. I was in a bad place in my life, had poor self-esteem, and essentially ripe to be taken advantage of. I was. He only wanted me to get his green card. He cheated on me, started using drugs, was an alcoholic, etc.... I left him when I realized I deserved so much better than that. And I think I''ve grown up a lot since then.

My reasons for wanting to marry my man are, in my opinion, much more reasoned out than they were when I decided to marry my ex. For one, I am comfortable in who I am, I know I could survive and prosper on my own, and I know that I am worth being treated well. For two, the man I have now treats me well, respects me intellectually, has NEVER belittled or insulted me, etc. It''s been five years since my ex and I split, so I know that it''s not rebound. I respect my man, I love his mind, I love his wit, I am aware of his faults and I love them because they are part of him. I know that he loves me, even without him saying it -- he shows it. When I dislocated my kneecap about eight months ago, he cosseted me, insisted I take it slow when I wanted to start cleaning the house and doing my normal routine, went with me to every doctor''s appointment, etc. When my friends are hurt (mentally or physically), he insists on going with me to see them, to make sure I don''t over-exert myself trying to take care of them.

But he still hasn''t proposed, and because of my reticence regarding putting any type of pressure on him, I have an incredibly hard time even expressing that I truly want to get married. When I started bawling on my friend''s shoulder.... she looked at me and said "You NEED to tell him how you feel!"

So I did. We were down visiting friends because I purchased a new car a few weeks back (got a GREAT deal on it, actually) and because our work schedules didn''t allow him to come down with me to get it, we had to make a trip to pick up the old car from my mother''s house. I spent a good bit of the drive back up while I was alone trying to prepare what I was going to say, saying it all as though I was talking to him. Sometimes talking it out by myself makes it easier for me to talk it out later with a person -- as well as psychoanalyze myself and my own motivations.

I don''t know how well it necessarily went. I tried to explain why I wanted to get married, but that I absolutely did NOT want to get married if he did not want to, or that would totally negate the entire purpose. I explained I want HIM to want to marry ME. I want him to be excited at the idea of me being his wife, I want him to look forward to introducing me as his wife with pride in his voice -- "Look at this wonderful woman who agreed to be with me forever!". And I said that I was willing to wait until he truly felt that way -- but that I needed to know if he actually thought marriage was in our future or not.

He said he is proud of me, that he loves me deeply and does not want to ever be with anyone else but me. He said that when he looks at me he thinks to himself how lucky he is that he found me. (When I look at him I think how lucky *I* am to have found him!). He said he sees us growing old together, that he can''t imagine being without me, that the best times of his life are when he looks over at me sleeping next to him and knows that I am there.

But... marriage to him doesn''t mean what it means to me. In part because of his ex. His ex cheated on him and treated him horribly, and "marriage" and "wife" still have bad connotations in his mind. He said he''s also worried about money, he feels like he should be supporting me better (we are actually doing QUITE well financially), and that he''s irrationally afraid that if we get married that things will change for the worse.

How can I respond to that??? Part of me gets angry -- if he actually thinks I am going to treat him like his ex, then that offends me. But I know she scarred him horribly. However, it''s been seven years since his divorce, and I feel like he should be over it by now -- or, at least, he should trust me enough to know that I would not treat him that way. Part of me wants to go skin that beyotch alive and make her pay for the pain I''ve felt about not being able to say "This is my husband".

I asked him if there was anything I was doing that I needed to change -- he said no, that he loves me exactly the way I am. I asked him if he thought I was going to act like his ex did, and he got offended and said "Of curse not, or I wouldn''t be with you!" I asked him if the reason he was worried about money was about a ring, and he said no. I''m glad, too, because I''d marry him if he proposed with a soda-pop ring or none at all. I asked him if it was because he knew I wanted children, and he said no, that of all the women on earth I am the woman he would want to bear his children -- and we''ve already settled on having two children, at least three years apart.

He just can''t say why he doesn''t want to get married other than that for him "wife" doesn''t mean soulmate, it means "betrayer", and he''s not over that yet.

I know I have baggage, I know he has baggage... but "All God''s children''s got baggage".

Do you guys have any suggestions for me other than to wait awhile longer? If he doesn''t propose within a year, I am going to ask that we go to counseling together -- and I''m afraid that will make him angry. He hates therapists and doesn''t think they are worth the money they are paid. But if I have to wait another year, if nothing else *I* am going to need a counselor I''m afraid.

Thanks for listening... I know three years isn''t all that long in the scheme of things, but I think it''s long enough for him to know me and know I am not going to hurt him. (He rushed into his first marriage, too, just as I did.) I also tried to make it clear that I would want at least a year of engagement before marriage -- our religious beliefs both subscribe to engagement as being a trial marriage that should last at least a year.

Also... am I being unreasonable? Did I make a mistake by talking about it? I know it''s just a piece of paper, but in a way I think that should make it easier, not harder. If it''s only a piece of paper, why doesn''t he feel like he can sign the piece of paper?



