I'll try to post pictures later, so you can see what I really mean.
Pretend there are pictures here or a bscope which displays light reflected brilliantly, and perfectly symetricly, in every facet of every view.
The bscope image in my opinion, are nothing short of amazing. Typically, there are facets that shine a bit less than others, especially in some views. I've never seen such symetry in any of the other bscope pictures I've seen. Does this mean that I found a spectacular diamond?
Pretend there are pictures here or a bscope which displays light reflected brilliantly, and perfectly symetricly, in every facet of every view.
The bscope image in my opinion, are nothing short of amazing. Typically, there are facets that shine a bit less than others, especially in some views. I've never seen such symetry in any of the other bscope pictures I've seen. Does this mean that I found a spectacular diamond?