
How Was Your Valentine''s Day?

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May 2, 2008
What did you do? Did you get any fun gifts?
I''ll start. It was a great day for me because I had my bridal shower in the afternoon, then I got to go to dinner with FI at an amazing restaurant in the evening. My MOH threw such a beautiful shower for me, and I got a lot of thoughtful, sweet gifts. The shower was a Valentine''s-themed tea, and there were tons of pink and red flowers and lots of pink and red treats.

FI and I went to dinner late in the evening, and we stuffed ourselves with delicious steaks, twice-baked potatoes, and chocolate cake. I wasn''t expecting much of a gift, but I got a very generous spa gift certificate. It was so sweet of him, and I can''t wait to use it. I gave him a very nice bottle of scotch, which he seemed to be very pleased about.

It was awesome looking across the table at dinner knowing that FI is my "forever Valentine." We later shared memories about the day we got engaged. I think this was my favorite V-Day so far . . .
we went to dinner with a group of friends at a local pizza place. Went back to a friends house and watched the slam dunk contest and played cards.

So low-key, so not mushy.

We did more this year than any year before (read: we never do anything for Vday), so I figured I'd post!

On Friday night I got home late from work after driving 4 hours (1 full hour of traffic) from another state after being gone for 4 days. I was really stressed out and a little miffed that FI wasn't home yet (at 6:30), hadn't taken the trash out, and left the kitchen a mess. So he gets home and is feeling really bad that I'm so stressed out (most of which was related to work, nothing he did). He says "I got you a surprise!" and runs downstairs and brings up a boquet of tulips! Tulips are my favorite flower and he's never bought me flowers (in almost 3 years
) and his timing couldn't have been better. The cutest part was when he said "These are tulips, right?" Haha. He even picked out purple ones and pink/yellow ones and had the store mix them together.

On Saturday we were going to stay home, but around 3:00 FI suggested going down to Stamford to walk around our favorite park on the water (we used to go there a lot when I lived in Stamford). We also went to Westport and walked around the cute shops and another park there. Then we went to our favorite seafood place down on the water and got our favorite dish (pasta with cream sauce and huuuge chunks of lobster, scallops, shrimp, etc
). It was great
The restaurant was low key as always and completely uncrowded too, which was nice.

So that was my lovely and eventful Valentine's Day! Kittybean, how was yours?

ETA: Just read your second post. Your Vday shower sounds really cute!
Even though I asked FI not to do anything too extravagent (because my birthday is in a few weeks!) but he ended up booking massages for me, my mother, and our friend at a local salon. It was great! When I came home I found a gift bag with a bottle of my favorite wine EVER (from a local vineyard) and delicious gourmet chocolates in our bedroom.

I have yet to get his gift in the mail- a cermaic Murphy''s Stout tap handle for his kegerator. I also am in the midst of making his card at work so I need to finish that and give it to him tomorrow. I was sort of embarrassed that I wasn''t prepared when he went sort of over the top for me.

I do think that my favorite part was the stuff he wrote in his card. It was so so heartfelt and lovely. Made me tear up when I read it.
Sounds like a fabulous time kitty!
And everyone else for that matter! I have a thread just like this over in LIW for us LIW''s...
FI and I had a nice weekend, though we didn''t end up doing anything we had planned. We were originally going to stay over night at this little boutique hotel in Providence and have dinner at a new restaurant. Unfortunately we discovered that we couldn''t board our puppy because they were booked up for the night, so we stayed home. I didn''t want to leave D.O.G. by himself. We actually exchanged gifts on Thursday, because we had them and we hate to wait. So I made a really nice dinner of scallops in a lemon sauce with roasted asparagus and homemade cheese cake with strawberries for dessert. Oh, I also sent FI a cookie-gram type thing to the office in lieu of flowers. We then went to the movies and saw Confessions of a Shopaholic.
FI and I went to dinner at 3, then on the way home he suggested we stop to get a movie and we could make a pallet on the living-room floor.

So we got all the blankets and made the pallet, laid down and watched "Zach and Miri Make a Porno", then watched the skillls challenge/3pt competition/and slam dunk contest, and then watched SNL. We woke up on the floor at 3am and went to bed.

