
I have to tell someone...


Mar 30, 2011
Good for you for still resisting the urge to peek, I don't know if I'd be as strong. My ring should be here by the end of the week or early next week and I'm trying my best not to go crazy. I want to get it off my mind so that it can be somewhat unexpected but I'm finding it much easier said than done.

I can only imagine what it's like to have briefly felt the ring box. I might've needed assistance in removing it from my kung-fu grip :p.


Sep 21, 2006
great news! I wouldn't have peeked either, not b/c I'm disciplined but b/c you want a suprise! This is like best of all worlds, you got reassurance so you don't go too coo coo leading up to the proposal and yet it's still a surprise (when, the ring). I also snooped when I was LIW and found a ring card so knew it was coming and you know I needed that reassurance! Still be warned that LIWitus will rear its ugly head again if he takes a while to let's hope he does it fast!!


Feb 24, 2011
gummy-bear|1304367039|2910304 said:
I can only imagine what it's like to have briefly felt the ring box. I might've needed assistance in removing it from my kung-fu grip :p.

Gummy-bear ~ Too funny. I do feel like if it were in my hand again, I wouldn't be able to put it down without that the shock of it being there has worn off (sort of). That's why I'm not letting myself go anywhere near that drawer again. :naughty: I hope your BF doesn't make you wait too long!

janinegirly|1304367946|2910318 said:
great news! I wouldn't have peeked either, not b/c I'm disciplined but b/c you want a suprise! This is like best of all worlds, you got reassurance so you don't go too coo coo leading up to the proposal and yet it's still a surprise (when, the ring). I also snooped when I was LIW and found a ring card so knew it was coming and you know I needed that reassurance! Still be warned that LIWitus will rear its ugly head again if he takes a while to let's hope he does it fast!!

Janine ~ I do sort of feel like it's the best of both worlds! I can stop going LIW-crazy but still have the surprise of the proposal and seeing the ring. I hear you about still getting a little crazy though - I'm already starting to get annoyed that he hasn't done it yet! :roll:

My mini update is that his mom slipped and said something about it to me last night. Last weekend my BFF was in town for her bachelorette party so we took over the apartment for the weekend and sent my BF to visit his parents. Well, two weeks ago, his mom told me she was frustrated with him that he hadn't done it yet and she didn't even know if he had a plan to do it. Fast forward to last night after he spent last weekend with them - I called her and she answered all excited. After a few minutes, she calmed down. Before we got off the phone, she told me that when she saw my name on the caller ID, she thought I was calling to tell her the news. I don't know why she'd say that to me since it sort of ruins his surprise but it still made me excited. I think he probably told her this past weekend that it was happening soon. So we'll see! Thank you guys for the support and lots of dust to everyone who is waiting along with me!!!


Apr 18, 2011
Please let us know what happens as soon as you can! This is very very's like we are all waiting for the same surprise living vicariously through you!!!! ;)) :bigsmile:


Feb 15, 2007
This is so exciting! I love that you know something is probably going to happen, but you don't know when or what the ring looks like. I think that makes it so much fun! I love relishing in the excitement of things in general, so this seems like a perfect situation to me!

I'm impressed that you didn't peek, because as much as I'd want to keep it a surprise, I am TERRIBLE with resisting things when they are RIGHT THERE like that! I can't wait to see your I'M ENGAGED! thread!


Feb 24, 2011
Bibbi|1304561461|2912646 said:
Please let us know what happens as soon as you can! This is very very's like we are all waiting for the same surprise living vicariously through you!!!! ;)) :bigsmile:

Aww thanks, Bibbi!! That makes me even more excited! I've been living vicariously through everyone else for a while, so I'm glad it might actually be my turn to provide some of the same. :love:

Haven|1304561923|2912654 said:
This is so exciting! I love that you know something is probably going to happen, but you don't know when or what the ring looks like. I think that makes it so much fun! I love relishing in the excitement of things in general, so this seems like a perfect situation to me!

I'm impressed that you didn't peek, because as much as I'd want to keep it a surprise, I am TERRIBLE with resisting things when they are RIGHT THERE like that! I can't wait to see your I'M ENGAGED! thread!

Thanks, Haven! I think that knowing something is happening but having no clue when or what the ring looks like is kind of a nice place to be. I can't wait to see my I'M ENGAGED thread either! :lol:

Ladies, I'm trying to keep my cool but I'm already getting so annoyed that he hasn't given it to me yet! I find that LIW-itis is rearing its ugly head again. :evil: I know it'll be great when he does it, but how long is he going to make me wait??? It's funny - finding the ring box held me over for about a week but now I feel like I'm right back in the middle of severe LIW-itis. We have plans with friends tonight for Cinco de Mayo and then we're driving to his parents' house tomorrow and spending the weekend, and I just know he won't do it there, so there's really no chance it'll happen this week. Next week I go to my mom's and then the following week we go to San Diego. He may be waiting for San Diego but I really hope not. While that'll be great, that's another 3 weeks! And I feel like I've already been waiting FOREVER :errrr:

Anyway, thanks for listening to my rant and for all of the excitement. Reading these posts is helping to keep me sane which is much needed and appreciated right now. :twirl:


Mar 30, 2011
Wwmd8118, I completely understand and I'm sure a lot of us on the board do too. It almost feels like the closer you get the more unbearable it becomes, ironic but true.

