
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think it's too big...


Feb 14, 2016
I have been on the prowl for a RHR forever, and well over a year ago fell in love with Miss Rocks' sapphire stunner. After a long time hemming, hawing and getting quotes I settled on the jeweler that made that very ring (Joe Escobar Diamonds), because why mess around?! The ring is SPECTACULAR and photos do not do it justice. I cannot recommend them more highly and feel like I've found my lifetime jeweler -- working with Erik was a dream.

I've had the ring since Wednesday and vacillate between my heart leaping over its beauty and anxiety about the fact that it may not be right for me.

There are two issues as I see it:

1. I was going for substantial but perhaps I was a bit too greedy. I typically switch my jewelry up depending on my environment, but love this enough to push the boundaries of where I wear it. If I'm honest with myself I feel like it is a little too cocktail-y for every day wear (for me), though I live/work in a major metropolitan area so it's not completely ridic. As you can see, I'm all over the place here!

2. I wonder if it's too big for my short fingers.

Maybe I will feel differently in a few months after DSS (SSS) sets in? Maybe I should sell it on DB, recoup as much as I can, then have one made that's 15% to 20% smaller? It's a hassle, and I'll lose money and will take months but perhaps worth it? It was a custom design and exactly as I had asked for it so returning/exchanging is not an option, it is hardly the responsibility of the jeweler that created this beauty. Maybe I should suck it up and work this baby like nobody's business, short fingers and all?

I know I'm the only one that can answer these questions but I'd really love to hear other perspectives.

Now, for the pics...




Re: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think it's too bi

If it were me? I'd keep that beauty! I don't think it's over the top at all. It's just beautiful.
Re: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think it's too bi

Looks stunning. I like it as RHR. Only you know what you are comfortable with, but I think it would be a shame to make a quick emotional decision. Try wearing it for a while and see if it "shrinks."
Re: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think it's too bi

It's gorgeous! I'm all about fun and a little flamboyancy anyway and there's a lot of leeway in an urban environment. Your heart led you to that ring. I'd say embrace it.

If you hadn't said anything though, just by glancing, I wouldn't have thought it was crazy anyway. The center stone is demure because of the color & slight nod to the Wills and Kate ring. If it were a giant Spess or Topaz, I could see more of your point.

:love: :love: :love:
Re: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think it's too bi

Ok, FWIW I think it looks stunning on you and in proportion to your hand. It's a beautiful ring! I am one who likes a lot of hand presence and a ring that doesn't get lost from a bit of a distance. Honestly, before I saw the pics I was gearing up for something really big and when I saw the pics my first thought was it's lovely lol. Yes, it's substantial but IMO it doesn't look too large for your hand.

Did you just get the ring? Just my 2 cents but I would wear it for a while, there's a decent chance you will get used to it. I reset an 8 mm OEC into a halo and at first a part of me felt that it was too big, but after wearing it for a while it started looking very normal to my eye. It's a weird phenomena. All that said, what matters most is how you feel about it, there's no sense in wearing something you don't completely love and feel uncomfortable wearing. But if it's new to you, I'd say wear it for a while and then see how you feel. I love it!
Re: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think it's too bi

This. Is. RIDIC. :love: ...there is no way I'd give it up!! Just stunning! And I love it on your left hand with the band!

BTW, where did you get your eternity, OP? Details? :wavey:
Re: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think it's too bi

It's fabulous! Every time I've gotten a new ring (ok, so three times, lol), I've always felt that it was too much or over the top, but after a few weeks, they are perfect (or even too small...gasp!). It's a gorgeous ring and I'd just give yourself some time to get used to it.
Re: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think it's too bi

I think you should give yourself a chance to get comfortable with it - just live with it and wear it for a few months, and then see how you feel.

BTW the "side pieces" jumped right out at me as giving the ring a "bigger" feel. If the ring doesn't grow on you as is, maybe consider re-setting it as just the center stone and halo... leaving the rest for the next project! :wink2:
Re: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think it's too bi

It's stunning! Ditto on the advice to just give it a little while and let it grow (or in this case *shrink*!) on you.

BTW, I think it looks more appropriate on your hand with your lovely manicure than with naked nails. Not an opinion you were asking for, so feel free to ignore it, but I think the whole package looks "put together" and perfect with your nails nicely done than nekked!
Re: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think it's too bi

Your ring is so beautiful and elegant!!! As said above, since the center stone is a sapphire it has a demure appearance despite the size of the stone. To my eyes the proportions look ideal on your hand. Wear it for a while and see how you like it. Please do not make a hasty decision.
Re: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think it's too bi

It's totally stunning and while it certainly doesn't "look" too big, all that matters is how you feel when you see it and wear it. Does it fit on your right middle finger? Not sure, but you could try that look and see how it works. And I love VRB's suggestion of resetting it as a halo and using the half moons for a later project if you can't get over the overall size. But maybe that's not the look you're after ;) . On a side note, I do understand your dilemma. I recently had a larger (for me anyway) diamond and while it didn't look too big on me, I realized I felt uncomfortable wearing it on a daily basis and came down in size. It's all a matter of what you're comfortable with!

It's gorgeous though!!
Re: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think it's too bi

Noooo!!! Don't reset it! I'd sell and start over before dismantling it.

I think it is gorgeous as is almost everything JE makes! I personally wouldn't wear it everyday just because it is very special and I'd want to keep it in perfect condition! lol! Can't you just wear it when going out to dinner, etc? It's truly an heirloom ring! I think you will be glad you got that size in the long run!
Re: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think it's too bi

Guys, thank you all a million for talking me off the ledge here. I think everyone is right that we need to get a little more acquainted ;) and as yennyfire and junebug17 said I'll get used to it with time. This is my first piece of jewelry that I could solidly put in the "substantial" camp so I'm probably just overwhelmed. Morecaratsthansalad (love this username) and Acinom I agree that the color tones it down, and Dee*Jay I cracked up when I read your post because YES! I almost painted my nails before snapping the pics but my sheer laziness won out. VRBeauty JDDN that thought had occurred to me too, and if I ever hit the lottery and a fancy yellow emerald cut halo'd solitaire is ever in my future then I know which proportions are cool! As diamondseeker said, the work is too lovely to disassemble though.

msop04 the band is my wedding ring that I bought back in '03 at a local jeweler called Pageo. It's .75cts total and it's held up very well over the years. Given the quality of work in the sapphire ring I feel like I might have to go back to JE for all of my pave needs in the future because I'm quite sure I will have pave needs in the future :naughty: . As my husband would say, "Define 'need'" :D Anyway, I've always loved a thin band next to a big ring!
Re: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think it's too bi

It's gorgeous on you! I think it fits your hand really well FWIW--I'd wait a bit and see if it "shrinks". And if not, I'd definitely sell and start over before taking it apart. But I hope you keep it because it looks beautiful!
Re: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think it's too bi

It's beautiful.

Wear it for about a year.

That's what I did with my Aurora. After that time, it was clear to me it was too big. And I sold it.

It could have gone the other way though.