
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread


Jun 25, 2007
I am like you, I don't know that I am clairvoyant... but I have feelings. I am especially sensitive to feelings about people. I can detect pretty early if a person is going to be a negative entity in my life. I experience a LOT of deja vu. I have had multiple songs come out an I already know them, but have never heard them before. I had two stronger experiences:

1) In middle school, right after Christmas, my great grandmother was put in the hospital for the last time. We had gone down, came home, but were going to go back. I had SUCH a negative feeling about going back, I begged and pleaded, and cried. The day we got back she passed.

2) In high school. I was scheduled to go to the barn to practice for a show. I had a very strong feeling that something bad was going to happen that day, and I did not want to go to the barn. The bad would be at the barn. My grandmother made me go anyways because we needed to clean the tack. When we were riding, my friend's horse fell and landed on her. It fractured her leg.

The last three people I've had strong negative feelings about have had serious negative impacts on my life.

I'll take a look, but I don't know if my experiences really qualify me in any way. I'd love to hear more from you though...


Jun 25, 2007
I said yesterday I was going to skydive. Today's group on deal is half off at a place about an hour from me. :o :Up_to_something: :errrr: :errrr: :errrr: :shock: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:


Mar 18, 2007
I saw Black Swan last night. Wow. I'm still a little unsettled, and I love this feeling. I love really being affected by art.


Feb 8, 2003
dragonfly411|1294411154|2816652 said:
I said yesterday I was going to skydive. Today's group on deal is half off at a place about an hour from me. :o :Up_to_something: :errrr: :errrr: :errrr: :shock: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

Dragonfly - exciting! Fill us in on the details. Last night I was reading a novel and one of the characters in the story was skydiving and spent the whole time flying with his back turned to the earth so he could look up into the sky. lol

I'd love to try someday, but wonder if I should workout before to strengthen my legs :)



Feb 8, 2003
dragonfly411|1294374307|2816427 said:
I am like you, I don't know that I am clairvoyant... but I have feelings. I am especially sensitive to feelings about people. I can detect pretty early if a person is going to be a negative entity in my life. I experience a LOT of deja vu. I have had multiple songs come out an I already know them, but have never heard them before. I had two stronger experiences:

1) In middle school, right after Christmas, my great grandmother was put in the hospital for the last time. We had gone down, came home, but were going to go back. I had SUCH a negative feeling about going back, I begged and pleaded, and cried. The day we got back she passed.

2) In high school. I was scheduled to go to the barn to practice for a show. I had a very strong feeling that something bad was going to happen that day, and I did not want to go to the barn. The bad would be at the barn. My grandmother made me go anyways because we needed to clean the tack. When we were riding, my friend's horse fell and landed on her. It fractured her leg.

The last three people I've had strong negative feelings about have had serious negative impacts on my life.

I'll take a look, but I don't know if my experiences really qualify me in any way. I'd love to hear more from you though...

I've read that most of us have the potential to be clarirvoyant or have strong intiution, but we're trained as children to ignore these feelings. The book also mentioned, the more you listen to your instinct, the more likely you will find yourself naturally listening and being guided. If we ignore the thoughts, the "higher powers" don't put as much effort into sending us messages.


Jun 25, 2007
MC - I'll have to see if I can wing the money now, even at half price. If not there's a place that does it for just a bit more in another part of the state. I'll be honest.... I am terrified of the idea, but.... I want to do something big this year. Actually I really want to do a lot of big things this year, but my sister and I both agreed we should do it. I'd say work out for leg muscles some yes, and work the neck, and shoulders, since your head is the heaviest part of your body, you'll want to be able to support it.

As to clairvoyance, I don't know whether I think we all have the ability and some of us ignore it/shut it off, or if some of us are naturally just more perceptive and open. More in the other thread ::)


Aug 14, 2009
I may have to go for a course plus 4-6wks training across the country. If I go, I probably won't get to see DH throughout.

