
Help me find my Diamond - ~$10,000 budget

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Nov 29, 2006
Okay, I've been looking for the perfect stone for a while. I tried WF and GOG. They had some stones I liked but they were not the perfect stone for me. I've bumped up my budget a bit and now I'm throwing myself at the mercy of the PSers out there to help me find the perfect stone.

My parameters:

Carot: 1.35-1.49 (I want to stay just under 1.5 if possible)
Diameter: ~7.15 preferred
Certificate: GIA or AGS
Shape: Round Brilliant
Cut: Excellent
Polish: Excellent
Symmetry Excellent
Color: G or above
Clarity: VS2 or above
Hearts & Arrows

I don't know if my budget and parameters are realistic, so please educate me. Here are a couple that I'm considering to get us started.

On a related note, has anyone purchased diamonds from Quest or Bluenile? I'm a little concerned because of the lack of idealscope, aset images but I'm thinking that if you stay within certain parameters then you probably won't go wrong. But I'd appreciate hearing from people who have actually gone this route. Thanks in advance! Any help is greatly appreciated!!!!
You can check out this one from GOG: (H color)

Or this one: (I color)

Personally, I'll drop down as far as I can in clarity if I cannot notice a difference (same with color too IMO)! So you might seriously want to consider SI1 stones. But that's just my opinion
I was originally looking in that size range (just under 1.5 cts.) and when I contacted Jonathan at Good Old Gold, he was able to check his suppliers of hearts and arrows stones and did easily locate a 1.37 ct., 7.2mm stone for me. I ended up going above 1.5 cts., but I had trouble locating stones in that 1.35-1.49 range until I called GOG and asked for them to find me one. It was just a day or two before they had one for me to look at. So I recommend that you call and ask before deciding.
I have been looking also for some time and one got sold on me , so whatever you are considering for sure put some deposit so you can check it out othervise you may just loose the stone.Ideal scope would be nice to have , but I think you pretty much have to buy the stone first don''t you? keep looking...
Thanks to everyone for their opinions and advice! I love PSers, they''re always so great and willing to help out!

DS, I''ve spoken to Tim and Jonathan at GOG, but I think due to the holidays they won''t be getting significantly more inventory till after the new year. They did just get in a new 1.41 G, VS1 that I thought might be perfect for me, but it''s $12,500 and a bit out of my price range. (Although I''ve moved up once I can always do it again!) And I know by now that 1.35-1.49 are tough stones to come by anyway. I heard that usually it takes the same rough to cut a 1.4 as it does to cut a 1.5. I know there must be exceptions, but any of us that have looked for a while know it''s usually harder to find something in that size.

I''ve thought about moving up to around 1.5, and I''ve considered lowering the color and clarity. But I think I''m pretty color sensitive. The warmish tints of even H stones bug me a bit. I may be being silly since I sure once they are mounted they will definitely face up white and I won''t be able to tell. But I think it''s a psychological thing more than anything. Same thing with an SI1. I know a good SI1 will be eye clean, to the point where you won''t be able to see any inclusions even with a long period of staring.

One question to Rascal or anyone for that matter. What''s the difference between a Canadian round and a regular RB? Is the Canadian cut just a little different? And anyone know about the optics of a Canadian cut?

Also, anyone have experience with Bluenile or Quest for finding stones. I like the 1.35 bc for the weight the diameter is pretty good 7.12x7.15. I think that stone will look close to many 1.4s I''ve seen.
Canadian diamonds just out of the ground in Canada.
I saw this old thread about Quest diamonds, link is here:

Princess V said one of the advantages of buying a diamond through Quest is the "free setting." I was just wondering what she meant. I''m getting my setting custom made through Quest and am considering purchasing the stone from them too. Does anyone know if they have a policy of offering free settings with stone purchase?
I think she means the setting of the diamond. Some jewelers charge seperate for this process. Technically settings are free with any custom work from Quest, but in reality, I sure its built into the cost of the item. The one benefit of buying the diamond through Quest would be their life time warranty on the ring (i believe its only one year if you don''t by the diamond/stone through them). You''ll have to ask them about the specifics of the warranty though.
Date: 12/13/2006 1:40:43 AM
Author: Midway
but it''s $12,500 and a bit out of my price range. (Although I''ve moved up once I can always do it again!) And I know by now that 1.35-1.49 are tough stones to come by anyway.

Be careful being flexible with your budget. My initial budget was $10,000. I ended up spending over $16,000.
Hehe, so true. I started with $9,000, now I''m up at $10,500 and thinking about going up to $12,500. I guess it''s an endless road that we can go down and the jumps seem smaller and smaller relatively. Right now I''m like well, that''s just 20% more.

Codex, do you regret going as high as you did or was it worth it to find the "perfect" stone?
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