Hi Everyone--
Such a great site here with a tremendous wealth of info that definately helps out in getting a sound buyers education, so thanks for that!!!
I am looking at a radiant stone with the following GIA specs:
2.06 carat
62.7% Depth
69% Table
Med to Thick Girdle
No Culet
GD Polish
GD Symmetry
H Color
No Flour
Several Feathers are shown on the underside of the stone, mostly in the corners and side.
Doe anyone have any thoughts on this stone??
It appears to fall into either the 2A or 2B class, but I can not figure out how to determine crown height % to reference against the chart. Also, what effect does the length to width ratio being 1.3 vs the 1.5-1.75 ratios have on the stone. I like the proportions, but I am wondering if I should stay away from this because of the 1.3 ratio. I have never seen a 1.5 or 1.75 ratio stone, so nothing to compare to yet.
Sorry for so many questions, but i am just a tad confused at this point.
Such a great site here with a tremendous wealth of info that definately helps out in getting a sound buyers education, so thanks for that!!!
I am looking at a radiant stone with the following GIA specs:
2.06 carat
62.7% Depth
69% Table
Med to Thick Girdle
No Culet
GD Polish
GD Symmetry
H Color
No Flour
Several Feathers are shown on the underside of the stone, mostly in the corners and side.
Doe anyone have any thoughts on this stone??
It appears to fall into either the 2A or 2B class, but I can not figure out how to determine crown height % to reference against the chart. Also, what effect does the length to width ratio being 1.3 vs the 1.5-1.75 ratios have on the stone. I like the proportions, but I am wondering if I should stay away from this because of the 1.3 ratio. I have never seen a 1.5 or 1.75 ratio stone, so nothing to compare to yet.
Sorry for so many questions, but i am just a tad confused at this point.