
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread

So we finally saw our UPS delivery person the other day as we were coming home and he was just leaving. I asked him to wait as we went into the house to give him cash for a belated holiday gift. I wanted to do that because he is super nice and sometimes (LOL) I track him down when I am expecting a med delivery (meds that need strict temperature control) instead of waiting for him to deliver it because I am always worried that it wont be kept properly at the exact right temps.

There is a tracking app where you can see where your delivery yes I have done that several times and he is always gracious and I get my med delivery sooner than scheduled. First time he actually drove to my house off the delivery schedule course instead of handing it to me because he didn't yet know me and I had no ID on me LOL: But he was kind enough to make the detour to accommodate my request. After he got to know me he happily handed my deliveries to me wherever we were.

Anyway all this to explain why I wanted to give him a holiday gift. IMO he goes above and beyond. If it was just a regular delivery I wouldn't track him down but it is a temperature controlled med delivery. We hadn't seen him the entire month of December so I got excited when we saw him the other day and I got to give him the gift. We had a car full of Costco stuff and he wanted to help us unload the car after we gave him the money lol. I said no not necessary but it made me feel a little funny because it made me think none of his customers give him anything for the holidays. He was so surprised when we handed him the money. And so pleased. And it made me very happy but I also felt a bit funny.

The next day he went up to my DH in our driveway and said how thankful he was and he and his wife went out to dinner last night with the money we gave him. I never had anyone be so grateful for a gift and it makes me happy but sad too. I know I am weird. But I feel like customers maybe don't show their appreciation

I am grateful for people who are dedicated to their jobs and who want to do the best they can for others. So thank you to all the delivery people out there who deliver important things no matter the weather
The next day he went up to my DH in our driveway and said how thankful he was and he and his wife went out to dinner last night with the money we gave him. I never had anyone be so grateful for a gift and it makes me happy but sad too. I know I am weird. But I feel like customers maybe don't show their appreciation

I am grateful for people who are dedicated to their jobs and who want to do the best they can for others. So thank you to all the delivery people out there who deliver important things no matter the weather

If you're weird I'm certifiable. I'm a firm believer in showing appreciation to those who do their jobs well or go above and beyond. The past several years we've had a ton of work done inside and outside the house and I provided lunch, drinks, and snacks for everyone. It made me sad when the roofers told me that on most of their projects homeowners won't let them in the house even to use the bathroom. Same with the painters and solar system crews. Geez, it was scorching hot this summer so I put coolers full of cold drinks outside for them and you'd have thought I descended from the sky in a golden chariot led by unicorns.

Tuesday thru yesterday we had our HVAC system replaced and it's been below freezing here at night. I had already told the scheduler that if he couldn't guarantee the furnace would be functional by Tuesday evening that we'd reschedule install for early spring. Because he seemed reluctant when he said "ok" I emphasized to the crew when they arrived that I needed heat that evening. Both of them stayed until 7 p.m. Tuesday night to get the furnace install finished when their work day was supposed to end at 4:00. I gave them a cash bonus when they finished the job yesterday and told them I was beyond grateful that they stayed until the job was done.

Stay weird lovely lady, you're not alone :cheeky:
If you're weird I'm certifiable. I'm a firm believer in showing appreciation to those who do their jobs well or go above and beyond. The past several years we've had a ton of work done inside and outside the house and I provided lunch, drinks, and snacks for everyone. It made me sad when the roofers told me that on most of their projects homeowners won't let them in the house even to use the bathroom. Same with the painters and solar system crews. Geez, it was scorching hot this summer so I put coolers full of cold drinks outside for them and you'd have thought I descended from the sky in a golden chariot led by unicorns.

Tuesday thru yesterday we had our HVAC system replaced and it's been below freezing here at night. I had already told the scheduler that if he couldn't guarantee the furnace would be functional by Tuesday evening that we'd reschedule install for early spring. Because he seemed reluctant when he said "ok" I emphasized to the crew when they arrived that I needed heat that evening. Both of them stayed until 7 p.m. Tuesday night to get the furnace install finished when their work day was supposed to end at 4:00. I gave them a cash bonus when they finished the job yesterday and told them I was beyond grateful that they stayed until the job was done.

