
Hope the President does a good job for USA


Aug 8, 2011
Yes, let's focus on Obama despite the fact that he hasn't been in office since January and we're now in August. Let's focus on Hillary's emails and whatever else she's done/touched despite the fact that she's not our president. Let's not focus on the current situation at hand. Just keep pointing to all the irrelevant sh*t you can find to drown out the real issues. I swear bombs will be falling on the US and there will still be Trump supporters saying oh but her emails/but Obama



Sep 10, 2003

The party of Lincoln is now the party of Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis and Southern slave owners who decided to kill fellow Americans so that they could keep men, women and children enslaved. The Republican Party, in other words, has obliterated its entire historical legacy and become the party of the Enemies of Lincoln.

And let’s be clear: Republicans cannot say, “That’s not us — that’s just President Trump.” They supported him, they elected him, they defended him and they gave him the aura of a normal presidency. They cannot be the party of Lincoln and be the party of Trump. In that vein, we can dispense with Republicans’ “outrage,” “frustration,” “anger” and all other meaningless expressions of internal sentiment. Unless and until they are prepared to do something — not just send tweets — to politically disown Trump, the party is toast and none of its members should be elected or reelected.

How would they do this? First, elected officials must deny Trump the audience he so desperately craves. They need not appear with him, nor invite him to the Hill. (The State of the Union can be delivered from the White House or in writing; he would besmirch the House by appearing there.) Lawmakers and state officials should not troop to the White House for photo ops. They can communicate with the White House by phone or through aides. In short, Trump must be shunned and ostracized. He is not fit for polite company, let alone the presidency. He has demolished the rules of civilized behavior, and therefore should enjoy none of the ceremonial niceties that are extended to normal presidents.

Second, beyond resolutions condemning Trump’s remarks, every member of Congress should do his or her utmost to remove the neo-Nazi iconography in their districts and states. Neo-Nazis have claimed the Confederacy as their own — and therefore have reminded the rest of us that the Confederate statues are not tributes to patriotism, gallantry or liberty but to treason, inhumanity and slavery. That is why neo-Nazis identify with these symbols of the Old South. That is why they have no place in a democratic society built on the principle that “All men are created equal.” State and local officials need to carefully examine school curriculum to make sure students are not confused as to the heroes and the villains in the Civil War. Every student should learn to spot and debunk the “Lost Cause” propaganda. Perhaps April 9 should be a national holiday commemorating the Confederacy’s surrender and the magnanimity displayed by President Abraham Lincoln and U.S. generals toward their defeated foes.

Third, Cabinet members, sub-Cabinet officials, staffers and outside participants on councils, commissions and committees must leave the administration. It’s not enough, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, to look on with a pained expression as the president declares that some of the white nationalists were “very fine” folks. He deceived you and others as to what he would say and he has shown himself unfit. You cannot serve in the administration of a neo-Nazi sympathizer. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, why stay in an administration in which you command so little respect and in which you must lend your own reputation to a disgraceful president? (Defense Secretary Jim Mattis should remain, a final backstop to prevent a military disaster.)

Fourth, Republicans must treat the president as they would someone not of their party — for he is not, to repeat, of the party of Lincoln. If Hillary Clinton refused to release her tax returns, hired unqualified relatives, kept business ventures that posed a conflict of interest and violated the Constitution’s emoluments clause, Republicans would commence hearings and pass legislation to put an end to all of it. It’s long past the time that Trump should be permitted to escape the kind of inquiry Republicans would insist upon for any Democratic president. By refusing to do so, the GOP is saying: “He’s one of ours. He’s a Republican, so we don’t rock the boat.”

Fifth, now would be a fine time for formation of a third party, one that can at the end of the Trump presidency repeal and replace the GOP. The Free Republican Party, the Appomattox Republicans (It cannot be said enough: The Confederates were losers) or whatever ex-Republicans in the center-right call themselves can endorse for office defectors from the GOP and reclaim Republicans who have disassociated themselves with the GOP thanks to Trump. Moderate Republican House members of the Tuesday Group, the new Centrist Project (dedicated to backing independent candidates), members of Stand Up Republic (founded by 2016 conservative independent presidential candidate Evan McMullin and his former running mate, Mindy Finn) and others have the chance to stake their claim as the true successors to the party of Lincoln. Those who have wrestled with the question as to whether the GOP could be reformed or whether it should be discarded in light of Trump’s GOP takeover have their answer. If they cannot disgorge him, they must start over.