Jan 8, 2007

So you guys have been together over 2.5 years. I think that is a NORMAL time for you to bring up marriage. Honestly though, I don''t think his ex is a good enough excuse not get married.

So is he saying that he doesn''t EVER want to get married, and wants instead to stay life partners?
Or is he up for getting married in the future?

I think this is a classic case of "" You two are married but without the paper!
It''s hard because he''s probably thinking that you two are great, and "What''s a piece of paper?"
And you are most likely like, "We''re GREAT, why NOT the piece of paper?"

If getting married is something that you really see in your future, and something that you really want to do, then you owe it to yourself to find out if he feels the same way. You need to be vocal. He shouldn''t factor how crappy his ex is into YOUR marriage, and you shouldn''t factor your HS boyfriend into how you communicate with the man of your dreams.


Jan 8, 2007
And if wife still means "betrayer" to him after seven years, then...yah....I'd say it's either a cockamamie excuse, or he really does need counseling.

I really hope this works out for you. I'm rooting for you!!!!


And you still have plenty of time to have children! And within your time frame....and with a different GUY even, if this doesn't work out. You will be FINE. Don't let this ruin your self-esteem. But if marriage is what you truly want, don't take no or "maybe" for an answer either!


Feb 15, 2007

First of all, you are NOT being unreasonable, and you certainly did not make a mistake talking about these concerns with your man. You two MUST be able to talk about things together, especially big things like your commitment to each other.

Second, I''m sorry you''re going through this agony, I know how it can feel.

Now, it sounds like the following things are true:

- You love your boyfriend very much
- Marriage is important to you, and it is a priority in your life to become married
- You know you want to marry your BF, and you want to do it within the next few years
- You want to have children one day, and you want to be a young mother
- You may not have been completely upfront with your BF regarding your desire to get married due to your desire to keep all pressure off of him
- BF now knows that you want to get married
- BF loves you
- BF wants to be with you
- BF does not want to get married

Do you see the disconnect? Regardless of the kind of baggage your BF is carrying, the bottom line is that marriage is important to you. If he truly does not want to get married EVER, then you have some serious thinking to do: are you willing to compromise your desire to be married in order to stay with your BF without a marriage commitment? OR, are you willing to leave your BF in order to open yourself up to the opportunity to find someone else who wants the same things (marriage, kids) as you?

Another possibility could be that you totally blindsided your BF with your revelation that you want a marriage if you truly hadn''t said anything about it before. Maybe he just needs a bit of time to understand that this is something that is very important to you.

Regardless of how meshed your two lives are at the moment, it sounds like you truly want to be married. This is totally normal and acceptable, and more importantly, if this is something you want, then you deserve this and should accept nothing less from a serious relationship.

Feel your man out a bit and bring this up in a conversational yet serious tone. Make sure he truly understands that this isn''t just a passing fancy of yours, and then see what happens from there.

Good luck, and you know we''re here for you!


May 5, 2006
Kiana, I agree with what has already been said. What I''m not sure of however, is if waiting another year will change his mind. If your bf is still afraid to get married because of what happened with his ex many years ago, I doubt one more year will make a difference. You were completely justified in talking with him about this, and I hope he realizes how important marriage is to you. He said he wants to be with you forever, wants to have children with you, etc, but he did not say he wanted to marry you. This needs to be sorted out asap, for your own good. If you want to get married and this man doesn''t fit that bill, you need to find someone who can give you what you need. He needs to know this. Don''t settle. I hope you are able to find some clarity to his reasoning (whether it''s an excuse or therapy is warranted)...and I hope an engagement will soon follow. Good luck!


May 14, 2006
I agree with the others-you have to find out if he is open to marriage in the future or if he plans never to marry again. Then you can make your decision based on how you feel. I wouldn''t leave it a year if it''s been 7 years already since his divorce. If you speak to him and he is open to marriage in the future, then maybe you can have a timeline of a year, but if he''s not into marriage, I don''t think that waiting a year will help. And well done for telling him what you would like in a relationship-you should be able to talk about what you want for your future.


Apr 22, 2007
Kiana, first and foremost, you did the right thing talking to him and expressing what you want from your relationship. But it sounds to me like you still don''t really know where he stands. Like the other ladies here have said, there is a big difference between him not wanting to get married just yet and him not wanting to get married ever. You need to know which one it is because waiting another year in the latter case is not going to do any good. You speak so highly of this guy, I really hope it all works out for you!

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
I felt so old at 27, I'm 35 in a few weeks and now I feel far too young to be doing half the things I'm doing in my life!

My FI is one of those men who sees no point in marriage whatsoever (damaged by parents divorce at 14) and would have been quite happy to live with me forever instead.

