
How to take out dents on a platinum ring

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Feb 5, 2009
First of all I wanna thank all the lovely PSers for helping me
So here I am, having yet another question.

I finally got my E-ring after 2 months of waiting. It hasn''t been an easy process - things just didnt seem to work out along the way. So I was very thrilled when I finally received it. But after closely examining it, I found that:
1) There are a few dents on the prong. Not too obvious but are visible
2) Looking down from the top view, the amount of metal of each prong "leg" thats on the diamond seem to be different. some "legs" take up more space on the diamond some less. Of course you''d have to look closely to see this.

Now I know nothing can be perfect. But I''m wondering if I''m being too picky or this is something you would send the ring back for? As I said, I have gone through a lot of trouble to finally have the ring with me, so I have a bad feeling for letting it go again (the latest incident: I actually dropped it off at Fedex already to send it back, but had to drive 30mins to go take it back again because I realized the packaging wasn''t secure enough.)

So girls, when you look closely, are the prong legs very even? And what about dents, how do you take them out? i know repolishing takes out scratches, but what about dents?

Thank you again!
Anyone please help? i''m debating if I should return the ring tomorrow...

Another note: the prongs also rise to different heights. So if you look closely, some legs "reach up" to hold onto the diamond while others slightly reach down. So what should it be really, reaching up or reaching down? or a perfect 90 degree angle?

Again you''d have to look real closely, but you can tell without a loupe.

I''m so confused
But I''m just afraid I''m being too picky as nothing can be perfect. And if I return it I''ll just find other flaws in the new one...
If it bothers you significantly return it. And usually small dents can easily be buffed out too, remember that plat is fairly malleable.
Mmm. Not sure I'm picturing what you're describing with the prongs. Basically prongs ought to be symmetrical to the naked eye, at least. I find that rarely do most settings stand up to intense scrutiny through a loupe. Some higher end designer settings do stand up to loupe scrutiny but not the average setting. (My e-ring setting has prongs that look like cr@p through a loupe, actually- very low-end-of-average workmanship there; luckily the rest of the setting is well made so I just live with them.) The prong tips ought to look relatively the same size and shape to the naked eye. That's a workmanship thing, not a stone security thing, really.

If the prongs aren't securely holding the diamond, that's a whole different issue. They should have a notch cut into them, with the notch holding the girdle securely and then the tip coming over the stone a bit. The prongs should all touch the stone, and the notch should not be cut nearly through the prong... it should be about halfway through the metal. (I know there's pics somewhere showing bad vs. good prongs, but I am too lazy to search them out!) Of course I'm speaking about standard "tiffany style" prongs holding a RB stone... not the v-cap prongs on a princess diamond or some of the other styles like you might find on a halo setting or an antique setting. Your stone should not rattle or rotate in the setting at all, and that goes for all types of settings.

If you can post pics of your setting/prongs, that might help us visualize what you're describing.

If you have a hassle ahead of you if you choose to have the stone reset and prongs redone I might just live with some slight prong unevenness, if you can't see it without a loupe especially. The risk of sending a piece of jewelry through the mail and the risk of a stone being unset and reset would definitely have to figure into my final decision. However if it's driving you crazy, then you have your answer- you can't live with it.

The dents you may well just take to a local jeweler to see if they can polish them out. If they're polish-able (which, of course, they may possibly not be, but I bet they are) they should be able to take care of it either for free or for a reasonable fee. If you get a good vibe you might ask the other jeweler what they think of the prongs security-wise and the workmanship of them. Just take any feedback you get with a grain of salt; it's hardly unheard of for a jeweler to trash another person's work to try to gain a client. Still, it could be an easier prospect than shipping a ring back.

Hi Summer, sorry to hear you''re not completely happy with your ring - hope you get everything taken care of. Did you ever get any arrow shots?
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