In sum, Republicans’ words are insufficient and, at this point, insufferable. When we look back at this time, the only thing people will ask is: “What did you do?” Republicans will need a better answer than “I was outraged and gave tough quotes — on background.”


Mar 26, 2006
Hey -- I just realized it's Wednesday and Guam is still there. Guess there won't be any Big Boy Make His Nuke Toy Go Boom after all based on what I'm reading. Glad ONE crazy man decided to do something rational this week.


Feb 22, 2014
Yes, let's focus on Obama despite the fact that he hasn't been in office since January and we're now in August. Let's focus on Hillary's emails and whatever else she's done/touched despite the fact that she's not our president. Let's not focus on the current situation at hand. Just keep pointing to all the irrelevant sh*t you can find to drown out the real issues. I swear bombs will be falling on the US and there will still be Trump supporters saying oh but her emails/but Obama

@ABKIS, Whoa, :confused2: Gun control and Chicago is what was being referenced (as I'm sure you are referring to my post) Because Obama's name was mentioned as having the missed opportunity to improve the situation,(as he was also a Senator for our state) that makes me a Trump supporter?!! Kind of a huge and incorrect leap on your part! Please don't try to read more into that previous post than what is there.


Jan 22, 2017
@arkieb1 I've lived in the NW suburbs of Chicago for over 30 years. Illinois is a blue state, Chicago has been run by Democrats for DECADES. Illinois HAS gun laws. Why wouldn't Obama have done more about the gang shootings in Chicago? Why do you think that is? Do you think gun laws matter to the gang bangers who have no shortage of guns? It's not as simplistic as you think.

Why do you think the gun problem should be solved so quickly? It may take generations, but we have to start somewhere. Ban all gun sales nationwide immediately; make gun ownership illegal. If there are some guns (e.g. hunting shotguns) are allowed, increase the prices for bullets -- tax the hell out of it just like we tax cigarettes to support additional law enforcement. Start a voluntary turn-in program like they did in Australia. Conduct gun raids like they do drug raids; melt down all weapons found. Perhaps after years of hopefully declining gun numbers, we will eventually become a zero gun nation.

I have an uncle who collects guns, and I learned to shoot various weapons (handguns and rifles) when I was 10. I remember spending family Thanksgiving gatherings making wax bullets for target practice. So I'm not anti-gun; I just think it's gotten out of control in the US.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Why do you think the gun problem should be solved so quickly? It may take generations, but we have to start somewhere. Ban all gun sales nationwide immediately; make gun ownership illegal.
Yup, I can see it now...criminals lining up in front of police stations all over the U.S. just to turn in their guns...:roll2::wall:


Feb 22, 2014
Why do you think the gun problem should be solved so quickly? It may take generations, but we have to start somewhere. Ban all gun sales nationwide immediately; make gun ownership illegal. If there are some guns (e.g. hunting shotguns) are allowed, increase the prices for bullets -- tax the hell out of it just like we tax cigarettes to support additional law enforcement. Start a voluntary turn-in program like they did in Australia. Conduct gun raids like they do drug raids; melt down all weapons found. Perhaps after years of hopefully declining gun numbers, we will eventually become a zero gun nation.

I have an uncle who collects guns, and I learned to shoot various weapons (handguns and rifles) when I was 10. I remember spending family Thanksgiving gatherings making wax bullets for target practice. So I'm not anti-gun; I just think it's gotten out of control in the US.

Resolving quickly?
Strictly speaking of Chicago here, it HAS been a problem for generations. (Think back to Al Capone) and getting worse everyday in south side Chicago neighborhoods. Chicago is probably the most corrupt city in the country. As I stated, Illinois has gun laws. Do you seriously think the gang bangers will be paying taxes on gun ownership? As DeeJay said, it's easy to get guns. The bigger issue is controlling the gangs that have taken over neighborhoods.
I don't disagree with you @t-c, guns are out of control. But none of our politicians seem to have the answer. Why do you think that is? Because the Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms. No one has been able to strike down the Second Amendment. Period. And the criminals will always find a way to get their hands on guns
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Jan 30, 2008
Why do you think the gun problem should be solved so quickly? It may take generations, but we have to start somewhere. Ban all gun sales nationwide immediately; make gun ownership illegal. If there are some guns (e.g. hunting shotguns) are allowed, increase the prices for bullets -- tax the hell out of it just like we tax cigarettes to support additional law enforcement. Start a voluntary turn-in program like they did in Australia. Conduct gun raids like they do drug raids; melt down all weapons found. Perhaps after years of hopefully declining gun numbers, we will eventually become a zero gun nation.