I feel obligated to take advantage, because it'll definitely be good for my career. But.. ugh, 7wks is a long time without him :sick: :(sad


Feb 8, 2003
My little three ring circus got me up at 5am today. The puppy was screaming, my two older dogs were hungry. Hubby even got up before 6 to supervise some play time for the three of them. Myabe I should get my head examined for getting a third dog. Nahhhh!
I can do with less sleep, right?


Sep 1, 2009
gemgirl|1294752627|2819621 said:
My little three ring circus got me up at 5am today. The puppy was screaming, my two older dogs were hungry. Hubby even got up before 6 to supervise some play time for the three of them. Myabe I should get my head examined for getting a third dog. Nahhhh!
I can do with less sleep, right?

Who needs sleep?!?!!!

It helps if you can get your puppy into a routine -- and be careful to make sure that 6am playtime is NOT the routine!

Ours get canned food in the evening before bed so Millie knows that she goes out to potty, gets her canned food, then gets a goodnight snuggle before I shut the lights off and close the door. (she has her bed/food/water in the guest room). As soon as I sit down she climbs into my lap and when I get up she stretches out on her bed.


Jan 7, 2011
Why must people make things so difficult?? They know you're going through a horrible time yet they do everything they can to make it more difficult and complex. :cry:


Jan 23, 2008
DaimondLover: I'm terrible sorry for your loss and I hope that you can ignore the people who aren't helping you with the grieving process. I pray that you can find peace and always remember that your mother is always with you in spirit and is very much alive in your heart.

Dragonfly: I went sky diving last year and it ROCKED! I went with my dad and we have videos of it. FYI: I'm afraid of heights and I still did it. It didn't really register until we were on the plane. Then I was like WTF am I doing!??!?! However you are attached to someone who LOVES to jump out of the plane, so your stuck with it (which is a good thing) and it's one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Doesn't last very long though but it's so worth it! If you do it you really need to get a video, so if you can't afford to do the video I'd wait until you can. It's really hard to remember the experience bc it happens so fast and the video brings the rush back :bigsmile:

Amber St. Clare

Dec 15, 2009
MC|1294335511|2815822 said:
Amber St. Clare|1294333285|2815793 said:
MC|1294263525|2815146 said:
Amber - sorry to hear of your situation. Hope things turn around for you VERY SOON! Dust being sent your way!

thank you. I'm really discouraged.

What field are you looking in?

I'm a reading coach--high school.


Mar 8, 2010
Dear hair stylist at the new place I went to yesterday,
Thanks for a good deal on the haircut, but long sweepy side bangs DO NOT equal uneven fringe. Thank you for proving that I have haircut anxiety for a reason.


Mar 8, 2010
Dear hair stylist at the new place I went to yesterday,
Thanks for a good deal on the haircut, but long sweepy side bangs DO NOT equal uneven fringe. Thank you for proving that I have haircut anxiety for a reason.


Jan 23, 2008
manderz|1294810056|2820465 said:
Dear hair stylist at the new place I went to yesterday,
Thanks for a good deal on the haircut, but long sweepy side bangs DO NOT equal uneven fringe. Thank you for proving that I have haircut anxiety for a reason.

I'm with ya there Manderz. When I came to Canada my SO had a hair dresser that he's used for years. It's a salon, not a barber shop so I thought I'd be okay going there. She told me she used to work for Toni and Guy (which I used a lot in the states with great results most of the time) and she BUTCHERED my hair. No lie I was there 5 HOURS and she did the exact OPPOSITE of what I requested. I told her I'd like a color in my hair that would look good as it grows out and instead she dyed my hair dark brown with BLOND highlights. I also told her she can take as much off my hair as she needs HOWEVER I MUST be able to put my hair back in my clip at all times and that I don't want bangs. Needless to say my hair was above shoulder length, I had bangs and blond streaks in my hair (that were out an inch and weren't even at the roots!). To top it off she charged me an arm and a leg (even though I sat there 5 hours AND she worked on other ppl and left me alone the whole time) and it cost more than getting my hair done in one of the top salons in Houston. I was SO mad! But I couldn't say anything bc it was SO hair dresser! ;(

I haven't been back. And I have hair anxiety too and for a while there I hadn't had to many bad experiences (minus the perm nightmare) and she did such a bad job I've decided I'm done dying my hair all together! I went back to the states and had it fixed as close to my hair color as possible and now I just get it trimmed.

