
help with picking a center stone


Apr 17, 2017
I am either buying a loose stone or an engagement ring. I am looking at purchased a Princess, Cushion or Radiant. or possibly a Round.

I haven't been given a lot of information other then what she has stated in that she likes Princess and when looking at rings she doesnt get too excited which doesnt lead me to much. I have tried asking her friends as well to see if she had a pinterest page but she is not into that sort of thing. She would be happy with whatever but again stated that she likes a princess shape. Her friends this past weekend at a wedding showed her a few different types and did like the princess, cushion and radiant cuts.

My question is: I am assuming different cuts cost more/less... I understand the 4 C's and would like to get something that is going to take up some space on her finger but be of question and sparkle... I would like to get a nice stone and unsure if I am going to do a halo or not as some of the friends this past weekend had that as well which drew her attention to as well the simplicity of just the stone... She is a size 8 and again likes the princess cut and vintage style ring... I have looked up on bluenile as other websites but trying to figure out where I would save the most money but getting the stone myself, having a jeweler make something for me. but really it comes down to the quality of stone that I would like to get a good price for and something of size to take up some room on her finger. I would looking at like a 2ct...? I was reading but could be wrong but some stated that a 1.5ct stone might be better then a 2ct again depending on the 4 c's but can you have a 1.5 have a same table as a 2? Which stone with be the best sparkle to hold like and such?

Thank you for your help!


Jan 11, 2006
The table is the flat area on the top of the diamond, not the diameter. To compare face up area, you look at diameter measurements.

Your budget is going to determine the size you get. We can show you some well cut princess cut diamonds. They are very modern which doesn't look great in an antique style setting to me, but if that's what she wants, you'd better go with that! We can help you with settings once the stone is found.

So what is your budget for the stone and setting?


Apr 17, 2017
Correct I understand the table. I guess what I was asking is can you get a 1.5ct with the same table as a 2ct?

She has mentioned princess but she more likes the shape of square or rectangle... That is why I am considering princess, cushion or Radiant. She did point out a radiant ring and liked that as well but I think she just likes the square look... Budget is a tough... I have 10-15 set aside but am looking to save money for other things... Am I best to try to get a loose stone or have something custom made. I trying to no go to a mall to get a ring as I have seen so many plan Jane rings in malls I would like this to be something a little more... Thank you for the help once again


Dec 17, 2008
Do not go to the mall...stones are overpriced and most are not well cut. So how much would you really like to spend? $10k, $12K? Thats going to keep us
from making recommendations where you can determine which way you want to go.

I'm still not sure if you understand table...because you asked the same question again. You dont want a 1.5 princess to have the same table as a 2 carat princess
because it is going to be all table (look like a big flat skating ring). That's not what you want in a princess.

Like DS said, you dont usually find princess cuts with antique looking settings. Princess cuts were not around back then so its an odd combination. Depends
what your/her idea of antique look is though.

For a really well cut stone (if you can do an I, you can get up to 1.7 for a little over $9k) H color but smaller
Possible settings would be around $11k total about $11k total too with the 1.7
What do you think of this look...wouldnt really call it antique but it is prettty. This is a .92 princess so yours would look a lot larger.
princess wf setting.PNG
This setting is a little on the thin side

I think maybe you should find a setting first then we can help you find a stone or at least tell us what she thinks an antique setting is? To be honest a cushion would probably go better in a really antique-y looking


Feb 5, 2017
Since she doesn't seem too excited about rings, and you don't want to spend all of your budget, I recommend on the smaller size. Are you open to pre-loved? Because princesses were trendy about 10 years ago and less so now, I think you could pick one up for a good price.


Apr 17, 2017
Ok so let me go back a little... I guess my first question no matter the size of the stone is there a cut of a stone that is more pricey then the other just going in. Meaning is a princess, cushion or a radiant cut stone at the same weight going to cost more or less.

Second question is what out of the 4 c's can you give and take a little and still have a excellent looking diamond without breaking the bank. I am definitely not looking to purchase in the flawless category and there will be some give and take.

I understand table and so forth I was reading something online and maybe misunderstood it...

From what I get out of her is that she likes a squarer shape then a round. So whether I go with a princess, cushion or radiant it wont matter. She stated that she wanted the "guy" to pick it out. She is very traditional in that she wants an engagement to a a surprise so I haven't pushed the topic. She was recently at a bachelorette party and had tried on some friends rings (really making no comments just showed pictures to me) One was a cushion with a halo and the other was a princess cut. The other day she pointed out a radiant cut ring as well.

I would be find tried to find a "pre loved" ring as it was put however I am not sure where to look for one? Craigslist and or ebay I am not sure are the most trustworthy if you know what I mean. I too am not fond of purchasing from a mall and that is why I stated maybe im better off going to a jeweler and having something custom made vs purchasing a loose stone? I mean granted I would like to save some money but also do not mind the investment. Trying to get the best of both worlds...

With all this said as far as a setting goes I was looking in to getting a crescent setting similar to the Tacori however that setting alone might pricey and have read that it its rough to wear? So I though I would get a band that has diamonds around the outside besides the center stone. and or a halo??? I guess right now just trying to get digging to figure out which direction I am going to go to start the process. As far as budget goes as I said I have 10 to 15k set aside for this ring but if I can spend less then I would do that.

