My budget was originally 30k but prices have been moving on me.
My budget was originally 30k but prices have been moving on me.
nfowife|1310148023|2964826 said:I think you can't go wrong with either one. I give the slight edge on CS to GOG, though. So I think you are making a fab decision! She is going to adore it!
IbrahimSS|1310160045|2965002 said:the JA stone gets a pretty bad HCA score
Christina...|1310411508|2966636 said:I'm in love with the GOG stone as well, but that of course is because I have more information about this stone than the others. GOG has a fantastic reputation as well, so it's a purchase you can feel comfortable about making. Very exciting! I can't wait to see how you set whichever you choose!
This will likely be the setting [URL=''][/URL]Christina...|1310411508|2966636 said:I can't wait to see how you set whichever you choose!