I have an uncle who collects guns, and I learned to shoot various weapons (handguns and rifles) when I was 10. I remember spending family Thanksgiving gatherings making wax bullets for target practice. So I'm not anti-gun; I just think it's gotten out of control in the US.

t-c, I hope you know I love most of what you say, but you can't slag Bonfire for thinking solving the gun problem should or could happen quickly, and then trot out an equally simplistic and flat out impossible solution of your own. What you propose is simply not possible - not from a constitutional standpoint, and not from a practical standpoint. Some sort of slam dunk on this issue never ever happen here. Our history shows this, and our culture will not permit it. Period. And heaven help us if it did, because if gun raids were conducted in this country, the entire country would go up in freaking FLAMES. Trumpland and his quaint little Nazis with tiki torches, would look like a walk in the park by comparison.


Nov 3, 2009

Let's have TIGHT gun control, limit the amount of guns a human can buy for one.

Like one funny guy I know well explained to someone (not out of this country).

"Second Amendment is not viewed here as the right to own a gun. Nor it is about the right to use a gun. No, it is viewed as the right to use a gun for any reason, or no reason at all. Your and your wife had an argument about the color of the kitchen curtains? You use your Second Amendment on her... The neighbor's grass is offensive to your eye? Here is your Second Amendment... etc, etc. This is how they view it. You get the idea".

At the same time I understand that gun business is a huge industry that generates a lot of money and employs people (Americans, I hope). So you can not just ban the guns. You have to probably ban the practice of reselling/exchanging guns. They want a gun? Let them at least support local business and buy it at the gun shop. At the gun shows, there is a huge practice of gun exchange. This generates no revenue for the state but increases the amount of guns one might own. This should be outlawed. I am not a gun person, but if they can not do much with the guns because of huge gun lobby, let my state at least get its fair share of taxes from gun sales.


Aug 8, 2011
@ABKIS, Whoa, :confused2: Gun control and Chicago is what was being referenced (as I'm sure you are referring to my post) Because Obama's name was mentioned as having the missed opportunity to improve the situation,(as he was also a Senator for our state) that makes me a Trump supporter?!! Kind of a huge and incorrect leap on your part! Please don't try to read more into that previous post than what is there.

Bonfire, I apologize - this actually was not directed at you and it was more of a general statement not directed at any one comment. It was meant for someone else entirely - I probably should quote or @ someone. That was my mistake. I apologize if I offended as that was not my intention.


Feb 22, 2014
Bonfire, I apologize - this actually was not directed at you and it was more of a general statement not directed at any one comment. It was meant for someone else entirely - I probably should quote or @ someone. That was my mistake. I apologize if I offended as that was not my intention.



Jan 22, 2017
t-c, I hope you know I love most of what you say, but you can't slag Bonfire for thinking solving the gun problem should or could happen quickly, and then trot out an equally simplistic and flat out impossible solution of your own. What you propose is simply not possible - not from a constitutional standpoint, and not from a practical standpoint. Some sort of slam dunk on this issue never ever happen here. Our history shows this, and our culture will not permit it. Period. And heaven help us if it did, because if gun raids were conducted in this country, the entire country would go up in freaking FLAMES. Trumpland and his quaint little Nazis with tiki torches, would look like a walk in the park by comparison.

Resolving quickly?
Strictly speaking of Chicago here, it HAS been a problem for generations. (Think back to Al Capone) and getting worse everyday in south side Chicago neighborhoods. Chicago is probably the most corrupt city in the country. As I stated, Illinois has gun laws. Do you seriously think the gang bangers will be paying taxes on gun ownership? As DeeJay said, it's easy to get guns. The bigger issue is controlling the gangs that have taken over neighborhoods.
I don't disagree with you @t-c, guns are out of control. But none of our politicians seem to have the answer. Why do you think that is? Because the Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms. No one has been able to strike down the Second Amendment. Period. And the criminals will always find a way to get their hands on guns

How do you think this will get solved if you and everyone else think it cannot be solved?

