
How should stones fit a setting prior to being set?

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Nov 23, 2008
When I was at InterGem trying to find a setting, the biggest learning curve for me was figuring out if the stone would fit the setting. I don''t think I really "learned" as there were some shady vendors that were trying to convince me my stone would fit in settings that I felt were just too small. If I had bought online I would buy according to measurements. But I thought there might some other newbies that would run into this type of hands-on problem. I chose to go hands on so I could get a feel for what type of setting my stone looked best in. I thought that maybe some of the PS veterans could possibly help advise? I was hoping maybe someone would have a setting and some stones laying around and could take some side profile shots of what is a perfect fit, what is too small, too big (that pretty easy) and what is a tight fit but could be done with a good jeweler. Would someone be so kind as to volunteer? There may even be some pics posted already about this, but I couldn''t find a thread on this topic. If so point me to it and we can delete this one. Thanks!
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