
how much finger real estate do I have?


Dec 12, 2010
Still working on my solar system ring idea. I assembled a bunch of jewels, both from my existing collection and picked up some new ones. Now I'm a little worried that I don't have enough finger real estate! How can I determine this?

To be clear, I don't mind if the smaller gems are on the band (pave style) and go down the side of my finger (eternity style).

Here's what I have in possession or on the way:
Mercury: ON WAY 1.5mm white sapphire
Venus: ON WAY 2mm yellow sapphire OR, IN HAND 3.5mm yellow sapphire to match cabochon earth, next
Earth: ON WAY 2mm blue sapphire OR, IN HAND 3.5mm blue cabochon sapphire
Mars: ON WAY 1.7mm red-orange sapphire OR, IN HAND a tiny don't know what size, sentimental ruby
Jupiter: IN HAND 7mm pink/gray spinel
Saturn: NOT YET ACQUIRED probably 6x5ish catseye
Uranus: IN HAND 5.5ishmm light blue sapphire (not sure of exact size, I thought it was 5mm, but seems bigger next to Neptune)
Neptune: IN HAND 4.9mm dark blue sapphire
Pluto: ON WAY will probably be a "surprise" on the far underside of the band, 1.4mm

I'm thinking that at least Mercury - Mars can be on the band if I use the smaller Venus and Earth, allowing Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune to take up most of the top-of-finger space? Do you think 6x5 is the right size for the Saturn?

Do you think I have enough space to do the larger venus and earth?

Any tips for figuring this out? Or design ideas?
OH! And I have a 7.5 finger
It really depends not on the size of your finger but the length of your fingers. Long fingers can handle more rings in a more graceful way IMO. And the best way to figure how many rings you can or want to wear at once is to put them on and see what looks (and feels) best to you.
Your ring idea sounds far out! I vote the cab for Earth (or a blue and green opal). Pluto is technically not a planet anymore, kicked out of the solar system...
Can you take some pictures of the stones?

According to wikipedia, a size 7.5 has a circumference of 55.7 and a diameter of 17.73.

I like to have full coverage on my fingers, so I will typically shoot for half of the circumference. In your case, that's 27.85. You've said that you don't mind if it goes around more. Let me think on this for a bit....
I did a few rough not-quite-but-close to scale sketches of the stone sizes that you mentioned.

Sorry these pictures aren't in alphabetical order, I had some uploading issues!

B. Original stone measurements as follows:
Mercury: 1.5mm white sapphire
Venus: 2mm yellow sapphire
Earth: 3.5mm blue cabochon sapphire
Mars: 1.7mm red-orange sapphire
Jupiter: 7mm pink/gray spinel
Saturn: 6mm catseye
Uranus: 5.5ishmm light blue sapphire
Neptune: 4.9mm dark blue sapphire
Pluto: 1.4mm Alex

C. Sketches with me experimenting with sizes of stones. The original sizes are at the very top - it's my starting point.

A. Final sketch. Stone sizes are as follows:
Mercury: 1.5mm white sapphire
Venus: 2mm yellow sapphire
Earth: 3.5mm blue cabochon sapphire
Mars: 1.7mm red-orange sapphire
Jupiter: 7mm pink/gray spinel
Saturn: 5mm catseye
Uranus: 4mm light blue sapphire
Neptune: 4mm dark blue sapphire
Pluto: 1.4mm Alex

The length of these stones lined up would be about 30.1mm, reaching a little bit over half of the circumference of your finger.

You'll see that I added 6 1.5mm yellow diamonds to either side, somewhat similar to some Mociun designs I've seen. If it were my ring, I'd probably leave them on the small planet side, and remove them from the gas planet side, just so the length of each side is a little bit more balanced around Jupiter. I changed the sizes of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, making them smaller. The thing that bothered me about the proportions of the sketch B is that the 4 big gas planets are almost the same size, losing an engagement ring feel, and moving to a 4 stone ring feeling - the ring would always rotate so that those stones are on top, and the smaller planets would always be hiding between you fingers.

I also made Venus be the 2mm stone because I like the graduation between Earth and Mercury better, than having an abrupt 2mm difference between Venus and Mercury.

