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Dec 2, 2005
Supposedly all of us should be going through a heat wave--I know I am. What is everyone doing to cope with the heat?
I''m trying to figure up a list of recipies for the week, and when I''m not at work (Mondays are off), I''m huddles directly in front of our teeny AC unit, which cannot cool the entire 1-room apt down (it is really rather puny) but does manage to create a cool spot directly in front of it.
we just hide inside with the A/C and shades drawn, and only go out for walks and things at night when it''s very hot.
we also tend to grill outside or just go get some tacos or something if we don''t want to heat up the kitchen with cooking. bah! or a yummy cold salad is fab too.

it was pretty hot yesterday where we are in N.CA... when we got home the house was 90 and it took 3 hours to cool down to 82!
RT, I wish I could huddle in front of the AC, but we only have two fans.
And one of them seems to be stolen by the dog. So, I''m looking forward to onion dip (not too healthy, but it''s SUMMER!), and the lemonade I tossed in the freezer. As for dinner, no idea. Maye a tuna salad, or something. :) Nice cool showers, and walks in the the shade (at least they have some breezes coming through!). I''m planning on eating a ton of the fruit I bought this weekend, too!
I can''t survive in heat. I''m a wimp, I admit it. Comes from living in So Cal near the beach all my life. While everyone is sweltering, it''s considered hot if we get somewhere in the 80''s. I feel warm in my apartment today, but it''s probably only in the 70s in here. No, I am not complaining...I feel lucky to live where the weather is so temperate!
I''ve been lazy and haven''t left my apartment all day. The city is brutal in this heat... you can see it coming out of the sidewalk!

My apartment is high up and has lots of windows and we normally keep all the blinds up because the view is awesome... but we had to lower all the blinds and turn the a/c on in a couple of rooms and keep the doors closed in those room to keep them cool. Our Con Ed bill is going to be crazy this month!!! Normally, I would deal with the heat, but I keep having guesome images of bad heat related things to my kitty.

I''m trying to think of light things to cook tonight since we''re overdosing on takeout and restaurants.
It''s a 100 here. Have the AC blasting and am having some nice chicken salad for dinner. Not cooking in this heat.
ooooh Mara..salad....I had half of a huge salad bowl of basically lettuce with some mushrooms in it for lunch. Surprisingly good--I REFUSE to turn on the oven!

Tonight--Ugh. Maybe tabouli---with something. What's good with tabouli besides falafel?

That onion dip with lemonade sound goooooooood. :-D

I miss my dad's swimming pool right about now!

How does your dog steal the fan?
We keep the central air thermostat set on 71 - 73 when we''re home and 76 for the animals while at work. Personally, I think it being at 76 is not ideal but comfortable. Bf is the one with the "OMG it''s hot in here!" anytime it''s set above 72.
My parent''s inground pool has helped a few times, too.

Down here in southern Illinois, the temp has been in the 90s with heat indexes in the 100s for the last few days and upcoming days as well.
haha starset, i think i am crazy because everyone i know keeps their air on something like 65-72 which to me is INSANELY COLD. *brrrr*

we only turn the air on when the house gets to 85 (that's my breaking point) and then we keep it at 80-82. 82 for nightime when we sleep and about 80 when we are moving around during the day. it's a total pet peeve when the house is too cold and i don't like cold air blowing directly on me.

but every time i tell someone we keep it at 80 they are like 'oh my god that's SO HOT'...hahah but to us it's perfect. i even asked greg 'are you too hot' in the house at 80 and he said he feels comfortable. so go figure?!

i would bring a jacket to your guys' house! heeh.
I just left the apartment to throw out the trash and it''s cooler in the hallway!!! I would keep my front door open if I thought it would help!
I don''t know about 80 but my choice would probably be 77-78. It''s quite a picture if you think about it. It''s 90 outside, the therm is at 72, he''s complaining about being sticky and I''m in wool socks, flannel pajama pants and a long sleeved henley.
We keep our condo at a crisp 68 degrees via the central air...that is the perfect temp for us...I think we must have been eskimo''s in our past
I live near Philadelphia, Pa. (not too far from Kaleigh). I''m staying indoors between 7am and 6 pm and giving the AC a workout.
It's over 100 here - almost 110 with the humidex!!!!!!
HOT! is right!

I try not to keep the ac on in the day and turn it on after supper when the sun is almost down. I like it around 78-80.

Drinking lots of cool drinks and wearing comfy clothes such as soft cotton summer dresses helps too!
Date: 7/17/2006 4:55:05 PM
Author: Dani
We keep our condo at a crisp 68 degrees via the central air...that is the perfect temp for us...I think we must have been eskimo's in our past

us too. Well around 72 during the day but I love it around 65-68 to sleep
otherwise I wake up hot and i hate that. hubby likes it cold to so it works for us.

ETA: we stay inside or go to the pool. to hot to do anything else when it's close to 100. I even get up at the crack of dawn to walk my dog b/c it's just too hot outside for her..
I like it HOT!
Well maybe not 100 degrees hot.

I drink lots of ice water & usually fix sandwiches on our George Forman grill
& serve w/ chips and salad. It''s too hot to grill outdoors when the temp plus heat index is well over 100.

Another refreshing treat - slice tomatoes, spray w/ garlic olive oil, top w/ basil leaf & fresh mozzerella - put in the fridge for about 1/2 hour.

