
I am tormented by how much to spend!!

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Jun 4, 2003
I would love some advice on how much I should spend. When I start thinking a 9000 diamond looks good, I then feel bad for not spending more. I don''t believe in the 2 month rule for starters (would be over $20k). I don''t really have a budget. I originally targeted $10k as this seemed reasonable and was willing to go up to get a decent size and cut like a 1.5,well cut, VS1, E. I originally planned buying online so i could pour the savings into a better diamond. But now after having been searching for 2 months on and off and popping into local retailers to see what a 1 and a 1.5 carat diamond really look like, I seem to have lost the plot!!! We live in a larger city which tends to mean people have bigger diamonds. Do I keep up with the Jones''s and shoot past the 1.5c? But then I think of the hassle of larger stones getting snagged etc. I am not a flashy guy and neither is the love of my life. I am even worried about attracting unwanted attention from thieves. Enough ramble....please help!!
Spend only what you can afford w/ keeping in mind opportunity cost.

That said, what is your age? What are her friends receiving? You already stated that your geographic location goes for larger stones.

Personally, I would consider a G/H stone in a VS2 or SI1. You will get the most bang for your buck and move up to a larger stone if appropriate.

Good luck.
Thanks. We are 30 living in London. Friends have done various things....none of which are a good guideline it seems. One friend went to Antwerp to buy off a bourse dealer through invitation. He bought a special cushion cut which was huge and pricey but looks like a dim block of ice (no brilliance). Others have gone for 1c as that is what they think is suitable (they could have afforded more).

I am almost ready to buy this diamond:
tolkowsky cut proportions
excellent polish and symmetry
under 9000

It has a larger spread (around 7.20mm) which makes it look bigger but I feel I am cheating.

What do you think?
Tolkowsky proportions? Is it EGL Israel?
Hmmm. To spend ten or twenty thousand? These are good problems to have! It's your money and none of us can tell you what to do with it.

Having said that, how about $10,000 on a diamond and $10,000 to a good charity?
Exactly!! I like what you are saying.
Wow, 2 month salary rule would buy QUITE a rock!
To me, the engagement ring is very sentimental and is something I don't want to feel like "upgrading" down the road---so just plan ahead!
Hmmm...interesting dilemma... you state that you feel like you are cheating, but cheating who? Has your love said anything about what size or type of diamond she would like? If she hasn't,I would think she would be very happy with what you picked, especially since you state most people you know have about 1 ct.
The whole upgrade issue is a personal decision. Some people stay with their original engangment/wedding set forever due to it's sentimentality. Me, I think change and variety are the spice of life.
I've had several settings, and after 17 years just upgraded the center diamond. We set the original diamond in a pendent, so we still enjoy it. However, the ring that I wear, in whatever form it takes, is a symbol of our marriage, and changing it doesn't change the importance of that symbol to us. much to spend obviously depends on lots of factors, whether or not you think you would want to upgrade in the future being one of them. I'm not a beiliever in the 2 month salary thing; I don't think it has much to do with anything relevant these days. I think it should mostly depend on what you and your bride-to-be would be comfortable with and enjoy the most, as well as your financial priorities. Also, you might consider making the wedding band something that she can wear alone in situations where a large or showy stone might not be appropriate or practical.

Perhaps you're starting backwards? The important thing is not what you want, or what her friends have, or what others have done, but what *she* wants. If you can't ask her straight out (can you?), think back to the kinds of comments she's made about her friends' rings. Try to get a friend or a sister to ferret out her desires for you.
People spend $$$$ on engagement rings & weddings...
Me I do much prefer to spend $$$ on the honey moon,
on a new house and on a new Porsche. Why?

Cause with the honeymoon, you get something in return
(guess what?

samething with the house & the car....

Start to be a little bit selfish..


BTW : some of my post are very ironic and don't
necesseraly represent what I do really think about
certain issues.
Cost is only the result of what you and she want. Figure out what you and she want, and the price will be figured out for you. Most people agree that there is no practical reason to buy better than G/H VS2/SI1, but you can determine that by looking at diamonds in the stores. You already know that you want an ideal cut. The only thing left is size. I think that 1 carat looks huge on my girlfriend because she has skinny fingers. Try to find the line between what you and she would think is beautiful and what you and she would think is over-the-top. Once you figure out all of these specs, then try to find the best value, and that is your price.
CORRECTION: One practical reason to buy better than G/H VS2/SI1 is if you might want to sell the diamond later.
On 7/4/2003 8:25:33 AM grabinski wrote:

CORRECTION: One practical reason to buy better than G/H VS2/SI1 is if you might want to sell the diamond later.

Actually, I think g/h vs2/si1 are the quickest moving stones. I could be wrong. Anyone to chime in?
Yeah, GH/VS2-SI1 diamonds are "meat and potatoes" stones. They are the staples of a jeweler's inventory.
Get what appeals to you and what will appeal to her. Hopefully you know her pretty well, her tastes in jewelry, clothes etc. Does she like the look of a flashier large stone? Or is she more into simplicity and/or would prefer a smaller stone? Same goes for the setting. Side stones or solitaire?

Easier said than done maybe as everyone's tastes can be very particular--but it sounds like you really can't go too wrong. If most people you know have around 1c and you feel like you need to outdo that or measure up, get a 1.25c. What size fingers does she have? If they are very small, she may not want such a big stone (?!?!) or likewise with larger fingers, smaller stones tend to look a little more lost in my opinion.

There's a bunch of factors, but it sounds like you have been around and looked at some items, what really appeals to you in the end. If you had to point and choose, what would you select--based on your gut feel and not external influences?

Oh and by the way, the 2 month rule is ridiculous and is just a marketing ploy to get your hard-earned $$. IMO your $10k will go a long way with the right choices.
If I may chime in...

Don't get hung up on the 1.5xct size. While it certainly doesn't hurt to get stones over that size range 1.2xct - 1.4xct will certainly do the job IF you get a superior cut quality. If you hunt down stones that have the most intense fire/scintillation/brilliance even a 1ct size diamond will blow away any larger stones with respect to sheer beauty. I can't tell you how many clients who we've demonstrated this fact to that have went with diamonds of a little less carat weight. Sometimes in our demonstration we'll use a super ideal .8xct-.9xct diamond and show them next to a 1ct and when I tell people what carat weights they've been comparing they can hardly believe it. Keep in mind however that super ideals in these size ranges are not very easy to locate all the time.

Kind regards,
Yup. Cut is the magic word.
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