Design ideas:

Metal: You haven't talked about metals yet, but I would totally go for yellow gold, to symbolize the sun, because it's a yellow dwarf star. The sun's gravitational force is what keeps the planets circling around it, just as the metal would hold the stones to it.

However, not having seen the 7mm stone, I would lean towards white or rose gold for it, depending on what suited it the best.

Mociun Inspiration: I think that this is hard. There are a couple things I have noticed about Mociun, and those are:
A. Colors
B. Center stone

A. The colors of each Mociun piece seem to be very well thought out. The brightly colored stones tend to be smaller, and they typically stick with 2-3 colors that are consecutive or complementary on the color wheel.
B. There is always a center stone, and the emphasis is on it. While the rings are NOT symmetric in size, color or shape, there is always graduation of the stones from the center, allowing the center stone to be the main event.

I don't have a problem with the colors - the stones actually seem to be sticking with primary reds, yellows and blues, which is another reason I mention yellow gold.
Keeping the emphasis on the center stone is key. Right now, it's a social norm that people have engagement bands or engagement solitaires (plus or minus a halo), and anything else is not really embraced. Because it's an engagement ring, I'd like to see the center stone stand out a bit - I think it's an interesting stone (from the description!), and it's a really good size for an engagement ring.

Some of the more "out there" Mociun designs came to mind for this design, but it'd take more thought and be a bit less straightforward.

Other: I added 6 yellow diamond melee, and that's kind of a continuation of the yellow gold/sun. This could very easily be ignored to changed. With the addition of these stones, it takes the circumference of the stones to about 39mm, which is a bit excessive if you are just looking for your finger to be covered. No one would really see those stones but you.

I'm kind of excited about this project. I've been dying to make my own Mociun inspired ring, but I never seem to have the cash, it's always tied up in other jewelry projects. Lol!




I love your sketches; I was just about to starting drawing circles using my mm stencil and line up the different stones but you've already done it. :appl:
Hahaha!!! Thanks Chrono!! Circles are easy with a circle template, it's the other shapes that drive me nuts!!
This is absolutely amazing. I am blow away. I have a busy day at work, so don't know if I can check in until this evening, but this is spectacular. I'll be thinking about it all day.
Ugh I wrote a post but it got eaten. Anyway, I have a minute still, so let me try again.

I totally agree with Freke about the sizing and proportions. I think you've really cracked the formula. I just don't have that eye for isolating and zeroing in on the main details. Nor do I have the drafting ability (or templates). Amazing and thank you!

I was vacillating between yg and rg, but you've convinced me to go with yg. I might change my mind if the final ensemble seems to really beg for rg.

I love the idea of yellow diamonds! I'm not sure if it will be in the budget (spatial or financial) for the e-ring, but I think maybe for the wedding band?

I like the idea of going larger for Earth and smaller for Venus. I don't have all the options on hand yet, but I'm definitely leaning towards that at the moment.

But... In terms of the downsizing the gas planets, the Uranus sapphire had sentimental value to me. Part of the appeal of this project is to use unset stones with memories attached together with new since purchased by my boyfriend. I'm hoping I can make it work. Oh, also, I'm not sure it 5.5mm. It might be more like 5.2. I thought it was around 5mm, but it's quite a bit larger than the Neptune, which I know is 4.9mm.

A question would be, what if the height of the Saturn were lower? Would that provide the needed taper next to Jupiter? It seems like most catseyes are oval anyway. I'm thinking 4mmx6mm, turned east-west. Of course it would go back up to 5+mm at Uranus, but maybe that would showcase Jupiter to the eye?

I'll take pictures tonight, but I'd say the colors if the gas planets aren't exactly primary. Uranus is light blue with some green and gray. Neptune is dark blue with green, almost has an indicolite quality. The Uranus looks great with the Jupiter and the Neptune this great with the Uranus. The terrestrial planets are more primary colored, but I think it all works together. I think it's a good balance between representing the planets and looking good in its own right.

