
How much do you drink?

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Apr 30, 2005
I average one glass of red wine a day.
I''m not drinking these days, but prior to getting pregnant I didn''t drink much either. Really only when we went out socially.
I average one glass of white wine a day.
Date: 3/28/2010 2:55:38 PM
I average one glass of red wine a day.

I hope this isn''t in reference to my Sue Ellen quote! lol

I don''t drink during the week. I will have a couple of drinks on a Friday and Saturday nights. Normally a couple of glasses of red wine with dinner. Very occasionally, if out, I will have a vodka and coke or a cocktail. Unfortunately i don''t get out much these days! drink a week, on average? Usually a bit of wine with dinner. I usually have about 2 or 3 sips of my husband''s glass, since red wine tends to upset my stomach, even though I love it.
Not much of a drinker, a lemon drop here and there... social.
I usually go out for drinks once every week or two. When I do I typically have 2 drinks max. I''m a lightweight though so that''s enough to get me drunk!
A few beers per week. One or two out at the bar with friends after Ultimate, and then one or two if I go out with friends on the weekend. I very rarely drink more than 2 drinks in a night.
Um, I had a glass of wine w/my brother and his girlfriend in December, a glass w/him in when he was back in September and..I think I had a beer or 2 when he was back last May. Not much for drinking anymore.
SO and I homebrew our own beer (mostly SO, I''m still getting into it- I like drinking it more than making it) and are both very interested in the culture and science behind beer. For my fellow Americans here - I urge you to step outside of the box we have been put in by Bud and Miller... there is SO much more out there!!!! And if you learn about beer while you expand your horizons it become a really interesting hobby.

I probably have 1 drink every other day during the week (depending on what we have brewed, how I''m feeling, etc) and then will drink socially usually one of the two weekend evenings which can consist of 2 or more drinks (not getting belligerent or anything though). I used to drink more wine but really like wine from a freshly opened bottle and since SO doesn''t drink much wine I tend not to finish the bottle before it goes bad.
Maybe once a month.
4 shots of Cognac every Friday night.
never had a beer in my life.
At the very most, 2 drinks a week and usually on Friday/Saturday. Could be wine, beer or a martini. Sometimes, if I''m cooking a fancy meal, we''ll open a bottle of wine and have a glass in the middle of the week.
Date: 3/28/2010 2:58:30 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
I''m not drinking these days, but prior to getting pregnant I didn''t drink much either. Really only when we went out socially.

This. Maybe once or twice a year for me, and never very much, except back in my party days.
At least two lovely manhattans every evening and more on social occasions.
not enough!
I don''t drink. I used to in my younger days, though. I stopped when I had kids, and just lost my taste and desire for it I guess. Also, alcoholism runs in my family, so I just think I''m better off not going there now.
2 drinks a night seems more or less average ... could be two glasses of wine with dinner, or a few cocktails with friends after work. Some nights it''s nothing, some nights it''s more, but the happy average is 2.
I don''t
Neither does DS
We both have our reasons
I don''t drink anymore. I don''t drink any less, either... (hic)

Seriously, I don''t drink. Alcohol wears me out. I get an instant headache. Hangovers are not my friend. I''d like a great black coffee, though.
I only drink on special occasions nowadays, though every once in a while I''ll open a bottle of wine and have a glass or two (usually when using the wine to cook with). Maybe an average of 3-4 times a month.
I go out with dh maybe every 4 or 5 months, we get the bug to go see a good local band and kick back and have a couple of cocktails (hence my hangover thread lol) But otherwise we don''t drink. If we have friends in from out of town we''ll go out to dinner and I usually get salmon with a glass of Riesling :) This doesn''t happen too often either though :) I''ve read a glass of red wine a day is healthy, but to be honest, I''d rather just have a smoothy or a latte from starbucks. Hi, my name is smurfy and I''m a
latte-aholic (especially skinny cinnamon dolce lattes

I just had the best idea, they should put starbucks in bars so that I can just order that when we go out!!! With a couple of cheese danishes
Oh man I might have to go to starbucks today lol
A glass of wine Friday night/Saturday with our Sabbath meals, and maybe one more in the middle of the week if we''re celebrating something or if I''ve cooked a special meal. Or if it''s been particularly stressful. But I never have more than a glass at a time and not more than 2-3 glasses per week.

