
How Many People Got Engaged


Sep 23, 2011
on your FB this week? Feel free to rant and whine, even if you're pulling this thread up years later.

I had two this past weekend.

One girl has been in a breakup/makeup/engaged/breakup/married/etc… KEEPS ON CHANGING HER DAMNED RELATIONSHIP STATUS ON FB.. deletes the guy, adds him back.. That whole whirlwind. Yeah. She's engaged again. No photos of rings. I'm calling BS due to her history.

Another girl is one year younger than I am. No photos of her ring, either.

*SIGH. SO, what's taking you so long :angryfire:


May 28, 2012
This is hilarious because I always bitch about all the other people getting engaged on my fb!

One girl yesterday. A coworker of mine. I think they've been together forever and she's a year younger than me. And she's also gorgeous. Damn her!! :angryfire:

Another coworker last month too! My age as well.

This is an ongoing issue for me. :lol:


Dec 23, 2010
This week, none ( so far). But I also did a list cleaning of about 10 people, so who knows. :lol:

Thank god, because I don't think I could handle it right now. I


Dec 23, 2010
madelise|1351042726|3291166 said:
*SIGH. SO, what's taking you so long :angryfire:

No kidding. There's been no talk about it, nada. I've been good, and not brought it up. But it's KILLING me.


May 28, 2012
MBKRH|1351047422|3291218 said:
madelise|1351042726|3291166 said:
*SIGH. SO, what's taking you so long :angryfire:

No kidding. There's been no talk about it, nada. I've been good, and not brought it up. But it's KILLING me.
Teach me your ways!

I guess its been so hard to never bring it up for me since I'm shopping for my diamond right now. I always wanna bring it up. :cheeky:


Sep 23, 2011
lin_ny|1351050264|3291231 said:
MBKRH|1351047422|3291218 said:
madelise|1351042726|3291166 said:
*SIGH. SO, what's taking you so long :angryfire:

No kidding. There's been no talk about it, nada. I've been good, and not brought it up. But it's KILLING me.
Teach me your ways!

I guess its been so hard to never bring it up for me since I'm shopping for my diamond right now. I always wanna bring it up. :cheeky:

Then you get used to talking about it all the time, since you're doing the purchasing.
Then you'll talk about it MORE when you're trying to figure out the setting.
Then it's done: it's purchased. He has it. You're stuck. No more conversations!
Then you have to wean yourself to not talking about it.
Then you're silent, and suffering.
But, since the 'rents know, THEY bring it up.
And you're still silently suffering. AGHHH.

I'm on a "Shutup Pact" until Dec. 5th. I won't go into the X-rated details, but a mini-timeline has been made. Our 3rd year anniversary is about a week AFTER, and he knows I hate cliche anniversary/holiday proposals, so I'm hoping he sticks to that timeline. I will NOT pressure him. I will NOT pressure him. I WILL NOT PRESSURE HIM!!! Until after the 5th of December :bigsmile: But.. I am allowed to talk about OTHERS' engagements and wedding plans, our stuff, just not the actual, "SO WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO PROPOSE/WHY HAVENT YOU PROPOSED YET?!" interrogation. He has peace until the 5th, the 5th, the 5th of December…. and if he doesn't do it by then, I'll be one angry girlfriend! :angryfire: Let the interrogations commence!!! LOL!

His mother went to a family wedding this last weekend, and she is in wedding mode. I'm hoping she sparks a fire under his a$$!


May 9, 2012
Madelise, I'm so EXCITED for you! Good luck with the no-engagement-talk plan! You might find it refreshing to kind of 'put it away' so to speak for a short while.

As for this FB engagement business I hear about all the time on LIW.. is there something in the water where you all live or something?? I can only recall two engagements since I got FB years ago!

I'll bet it has the potential to really screw with your LIWitis, so glad to be flying under that radar!


Sep 23, 2011
Yes, something must be in the water.
A guy I dated in high school just got engaged..

FML -______-


May 15, 2012
madelise|1351052645|3291240 said:
lin_ny|1351050264|3291231 said:
MBKRH|1351047422|3291218 said:
madelise|1351042726|3291166 said:
*SIGH. SO, what's taking you so long :angryfire:

No kidding. There's been no talk about it, nada. I've been good, and not brought it up. But it's KILLING me.
Teach me your ways!

