I am extremely upset so i decided to come on here to vent and seek advice. Here is the situation, i have finally found the dream setting for my ring and decided to get them to source out the diamond for it as well. Because i live in canada and most of the diamonds here are certified by Gemscan, i decided i wanted my diamond to be certified by GIA OR AGS and was told that it would take longer to find one in my specific specs that i wanted in my diamond. This is fine since my fi and i are in no rush, i would rather have them take their time and effort in finding me a perfect diamond. well that was in Dec 2006 and so far i have received 2 phone calls on the diamonds they found but all of them were not certified by gia or ags so they kept looking.This jeweller does not run on commision so all of the SA work together, so im dealing with about 2-3 people. i''m always in that area so i pass by very often and i usually pop in to look at my ring or show it to my friends, well its march now and the last i heard of an update was over a month ago so i popped in to ask about any updates and the SA who never worked with me before didn;t know much about me and i let her know that i haven''t heard for a month or so, so i was just wondering if there was any updates for me. She told me she will speak to the other SA and get back to me. Well i came back about 5 days later with my friend to show her the ring, i approached the man working there that day and told him who i was, and he starts accusing me of getting them in trouble from the boss claiming that i told the other SA that no one has called me EVER to update me, which wasn''t true at all!!! he said " i was very upset when i was told that no one called to update you because i know for a fact that i have called you myself one time a month ago, and you shouldn''t say stuff like that because we get in trouble from the boss when he hears that" I was speachless and taken back beucase i came in wanting to just show a ring and was greeted with accusations that never happened. If i was older he would have never spoken to me that way, im 22 so he prob thought he could speak to me that way and because i turned down the other diamonds they found he prob thought i was some young kid who was wasting their time being picky.. i dun know... but i love the setting.. my friend told me to take my business else where, my sister told me that clearly the boss appreciated my business and i should just talk to him directly.... how should i handle this maturely because clearly this wouldnt have happened if this was an older person.
sorry for the gammar and spelling, it''s 4 am !!! and im delirious from lack of sleep and fumming lol
thanks for reading this long vent lol
sorry for the gammar and spelling, it''s 4 am !!! and im delirious from lack of sleep and fumming lol
thanks for reading this long vent lol