I made it very clear that marriage was a non-negotiable (actually wasn't but didn't tell him that!). He proposed not to make me happy, but because he feels that love is doing everything in your power to make the other person's life as wonderful as you possibly can and if that meant he needed to marry me he would because it made him happy to see me happy. If that makes sense!

You can get past the "don't believe in marriage" but it's not easy especially if it has bad memories attached. I would seriously consider some counselling for both of you. I hate to say this but second marriages carry a much higher risk of divorce and this is often due to left over baggage.


Oct 1, 2006
Thank you all, especially for validating my feelings about marriage being important to me.

He says he does want to marry me, but he just doesn''t see the need to "rush" into it. To me, it''s far from "rushing" --- I think we''ve lived together long enough that it''s not rushing. Perhaps the issue is that he is past 30, whereas I am approaching 30 -- and we all know how the "big 3-0" anxiety affects women (and men, for that matter).

Part of the reason I want to be a "young" mother -- I actually pictured myself having my first child in my early 20''s -- is because I am overweight and I know that some doctors would see me as a "high risk" mother. I''m not horribly obese -- my BMI is 32 -- but that still can cause complications. I want to have as easy of a pregnancy as possible. I would prefer to give birth at a birthing center where they will not put pressure on me to have pitocin, etc, to speed birth. But the older I am, and the more overweight I am, it becomes less likely that I would be considered a good candidate for a midwife-based birth center. They generally only accept candidates that are not likely to need "transfer" -- a rush over to the hospital -- due to liability reasons. Unnecessary medical interventions in childbirth contribute more to difficulty in breastfeeding, etc -- plus if I can stand the pain, I would rather have an unmedicated birth, and at worst a "transfer" and a walking epidural as opposed to the standard epidural.

I discussed the idea of having children without marriage, and he said he was EMPHATICALLY against the idea. He wants his children to have his name.

A lot of the issue, to him, is money. He was raised in a very rich family, and he works himself into the ground to "support me in the lifestyle that I should be accustomed". (I work too, and actually make more money than he does... possibly something that doesn''t help his self-esteem any!) I was raised in a family where foodstamps were a given and my mother was doing well when she brought home 15k a year. We''re at the 100k figure together in our income. (We''re in a state where the median household income is 35k.) He wants to make enough money so I could stay home permanently if I chose. In essence, he has unrealistic expectations (IMHO) when ht comes to finance. We are not struggling, and I am perfectly happy. He isn''t when it comes to money.

He knew that I wanted to be married and that I would say "yes" whenever he asked. I don''t think until the conversation we had just now that he realized how MUCH I wanted to be married. Maybe it was a wake-up call, which is why I am wanting to give him some more time.

Based on your feedback... I think I''ll give it six months and then suggest counseling, as much as he may resent it. I see absolutely nothing wrong with counseling -- I think it''s a smart thing to do for ANY couple before marriage. He just hates the idea of telling anyone other than me his private thoughts. He''s a very private person.

As far as the idea of "with someone else"..... unless I meet a man as great as he is, I would honestly consider having children by myself and being a single parent before I''d "settle" for someone I don''t have as much of an emotional and intellectual rapport with as I do with him.

Thank you for the advice...

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Date: 7/25/2007 11:32:04 AM
Author: kiana

I discussed the idea of having children without marriage, and he said he was EMPHATICALLY against the idea. He wants his children to have his name.
This is a very good sign!

I think the finance situation is probably playing a huge part in this. Most men want to feel that they are in what they consider to be a good place financially before marriage and what one person considers as good may well not be what another considers to be good.

I''m quite intrigued by your comments on having children - I have been very worried because I have had major surgery on my back due to spinal stenosis and take huge amounts of painkillers (equivalent to 60mg of morphine a day). The surgeons have said there''s nothing more to be done for at least another 15 years, and I have been on every pain management programme going so there is no hope of cutting down the drugs. Add to that that my FI has a genetically dominant blood disorder that can cause a lot of problems in small babies (they normally induce you early) and my bipolar disorder that really ups the chances of postnatal depression. Geez - I probably shouldn''t breed at all!

Anyhow I have discussed having kids with several gynaes, plus my surgeon and my psychiatrist and they all seem quite relaxed about it. Given that I will be 37/38 at the time, I will be having amnio etc and I will definitely have to be in a hospital in case there are problems. They advised against a caesarian unless absolutely necessary because of my back and have said I will be fine on getting pain relief as opiates especially codiene are pretty safe in pregnancy and during labour and there is no reason not to have an epidural if I want one.

I felt so much better after talking things through with them and they really helped me feel that I wasn''t bonkers for wanting to have children in the first place. My first priority is to have children safely, my personal comfort, whale music and nice paint work are definitely way behind knowing there are doctors on hand and an operating theatre at the end of the corridor! Here in the UK you often find there are 30 women on a labour ward and only 3 midwives around, so I feel very lucky knowing I will be under a consultant from start to finish.

I really recommend having a talk with someone about the possibilities and your options - it really put my mind at rest!
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