I guess its been so hard to never bring it up for me since I'm shopping for my diamond right now. I always wanna bring it up. :cheeky:

Then you get used to talking about it all the time, since you're doing the purchasing.
Then you'll talk about it MORE when you're trying to figure out the setting.
Then it's done: it's purchased. He has it. You're stuck. No more conversations!
Then you have to wean yourself to not talking about it.
Then you're silent, and suffering.
But, since the 'rents know, THEY bring it up.
And you're still silently suffering. AGHHH.

I'm on a "Shutup Pact" until Dec. 5th. I won't go into the X-rated details, but a mini-timeline has been made. Our 3rd year anniversary is about a week AFTER, and he knows I hate cliche anniversary/holiday proposals, so I'm hoping he sticks to that timeline. I will NOT pressure him. I will NOT pressure him. I WILL NOT PRESSURE HIM!!! Until after the 5th of December :bigsmile: But.. I am allowed to talk about OTHERS' engagements and wedding plans, our stuff, just not the actual, "SO WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO PROPOSE/WHY HAVENT YOU PROPOSED YET?!" interrogation. He has peace until the 5th, the 5th, the 5th of December…. and if he doesn't do it by then, I'll be one angry girlfriend! :angryfire: Let the interrogations commence!!! LOL!

His mother went to a family wedding this last weekend, and she is in wedding mode. I'm hoping she sparks a fire under his a$$!

THIS! OMG, this is my life right now. Today marks one month since I gave him the ring. ONE MONTH down, possible 11 more to go. FML. :angryfire:
I am trying so hard to be good.

Ahhhh! I am so glad you put this up Madelise.
There have been 4 people in the past week on my FB. I want to scream and have a temper tantrum. But I won’t. At least not for a couple months.
My FB friends that got engaged…
A girl I used to work with. She was engaged to this guy before. Then he cheated on her. A LOT. Then they broke up and now they are back together and engaged. Smart. :nono:
A girl I went to HS with. Her BF put the ring in the 9th hole when they were golfing and then had their families waiting in the club house with champagne. Sweet! :love:
A girl I went to HS with… don’t know the details but her ring is a band of diamonds and sapphires. It would be pretty but she posted where he got it and I no longer liked it.
Yes, I am evil. :twisted:
The other girl and her BF had been together for like 4 years and she just moved a long way to be with him so I kind of knew it was coming.
Yeah, really bad week for me on FB.


Mar 18, 2007
6. 6 couples (not people - couples) got engaged this weekend. And 2 annoucned pregnancies. Meanwhile, I still can't figure out a way to be in the same country as my BF. I'm less bitter about this today than I was earlier this week. Not by much, but at least that's something.


Dec 23, 2010
lin_ny|1351050264|3291231 said:
MBKRH|1351047422|3291218 said:
madelise|1351042726|3291166 said:
*SIGH. SO, what's taking you so long :angryfire:

No kidding. There's been no talk about it, nada. I've been good, and not brought it up. But it's KILLING me.
Teach me your ways!

I guess its been so hard to never bring it up for me since I'm shopping for my diamond right now. I always wanna bring it up. :cheeky:

I wish I could tell ya. I'm just going to go with the idea that the more you talk about it, the longer it'll take him to propose. I was ALWAYS talking about it with my ex. Directly, indirectly.... You name it, I was talking about it. So, this time around, my lips are sealed.


Sep 23, 2011
princesss|1351087116|3291352 said:
6. 6 couples (not people - couples) got engaged this weekend. And 2 annoucned pregnancies. Meanwhile, I still can't figure out a way to be in the same country as my BF. I'm less bitter about this today than I was earlier this week. Not by much, but at least that's something.



Oct 2, 2008
madelise, you already know my figure but I'll put it out here for the others. I have had ELEVEN engagements on my FB in the last 2-3 weeks. Yes, ELEVEN. Also, 3 announced pregnancies, and 2 friend's celebrating wedding anniversaries (over 3 years of marriage each).

Andrew has had the ring since mid May...just a few more weeks and we'll be at the six month mark. As little as 6-8 weeks to go, as long as 8ish months. Ugh. I'm dying.


Oct 17, 2012
Not this week, but lately it has been the younger siblings of my friends/friends of my younger siblings. Let me tell you, that stings!

