
How to clean a channel set band with a closed back?


Jan 7, 2010
I have just received my 2nd of two Leon Mege antique calibre bands - they are very fine (~1.5mm), milgrained, channel set French cuts, pavilion side up. I have been wearing the first for about 6 months and do clean it regularly, but having just taken the 2nd one out of the package, the sparkle is incomparable! There is probably some difference between the two bands (they were made at different times) and when I look at them next to each other, they are not quite exactly the same, although when worn flanking my e-ring (their intended use!) they are not appreciably different in any way apart from the cleanliness - the new one just looks whiter and more sparkly, whereas the older one looks a bit dull by comparison.

How can I clean these bands to maintain the sparkle, especially when the channel is closed in on the underside of the shank? My usual method is detergent+ammonia+boiling water+toothbrush, and my backup is alcohol wipes at work. Would a steam or ultrasonic cleaner be better? Or is it just not possible to keep the stones clean underneath?
I've had two different channel set, one with the closed back (solid metal underneath the stones) and one with holes in the back.

For a closed back, although it stays clean longer, its also a bit harder to clean so you need a US cleaner or whatever the professionals use to get the job done, unfortunately, I find that toothbrush doesn't do the job too well for me.

for the open back, although much easier to clean, it is also easier for it to get dirty faster due to your skin oils and dirt getting up there.

I find that my ring with the closed back, when I took it to my local jeweler, it was very clean but it had to be professional done for me, as I don't have the tools to do it myself or I haven't invested in one yet.
Thanks D&T! I was actually very reassured by your post as I had been catastrophising that my ring was forever doomed to looking duller and darker than it should :lol: I'll drop it in to my jeweller.
sure thing anytime! :wavey: I love brand spanking cleaned ring :love:
do you have a thread for your bands pancake?

i would love to see them!
pictures Pancake? :naughty:
Will try and take some tomorrow - my camera's macro setting seems to be playing up at the moment but will do my best :) Loving my set as I imagined it, it has taken a while to get it all together!
we will be waiting! :appl:
thanks, will keep tuned!
Pancake, maybe the metal seems a little 'duller' and contributes the the different look of the ring. I have two suggestions.
1) is to try SparkleSparkle cleaner. Whiteflash sent me a bottle with a ring purchase and it really does make the metal look shinier.
I ordered it online after I used up the first bottle, but yesterday I saw it on HSN.
2)After you have cleaned your rings set them on a soft cloth and blast them with your hairdryer. I have found that the heat of my
hairdryer makes the metal really shiny. I love that. Plus it dries the water spots.