It has been a problem for a long time, because nothing has been done about it. The NRA has cowed our politicians so that they do not vote for gun control, much less a gun ban, even though a majority of the population support it.

Attitudes change -- could people imagine gay marriage being legal 30 years ago? It will take years and years and years, but for this to happen, we must first begin. Conceding defeat before we've tried everything is not the way to change.

I hate to say it, but eventually a tragedy will happen -- even worse than Newtown -- that will drive our legislators to act against the NRA and their ilk.
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May 11, 2012
I don't think it's as simple as banning guns, I agree you have a much more complicated set of beliefs tied to gun ownership and your civil rights than many other countries and don't get me started on the NRA who pour billions into scare campaigns and politically advocating for gun ownership.

The simple truth is even when no-one wants to stand up and make hard decisions, something still needs to be done or the problem will get worse not better. Me, I don't think you can remove all guns from your society, I think you need tougher stricter regulations on who can buy guns, how many guns you can have, and what types of guns you can legally own. Yes some guns need to be handed in and or removed from the streets.

To do this, you need a lot more money spent into policing and targeting gangs, each time they are caught will illegal weapons they should be thrown in jail for long periods of time. I understand that in itself also puts a strain on an already overflowing detention system. But the buck has to stop somewhere.

How to pay for that? Gun licenses, taxation on legal gun ownership, divert money away from or make the NRA actually help pay for initiatives to keep some guns in law abiding citizens hands and out of those who break the law. Sell that idea. Federally your government should be spending money on it, not just at a local level but it's a topic that is political suicide which is why no one on other side of politics has had the balls to step up and commit time, money and resources towards it. I don't think it's a quick fix, I think it is something that will require a long term commitment of resources and energy, but I pose the question how much worse should it be allowed to get before someone actually steps up and does something?


May 11, 2012
On a lighter note we got told on our local news the other night, if North Korea launches a intercontinental ballistic missile directly at where I live we would get 15 minutes warning before it hit us. Hopefully you can see why I don't really trust Trump's judgement when it comes to playing chicken with North Korea.


Sep 10, 2003
AnnaH -- are you still hoping for a good outcome? Still waiting for that pivot to presidential behavior? Still part of the 1/3 of the country that continues to stand by his lies?
Trump Said He Disbanded His Economic Council. The Council’s Leader Just Revealed The Truth

This morning, President Trump tweeted that he had made the decision to disband his economic councils out of courtesy to the executives serving on them. Now, one CEO is disputing that account.

After insisting that he was not bothered by the flood of executive evacuating White house economic councils over Trump’s refusal to fully condemn the white supremacist movement whose rally over the weekend led to the killing of 32-year-old Heather Heyer and injuries to at least 19 others, Trump abruptly announced the end of the councils.

Today, however, the leader of the Strategic and Policy Forum, Blackstone Group LP chief executive Stephen Schwarzman, told the Wall Street Journalthat his group had already agreed to disband. Schwarzman said he phoned the president prior to the tweet to “cordially” let him know about the group’s decision and make clear that it came because of the president’s statements on the Charlottesville carnage.

This is far from the first time Donald Trump has taken credit for someone else’s actions or lied in a transparent attempt to save face, and it won’t be the last. The sad truth is that Trump doesn’t care if the facts prove him to be a liar because he knows that a third of the country will stand by his lies no matter what.

That’s why it’s so important that the two-thirds of us who know better speak up, loudly and frequently.


Jan 22, 2017
AnnaH -- are you still hoping for a good outcome? Still waiting for that pivot to presidential behavior? Still part of the 1/3 of the country that continues to stand by his lies?
Trump Said He Disbanded His Economic Council. The Council’s Leader Just Revealed The Truth

This morning, President Trump tweeted that he had made the decision to disband his economic councils out of courtesy to the executives serving on them. Now, one CEO is disputing that account.

After insisting that he was not bothered by the flood of executive evacuating White house economic councils over Trump’s refusal to fully condemn the white supremacist movement whose rally over the weekend led to the killing of 32-year-old Heather Heyer and injuries to at least 19 others, Trump abruptly announced the end of the councils.

Today, however, the leader of the Strategic and Policy Forum, Blackstone Group LP chief executive Stephen Schwarzman, told the Wall Street Journalthat his group had already agreed to disband. Schwarzman said he phoned the president prior to the tweet to “cordially” let him know about the group’s decision and make clear that it came because of the president’s statements on the Charlottesville carnage.

