
How much information does the Brilliance Scope tell you?

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Jan 17, 2003
I'll try to post pictures later, so you can see what I really mean.

Pretend there are pictures here or a bscope which displays light reflected brilliantly, and perfectly symetricly, in every facet of every view.

The bscope image in my opinion, are nothing short of amazing. Typically, there are facets that shine a bit less than others, especially in some views. I've never seen such symetry in any of the other bscope pictures I've seen. Does this mean that I found a spectacular diamond?
Absolutely Lugus.

Not only is the B'scope giving you a quantitive reading of light return but even the way the light is dispersed within the stone bearing testimony to the precision to which it's been cut. Online there are 2 different types of B'scope reports being shown. We use the ones we do for a reason and that is becuase they show more clearly (particularly within the center image) a clear representation of the scan of the diamond in that particular light position.

The B'scope however does not critically show the precision to which the minor facets have been cut. They do to a degree but not 100%. This is where LightScope and H&A images are key to gathering all the data necessary. It's not my desire to publicly promote any particular stone but if you'd like to see an example of what I'm talking about drop me an email and I can share that data with you.

The B'scope also shows what crown/paviloin angle combos are flattered in certain light positions as well so long as light is being reflected out of the stone. For example shallower crown angles coupled with a shallower pavilion are flattered most in light view 1 (particularly at the arrow heads) while moderate crown angles and moderate and more traditional ideal pavilion angles are flattered most in light view 2 (particularly at the arrow heads).

Haha... you're turning into a cut geek.


The scintillation for this diamond is excellent.

The bars only tell part of the story. Focus more keenly
on the 5 light images where you can really see and appreciate the
total light performance. In particular, note light image #2.

The tremendous burst of whitelight totally overpowers the scintillation
more readily seen around the diamonds circumference (freckles
and rice krispies in the other light views. If the Brilliance were
a tad less, the scintillation bar would be a bit more to
the right. Quantitatively there is a +/- .2 % variation in the bars
and qualitatively I'm certain you would not detect a difference
if the scintillation bar would be a bit more to the right margin.

Hey, that BScope report looks kinda similar to my recent purchase! Barry's getting pretty good at those consistent cuts, eh?



Here is my brilliantscope result for my stone. Its NOT branded by the way. You dont need to buy branded to equal quality. Jonathan gets the goods, & so does Diamond Brokers of Florida (which I never see mentioned here & where this stone was purchased). As for the brilliantscope, I have to say that the result clinched the deal for me. I relied on it as I did the HCA (result: 1.4). Buying on line is unique, you cant see the product & must have #'s & pictures to make your decision.
The crown angle is 35.1 yet in no way does it affect the result. This baby has some major sparkles.



That's a pretty darned nice BScope report. I was wondering if you might be able to post a larger pic of the five light views so that we can see it in more detail, perhaps cropping the pic to just the light views if it exceeds the upload limit (which I see is up from the old 50KB to a more healthy 70KB now). I'd like to get a closer look, if you're agreeable .

Hi Tim,
I actually am quite computer illiterate & have no clue as to how to crop it. haha In fact, I had to email Jan to ask her to crop the pic I uploaded as the original was too lrg. I've asked Leonid to post a few pics for me under my testimonial thread as I was having some trouble with the system not letting me do it. I'll ask Leonid if he can put the BScope up for me too. :-)

Hi Tim,
Leonid has emailed me that the original BScope is too big to post here. I'm sorry but the pic I posted looks like it will be the one. I suppose magnifying glasses might work to get a closer look.

Of course, I have no problem with anyone emailing me. Just make sure you tell he who you are & that you're from Pricescope so I dont erase you like I do all my unwanted spam. Here's my addy:
[email protected]

Very nice CCU!

Glad to see you found exactly what you were looking for. Would I be correct in assuming that the pavilion angles on your stone were 40.7 degrees or a tad less (coupled with that 35.1 crown angle)?

Here is an example of what I was referring to above about the variances on the minor facets.

Please note: This is totally geeky information but also shows how deviations in the minor facets can affect a diamonds internal symmetry pattern.

The graphic below is an example of a diamond that score "very high" in every category on the B'scope yet as you can see by the highlighted yellow arrows the hot spots at the arrow shafts are not symmetrically aligned like the rest. They extend out further due to longer lower girdles "at that point". The result is one heart that is a little smaller than the rest. This is a factor the B'scope can not determine which is best determined under the other scopes. It is a great tool but is only 1 aspect of the internal analysis.