It was a perfect day!!
I love reading everyones'' stories!

FI & I got up early and headed to the outlet malls (!!!)... We have some nice ones around our home. Our plan was to find a whooole bunch of snowboarding gear, as my sister is visiting this week & she asked if we could take a snowboarding lesson (& neither of us have the right clothing!) Didn''t have much luck at the outlet malls, but FI treated me to a shopping spree @ the Gap & Banana Republic outlet :)

We then went ALLLLLLL over south Denver & the surrounding communities to about 6 different sports apparel places to get: 3 jackets, 3 pairs of pants (I got some sweet Bonfire boarding pants & an aweeesome price), 2 pairs of gloves, 2 masks, 2 pairs of wool socks... aaaand... I think that''s it

Then back to the apartment to get dressed up for dinner. We went to a little italian restaurant around the corner from our place-- And though they sat us nearly 45 minutes late, it was awesome. Lots of seafood, pasta, wine, and awesome desert. We sat there until 10 til midnight-- talking & laughing & reminiscing. Such a nice, out of the ordinary treat.

Then back to the apartment for a little more romance
FI and I went to pick up my wedding band, which had been on layaway, and while we were there we also bought his wedding band. He bought me roses, I bought him customized M&Ms in red and pink with a cute saying on them that is specific to us. It being Saturday, we stopped into a market near FI''s apt. where they sell the most delicious charcoal grilled tri-tip, so we brought that home for dinner. Had some ''afternoon delight"
then after dinner we cuddled on the couch, ate chocolate, and watched "The Secret Life of Bees" on DVD. I wore my wedding band all nite, FI didn''t even notice.
Oh, here''s my e-ring and band...

FI and I went to the Melting Pot for dinner, and he gave me a tiffany pendant. YAY
And he also got me the sweetest card. That might have been my favorite part.
Date: 2/16/2009 7:42:33 PM
Author: marchswallowbird
FI and I went to pick up my wedding band, which had been on layaway, and while we were there we also bought his wedding band. He bought me roses, I bought him customized M&Ms in red and pink with a cute saying on them that is specific to us. It being Saturday, we stopped into a market near FI''s apt. where they sell the most delicious charcoal grilled tri-tip, so we brought that home for dinner. Had some ''afternoon delight''
then after dinner we cuddled on the couch, ate chocolate, and watched ''The Secret Life of Bees'' on DVD. I wore my wedding band all nite, FI didn''t even notice.
How funny. So sneaky! I wonder if I would be able to get away with that!

For some reason I have it in my head that you live in Philly but I could be wrong. If thats the case though, do you mind sharing this market that sells delicious steak?
Great thread!

FI and I went out to an early V-Day dinner at a wonderful Hibachi place because we knew we''d be preoccupied with wedding planning on the weekend. It was lovely! He surprised me with gorgeous flowers and a most beautiful card on V-Day.

My parents came up from NJ on Saturday and we had a hugely successful and productive weekend of wedding planning. We checked out two reception halls and returned to FI''s house for a Valentine''s lasagna dinner with FIL''s, FI''s sister, aunt, and a friend of ours. We went to Mass in between dinner and dessert and asked our priest friend if he would preside at our wedding. Fr. had been away for two weeks so we hadn''t had the chance to share the news with him.

On Sunday we visited our preferred reception hall and found out it''s completely free the weekend we want. We went bridal gown shopping afterwards I think I''ve found the dress!

So all in all, we have verbal commitments from three concelebrating priests, the church, the reception hall, and I think I found THE dress!
Aw! This is such a fun thread! Great idea!

FI and I never do anything for Valentine''s day. But about 3 weeks ago, he asked me where she should make reservations for dinner! So for the last few weeks, we''ve both been really looking forward to going out to a nice restaurant for dinner. When we got there, a couple of other couples we knew were there, so we chatted with them for a while, then we ordered (steak and fettuccine alfredo), had dinner and an amazing molten chocolate cake.

Then we went to go see "Taken", but it was sold out. So we came home and cuddled and watched TV until we fell asleep.

It was a great night.
Hi Claritek, nope, I''m not in Philly, I''m in Los Angeles!
Very nice
super low-key. We just had a picnic in a local park with our dog, then hung out watching movies all evening.
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