Another easy summer food cooler: Boil elbow noodles till ala dente done. drain. run cold water on the noodles to cool them down. drain for a bit. In a large bowl shred 2-3 carrots, add the elbows - toss, mix in about 3 tablespoons of Hellmans mayo (more or less to your taste), grate Vidalia onion (to taste - but usually about 4 grates - the onion flavor will intensify so go easy until it all gels - you can add more then), add a bit of fresh parsley, mix all together - add a bit of sea salt, Refrigerate for a couple of hours. Stir again - and season to your own taste if needed. Serve w/ sliced down the middle grape tomatoes.
Date: 7/17/2006 4:56:31 PM
Author: Madam Bijoux
I live near Philadelphia, Pa. (not too far from Kaleigh). I''m staying indoors between 7am and 6 pm and giving the AC a workout.
Smart girl, this is the worst. Do you remember the summer of 1988?? I do because I had my daughter the end of May and it was a 100 degrees almost the whole summer!!! Ughhh.
I''d be bringing a sweater as well! We keep our air on 80-81 - during the night at about 77!

68-72 degrees in the house
I''d be turing on the heat!

I find that I stay the coolest w/ no shoes - just flip flops or sandles.
I keep our AC at 24... but we''re in Canada.
The heat outside is horrible. The thing I dislike here is how extreme the temperature difference is between summer and winter. Right now, it''s so hot that being outside is like holding your hand over a hot pan on the stove.

I''m not sure what that works out to, because metric and imperial is easy to remember, but when it comes to farenheight and celsius I can''t even remember which is which, let alone convert them!

It''s rice cakes with avocado and tomato or with salmon salad for me-- I''ve been eating it all week.
Date: 7/17/2006 5:06:02 PM
Author: Galateia
I keep our AC at 24... but we''re in Canada.
The heat outside is horrible. The thing I dislike here is how extreme the temperature difference is between summer and winter. Right now, it''s so hot that being outside is like holding your hand over a hot pan on the stove.

I''m not sure what that works out to, because metric and imperial is easy to remember, but when it comes to farenheight and celsius I can''t even remember which is which, let alone convert them!

It''s rice cakes with avocado and tomato or with salmon salad for me-- I''ve been eating it all week.
That''s about 75 degrees F
The remember the summer of 1996 was bad. I don''t deal too well with summer and would go out of my mind without AC.
RT, It''s a floor fan. and he''s a dachshund, so he stands in front of it. Not sit, not lie, STANDS. Stretches out in front of it.
Date: 7/17/2006 5:15:24 PM
Author: hlmr

Date: 7/17/2006 5:06:02 PM
Author: Galateia
I keep our AC at 24... but we''re in Canada.
The heat outside is horrible. The thing I dislike here is how extreme the temperature difference is between summer and winter. Right now, it''s so hot that being outside is like holding your hand over a hot pan on the stove.

I''m not sure what that works out to, because metric and imperial is easy to remember, but when it comes to farenheight and celsius I can''t even remember which is which, let alone convert them!

It''s rice cakes with avocado and tomato or with salmon salad for me-- I''ve been eating it all week.
That''s about 75 degrees F

Thanks! That does sound cool, I suppose, but the AC blows across the kitchen and down the hall (fans move the air around) and it''s still hot enough in our kitchen WITH the AC at 24/75 that we can''t keep butter on the counter because it melts into a puddle.

24 is what the AC is set to, so I imagine our apt is several degrees warmer than that.
Hahahahaha....I live in SF, right by the ocean, so it''s a comfortable 68 degrees here. Ahhh, natural air conditioning. I really do feel sorry for the rest of you though. It is freaking hot everywhere else.
edited - wrong thread
I despise the fact that despite my best efforts, it''s always even HOTTER in my house than it is outside. And after the worst of it goes away and it cools down house is still 10 -15 degrees HOTTER.
UG! We have a window AC unit but you have to park yourself directly in front of it to cool down - it can''t cool down the whole room.
This is our third day of 100 degree temps. We''re in the desert so it is a "dry heat", but many of us in this part of the southwest have evaporative coolers instead of refrigerated air due to the low humidity and they just don''t work as well when the temps get up there like this! It is a good excuse for ice cream!!!
I have air conditioning in my car, but English houses aren''t built with it, especially older places like mine. I am dreading tomorrow as they are forecasting highs of 95 degrees....HELP!
I do feel sorry for all you guys suffering from the heat even though I''m in Saudi Arabia and the heat here can be unbearable. We are used to the heat but I find it more difficult when I go home to the UK and it''s hot, because places are just not geared up for the heat and cars do not come with A/C as standard. Most houses don''t have A/C either.

At the moment it''s nearly 1pm and 109F outside. Hubby called half an hour ago to say he''s locked out of the house so I had to race out and drive home and back to work again. Today''s considered a warm day, so it''s not bad. There are many days when we reach 115F plus, but fortunately office and home are geared up for the heat. We have a/c running 24 hours a day everywhere. Even in winter time it seems to rarely get switched off for long as the days are very pleasant. When I go outside, I know when it''s really hot, usually when I breathe in and my nostrils burn. That''s when I know it''s above 115F. It''s seriously awful. A breeze here in the summer time is no different to a hairdyer switched on and turned on your face. I''d never have believed it before coming out to the Middle East. BUT, like I said, it''s bearable here because the country is geared up for the hot weather. I sympathise with you guys and especially because you''re having to pay A/C bills. Thank goodness the company here pays our bills, otherwise I''d have to fry or visit the shopping mall regularly for my A/C fix!
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