
Help with the size of this diamond


Dec 29, 2010
Greetings everyone.

My girl saw a diamond ring she loved years ago, and took a picture of it. I managed to get my hands on the picture, but Im having trouble guessing the diamond´s size. Iknow its really difficult for you guys to tell me the exact size from this picture but... Could you guys give it your best shot in guessing how many carats this diamond is?


its really hard to say, but since the band looks like a 4-5mm in width band to me the diamond may look like it could be about a 5mm diamond or about .5ct. but if that band was much wider, then your looking a bigger ct... but again, hard to say from pictures.
i was also thinking a 1/2 carat. :)
I was going to guess around a .6ish.
Another guess for .50
I guess it must be 1/2 ct then. Thanks a lot guys!
I would be wary of relying on this piicture to tell you what size diamond she wants... she saw this in a picture and well- this person's finger could be a size 8 making this a .75-1 carat stone, or a size 3 making this a .30 carat stone.

What I am getting at is- is it the setting and "look" that she likes in the picture or the ratio of the diamond size to the finger size... there could be a lot of variation. If her finger is really small size 2 or 3 ( my sister is a size 2.5 lucky girl!) then a smaller diamond will look bigger porportionally on her finger than on a size 6 finger... and vice versa... so I would find out what exactly she likes- it is the style0 look- or size of the stone

It is her own hand in the photo. I dont know her exact ring size but I´m guessing she is an average 6 or 6.5. Does this info help?
I would definitely say a half carat judging by the diameter of the stone.
Hi there. My ring size is close to 6 and I agree with many of the posters that based on the width of the band, her finger size (assuming it is close to 6) the stone appears to be about 5mm/.50 carats.

You say your girlfriend loved this ring "years" ago? Does she still like it now? My tasted have changed IMMENSELY in the last 5 years. I'd just make sure she still loves this style/ring now.
LALove|1293745416|2810222 said:
Hi there. My ring size is close to 6 and I agree with many of the posters that based on the width of the band, her finger size (assuming it is close to 6) the stone appears to be about 5mm/.50 carats.

You say your girlfriend loved this ring "years" ago? Does she still like it now? My tasted have changed IMMENSELY in the last 5 years. I'd just make sure she still loves this style/ring now.

yes, find out if this is still her style, my taste changed over the last 5-7 years as well.
Well, she fell in love with that ring maybe about 2 or 3 years ago, but you guys are probably right about taste changes... Anyway, I dont know what kind of ring I`ll be buying her, I just wanted to know the size of the diamond so I can get her one with a diamond that is AT LEAST that same size.

Thanks to everyone for your replies and advise!