I only drink light sweet wine - I don''t like the taste of anything more alcoholic than that.
Hmm, I have a beer or a glass of wine whenever we go out for dinner. We probably go out specifically just for drinks (at the bar we''re "regulars" at) about once/month. When FI and I met we were heavily drinking about 4 or 5 nights/week. It was bad. We''d close the bars down at 2:00 am and get up for work 4 hours later. I shudder just thinking those days now.

FI will have a glass of red wine or a Fat Tire most nights of the week with supper. Unless I''m in a restaurant or drinking specifically to get drunk, I just prefer to avoid alcohol all together. I feel dehydrated in the morning after just one drink and it''s basically calories I don''t need.
I''m not much of a drinker. I''ve been what they call "tipsy" two or three times. I''ve never been drunk.

At happy hours I usually have one drink. If I think I''m going to be there longer than 2 hours, I''ll have 2 drinks.

At nightclubs I will have maybe 1 drink and that''s rare. I spend the whole time dancing and since clubs are crowded, it gets hot fast. Alcohol makes it worse. Plus I don''t like standing around to have a drink and I don''t like drinking on the dance floor.

At parties if I think FI will drink a lot, I''ll have one. If he won''t drink, I''ll have 2 or 3.

I drink at home on the weekend maybe once a month. Usually on days where we''re just going to watch a movie and have dinner.

I don''t believe in drunk driving obviously but I also don''t think its smart to drive tipsy or just buzzed so I make it an obligation to always stay sober and drive everyone home. I''ve done that since I was legally allowed to drink and I guess because of it, I''ve never really grown a taste for alcohol. I just ventured from malibu and pineapple juice to margaritas
It varies, but on average 1-2 times a month, and usually only one glass of wine. Maybe two if I''m feeling naughty.
Uhh, too much?

I used to drink one to two drinks on weekdays, and I'd often have two to three on weekends. However, after developing some pudge around the middle I've cut back to no alcohol on weekdays and still have my two to three drinks on weekends. I was more worried about the empty calories than the alcohol, but I suppose cutting out some alcohol won't kill me either

Generally I drink wine (white or red, but more red since it's still cold outside) and beer (microbrew type stuff, not lite, which unfortunately have a lot of calories). I don't drink hard alcohol really, but I do like a homemade margarita once in a while.

I wish I was a lightweight like some of you! Occasionally I'll have up to 5 drinks (aka a bottle of wine) by myself over the course of a long evening (maybe 5 or 6 hours), but anymore than that and I am definitely hung over.
We rarely go out specifically to drink. We have many local breweries with great craft beer around here. I''ll have a fruity wheat beer or two. I don''t drink at the house at all.

So, not very much, at all.

Although in the summer I do enjoy Mojitos, white wine, etc...
None right now since I''m pregnant. Normally, hardly ever. Once or twice a year and not much because I can''t handle it.
Date: 3/28/2010 4:55:23 PM
Author: Smurfyimproved
I go out with dh maybe every 4 or 5 months, we get the bug to go see a good local band and kick back and have a couple of cocktails (hence my hangover thread lol) But otherwise we don''t drink. If we have friends in from out of town we''ll go out to dinner and I usually get salmon with a glass of Riesling :) This doesn''t happen too often either though :) I''ve read a
I agree with you on the salmon and glass of Riesling!!! This is my weekend treat at least three times a month. Last night I branched out to Chicken Picatta with a glass of Riesling. Heavenly. I never drink except for that indulgence. Too many calories.
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