Stay weird lovely lady, you're not alone :cheeky:

Lol we are similar. I feed people too and so does my mom. Probably where I got it from and my parents are definitely super generous and appreciative. I’m glad that’s how we were raised. And glad there are others who do the same ♥️ When people go out of their way or even just do a good job I’m so grateful. I take nothing for granted and expect nothing so when people go above and beyond I’m very appreciative
@Matata i want to thank you. I was rereading an old thread for information purposes (I can’t bear to go into the details right now) and your posts in that thread were of great help and comfort to me. And i want you to know you helped me through a challenging time. Now I pray we don’t have to go through this again but if we must I am ready. Thank you
This world is too harsh for some people. I truly understand why some cannot go on. This isn’t me I don’t want anyone to worry. But I totally get it. I understand. I never judge when someone feels they just can’t go on because if you don’t walk in their shoes you just can’t completely understand
I'm famous!! There's a town named after me!!

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I was so happy to see you drop in here @Demon. I hope you are doing well. I’m dreading tomorrow.

I am doing well, thanks. I hope you are too! I'm not dreading tomorrow really - I don't plan on watching any of it. I just dread the next 4 years. I'd still love to see you over at the other place, nudge nudge.
My honey just installed a brand new kitchen sink for me!
He did all the work, and I held the flashlight :)
He did a great job on the sink. He also replaced a bathroom faucet and a doorknob, so I made lemon bars for him as a reward. It was the least I could do!
I collect loyalty points at the grocery chain where I shop. I tend to save them in case something "good" comes along other than groceries. :lol: Yesterday, I used points to acquire a FoodSaver vacuum sealer, and a roll of bags! So excited to use it on items to go in the next big grocery shop--like chicken. Will also use it to keep dog food fresh as our wee dog doesn't eat a huge amount. Hope I like it! :D
I’m just going to rant on this thread and I’m sorry because I feel like I use PS as my diary, but I’m absolutely blindsided.

My ex and I broke up a few months ago because he cheated on me. It was really, really hard because we had discussed marriage and I had expected him to propose in December and while I wasn’t exactly blindsided by the cheating it still devastated and disappointed me and it’s still hard. He got together with the other woman after.

I just found out that he proposed to her. And they are engaged.

I don’t have words to express how I feel about this. No one except for my closest friends and family know that he cheated on me, but they do know we broke up a few months ago, so I have had a lot of concerned friends reach out already in the last couple hours and ask me if I’m okay because of his “whirlwind romance”. Everyone thinks he was with her for just a month before he proposed, they don’t realise it was four months. And I don’t want to tell people he cheated because it may be true, but it just makes me seem like the bitter ex. I don’t want to smear his name into the mud, I just want to pretend he doesn’t exist.

I just… I can’t believe it. I had to say it to someone.
@AllAboardTheBlingTrain I am so sorry. What a shitty thing for him to do but this speaks volumes about who he is. Not that you will take solace in this but my guess is their "romance" won't last long. Even if they marry I am betting they will not stay married. You dodged a bullet IMO. You deserve SO MUCH better. He is not worthy of you or your love and energy. I know I said this before but it bears repeating. You will be so so much happier without him and in time you will see that. He was not your b'shert. Not meant to be. Your soulmate is still out there and now you are free to meet him. Take heart and hold on and let yourself grieve and feel how you feel. Sending you big hugs and warm wishes for a happy future filled with true love.
I’m just going to rant on this thread and I’m sorry because I feel like I use PS as my diary, but I’m absolutely blindsided.

My ex and I broke up a few months ago because he cheated on me. It was really, really hard because we had discussed marriage and I had expected him to propose in December and while I wasn’t exactly blindsided by the cheating it still devastated and disappointed me and it’s still hard. He got together with the other woman after.

I just found out that he proposed to her. And they are engaged.

I don’t have words to express how I feel about this. No one except for my closest friends and family know that he cheated on me, but they do know we broke up a few months ago, so I have had a lot of concerned friends reach out already in the last couple hours and ask me if I’m okay because of his “whirlwind romance”. Everyone thinks he was with her for just a month before he proposed, they don’t realise it was four months. And I don’t want to tell people he cheated because it may be true, but it just makes me seem like the bitter ex. I don’t want to smear his name into the mud, I just want to pretend he doesn’t exist.

I just… I can’t believe it. I had to say it to someone.

Oh no. I‘m so so sorry. That is unimaginably devastating. It won‘t help you now when we say that he does certainly not deserve you and you certainly deserve better! You know that already. But feel hugged! I hope so much that your true love comes along. I‘m not a fortune teller, but my guess is, that his new romance won‘t last very long. Boahhhh, he makes me really mad!!
I’m just going to rant on this thread and I’m sorry because I feel like I use PS as my diary, but I’m absolutely blindsided.

