Been scouring the internet and have gone through hundreds of loose diamonds. I had 2 that caught my eye and was wondering if the community here could give me their opinion on these. I've been somewhat obsessed with the HCA tool and getting the lowest number possible knowing full well it won't tell the full story of the diamond.
Both are on the upper tier of what I'm willing to spend but one has a higher clarity and 1/4 more carat at about the same price. I know the mystique behind CBI diamonds warrants the premium price but was wondering what everyone's thoughts were? Lastly suggestions for diamonds would also be helpful. Thanks!
Both are on the upper tier of what I'm willing to spend but one has a higher clarity and 1/4 more carat at about the same price. I know the mystique behind CBI diamonds warrants the premium price but was wondering what everyone's thoughts were? Lastly suggestions for diamonds would also be helpful. Thanks!