Wow, I didn't realize I was that upset about my hair experiences, lol.


Dec 29, 2006
I just made homemade mac and cheese and I made enough to feed an army. I didn't mean to but it's hard to judge how much to make and I always overestimate. Anyone want to come over for dinner? We're having mac and cheese, baked salmon, and veggies. :bigsmile:


Aug 14, 2009
Zoe|1294872649|2821063 said:
I just made homemade mac and cheese and I made enough to feed an army. I didn't mean to but it's hard to judge how much to make and I always overestimate. Anyone want to come over for dinner? We're having mac and cheese, baked salmon, and veggies. :bigsmile:

Me!! I've only done it once, for DH's birthday - so much work to grate all that cheese! But.... mmmmmmm....

Oh but here's the big q: does it have ham or bacon?


Jun 30, 2009
Someone at my work had a plaque outside their door that has a spotlight for their Nobel prize plaque and it is lit from above by a spotlight. My rings look very sparkly under it.


Dec 29, 2006
Yssie|1294875681|2821111 said:
Zoe|1294872649|2821063 said:
I just made homemade mac and cheese and I made enough to feed an army. I didn't mean to but it's hard to judge how much to make and I always overestimate. Anyone want to come over for dinner? We're having mac and cheese, baked salmon, and veggies. :bigsmile:

Me!! I've only done it once, for DH's birthday - so much work to grate all that cheese! But.... mmmmmmm....

Oh but here's the big q: does it have ham or bacon?
I cheated and used shredded cheese that comes in a bag. It came out pretty good but next time I'd like to try a different recipe. I used Alton Brown's. The one I was going to make came from Martha Stewart and it called for butternut squash. There's no way my husband would have eaten though, so I made this one. Because we also had salmon last night, I didn't even think to put in ham or bacon. I might add baked ham next time. :lickout:


Feb 8, 2003
manderz|1294810056|2820465 said:
Dear hair stylist at the new place I went to yesterday,
Thanks for a good deal on the haircut, but long sweepy side bangs DO NOT equal uneven fringe. Thank you for proving that I have haircut anxiety for a reason.

Oh no! Hair cut anxiety! lol Yesterday I got mine cut and it's too short. It's really boring too. Going to dye it next week to jazz it up!


Feb 8, 2003
vintagelover229|1294853348|2820779 said:
I told her I'd like a color in my hair that would look good as it grows out and instead she dyed my hair dark brown with BLOND highlights.

Vintage lover - With hair coloring I've had such bad luck that I've started coloring my own hair. I use to pay $100+ for coloring and every time, regardless of the shade of brown I asked for, my hair ALWAYS turned out black. Once I had it dyed before family get together and most of my clothes are black and as a result, I looked goth! lol Normally my style is fairly classic so everyone was looking at me like WTF? is she having a 30-something mental crisis. Now, the brand I use washes out and it's been about six weeks and I have NO grow out line.

There is NO way I'll pay someone to color my hair. Maybe just pay for the highlights, but I can do the main coloring on my own for $20!


Aug 14, 2009
Zoe|1294915958|2821488 said:
Yssie|1294875681|2821111 said:
Zoe|1294872649|2821063 said:
I just made homemade mac and cheese and I made enough to feed an army. I didn't mean to but it's hard to judge how much to make and I always overestimate. Anyone want to come over for dinner? We're having mac and cheese, baked salmon, and veggies. :bigsmile:

Me!! I've only done it once, for DH's birthday - so much work to grate all that cheese! But.... mmmmmmm....