Hope that helps.


Hi Jonathan,
The pavillion is 40.8. I dont get your post, is it in reference to my BScope result? If it is, I dont understand what that would mean with my diamond. Its very sparkly & I see colours shooting from it all the time.
With respect to you & to your instruments, do we really have to know THAT much in detail? I'm not trashing what you do, you are the vendor. But I think there is such a thing as going overboard. I think that all people want to see is a great BScope result.


No no ... I'm sure your stone is gorgeous!!! I do not doubt that one bit. I was expressing *happiness* for your happiness.
I was just curious on the pavilion angle coupled with the crown angle you mentioned. Sorry for being inquisitive but cut geeks like myself think about silly things like that.

I know I can be anal in my "anal"ysis which is why I put the short disclaimer in my above post ... "Please note: This is totally geeky information ..." and you are right ... there are people who could give a hoot. I do however wait on alot of people who look at these things and ask questions regarding it.

Have a great day ccu! It's a pleasure to see you here.

Kind regards,

Please, please, not stop giving such detailed information with your variety of instruments. Unlike CCU, most of us DO want as much information at our disposal as possible. Those who don't want it can simply disregard it, but if it's not included, it makes it that much harder for those of us who do want it.

One of the things I most like about your site is the completeness of information on your diamonds. Many others don't have ideal-scope images; others don't have B-scope images. Yes others don't even have pictures of the actual stone up for sale. In my search, I'm looking for the sites that can offer me the most complete information, and I'm a regular visitor your inventory.

Being that cut is the most important thing affecting a diamond's performance, I don't believe there is such a thing as "too much information" or "overkill". Please don't change that about the way you impart information.
Hi Jonathan,
No offense taken. LOL My 2 patients today are both chronic ventilator patients that have a tracheostomy tube (in their throat) & cant talk. So, they are both getting on my freaking nerves by banging on the rails of their beds with their remote controls! I wish I could go into their room & bounce those remotes off the wall!!
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooookkkkkkkkk. I'm ok now, had to vent a bit. I didnt read your post clearly cause I was in a hurry. Ok, so cut geek, geek away. :-) I'd like to think I standing on the edge of being a true geek (like you
) Everytime I would check out a stone & you had all those #'s for all the facets, my eyes would start crossing over.


I would never tell anyone here to stop doing something that interests them. I'm sorry I offended you but I in no way was addressing anyone else here when I relayed my message to Jonathan. Take it for what you will.

Jonathan's a geek.....Jonathan's a geek.....Nah nah na na nahhhh...

Next diamond I buy is gonna be from you, Jonathan.

You think Jon's a geek.....????? hehe

Wait till you visit me .....

LOL ... aldje... rest assured I'll never change. If anything I'll get worse?
Wait till you see the new stuff coming. You're GOING TO LOVE IT.

Bill ... wait till you get a version of LightScope then YOU'LL really see optical symmetry in a whole new light.
I know you are a geek too Bill but I think I'm right up there with ya in about most aspects.

Rich ... being in the trade, whenever you're ready I'll take care of ya bro.

I could never take your responses the wrong way girl.
Go easy on those patients now.

aldje, when I finally come out with our brand it'll be stuff like that that'll seperate our stuff from the rest. Thanks for the kind words man.

Lugus ... if you didn't get my last email, drop me an email. I have some neat info for you too if you're interested.

Bill ... wait till you get a version of LightScope then YOU'LL really see optical symmetry in a
whole new light.

Rhino, are you going to start marketing your Lightscope?
I think a great way for Rhino to start marketing the LightScope is to have a little giveaway!
Of course I want to be first in line. Hee Hee...
Hi, Judy:

Hey, no offense taken by me at all. I just wanted to let Jonathan know that many people (especially those who come to this forum) DO want more than just a great B'scope, and that I appreciate the wealth of information he provides on a diamond.

I've found that most people come to this forum because they feel uneducated about how to assess diamonds and thus they don't feel confident about purchasing. When I first found this site, the amt of info overwhelmed me...lots of foreign ideas. But having learned about them, I feel fairly confident in my ability to ask the right questions and make comparisons between stones. The wealth of info here is the primary thing that's kept me coming back.

Thanks to all, and keep up the good work!

On 1/23/2003 2
4:10 PM ccuheartnurse wrote:


I would never tell anyone here to stop doing something that interests them. I'm sorry I offended you but I in no way was addressing anyone else here when I relayed my message to Jonathan. Take it for what you will.


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