
how do we know the stone is not the trade -up one?

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Jan 8, 2010
have read in a couple of posts that if report is old then it is probably an old stone which has be exchanged in trade should we always check the GIA, AGS report date to make sure the stone is not an old one & thetrade up one?
The vendor can (and they do) resubmit the trade-in for a new report. So a new report doesn''t guarantee that it''s not a trade-in.
Why would you care? Carbon is carbon.
so i dnt need to worry about it there is nothing i can do to find out if its old

All diamonds are old and many have been worn before. As long as they are not damaged (which would show up on the report or at the appraiser) they are fine.

Enjoy your search with one less thing to worry about.
Date: 1/30/2010 2:16:49 PM
have read in a couple of posts that if report is old then it is probably an old stone which has be exchanged in trade should we always check the GIA, AGS report date to make sure the stone is not an old one & thetrade up one?
Hi Earth,

There is really no way to know and with some vendors offering trade up policies which many customers take advantage of, it is in fact possible a diamond is a trade in. I can reassure you though that each diamond is evaluated extremely carefully and will go to its new owner if it is a trade up in top condition. I would be more concerned with a vendor I didn't know well than with one of the PS vendors, so really there is no need to worry!
If you’re concerned about the history of the piece, talk to your dealer about it. Although there is no test for the age of diamonds and they probably don’t know the history of every stone they’ve got, they can probably get you stones that have been recently mined and/or cut if this is important to you. The age of the lab documents is a clue, but it’s not really a very good one. Diamonds aren’t perishable and it’s not all that unusual for a stone to remain in a dealers inventory for years before it’s sold nor is it unusual for an older stone to be resubmitted for new paperwork. In the end, it doesn’t make any difference for most customers but if it does to you, talk to your jeweler and see what they can offer as a solution.

Neil Beaty
Professional Appraisals in Denver
Date: 1/30/2010 2:16:49 PM

have read in a couple of posts that if report is old then it is probably an old stone which has be exchanged in trade should we always check the GIA, AGS report date to make sure the stone is not an old one; the trade up one?


Some of those trade-ins were never set or worn. I bought a superb H&A RB diamond back in 2007 or so. I planned to put it in a particular setting I''d seen in a bridal magazine. Well, when I was unable to get that setting, I put the diamond in my safe deposit box and there it sat until 2 years later when I found a larger and higher color one to upgrade to. So, that particular diamond was as fresh as the day it left the store back in 2007. It had no bad karma, it had no wear and tear. The vendor sent it to GIA for a new report, marked it up $400 or so, took new photos, and resold it. I didn''t bother mounting it, because I figured rather then spend several thousand for a custom made mounting that might not be exactly like the discontinued style that I wanted, I''d just put the extra thousand$ into a larger diamond.
Thanks a lot! After reading your posts i guess there is no need to worry if it is old or new...i will concentrate on other important stuff now.
its irrelevant to me if its old or new-just that it is 1)what i want and 2) in perfect condition and 3)matches the report
If you want a never-owned diamond just talk to the vendors. They regularly buy diamonds directly from the cutters and thus would probably know whether a particular diamonds was "new".
Date: 1/31/2010 6:13:19 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
If you want a never-owned diamond just talk to the vendors. They regularly buy diamonds directly from the cutters and thus would probably know whether a particular diamonds was ''new''.

I would figure that, too, may not be a 100% indication of whether the stone came directly from a rough. I know at least one local jeweler who has sent a number of old, larger stones back to cutters for a more modern cut.

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