Oh but here's the big q: does it have ham or bacon?
I cheated and used shredded cheese that comes in a bag. It came out pretty good but next time I'd like to try a different recipe. I used Alton Brown's. The one I was going to make came from Martha Stewart and it called for butternut squash. There's no way my husband would have eaten though, so I made this one. Because we also had salmon last night, I didn't even think to put in ham or bacon. I might add baked ham next time. :lickout:

... okay, you know when that little bell goes ding! inside your head?
I spent an hour and a half grating cheddar and my the tops of my knuckles and it's scared me off it since, why on earth didn't I think of buying it shredded??


Sep 1, 2009
Yssie|1294949967|2821935 said:
Zoe|1294915958|2821488 said:
Yssie|1294875681|2821111 said:
Zoe|1294872649|2821063 said:
I just made homemade mac and cheese and I made enough to feed an army. I didn't mean to but it's hard to judge how much to make and I always overestimate. Anyone want to come over for dinner? We're having mac and cheese, baked salmon, and veggies. :bigsmile:

Me!! I've only done it once, for DH's birthday - so much work to grate all that cheese! But.... mmmmmmm....

Oh but here's the big q: does it have ham or bacon?
I cheated and used shredded cheese that comes in a bag. It came out pretty good but next time I'd like to try a different recipe. I used Alton Brown's. The one I was going to make came from Martha Stewart and it called for butternut squash. There's no way my husband would have eaten though, so I made this one. Because we also had salmon last night, I didn't even think to put in ham or bacon. I might add baked ham next time. :lickout:

... okay, you know when that little bell goes ding! inside your head?
I spent an hour and a half grating cheddar and my the tops of my knuckles and it's scared me off it since, why on earth didn't I think of buying it shredded??

2 words:


I was skeptical, but we have a grating blade for our food processor (not even an expensive fp, but it came with the blade). It seriously takes me under 5 minutes to grate all of the cheeses I need for a lasagna (smoked mozz, parm, provelone, asiago -- about 4 pounds) and pizza or mac & cheese takes about 2 minutes.

Plus NO grated knuckles!!


Aug 14, 2009
TooPatient|1294951232|2821961 said:
Yssie|1294949967|2821935 said:
Zoe|1294915958|2821488 said:
Yssie|1294875681|2821111 said:
Zoe|1294872649|2821063 said:
I just made homemade mac and cheese and I made enough to feed an army. I didn't mean to but it's hard to judge how much to make and I always overestimate. Anyone want to come over for dinner? We're having mac and cheese, baked salmon, and veggies. :bigsmile:

Me!! I've only done it once, for DH's birthday - so much work to grate all that cheese! But.... mmmmmmm....

Oh but here's the big q: does it have ham or bacon?
I cheated and used shredded cheese that comes in a bag. It came out pretty good but next time I'd like to try a different recipe. I used Alton Brown's. The one I was going to make came from Martha Stewart and it called for butternut squash. There's no way my husband would have eaten though, so I made this one. Because we also had salmon last night, I didn't even think to put in ham or bacon. I might add baked ham next time. :lickout:

... okay, you know when that little bell goes ding! inside your head?
I spent an hour and a half grating cheddar and my the tops of my knuckles and it's scared me off it since, why on earth didn't I think of buying it shredded??

2 words:


I was skeptical, but we have a grating blade for our food processor (not even an expensive fp, but it came with the blade). It seriously takes me under 5 minutes to grate all of the cheeses I need for a lasagna (smoked mozz, parm, provelone, asiago -- about 4 pounds) and pizza or mac & cheese takes about 2 minutes.

Plus NO grated knuckles!!

Would you believe that we just don't have counterspace for one? We have a glorious (red!) 12c kitchenaid processor that's boxed up at my parents' house because there's no space for it plus the stand mixer, and the stand mixer's grating and slicing attachment stinks!

Do you have any recs for a good smaller unit (the smaller the better)? Not terribly expensive either.