Thanks again


Feb 5, 2017
Of the 4 Cs, cut should be your top priority. You can definitely give on clarity and color. I would recommend VS1-2 for clarity and H-I for color, cautioning the corners of a princess may show more color.

For Princess, Whiteflash has fantastic cuts - look at their ACA line

For cushions, it's tough to buy by the numbers. Good old gold august vintage cushions and victor canera cushions are cut for light performance in the old style. They are pricey but gorgeous. victor also does gorgeous settings. I personally do not care for modern cushions.

I do not know much about radiants so can't comment.

Of all these options, my personal preference would be a cushion cut.


Apr 17, 2017
Those are definitely beautiful rings indeed. I guess I am trying to figure out which stone might be best to capture the most light and such... I am just starting to do my digging but there are so many styles out there I am more or less looking at stones right now to pick one that she would like.


Sep 22, 2015
soxfan, that last ring you posted, :love::love::love:

OP, it sounds like you're floundering a little bit. As a starting place, you should choose a shape and setting type (solitaire or halo, etc) and let us help you from there. A princess cut will be the easiest to choose of your choices. Radiants are just a bit harder. But i glanced through James Allen and i saw a few that looked promising. It isn't easy to find a vintage style setting for a princess but i think a Beverley K setting is right up your alley and they have some really nice vintage settings. I think this is perfect if you decide to go non-halo


Apr 17, 2017
Ok I will look more into the center stone and setting. I guess what I was looking for was out of the 3 different stones is one better then the other to lean towards... At this time I am not worried so much about vintage or not just the stone and the 4 C's and where I might be able to save some money is all. Again I am new to this whole ring purchasing thing so I have lots of questions.


Sep 22, 2015
Ok I will look more into the center stone and setting. I guess what I was looking for was out of the 3 different stones is one better then the other to lean towards... At this time I am not worried so much about vintage or not just the stone and the 4 C's and where I might be able to save some money is all. Again I am new to this whole ring purchasing thing so I have lots of questions.

Go with what shape she prefers. Don't get a round, i'd stick with a princess, cushion or radiant. They're all beautiful in their own right. I love a Radiant with clipped corners like this one
but an antique cushion like this in a vintage setting, can't go wrong!


Dec 19, 2014
North, you had two other threads asking pretty much the same question. People gave you recommendations for princess cuts then and are giving you some now as well for princess and other shapes. I think that one thing that you need to get over is getting a stone that looks like or is 2ct for the budget that you have. It is possible only if something is compromised, the last of which should be the cut. Where I would sacrifice, if I were you, is clarity and color, considering that the stone is eye-clean and would still face-up pretty white. You are bouncing between very different shapes, usually people who like round, don't like princess or radiant and vise versa. I would ask one of her friends to go in a store with her prendending that they are looking at things for the friend and encourage her to try different shapes. See what she likes best! Alternatively, I would look at a vendor with a stellar upgrade policy, so that if she is not 100% satisfied you can trade-in/exchange later..
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Sep 22, 2015
i hadn't realized you'd already posted on this. you got some REALLY awesome recommendations on stones on your last thread.

North, you had two other threads asking pretty much the same question. People gave you recommendations for princess cuts then and are giving you some now as well for princess and other shapes. I think that one thing that you need to get over is getting a stone that looks like or is 2ct for the budget that you have. It is possible only if something is compromised, the last of which should be the cut. Where I would sacrifice, if I were you, is clarity and color, considering that the stone is eye-clean and would still face-up pretty white. You are bouncing between very different shapes, usually people who like round, don't like princess or radiant and vise versa. I would ask one of her friends to go in a store with her prendending that they are looking at things for the friend and encourage her to try different shapes. See what she likes best! Alternatively, I would look at a vendor with a stellar upgrade policy, so that if she is not 100% satisfied you can trade-in/exchange later..

SimoneDi hit the nail on the head. Stop looking for a deal! push aside that 2ct mark you're focusing on. look at what you can get within your budget. If shes as ambivalent as you you say, the stone size doesn't mean all that much to her. If you focus on what SHE LIKES then she will be happy. Don't buy a round because you like it better. She's going to be wearing it, not you. It would be like you telling her that you want an Xbox for your birthday and she goes out and buys a Nintendo because she thought it was better. :snooty:

You seem really hesitant to ask one of her friends for help, why? Even without a pinterest page, a friend or a sister will be invaluable in helping to choose a shape as well as a setting. I guarantee if she has friends getting engaged/married, she has expressed a preference to her friends. Dig a little deeper, North! She will be happier at the thought you put into finding her preferences and picking a ring that she will love vs a gigantic stone that you think she may like.

ETA: for those square shapes, you're likely not going to see a huge difference in size and price.
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Dec 19, 2014
P.S. You can see what other people are buying in terms of pricess cuts here:

The ring turned or absolutely gorgeous, despite the fact that it didn't hit the 2kt mark! 1.5ct is still a substantial size and anything else in between. If she hasn't indicated that she needs to have a 2ct diamond, stop stressing over that please. No need to keep up with the Joneses:) Get a quality diamond that she will enjoy and which will not lose the majority of its value once it's off the shelf!
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