
how much to spend

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Oct 17, 2002
First, I'd like to offer my warmest hellos to the forum. I've been lurking a couple of days, and am in the market for a diamond. My question to everyone is:

How much should you spend on the engagement ring? I've heard anywhere from 2-3 months salary. I see that many forum members are posting about buying 1ct+ diamonds, costing well in excess of $5k. I can't help but feel bad (read: inadequate) since my budget is so much lower.
Welcome to the forum PE. :)

Main rule: there are no rules here. 2-month salary is rather marketing cliché invented by DeBeers. You shouldn’t spend more than you feel comfortable with.

There is another thread on this subject:
Post a budget and I will search online for a stone for that price that I would be happy to own.
rsilvers.. You will search the internet for diamonds for other people?? Do you have such a business or is this a hobby??
Hey Poopeater!

How's the poop! Hey, I hear you about the tendency for Pricescopers and Diamontalkers to be big spenders. I've seen a few posts from jewelers that place the average engagement ring diamond size right between .4 and .8ct. (If I remember correctly, the thread was on DiamondTalk, and not here).

I think that people who are willing to get as anal as us about their diamond purchase are getting anal because they've got more money to spend, or at the very least they're willing to spend more money.

I'm with you on the lower end of Pricescope, bro, having spent just under $1800 total price on my .6ct AGS Ideal H&A. I'm a poor, in debt grad student so the whole 2-3 months salary thing didn't have too much emotional sway with me. But, having looked at rocks on my friends fingers, I feel really comfortable that my fiance got a really nice rock that competes size-wise with most of her friends. My fiance isn't too big on flashy, larger stones, so going much bigger would have been uncomfortable for her.

So be loud and be proud! Don't worry about getting a less expensive stone. If you do your homework out here, you can get a *really* big bang for your buck...much better than at any local store (at least where I am).

Happy Shopping!~:praise:
On 10/17/2002 5:50:36 PM

How much should you spend on the engagement ring? I've heard anywhere from 2-3 months salary. I see that many forum members are posting about buying 1ct+ diamonds, costing well in excess of $5k. I can't help but feel bad (read: inadequate) since my budget is so much lower.


Spend what you feel you can afford w/o sacrificing your savings or piling on debt. Period. It's that simple. My then boyfriend was in Grad school & didn't have much money except for savings. Now, I'm a jewelery maven - but I DID NOT want him to blow big money on an engagement ring.....we had bigger plans - saving for house etc. And, 20 years later (when financially secure) buy the big rock if she wants it.

It's not how much you have to spend. It's how to spend it wisely.

That said, my recommendation is too STRETCH your budget. I'm not sure what your budget is but for about $2500 you could get a .80 - .90 I/SI1 or J s/I1. In a stone less than a carat, you will not see much body color in a well cut stone....Also, a trick is to find a stone w/ blue fluor. You could go smaller in the h/vs2 range - but in the under 1c range SI's are usually pretty clean. Remember, color is graded face down. It's what a stone "faces up" as that matters to the eye.

Above all pay attention to cut - you do not have to go super ideal or even ideal - just find a stone w/ very good cut.

If you take your time and massage the parameters of the paper specs of a stone, you will find a real gem regardless of price.

Good luck!
On 10/28/2002 8:20:50 PM

rsilvers.. You will search the internet for diamonds for other people?? Do you have such a business or is this a hobby??

Neither. I just thought it would be easy to find a desirable stone in any price range with the help of the online search function of this web site and that if someone gave up on the online search and went to a store without some printouts of quality/price available online they could likely end up with much worse. And I feel that my listening to people on this site I have developed a sense of which of the 6 Cs (cert/cost) to optimize. I know people will say this is an individual choice. Fine -- but the search can be narrowed down.
I second that "post your budget, I'll look". Because I love diamonds, & I love to shop (meaning that I love to be able to get the same thing for less $$$$).

Tell us your max. price, and what shape.
And is there is a color/clarity range you would like to stay in?

Then we can compare notes!
Thanks for the offer, rsilver. I have found some good stones in my price range. I am still debating where to buy...still not sure if I should go online or B&M. I'm going to some more jewlers this coming week.

