
Help me with purchase of my first diamond.


Nov 14, 2015
This is going to be my first diamond, hopefully a ring for my gf. I have short listed a few diamonds and you can check their GIA certificate links below. the problem is i do not get to see the diamond(not even the picture) before i buy them. I am in New Delhi, India. The price that jewelers are quoting is a bit steep so I decided to buy from caratlane website.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. :)
prices of these diamonds are 1- $825, 2- $805 3- $792

Also open to any other suggestion you might have. or any other place you recommend to buy a diamond from. :)
you can check my search result on caratlane at the following link. good-excellent/certificate/gia/
Thanks and Regards
What I have learned in just a short amount of time searching is the GIA report does not tell the whole story. Without images or seeing the stones in person it's really to hard to draw any real conclusions.
that makes it very difficult, even the jeweler i went to didnt have stock of diamonds they were willing to order one according to specification.
Hi there. None of the 3 you posted jump out at me. Here's some parameters that can help you when looking for stones on your own. Also, is your intended extremely sensitive to inclusions? I think IF is a bit overkill, but maybe that's super important to her. You could do a VS1 and VS2, especially in the size diamond you're looking at and there would be no visible inclusions.

Table: 55-58%
Depth: 59-62.3%
Crown angle: 34-35 degrees, could maybe go 35.5 degrees if you're having trouble finding something
Pavilion angle: 40.6 - 41 degrees
Thanks for your suggestion JDDN, I have browsed a few more diamonds and came across 4 which looked interesting in their specs. I have made a table of their specs from GIA certificate and also checked Holloway cut advisor and added that to the table. kindly check the attached image and let me know if any of these look interesting to you.
I would take the G VS1 from the list just posted.
why is that? i thought it performed worst on the holloway cut advisor ... selecting diamond is really confusing for a newbie like me :(
That's because you don't understand the HCA.

HCA is pass fail. Period. No score under 2 is better than any other.

That stone has the best balance of the 4 C's. The proportions and angles are great. The color and clarity are well balanced. And so is the 5th C: cost.

The other two are a waste of money with their VVS clarity which is completely overkill. Or the one is an H color which is a great color, but for 800 bucks for a 40 point stone you darned well better be getting high color!

That G VS stone is the best balanced stone of the ones you picked.
thanks for the clarification :) .. there is one more diamond id like your opinion on. it is for 840usd, it is a .44C, G, VS2 rest of the specs are -
Depth 62.2 %
Table 55 %
Crown Angle 35.5°
Crown Height 16.0%
Pavilion Angle 40.6°
Pavilion Depth 42.5%
Star Length 50%
Lower Half 75%
Girdle Medium to Slightly Thick, Faceted, 3.5%

GIA Link -
It's probably worth while checking the diameters on each diamond and comparing. For a 50 USD which is like 3000 INR I would also keep EVV2 as a contender. I mean for just 3k rs why wouldn't you?
yes thats precisely what i was thinking.
gr8leo87|1447596672|3949915 said:
It's probably worth while checking the diameters on each diamond and comparing. For a 50 USD which is like 3000 INR I would also keep EVV2 as a contender. I mean for just 3k rs why wouldn't you?
I agree with this. Stone 3 has arguably better proportions and color than stone 2. It may look larger. I also like 0.01mm deviation. But i like all of stone 2, 3,4.
I say no to stone 1 and 0.44 G, because i like stones that are in the orthodox ideal proportion range. 0.44 is a tad deep, and table is steep. Stone 1 is lower in color and 40.6-34 combo does not thrill me
here are the measurements of the fist 4 diamonds.
1- H, vs1 - 4.77 - 4.81 x 2.93 mm
2- G, vs1 - 4.68 - 4.71 x 2.93 mm
3- E, vvs2 - 4.71 - 4.72 x 2.91 mm
4- G, vvs2 - 4.72 - 4.76 x 2.92 mm

and for the 5th one -
5- G, vs2 - 4.85 - 4.88 x 3.03 mm

does it change anything?
I like 1 - but maybe someone could find better for the money for you
now it has become more confusing, with people suggesting 1, 2 and 3.. i suppose thats how it is with diamonds with no right answers.. just a personal preference?
No. Its a matter of.priorities. We all chose different stones because we all used.different criteria. I prioritized balance and I liked the higher crown angle on the one I chose. Another poster priorized size (but anything below .2 is not a visual difference) and yet another looked at the angles only.

We are all right. Because we all used different criteria to define best.

You.have to.decide.what YOUR criteria is.and go with that.
yes i understand your point and why the opinions differ so much. btw i talked to the dealer and they are willing to ship 3 or 4 diamonds to their local office and let me check them myself before making a final purchase. so i was thinking of asking them to send the first three diamonds and let the 4th one be... there is one more i came across, kindly let me know if it looks interesting at all and i can ask them to add it to the list. it costs 894 usd but its a .45c, G, VS2 (link of gia certificate given below)
any suggestions guys? i gotta order it today. :)
Thanks for the help guys, finally got the ring after waiting for 15 days...

Congratulations :appl: :appl: :appl: It seems to be a lovely ring! Now give us all the specs of the diamond and details about the setting :naughty: Oh...and post more photos of the ring :appl:
natyLad|1450106743|3961235 said:
Congratulations :appl: :appl: :appl: It seems to be a lovely ring! Now give us all the specs of the diamond and details about the setting :naughty: Oh...and post more photos of the ring :appl:

Hi there, Sorry for late response. Attached a few pics of the ring, and the link for the ring mount page. the diamond specs are -
.44 Carat, E, VS1, Depth 60.2 %, Table 58 %, Crown Angle 33.5°, Pavilion Angle 40.8°, Girdle Medium Faceted 3.5%.
the crown angle is a bit lower than what i was searching for but thats all i could find and i was in a hurry, the diamond we shortlisted earlier went out of stock so fast that i couldnt get them.

ring mount rings listing

gia link