I am worried about the Saturn. I'm not sure how a yellow-green or grayish alexandrite will look. Light gray mauve/green might actually work in the flow of the gas planets. Then again, yellow/green might better connect to the terrestrial planet side. Maybe the yellow diamond idea would help to integrate a yellower catseye?
Oh, here is a pic I forgot I had on my phone of Jupiter, Uranus Neptune, and the sentimental Mars option (I have an orangier one coming). I have the larger/cab earth and the larger Venus at home. Please ignore my gross hands. Its been a stressful week at work. Also IRL, the Jupiter looks pinker and the Uranus and Neptune have more harmony despite the difference in dark/light. What is that called, tone?
Trying again[attachment=-1]uploadfromtaptalk1398463150416.jpg[/attachment]

I don't know if I can make this work now, but I'll try later
OK here they are with the 3.5mm cab Earth and the 3.5mm Venus.

I love cab earth. It's even a little included, which is perfect.

The yellow really throws it off IMO, and the faceted yellow really overpowers the blue cab. So that is definitely not my Venus. Too bad as it's really pretty and described as untreated! Oh well. It was, like, $7. There is a smaller one coming. We'll see if that works better.

Now I'm thinking about getting a 2.5mm white diamond for Venus. It's the brightest star in the sky and described as white or yellow. Plus it's just one less color to deal with. That way, the terrestrial planet side will be white sapphire, white diamond, blue cab sapphire, ruby. Fairly neutral.

Still, I'm worried about the Saturn. I wound love to find a nice green chrysoberyl or alexandrite. I'm worried yellow isn't going to work. Thoughts?[attachment=-1]uploadfromtaptalk1398471562330.jpg[/attachment]

I agree, smaller or diamond Venus. That little earth is so cute!
These pics of the actual stones help tremendously. The colors are even more interesting than I hoped, so I think you could have a really cool idea here. Weekends are typically pretty busy for me, but I can whip out the sketchbook at night sometimes. I could play with the other idea I had, but it might not be for a few days. It's in my head, just not on paper!

As far as a cats eye, I think I'd go with something that leans more gray-ish to go with the colors of the stones that you have. When do you expect the other stones to arrive?

(I really love the vibrant yellow of the sapphire! Even if you don't end up using it!)

Yellow diamond melee is typically pretty cheap, so long as you stick with fancy light yellow or so. It's the vivid yellows that get more expensive, but since they should be small, and there aren't a lot of them, they probably wouldn't be much more expensive than other gems that size. You could also do irradiated, which would be very cheap and very vibrant yellow....
Thanks, Freke! If you have time and inclination, I'd love to see what's in your head! No pressure of course! Just if it's fun to you! And no rush. I don't know when the other stones (Mercury, alt Venus, alt Earth, alt Mars, Pluto) will come in. I ordered them from Multicolour and didn't pay for the faster delivery because it was more than the cost of the stones. Then, like two weeks later, my boyfriend had the idea of the cab Earth, and he ordered it and the larger Venus. He ordered it and them and of course sprung for the extra postage and they came right away! If only it had all been one order. OH WELL! They should be here in a week or so, I hope!

The bright yellow Venus is growing on me. I still think it might overshadow the earth too much, but I kinda like it!

Ok, I am open to the yellow melee. There is also the option to add a Ceres/Asteroid Belt between Jupiter and Mars. Not sure what that would be, but maybe the melee could go there?

The most pressing need right now-- the one I am really confused about, is Saturn. I totally agree that grayish might be the way to go. But I want a pretty gray, especially since it's a large component. It's really hard to shop for these guys as they seem not to photograph very well. I was thinking that if I went with maybe the yellow Venus and added some yellow melee, I could integrate a yellow chrysoberyl? A minty or milky forresty green might be the way to go?