My ex and I broke up a few months ago because he cheated on me. It was really, really hard because we had discussed marriage and I had expected him to propose in December and while I wasn’t exactly blindsided by the cheating it still devastated and disappointed me and it’s still hard. He got together with the other woman after.

I just found out that he proposed to her. And they are engaged.

I don’t have words to express how I feel about this. No one except for my closest friends and family know that he cheated on me, but they do know we broke up a few months ago, so I have had a lot of concerned friends reach out already in the last couple hours and ask me if I’m okay because of his “whirlwind romance”. Everyone thinks he was with her for just a month before he proposed, they don’t realise it was four months. And I don’t want to tell people he cheated because it may be true, but it just makes me seem like the bitter ex. I don’t want to smear his name into the mud, I just want to pretend he doesn’t exist.

I just… I can’t believe it. I had to say it to someone.

Ugh. Sorry. I'm sure you already know this but just a reminder anyway, this guy has a pattern of cheating so he'll most likely do it again. And of course it ending the way it did is not what anyone hopes for when planning a future with someone, but I think you really dodged a bullet there.
Very random colored stone musings today. I like wearing rings on my wedding ring finger. I'm usually not a right hand ring girl. The more I learned, the bigger my colored stones rings became. I didn't want anything under 3 carats. And they sit unworn in my jewelry box. The few times a year I wear them I wince when I hit my hand on anything, so afraid to chip a stone.

Then I recently decided to buy wearable, smaller colored stone rings. I plan to rock them with diamond or colored stone bands and wear them more frequently. This feels more fun and I need more fun in my life.
Very random colored stone musings today. I like wearing rings on my wedding ring finger. I'm usually not a right hand ring girl. The more I learned, the bigger my colored stones rings became. I didn't want anything under 3 carats. And they sit unworn in my jewelry box. The few times a year I wear them I wince when I hit my hand on anything, so afraid to chip a stone.

Then I recently decided to buy wearable, smaller colored stone rings. I plan to rock them with diamond or colored stone bands and wear them more frequently. This feels more fun and I need more fun in my life.

I am the same. Most of the time i just wear one ring on my wedding ring finger. So I don't really wear my wedding ring all the time but a variety of rings but only one at the time.
@AllAboardTheBlingTrain I am so sorry. What a shitty thing for him to do but this speaks volumes about who he is. Not that you will take solace in this but my guess is their "romance" won't last long. Even if they marry I am betting they will not stay married. You dodged a bullet IMO. You deserve SO MUCH better. He is not worthy of you or your love and energy. I know I said this before but it bears repeating. You will be so so much happier without him and in time you will see that. He was not your b'shert. Not meant to be. Your soulmate is still out there and now you are free to meet him. Take heart and hold on and let yourself grieve and feel how you feel. Sending you big hugs and warm wishes for a happy future filled with true love.

Thank you, missy. I've just been blank. I can't even express how angry I am right now. The words I want to use to describe him would get me banned from PS.

At this point I am doing my best to remind myself that it doesn't matter if they stay married or not. She can have him, with my best compliments. The thought of him makes me sick. When we broke up he told me that I had put too much pressure on him and that he wasn't ready for marriage and that she had "just happened". And I heard from the grapevine that he was angry at me for leaving him (but he left me first??) But he can be ready to marry her?!

I'm just so so so angry. He was my best friend before all this. I had just begun to process all my anger and now this.

I will rise above it, I will be okay eventually, but ugh right now it's just really painful.

Oh no. I‘m so so sorry. That is unimaginably devastating. It won‘t help you now when we say that he does certainly not deserve you and you certainly deserve better! You know that already. But feel hugged! I hope so much that your true love comes along. I‘m not a fortune teller, but my guess is, that his new romance won‘t last very long. Boahhhh, he makes me really mad!!

Thank you so much Roselina. I know I deserve better, but it doesn't make it easier. In a way, it almost makes it worse, that I'm here devastated over someone so unworthy.

I don't trust my taste in men, lol. Most of them have been a**holes, one wasn't an a**hole but was not well suited to me so really I don't think I should date and save myself the pain.

I actually hope his romance lasts forever, so that they take themselves out of the dating pool and can't inflict themselves upon the general population.


Ugh. Sorry. I'm sure you already know this but just a reminder anyway, this guy has a pattern of cheating so he'll most likely do it again. And of course it ending the way it did is not what anyone hopes for when planning a future with someone, but I think you really dodged a bullet there.