Sep 1, 2009
Yssie|1294951629|2821971 said:
TooPatient|1294951232|2821961 said:
Yssie|1294949967|2821935 said:
Zoe|1294915958|2821488 said:
Yssie|1294875681|2821111 said:
Zoe|1294872649|2821063 said:
I just made homemade mac and cheese and I made enough to feed an army. I didn't mean to but it's hard to judge how much to make and I always overestimate. Anyone want to come over for dinner? We're having mac and cheese, baked salmon, and veggies. :bigsmile:

Me!! I've only done it once, for DH's birthday - so much work to grate all that cheese! But.... mmmmmmm....

Oh but here's the big q: does it have ham or bacon?
I cheated and used shredded cheese that comes in a bag. It came out pretty good but next time I'd like to try a different recipe. I used Alton Brown's. The one I was going to make came from Martha Stewart and it called for butternut squash. There's no way my husband would have eaten though, so I made this one. Because we also had salmon last night, I didn't even think to put in ham or bacon. I might add baked ham next time. :lickout:

... okay, you know when that little bell goes ding! inside your head?
I spent an hour and a half grating cheddar and my the tops of my knuckles and it's scared me off it since, why on earth didn't I think of buying it shredded??

2 words:


I was skeptical, but we have a grating blade for our food processor (not even an expensive fp, but it came with the blade). It seriously takes me under 5 minutes to grate all of the cheeses I need for a lasagna (smoked mozz, parm, provelone, asiago -- about 4 pounds) and pizza or mac & cheese takes about 2 minutes.

Plus NO grated knuckles!!

Would you believe that we just don't have counterspace for one? We have a glorious (red!) 12c kitchenaid processor that's boxed up at my parents' house because there's no space for it plus the stand mixer, and the stand mixer's grating and slicing attachment stinks!

Do you have any recs for a good smaller unit (the smaller the better)? Not terribly expensive either.

I'm looking for a new one too. We've got 2 (one meat & one dairy) and the one is old & broken.

I think Cuisinart & KitchenAid make some good ones (we've got one of each) that last a long time and are quite good. One feature I'd LOVE but we don't have is multiple bowl sizes. I think they each make one like this. They both make smaller units too that take less counter space. Personally, I'd much rather have slightly larger unit with multiple sizes of bins to allow for more uses and storage for blades so they aren't taking up cupboard/drawer space (which I don't have much -- plus those blades can be dangerous).


Mar 8, 2010
MC|1294938409|2821683 said:
manderz|1294810056|2820465 said:
Dear hair stylist at the new place I went to yesterday,
Thanks for a good deal on the haircut, but long sweepy side bangs DO NOT equal uneven fringe. Thank you for proving that I have haircut anxiety for a reason.

Oh no! Hair cut anxiety! lol Yesterday I got mine cut and it's too short. It's really boring too. Going to dye it next week to jazz it up!

I was thinking of the same thing to make me feel better about it. It doesn't look bad or anything (now that I've evened the bangs up a bit) but I am still a little disappointed. I think some color is in order.


Feb 8, 2003
manderz|1294954675|2822026 said:
MC|1294938409|2821683 said:
manderz|1294810056|2820465 said:
Dear hair stylist at the new place I went to yesterday,
Thanks for a good deal on the haircut, but long sweepy side bangs DO NOT equal uneven fringe. Thank you for proving that I have haircut anxiety for a reason.

Oh no! Hair cut anxiety! lol Yesterday I got mine cut and it's too short. It's really boring too. Going to dye it next week to jazz it up!

I was thinking of the same thing to make me feel better about it. It doesn't look bad or anything (now that I've evened the bangs up a bit) but I am still a little disappointed. I think some color is in order.

Have you played around with your hair at home? Often it'll look better after you restyle it on your own. Mine looks a bit better now after I just put a few light waves in it.