For size and shape of Saturn, that's even more confusing for me. Here are some options, as I see it (though TBH, I can't imagine any of the them, my brain just isn't very visual):
-Round, about 6mm or a bit under. This would have step down from Jupiter at 7mm, Saturn at <6mm, Uranus at >5mm, Neptune at <5mm. This might take up too much space on the gas planet side?
-Oval, set East-West. I would want it to be as short as possible, probably 5-6mm. The height, then, would probably be 3-4mm. This would give the effect of horizontal rings. It would look immediately tapered down from Jupiter, but then get taller again at Uranus. This happens on a smaller scale on the terrestrial planet side, with smaller Mars then bigger Earth. But it might look weird?
-Oval, set North-South. This would take up less length space on the on the already crowded gas planet side, but lose the horizontal rings effect. I could do one that is about 6mm tall (between the 7mm Jupiter and >5mm Uranus) but skinnier.
-Oval, set at angle. The benefit of this would be to take up less length space than East-West but preserve some of the look the look of horizontal rings.
Im a fan of the round cats eye. you could set the actual cats eye facing up and down, left to right, or at an angle.
This is so original, creative and brilliant! Can't wait to see it come to life!
I love your choice of stones and think that if you can make them all fit, it will be a lovely ring with a unique concept. But I worry that in order to make them fit, they will be wrapping around your finger with the result that they will not be so visible, unless your fingers are spread. :(sad
I had a couple ideas when I had my sketchbook out again, but then the lights got turned out on me, and Game of Thrones was turned on. But it would entail a different idea....I'm going to poke around on the computer, since I can do that with the lights out. :naughty:

It's a bit of a deviation from what we've been talking about though.
I like the colour combinations you have so far. Yes, I would go with Multicolour for this project due to cost and the smaller size you need.
My 5 stone has a 6mm, 2 4.5, and 2 3.5 stones and I wear a loose 7.25. The side hits perfectly between my two fingers with my fingers closed. Hope that helps.
I love the planetary colors you have chosen as well. :))
Very cool idea!

One thought that came to mind--your edge stones, and Pluto if you hide it on the bottom, may get more wear since they're more apt to be on the "working" side of your hand when the ring turns. Keep that in mind for those stones (and their corresponding hardness & toughness).

When I saw you first post an idea of Alexandrite for Pluto, and that you might put it on the bottom, I started to get worried. Of course, you can always do what you like, but I wouldn't put a real alex down there ;)

Actually, now that I think of it, a black or black-green jade might be cool for Pluto--Jade is the toughest stone out there (tougher, but not harder, than diamond), so it's be well suited for the bottom of a ring. Also, since Pluto was recently kicked out of the planets lineup, it's more of a black sheep, so with all these pretty colored translucent stones, you've got Pluto at the bottom, completely opaque and sulking :blackeye:
Freke: ooooh yes please yes please yes please!!!

Chrono: yep. So far so good!

Niel: thanks, that helps!

Minousbijoux: thanks!

Upcyclist: hmmm very good point! Isn't alexandrite pretty hard? And sapphire, too? But I do like the jade idea!!
I've read many stories about diamond melees in eternity style rings or bands getting chipped on the underside. This part of the ring gets banged around the most (grabbing hard objects, carrying things, etc). Alexandrite is softer than diamond, so they will fare even poorer.
Chrono|1398775351|3662564 said:
I've read many stories about diamond melees in eternity style rings or bands getting chipped on the underside. This part of the ring gets banged around the most (grabbing hard objects, carrying things, etc). Alexandrite is softer than diamond, so they will fare even poorer.

Plus, if I spent the money on alex, I sure wouldn't want it hidden on the side of the ring! :lol:
Well, my Alex is teensie and under $20. I haven't actually seen it yet.

Nevertheless, I definitely have to rethink the Alexandrite thing. I do love the idea of a special secret Pluto. But put it closer to the gas planets, space providing. Or maybe do wedding band with all the dwarf planets, maybe even adding more as they are discovered.

The other day my boyfriend was like, "wouldn't it be cool if we had earth's moon?" I was like, "yes but nooooo!"

Also, now this is insane, last night I dreamed that I found a pile of gems, included the perfect catseye, next to a hot tub on a mountain top!
quaxie said:
Well, my Alex is teensie and under $20. Not that I would want to mistreat it. I haven't actually seen it yet.

Nevertheless, I definitely have to rethink the Alexandrite thing. I do love the idea of a special secret Pluto. But put it closer to the gas planets, space providing. Or maybe do wedding band with all the dwarf planets, maybe even adding more as they are discovered.

The other day my boyfriend was like, "wouldn't it be cool if we had earth's moon?" I was like, "yes but nooooo!"

Also, now this is insane, last night I dreamed that I found a pile of gems, included the perfect catseye, next to a hot tub on a mountain top!

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