I know you are right, and that I dodged a massive bullet. You can't fix someone, especially someone who doesn't want to be fixed. I wonder now that when he told me he had cheated in the distant past but that he'd grown from that whether he actually had, or whether he thought it would just sound better to me. If I would've known about him cheating recently, I wouldn't have given him a chance. I don't think he cheated in every relationship but at this point I don't know and I guess it doesn't matter. I mean, if he did with me that's bad enough. I would never suffer a cheater. He knew that. I feel like an idiot for trusting and believing anything that comes out of his mouth though.

I think it's time for me to abuse a bottle of wine with my best friend while throwing whatever relationship mementos have still lasted in the trash.
And I don’t want to tell people he cheated because it may be true, but it just makes me seem like the bitter ex. I don’t want to smear his name into the mud, I just want to pretend he doesn’t exist.

Oh no no no no -- facts do not make you a bitter ex and telling your closest friends/relatives that he cheated is not smearing his name, it is stating a fact. Whatever consequences befall him if you state that fact is due to his bad behavior. He's a coward and a liar and a cheat who lacks honor and he showed an appalling lack of respect for you.

If the reason you're protecting him is because he made you feel humiliated or embarrassed or unworthy, I hope that after you work through the complex emotions that arise from this breakup, you'll realize that he was unworthy of your affection and his reputation does not deserve your protection.
And every thing is frozen

I’m just going to rant on this thread and I’m sorry because I feel like I use PS as my diary, but I’m absolutely blindsided.

My ex and I broke up a few months ago because he cheated on me. It was really, really hard because we had discussed marriage and I had expected him to propose in December and while I wasn’t exactly blindsided by the cheating it still devastated and disappointed me and it’s still hard. He got together with the other woman after.

I just found out that he proposed to her. And they are engaged.

I don’t have words to express how I feel about this. No one except for my closest friends and family know that he cheated on me, but they do know we broke up a few months ago, so I have had a lot of concerned friends reach out already in the last couple hours and ask me if I’m okay because of his “whirlwind romance”. Everyone thinks he was with her for just a month before he proposed, they don’t realise it was four months. And I don’t want to tell people he cheated because it may be true, but it just makes me seem like the bitter ex. I don’t want to smear his name into the mud, I just want to pretend he doesn’t exist.

I just… I can’t believe it. I had to say it to someone.

Sorry you are going through this pain. Unbelievable how cruel this man was to you. I'm so glad he showed his true character before you became engaged or married. His future ex-wife is going to learn the hard way, with additional legal and family entanglements.
Oh no no no no -- facts do not make you a bitter ex and telling your closest friends/relatives that he cheated is not smearing his name, it is stating a fact. Whatever consequences befall him if you state that fact is due to his bad behavior. He's a coward and a liar and a cheat who lacks honor and he showed an appalling lack of respect for you.

If the reason you're protecting him is because he made you feel humiliated or embarrassed or unworthy, I hope that after you work through the complex emotions that arise from this breakup, you'll realize that he was unworthy of your affection and his reputation does not deserve your protection.

I had told my closest friends and family when I broke up with him, but I haven’t spread the story around in general. I think part of it is that it makes me feel humiliated yes, but also at the moment I am not an object of “pity” - people think I left him because I didn’t want him anymore and it makes them respect me more. I don’t want to “lose face” because I know it won’t make him lose face particularly to be branded a cheater. And then the “he said she said” and people thinking I’m saying it as a scorned bitter ex… I’d rather act like it doesn’t bother me. I know a couple of the people who reached out to me did so because they wanted the gossip, and not giving them a reaction has made me the classy one.

Besides, I know him, and he would want it to bother me. If I project that I’m totally fine, then it’ll play on his mind. It already decimated his ego that I walked out the door and told him it was done the second I found out. He really expected me to “fight for him” and I was not going to play those games.

Tbh I win either way by not mentioning it. I don’t need to relive it by talking about it, and if it does bother him and mars this time for him, all the better.

Sorry you are going through this pain. Unbelievable how cruel this man was to you. I'm so glad he showed his true character before you became engaged or married. His future ex-wife is going to learn the hard way, with additional legal and family entanglements.

I’m really thankful he showed his true character before we got legally entangled as well. Ive stopped being upset and now I’m nearly done being angry as well, tbh. Now I just feel done. Maybe he’s done me a favour honestly because I have no choice but to get over it now.

I’ve resorted to saying I hope she’s as good to him as he is to his partners, and that they have the life together that they truly deserve. That’s a wish that doesn’t make me feel guilty or like a bad person lol.
how big is your smile when you watch this ?
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