The worst time I ever had was earlier this year when a couple we are close with announced their engagement one day before our 7 year anniversary. They were together less than a year at the time. And they're a good couple, so I was happy, just bitter as hell. Then, a month later, my best friend announced her engagement to her BF of less than a year (another good couple, so no drama there), on the same day as a couples' shower AND a surprise engagement party for other friends. Don't get me wrong, I was happy for all of them, but I just about had a total meltdown with BF :angryfire:


Jul 18, 2010
I have only had one FB friend get engaged in the last week but about 6 or so in the last few months.. Everytime I login though I almost expect a pregnancy announcement, wedding photos, or engagement status to pop up.. sigh..
This past year has been crazy too with close friends getting married, pregnant or engaged. The past two months I have been to two stagettes, 1 wedding, 1 bridal shower, and 1 baby shower! eek..


Dec 13, 2009
I have had three within the past few weeks. Two of them have been with their BF's about as long as I have been with BF. The other girl has been with her FI about 2 or 3 years I think.

audball, I would be dying if I saw 11 engagements on my FB. All that happened to me when I was still in school. I'm one of the few who isn't married or engaged yet. I swear when I was in school, someone got engaged every week! It drove me absolutely nuts!


Oct 2, 2008
MayFlowers|1351453850|3294237 said:
audball, I would be dying if I saw 11 engagements on my FB. All that happened to me when I was still in school. I'm one of the few who isn't married or engaged yet. I swear when I was in school, someone got engaged every week! It drove me absolutely nuts!
Yeah....I'm going a little batty.


Sep 23, 2011
I swear, half my classmates are engaged or married.. and the majority of the grad students are married. I almost think that the school has a positive bias for married students… :angryfire: You think that's a good excuse for SO to propose sooner? :tongue: I JUST WANT MY BLING.


Aug 15, 2011
I was one of those who has a FB whirlwind, makeup breakup, in relationship/ was obnoxious. But it came down to whe we were together he was telling me he wanted to be with me, wanted the forever, and when we werent together, well, he was downright misleading. And it came down to FB..not saying he was is relationship, not posting on my wall..I know that it sounds juvenile, but it was in fact because he was hiding a marriage AND another relationship all while living and being "engaged" to me. I could not for the life of me figure out what was the piece that was so wrong when everything else felt in place..and yup. That was it. Figured it out a few days before Christmas last year..and I had him move out. He asked me to keep the ring, it was a craigslist find and it turns out that he actually lied to me about how much he made, which was much, much, much more than he was saying, and it was a drop in the bucket for him. He had a house with all the toys, a smart, educated wife, and another relationship besides AND another was incredibly hard for me to understand the mastery of what he was doing. His wife had no idea, his girlfriend (who he is still with, has no idea.) and Ive spent the last 10 months picking up the pieces and moved on in life...but it took a while mentally to wrap my head around it, and is still taking a while why this smart cookie got completely blindsided. But that brings me to the FB a 30 something woman I should have never sucked myself into that mess..and it turns out my prince was a complete probably wont last for your friend, as it did not for me..although Im glad now to know.

What I do know is that its hard when all you want is to be married and have that life with your significant other..but make sure you dont lose sight of the fact that you have found your perfect person for you, and that is a miracle for every person that is lucky enough to find that.


Sep 17, 2009

I just wanted to say I am so sorry for what must have been a very heart breaking situation for you to go through.


Oct 2, 2008
Another one on my FB tonight. That makes 12. In one month. I averaged 3 a week this month. Good Lord was October not nice to me. I suspect November and December will be just as high (if not higher) with the holidays. God help me.


Sep 23, 2011
Sorry, NTave.. but I'm glad you're done with that now.

Titian :wavey: HELLO? Where have you been, girl? Any updates for you??

Poo, Aud :angryfire: The holidays are going to be hard on all of us.


Dec 23, 2010
Oh NTave, that's terrible! I am so sorry you had to go through something like that. As you said, it's good that you know now, rather than later down the line. I can't believe the nerve of some guys. :angryfire:

I agree, Aud and mad. I'm dreading facebook for the next few months.