I am also feeling like you. Boyfriend received pictures of the ring yesterday. He let me see them because we had to ask for a few changes to be made. I'll be surprised if I can make it a month without a breakdown when it finally gets here.

I almost feel like a prisoner makes lines on the wall while counting the days. I guess doing that and trying to keep preoccupied (impossible, I know) is the only things we can try to do to maintain out sanity.


Jun 26, 2007
It'll happen sooner than you think!

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
c'mon,why torture yourself? go take a PEEK :!: .. :lol:


Jun 17, 2009
Dancing Fire|1304657661|2913721 said:
c'mon,why torture yourself? go take a PEEK :!: .. :lol:

DF, you are so bad!! :devil: :lol:


Feb 24, 2011
gummy-bear|1304628189|2913226 said:
Wwmd8118, I completely understand and I'm sure a lot of us on the board do too. It almost feels like the closer you get the more unbearable it becomes, ironic but true.

I am also feeling like you. Boyfriend received pictures of the ring yesterday. He let me see them because we had to ask for a few changes to be made. I'll be surprised if I can make it a month without a breakdown when it finally gets here.

I almost feel like a prisoner makes lines on the wall while counting the days. I guess doing that and trying to keep preoccupied (impossible, I know) is the only things we can try to do to maintain out sanity.

Gummy-bear - I hope he doesn't make you wait a month! That's so exciting that your ring is almost complete. So how did the pictures look??

Dancing Fire|1304657661|2913721 said:
c'mon,why torture yourself? go take a PEEK :!: .. :lol:

DF - The torture isn't not seeing the ring, it's that he hasn't asked me to marry him yet!!! Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to see the ring, but my frustration is because he hasn't popped the question. :angryfire: Oh well, one of these days...But thanks for your bad influence anyways. :naughty: :lol:

Ok, now I need a sanity check and opinions. You all know that I found the ring box over a week ago. Well, I checked back in the drawer a few days ago to make sure it still existed, and it's not there. :o So what does that mean??? I'm sure there's a perfectly valid reason, like he moved it or something, but my mind is running wild and I'm thinking the worst and that maybe he didn't like it and had to return it or something and I'm afraid now I'll have to wait MONTHS longer for him to get another one!! AAHHHH! :errrr: BTW, I know I sound insane. But that ring box being there gave me a little bit of reassurance I've desperately been needing, and now that it's not there anymore, I don't know what to think. He's a pretty methodical person who does not think of me as someone to snoop so I really don't think he moved it (even though the underwear drawer was a pretty bad hiding spot :roll: ). I don't know. I'm trying to come up with other logical reasons that it might not be there anymore but I'm drawing a blank.


Mar 22, 2011
I bet when you found that he had just purchased it and put it in the first place he could think of... the underwear drawer. After thinking about it for a while, he probably realized that it was a pretty poor hiding spot, and the probability of you coming across it was high. Once he realized that, he probably moved it and put it in a much better hiding spot.


Feb 24, 2011
crhq - I like that thought. I thought that this might be the case initially before my mind ran wild and thought of a million scenarios all involving there not being a ring anymore...but I'm really hoping what you said is the case.


I'd be willing to bet that he stashed it there in haste and moved it later...or he may have did what my FI did. He stashed it somewhere, then moved it on one of his (many) peeks. I knew he had the ring though so he'd tell me he'd looked at it and was excited. He's lucky he didn't make me wait more than a week and a half! :angryfire:

Whatever it is, I'm sure it's not a bad thing! :bigsmile:


Jan 4, 2011
Hmm- here's my theory:

He hid it in there thinking it would be safe, but got freaked when he saw that you had put away his clothes ("she was so close..."). Plus, moving it may mean that he's ready to move it onto your finger- :-o ... :bigsmile: .

Either way- don't worry too much about it (I know I sound crazy)... just try to enjoy this insane "when will he do it" moment!



Nov 28, 2008
He may actually be planning it for this weekend since going to his parents' house is the last place and time you'd expect it. ;-)


Mar 30, 2011
wwmd8118|1304688126|2913849 said:
Gummy-bear - I hope he doesn't make you wait a month! That's so exciting that your ring is almost complete. So how did the pictures look??