This is far from the first time Donald Trump has taken credit for someone else’s actions or lied in a transparent attempt to save face, and it won’t be the last. The sad truth is that Trump doesn’t care if the facts prove him to be a liar because he knows that a third of the country will stand by his lies no matter what.

That’s why it’s so important that the two-thirds of us who know better speak up, loudly and frequently.

To add from the NYTimes:
After Trump Hedges His Condemnation of Hate, C.E.O.s Organize a Mass Defection

...Efforts to schedule a conference call for the chief executives on Tuesday night were unsuccessful, so a call was set for 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday...

By the time the call was over, the group had agreed to disband. After the decision was final, Mr. Schwarzman called the White House to let Mr. Trump know. He was asked to include language that the president had agreed to disband it.

Shortly thereafter, the president claimed on Twitter that he was disbanding the advisory groups.

Companies swiftly disputed that notion. Johnson & Johnson said its chief executive, Alex Gorsky, was leaving the panel before the president’s tweet.

After the announcement of the disbanding, many of the chief executives who had initially lent support to Mr. Trump, publicly separated themselves from him, one by one, in stark language....


Jun 7, 2014
@Matata , Anna hasn't been back to this thread lately. It would be interesting to hear the excuses from Trump supporters now. :angryfire:


Sep 10, 2003
@Matata , Anna hasn't been back to this thread lately. It would be interesting to hear the excuses from Trump supporters now. :angryfire:
I know. I called her out in case she's still reading.


May 11, 2012
@Matata , Anna hasn't been back to this thread lately. It would be interesting to hear the excuses from Trump supporters now. :angryfire:

I think you would find the majority of them still think the guy is doing a fantastic job, he is somehow a stand up everyday sort of a guy (which is incorrect, but they believe the marketing his team have done) and that he is still somehow so much better than Hillary would have been. I think it's a grave pity North Korean missiles cannot specifically reach directly where some of these people and their families live because if they lived with that threat I wonder if they would still think he has to diplomacy to handle it. For example, I've seen a number of his supporters saying they love him because he won't be walked over like Obama and they seem to praise the fact he could blast North Korea to nothing but I seriously wonder if it was in their own backyard how cool they would be about that type of war......

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
No Trump bashing after his speech tonight?...:confused:


Jun 7, 2014
I found it amusing for all the countless times he chose to bash Obama for not pulling out of Afghanistan he chose to do the same thing. Didn't we hear for 5+ years how awful Obama was doing because we were still in Afghanistan?

As far as the speech, he read it from a TelePrompTer. The true Trump is the Trump we heard last week who said there were good people on both sides of the Charlottesville protest. He is a terrible human being and reading a speech someone else wrote for him on a TelePrompTer changes nothing. He's a terrible President.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
As far as the speech, he read it from a TelePrompTer. The true Trump is the Trump we heard last week who said there were good people on both sides of the Charlottesville protest. He is a terrible human being and reading a speech someone else wrote for him on a TelePrompTer changes nothing. He's a terrible President.
Yup, don't sound like him at all. Maybe he's listening to his advisers.


Jun 7, 2014
He is listening to someone Dancug Fire. You are correct about the speech sounding nothing like Trump. For all we know maybe Ivanka and Jared threatened to leave if he didn't start listening to his advisors.


Nov 7, 2004
How long do u think that will last?


Jun 7, 2014
How long do u think that will last?

I doubt he will be able to keep to the script for a week. I realize that I'm being extremely optimistic. Oh I take that back. He has a rally tonight so I'm sure he will be back to being a pr$&k tonight!


May 11, 2012
I haven't worked out what the rallies are for, to stoke his ego because he needs to believe he is amazing, to reassure the morons he is doing a good job, to inspire hatred amongst the white supremacists, and other far right wing groups that love him....

He did say in one of his latest rallies "this is the biggest rally" etc and the place held like 6000 people I mean the guy can't open his mouth without reinventing his own version of the truth people, so if we are rating him on lying, those freakin emails should be the least of your worries.


May 11, 2012
No Trump bashing after his speech tonight?...:confused:

I think all of the people that voted for him and those that didn't vote for anyone that allowed your country to elect him should be forced to go to some of his rallies and bask in the glory of the homophobic, racist, gun toting skin heads and pack of right wing idiots, and the socially disenfranchised that want to buy into his lies so you can fully comprehend the full ramifications of what you have done.
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