I was wanting to spend ~$2k on the stone alone. I was wanting something H+, SI1+, and > 0.5ct. It seems I can get an excellent H&A for around that price. H&A isn't necessary, but it seems that most of the H&As online have scans of the certs posted, as well as Sarin data. The other diamonds don't.
As an example, a .5 ct G/SI1 with a great cut and polish and sym can be had for $1200. A .5 ct in a 2.0mm Tiffany setting looked great on my girlfriend. Going to a 1ct brings the price more to like $4000 at this quality level and that is serious money. But if you trim to an I, SI2, still with a creat cut, you can go down to $3200. And a .5 at these specs is $900. And you know what -- the first day in the mall store they pulled out all sorts of pre-mounted stones and I don't think any of them met these specs and had prices on them of $6500 and such! So a cleverly spent $1000 can do well. If that is too much, $500 will get you a .3 ct I/SI1 with a great cut and ideal polish and sem. In the right setting (one that doesn't overpower it) it would be an absolutely beautiful ring that was well thought out and planned. And then mail order the setting for $80. I would probably actually just have BlueNile do it all.
I also believe you can do much better online than at B&M (price & quality wise).

I'll let you know what I come up with!
Ok, so if H&A is not necessary, dirtcheapdiamonds has:

Number: 1209391
Laboratory: EGL
Carat Weight: 0.78
Color: G
Clarity: SI1


Depth: 61%
Table: 58%
Polish: VG
Symmetry: VG


Culet: NO
Fluorescence: None
Measurements: 6.06x5.90x3.65

This is in their "Best Cuts" category.
Price is $1900.

I have not purchased form this co. but have heard good things from others who have, and I always check their stock.
PS- They have 8 stones for you to consider in their best cut category, all under $2000. The one I posted was the largest, the others all run in the 60+point range. Some E color, most GIA certs.
.77 G SI1 EGL
59.4% 64% GD GD NO

This is at
0.58 E SI2
60.9 55
AGS Ideal
item # WOG438220

I'm throwing this one in here because it's an AGS Ideal.

So, there's 3 you can consider. I'm sure all are less than B&M prices. If you have any interest, I'd email for more info & pics. The last site offers 30 day money back guarantee, includes a setting, a teak box, and free fed ex shipping.
Tara, you have been a busy girl. I like the one at the best - largest & seems well cut.
Thanks for all your hard work, Tarams!

Thanks, Fire&Ice, & you're welcome, Poopeater!

I really like the site @ They have quite a bit to offer. I also would have chosen the first that I posted, but after learning about what the 3rd has to offer, I might choose them. (Things like an appraisal, the box, the shipping, the guarantee, etc).

Poop, have you checked any of these out yet? I'd like to know what your thoughts are. Would you consider any? I hope you're at minimum, happy to see that you can get a decent stone in your budget.:)) I'd love to know how it turns out & what you wind up getting!
PS- Ben, I have to ask - what is the picture on your icon of??? (At first I thought it was a gopher or ground hog, but with your screenname, I'm wondering if I should even be asking!)
All the advice that has been given is great. I only got on to say...and I'm sorry for stealing the's a TURTLE. :bigsmile: Sorry I had to do it. Good job all.
The picture is of my mother's turtle. I can email you the full 3 megapixel pic if you are interested.

:bigsmile: Thanks again! I'm off to check out
LOL! You guys are too funny! Yes, I do see now that it's a TURTLE! (Still LOL!) Um, 1 more question...does this thing know,..."eat poop"?
No, the turtle doesn't eat poop. :bigsmile:
ROTFPMP! Then why the name??!! (especially associated with that poor creature!)
The turtle has nothing to do with the name! Let's just say that I was known as 'PoopEater' many years before the turtle entered the picture

It's a long story, but it involves me eating lots of odd things in college. I used to eat fabric softener, hair spray, stick deoderant, soap, car polish, etc etc. I never actually ate poop, but one of my friends made the joke and the name just stuck.
Oh my God, I'm almost sorry I asked, LOL! Your girl must be something special!!! (just teasing)

So how about those diamonds? Find anything ya like yet?
Haha, no worries...boys will be boys. Anyhow, yes I do like the diamonds. I am kind of apprehensive about buying an SI1/H that comes from an EGL lab. That one you found looks good. I'd need to take a look at it before I committed, since it's an SI grade. I'm still pretty smitten with the selection that has, too.

What are the specs of the rock on your finger?

Haha! I have several! (I just love diamonds). You asked, here goes...
my "enagagement ring" is a 61 pt marquise that's probably an E SI1-SI2.
* I have a "play ring" that I just listed on eBay thats also a marquise, graded as a 1.01ct F SI3 (but is really an I1).
* One before that wa a silver color 1.09 marquise which I sold.
*The one I currently wear is a marquise, 1.44ct E VS2 (& it's magnificent!) But keep in mind, it was not my engagement ring, and it did not come from my husband. I happen to love marquise stones, and it took me a long to get. I am extremely picky about them also (they have to be perfectly shaped). But thanks for asking!
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