Mar 8, 2010
MC|1294955032|2822033 said:
manderz|1294954675|2822026 said:
MC|1294938409|2821683 said:
manderz|1294810056|2820465 said:
Dear hair stylist at the new place I went to yesterday,
Thanks for a good deal on the haircut, but long sweepy side bangs DO NOT equal uneven fringe. Thank you for proving that I have haircut anxiety for a reason.

Oh no! Hair cut anxiety! lol Yesterday I got mine cut and it's too short. It's really boring too. Going to dye it next week to jazz it up!

I was thinking of the same thing to make me feel better about it. It doesn't look bad or anything (now that I've evened the bangs up a bit) but I am still a little disappointed. I think some color is in order.

Have you played around with your hair at home? Often it'll look better after you restyle it on your own. Mine looks a bit better now after I just put a few light waves in it.

Yes, I have been. I'm still not totally sold on the fringe, though I guess I'm stuck with it, lol. Like I mentioned, it's really not bad, my mom said she loves it. It's just that it wasn't what I wanted, and I guess I'm a little miffed about it. Color would be a cheap and easy fix though, I've had a highlighting kit sitting around in my bathroom for some time, and I guess there was a reason I hadn't used it til now.


Aug 14, 2009
TooPatient|1294954386|2822021 said:
Yssie|1294951629|2821971 said:
TooPatient|1294951232|2821961 said:
Yssie|1294949967|2821935 said:
Zoe|1294915958|2821488 said:
Yssie|1294875681|2821111 said:
Zoe|1294872649|2821063 said:
I just made homemade mac and cheese and I made enough to feed an army. I didn't mean to but it's hard to judge how much to make and I always overestimate. Anyone want to come over for dinner? We're having mac and cheese, baked salmon, and veggies. :bigsmile:

Me!! I've only done it once, for DH's birthday - so much work to grate all that cheese! But.... mmmmmmm....

Oh but here's the big q: does it have ham or bacon?
I cheated and used shredded cheese that comes in a bag. It came out pretty good but next time I'd like to try a different recipe. I used Alton Brown's. The one I was going to make came from Martha Stewart and it called for butternut squash. There's no way my husband would have eaten though, so I made this one. Because we also had salmon last night, I didn't even think to put in ham or bacon. I might add baked ham next time. :lickout:

... okay, you know when that little bell goes ding! inside your head?
I spent an hour and a half grating cheddar and my the tops of my knuckles and it's scared me off it since, why on earth didn't I think of buying it shredded??

2 words:


I was skeptical, but we have a grating blade for our food processor (not even an expensive fp, but it came with the blade). It seriously takes me under 5 minutes to grate all of the cheeses I need for a lasagna (smoked mozz, parm, provelone, asiago -- about 4 pounds) and pizza or mac & cheese takes about 2 minutes.

Plus NO grated knuckles!!

Would you believe that we just don't have counterspace for one? We have a glorious (red!) 12c kitchenaid processor that's boxed up at my parents' house because there's no space for it plus the stand mixer, and the stand mixer's grating and slicing attachment stinks!

Do you have any recs for a good smaller unit (the smaller the better)? Not terribly expensive either.

I'm looking for a new one too. We've got 2 (one meat & one dairy) and the one is old & broken.

I think Cuisinart & KitchenAid make some good ones (we've got one of each) that last a long time and are quite good. One feature I'd LOVE but we don't have is multiple bowl sizes. I think they each make one like this. They both make smaller units too that take less counter space. Personally, I'd much rather have slightly larger unit with multiple sizes of bins to allow for more uses and storage for blades so they aren't taking up cupboard/drawer space (which I don't have much -- plus those blades can be dangerous).

I just bought this one: for a whole $35 if it doesn't do the trick no foul :bigsmile: thanks for the cuisinart rec! I've only ever used kitchenaid - or. um. Ikea brand. so this is a new one for me. We hardly ever make large batches of anything (it's just me and DH) so even if it's a pain to empty half a dozen times for something bigger still faster (and safer!) than the grater tree 8)


Jun 25, 2007
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