
Help with a LGD I've received please?


Nov 10, 2022

I ordered a LGD for a ring, upon receiving it I thought it looked really good however at a slight angle there is a dark area that appears (light leakage?). In direct sunlight there is a blue tint, but possibly this is just a reflection of the sky? Anyway in general I'd like any opinions on whether this is a good diamond or not. I specifically picked this one over others that had clearer arrows because on the diamond video it seemed to have a lot more coloured light flashes than others.

My budget can go up quite a bit if needed, I'm wondering whether I would have been better going with other diamonds that had clearer (darker more defined) arrow marks but didn't seem to give off so much coloured light flashes in the diamond video?

The diamond - LG555284070 IGI -!Apt66LeJK3uWg5MXg-Zv8iFJtF4Kng?e=uFdHj4!Apt66LeJK3uWg5Mc2-pdQ34gw-Idcg?e=6357Ac!Apt66LeJK3uWg5Mb4uBN_ClOhOO5Qg?e=fbOpNi


For example this diamond in the diamond video looks like this at the face:
Diamond video1.jpg

Whereas I couldn't have gotten this instead:

Diamond video2.jpg

however the first diamond was much more colourful and flashy as the video rotated.

Thanks for your time!


Apr 23, 2021
Hello and welcome to PriceScope, iamrob7!
You picked a very decent diamond!
What you are seeing is tilt leakage...when the diamond angle is changed in relation to the direction of the source of light hitting it, the light paths within the diamond change. Think of it like a flashlight hitting a mirror, but the mirror angle gets moved while the flashlight remains stationary.

There is minor paddling (darkening of the upper bezel facets around the crown...over the arrowheads) because of the slightly shallower 40.5° pavilion angle paired with the 34.9° crown will appear more pronounced at closer viewing distances and subside at further viewing distances. It would be a PA/CA combination that many of us would consider leans towards more fire while under direct lighting at the sacrifice of some brilliance while under indirect lighting.
Certain proportions and angles can (and will) lead to areas of light leakage...your diamond appears to have pretty darn good light return with minimal leakage (areas in seems rather minimal):


The blue would be the reflection of the sky while outdoors... completely normal.

Everything considered, are *you* happy with this diamond and it's performance personality in various lighting conditions and real-world viewing conditions?


Nov 10, 2022
Hello and welcome to PriceScope, iamrob7!
You picked a very decent diamond!
What you are seeing is tilt leakage...when the diamond angle is changed in relation to the direction of the source of light hitting it, the light paths within the diamond change. Think of it like a flashlight hitting a mirror, but the mirror angle gets moved while the flashlight remains stationary.

There is minor paddling (darkening of the upper bezel facets around the crown...over the arrowheads) because of the slightly shallower 40.5° pavilion angle paired with the 34.9° crown will appear more pronounced at closer viewing distances and subside at further viewing distances. It would be a PA/CA combination that many of us would consider leans towards more fire while under direct lighting at the sacrifice of some brilliance while under indirect lighting.
Certain proportions and angles can (and will) lead to areas of light leakage...your diamond appears to have pretty darn good light return with minimal leakage (areas in seems rather minimal):


The blue would be the reflection of the sky while outdoors... completely normal.

Everything considered, are *you* happy with this diamond and it's performance personality in various lighting conditions and real-world viewing conditions?

Thanks so much for your response. It is very useful and makes a lot of sense. I did have a more expensive diamond in mind originally and was on the point of buying that when I was looking at other diamonds as I hadn't considered a lower clarity before so I started looking at VS1's out of interest and came across this diamond which in the video at least had a noticeably higher amount of coloured light return than any of the other diamonds I'd been looking at which were VVS1/VVS2. That's why in the end I picked it. So what you have said about sacrificing some brilliance for fire with the PA/CA combination makes sense in terms of what I thought I was deciding on.

I was happy with it when I got it out, it does look good to me but of course I don't have a trained eye in any shape or form. As I saw the dark patch that appeared when I tilted it I wondered whether I had made a mistake with it or whether this was relatively normal. Also I wondered about the arrows as they aren't as clear and defined as on many other diamonds I looked at and I thought perhaps I'd made a mistake going with this one purely because on the video it appeared to have a lot of fire compared to the others. In direct sunlight it does seem to have a lot of fire to me, lots of sharp sparkles, but again I am comparing it to nothing.

If you don't mind me asking do you think that basing my decision to some extent on the fire visible in the video makes sense or is the video likely to be misleading? Does the fact that other diamonds I looked at having more clearly defined arrows mean all that much in reality, would they potentially produce a better look because of the clearer arrows or am I getting wound up about something relatively minor really?


Jan 16, 2023
Hearts and arrows are a personal preference. As for me, I way prefer fire. A ring is in constant motion, unless I’m staring right down at my diamond. Hence, my preference for performance during movement.

But there are plenty of people who really love seeing even arrows. It’s all about what you like to see.

And another thing: all these questions and second guesses are normal after a purchase like this. You’ll find peace with the stone that’s meant o be yours. Keep asking questions until you get there. Good luck!


Apr 23, 2021
0515vision said it best: H&A is a personal preference. If you want a diamond that has more pronounced H&A when viewing it, then it will take some hunting, but can be found.


Nov 10, 2022
Hearts and arrows are a personal preference. As for me, I way prefer fire. A ring is in constant motion, unless I’m staring right down at my diamond. Hence, my preference for performance during movement.

But there are plenty of people who really love seeing even arrows. It’s all about what you like to see.

And another thing: all these questions and second guesses are normal after a purchase like this. You’ll find peace with the stone that’s meant o be yours. Keep asking questions until you get there. Good luck!

Wise words, thanks!
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