Ok, now I need a sanity check and opinions. You all know that I found the ring box over a week ago. Well, I checked back in the drawer a few days ago to make sure it still existed, and it's not there. :o So what does that mean??? I'm sure there's a perfectly valid reason, like he moved it or something, but my mind is running wild and I'm thinking the worst and that maybe he didn't like it and had to return it or something and I'm afraid now I'll have to wait MONTHS longer for him to get another one!! AAHHHH! :errrr: BTW, I know I sound insane. But that ring box being there gave me a little bit of reassurance I've desperately been needing, and now that it's not there anymore, I don't know what to think. He's a pretty methodical person who does not think of me as someone to snoop so I really don't think he moved it (even though the underwear drawer was a pretty bad hiding spot :roll: ). I don't know. I'm trying to come up with other logical reasons that it might not be there anymore but I'm drawing a blank.

The pictures looked great except for a few minor fixes that need to be made. Now I may need to wait till Monday to see if they can be done :(. I've been stressed since seeing them because I'm hoping the ring can be salvaged and I don't want to wait weeks and weeks for it. I also had the panicked feeling of, "How much longer am I going to have to wait NOW?"

I agree with everyone else that he realized his hiding place was not the greatest and relocated. Maybe it's time for some Spring cleaning :p.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
wwmd8118|1304688126|2913849 said:
Dancing Fire|1304657661|2913721 said:
c'mon,why torture yourself? go take a PEEK :!: .. :lol:

DF - The torture isn't not seeing the ring, it's that he hasn't asked me to marry him yet!!! Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to see the ring, but my frustration is because he hasn't popped the question. :angryfire: Oh well, one of these days...But thanks for your bad influence anyways. :naughty: :lol:

Ok, now I need a sanity check and opinions. You all know that I found the ring box over a week ago. Well, I checked back in the drawer a few days ago to make sure it still existed, and it's not there. :o So what does that mean??? I'm sure there's a perfectly valid reason, like he moved it or something, but my mind is running wild and I'm thinking the worst and that maybe he didn't like it and had to return it or something and I'm afraid now I'll have to wait MONTHS longer for him to get another one!! AAHHHH! :errrr: BTW, I know I sound insane. But that ring box being there gave me a little bit of reassurance I've desperately been needing, and now that it's not there anymore, I don't know what to think. He's a pretty methodical person who does not think of me as someone to snoop so I really don't think he moved it (even though the underwear drawer was a pretty bad hiding spot :roll: ). I don't know. I'm trying to come up with other logical reasons that it might not be there anymore but I'm drawing a blank.

go ask him... "what happened to my ring?".. :bigsmile:


Feb 24, 2011
Thanks for all the input, everyone, and for the positive thoughts! I'm sure that he probably did move it to a better hiding spot which was probably smart. :naughty: All of these posts really helped to calm my fears and bring me back to sanity so thanks for that. :lol:

When we got to his parents' house last night, his mom and I were kind of commiserating about how frustrated we were that he hasn't done it yet (she feels exactly like I do and we are very close), and she said that while she doesn't know his plan, she thinks he feels like he should do something super elaborate because, #1, most of my friends have elaborate proposal stories (like on the Golden Gate bridge, stuff like that) and, #2, I've waited for so long so there's a lot of buildup (his family has been expecting a proposal for close to 3 years). Meanwhile, I don't need anything elaborate at all, just something simple and sweet. But, while every day longer that I wait makes me a little crazier, if he's waiting because he's coming up with something over the top because he thinks that will make it more special for me, I do think that's very sweet. So whether he does something simple and can do it sooner or something elaborate that takes longer to orchestrate, I'm going to try to just relax and enjoy this time and know he's using it to plan something special, one way or another. As usual, I will keep you all posted and you'll know as soon as I have the ring on my finger. :)

gummy-bear|1304709060|2914183 said:
wwmd8118|1304688126|2913849 said:
Gummy-bear - I hope he doesn't make you wait a month! That's so exciting that your ring is almost complete. So how did the pictures look??

The pictures looked great except for a few minor fixes that need to be made. Now I may need to wait till Monday to see if they can be done :(. I've been stressed since seeing them because I'm hoping the ring can be salvaged and I don't want to wait weeks and weeks for it. I also had the panicked feeling of, "How much longer am I going to have to wait NOW?"

Gummy-bear - It's like you're so close but it still feels so far! It does feel like the wait gets SO much harder as we get closer. At least you're getting the absolute perfect ring for you. I REALLY hope you don't have to wait weeks longer! :-o I'm sending lots of ring dust your way!!


Mar 30, 2011
Thanks wwmd8118, where ever your ring is I hope it ends up on your ring finger very soon. If I could give myself selective amnesia I'd be bumping my head on anything I could to forget how close I am. I am trying my best to behave but it's taking a lot of work. Some days I just want to sulk or throw a tantrum :s.