As far as annoying updates this week:
My ex's (the second one) little sister just BOUGHT a house with her bf. She's 23. Oooooh man, talk about salt in an open wound. (There's no bad blood w/me and this ex, we dated for about 4 years from when I was 18-22, so young love, with no expectations of a future together). Anyways, when I saw that update, my blood just started to boil. M and I would love to get a house. We hate renting. But we're underemployed, I'm carrying extensive debt, and his credit is pretty crappy. Mine isn't much better, thanks to my debt-to-income ratio. :blackeye:

The second update was my friend (engaged for like, 3 years or whatnot) just got her ring from her fiance. I was confused, 'cause I know that he gave her one initially. Turns out it was a family ring, and just temporary. So, she has HER ring now. But, all the blingy pictures didn't help matters any, regardless of the sitch.

And I guess the third bombshell would be M's coworker just proposed to (another) coworker. That's a total sham though, seein' as how the guy comes from money, and the wench is a gold-digger. Match made in heaven, no doubt. :lol:


Oct 2, 2008
#13 last night. Twelve in October, this was the first in November. Sheesh.


Sep 23, 2011
audball|1352138191|3299130 said:
#13 last night. Twelve in October, this was the first in November. Sheesh.

Geez. Do you just happen to have ALOT of friends and acquaintances?! That's SO MANY!! :nono: What's in the water there! I'm kind of glad I won't have these distractions now that I'm off of FB for the next few weeks (even though I know I'll miss you ladies!).

The gal I mentioned in that rocky relationship, since my first, original post, has already been "single", and deleted the guy.. then added him, and are "engaged" once again. I wanted to screen print it to show ya'll, with private things blurred out.. but she deleted all her old "congratulations" comments! So it appears like none of that drama ever happened! :lol:

I needed this FB break. Less other relationship stalking, less picture stalking, less "check-in" stalking…. I hope I have a 4.0 quarter for being so "good"! :bigsmile: But it's not just for the health of my grades.. it's for the health of my relationship-sanity!


May 9, 2012
Good for you taking a break from the madness, madelise. The FB friend with the tumultuous relationship - what a saga! :lol:

Audball.. yikes! I would be removing everyone from my FB feed at this point!


Oct 2, 2008
madelise|1352142957|3299189 said:
audball|1352138191|3299130 said:
#13 last night. Twelve in October, this was the first in November. Sheesh.
Geez. Do you just happen to have ALOT of friends and acquaintances?! That's SO MANY!! :nono: What's in the water there! I'm kind of glad I won't have these distractions now that I'm off of FB for the next few weeks (even though I know I'll miss you ladies!).
Idk! I don't think I have that many FB friends comparatively to others that I know. There must definitely be something in the water!!


Oct 2, 2008
Chewbacca|1352151264|3299299 said:
Audball.. yikes! I would be removing everyone from my FB feed at this point!
Seriously. Some other people have recommended this too, but that seems so extreme. Unfortunately most of these people aren't close to me and are just people I have gone to school with, etc. Some of them I didn't even know where in relationships let alone relationships serious enough to consider marriage. Bleh.


May 9, 2012
audball said:
Chewbacca|1352151264|3299299 said:
Audball.. yikes! I would be removing everyone from my FB feed at this point!
Seriously. Some other people have recommended this too, but that seems so extreme. Unfortunately most of these people aren't close to me and are just people I have gone to school with, etc. Some of them I didn't even know where in relationships let alone relationships serious enough to consider marriage. Bleh.

Suuuuuucks! I guess I avoid this pain-in-the-a$$ because I have 40 FB friends! Ha ha. I have about 5 of them on my feed, I guess its easier to cull when there aren't many to begin with!


Oct 2, 2008
Chewbacca|1352152351|3299315 said:
audball said:
Chewbacca|1352151264|3299299 said:
Audball.. yikes! I would be removing everyone from my FB feed at this point!
Seriously. Some other people have recommended this too, but that seems so extreme. Unfortunately most of these people aren't close to me and are just people I have gone to school with, etc. Some of them I didn't even know where in relationships let alone relationships serious enough to consider marriage. Bleh.

Suuuuuucks! I guess I avoid this pain-in-the-a$$ because I have 40 FB friends! Ha ha. I have about 5 of them on my feed, I guess its easier to cull when there aren't many to begin with!
Wow! 40 isn't many at all. I have ~350. I didn't think that was a lot seeing as how many of the people I know have 1,000+. I had over 600 for awhile and went on a deleting spree.
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