Apr 18, 2011
I was away this weekend and checking on your progress!!! Do not will happen and it will be just PERFECT because it will be YOUR proposal!! No matter what, how and where - you will be ecstatic!!!! Sending all positive energy your way and I can't stop saying how exiting this :wavey: 8) :wavey: is!!!!


Feb 24, 2011
gummy-bear|1304927232|2916049 said:
Thanks wwmd8118, where ever your ring is I hope it ends up on your ring finger very soon. If I could give myself selective amnesia I'd be bumping my head on anything I could to forget how close I am. I am trying my best to behave but it's taking a lot of work. Some days I just want to sulk or throw a tantrum :s.

Every day is a struggle when it is this close. Part of me misses the ignorant, patient bliss I was feeling a year ago. I thought I wanted the engagement, the ring, the wedding, etc. then....little did I know how bad I would want it now! I know the tantrum feeling - last Friday I had another meltdown and went for a walk and cried because I was so worked up. Just remember you have an amazing guy who is doing everything he can to give you the ring of your dreams and make this perfect for you. Another week or two isn't going to change any of that and you're a very lucky girl. :bigsmile: At least that's what I tell myself to calm down the meltdown... :roll:

Bibbi|1304967084|2916475 said:
I was away this weekend and checking on your progress!!! Do not will happen and it will be just PERFECT because it will be YOUR proposal!! No matter what, how and where - you will be ecstatic!!!! Sending all positive energy your way and I can't stop saying how exiting this :wavey: 8) :wavey: is!!!!

Aww, thanks, Bibbi! I love the excitement! I'm still *patiently* waiting... :loopy:

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
should of peeked when you had the chance.. :bigsmile:


Feb 24, 2011
I just thought I'd post a little update, which is really that nothing has changed. For months, I have always thought he would propose before I fly out to see my mom, which is now a day away (Friday morning). I really can't believe we're here and he hasn't done it yet. I mean, I guess there's still a chance (there's tomorrow) but it's looking doubtful. I'm definitely disappointed...but I keep telling myself he must be waiting for something that is extra special and requires a little more time. So, that's my update, which I realize is really a non-update. :confused:


Apr 2, 2011
Maybe he needs you to be out of town as part of the proposal plan? Just a thought.


Aug 10, 2010
Sending dust your way WWMD. It is just so difficult. I had a bit of a meltdown on Sunday night but so far this week I have been distracted by the flu so at least I haven't had time to really think about it.

I hope that you get the perfect proposal from your man ASAP. *DUST*


Dec 13, 2009
I love reading threads like this because they are just so exciting!

Just curious, how far is it for you to fly to see your mom? How long will you be gone? I'm just wondering because since you mentioned how much you wanted him to propose before you leave, I'm thinking that if it is logistically possible, he might be planning to fly out there on his own and surprise you. Just a thought of course... ;-)



Apr 18, 2011
wwmd8118 checking in on you and sending you EVEN MORE good wishes positive ebergy!!! hope the propsal comes soon!!!! Enjoy the time with your mom - this may help you recharge!


Feb 24, 2011
Hi ladies! :wavey: Just checking in but no big news to report. This weekend getaway has been really good for me, though - I think it was a blessing in disguise that he didn't pop the question before I came down here. Since I've been here, I haven't thought about engagement at all, haven't had to wonder if today was the day and then be disappointed when it's not, haven't worried once whether my nails looked okay :naughty: , etc. It's helped me to clear my mind and not be so obsessed, so I'm hoping that when I get home on Tuesday, I can keep that state of mind and not stress over the proposal. We'll see. Anyway, I've been reading what you all have to say and I REALLY appreciate all the positive posts! Everyone's encouragement and excitement definitely helps me along the way to maintain my sanity. One of these days we'll have a celebration...for each of us, hopefully! :)

Snoopkat - Maybe he did need me out of town for whatever reason. If nothing else, I think he at least needed the extra time. The night before I left, he could tell I was a bit down, and he gave me a big hug and told me to stop worrying about it and that it was all going to come together perfectly (which is funny because I haven't said a thing about it to him, but he just knew that it was that). So, it really made me feel even more that he has a plan and is just getting it all in place.

Mif - So sorry you've had the flu. :( Hope you feel better very soon.

Mayflowers - Funny you thought he may come down here because a couple of my friends IRL thought the same thing. But, his best friend came and visited him while I went down to see my mom, so I knew he wasn't planning any surprise like that. Oh well. :)

Bibbi - Thanks so much for checking in and for the positive energy! I love it...and we all know I need it! :loopy:


Feb 3, 2010
I feel like you should have some news for us soon. I've been checking everyday to see if he's popped the question. Let us know right away and please have hand shots!!

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