
Help me decide - Looking for <0.5ct

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Apr 29, 2003
I'm looking to buy a 0.5ct or less engagement ring and not spend more than $4k.

Here are my questions:

1. Will a 0.5ct look good in a 6 prong setting or 4?
2. Can I get a D/E and IF from Tiffany at this price?
3. Which state has a Tiffany w/ no sales tax?

I would prefer not to buy from Tiffany but I figured it is once in a lifetime thing. So, I won't mind paying 20-30% more for the same ring from say bluenile or whiteflash.

I found this diamond from bluenile. Can anyone comment on whether this is a good price? Set in platinum 4 or 6 prong for $300. I cannot find an E & IF 0.5ct from whiteflash. Thank you.

Or suggest any combination of the 3c (I'm set on getting not more than 0.5ct) that will *show* the diamond more for the amount of money I want to spend.

Price: $3,058
Stock number: LD00510760
Carat weight: 0.50
Cut: Ideal
Color: E
Clarity: IF
Depth %: 60.8%
Table %: 57%
Symmetry: Excellent
Polish: Excellent
Girdle: Medium to slightly thick, faceted
Culet: None
Fluorescence: None
Measurements: 5.12x5.14x3.12 mm
Hey Jlim~

Welcome to the forum!

Just curious, but are you dead set on that color and clarity?? You can get a gorgeous E or F, VS clarity, A Cut Above from White Flash that is larger in carat weight for less than $3K. I know Tiffany's has name recognition that is appealing, but it's not the name that counts. It's CUT, CUT, CUT that counts.

You won't see inclusions in a VS and the cut quality of ACA's makes any color grade appear brighter and whiter. E and F are still in the colorless range and unless you are a diamond expert, I highly doubt you will notice a difference. You could easily drop down to G in color and get an even larger diamond.

On a smaller diamond, 4 prong would probably be fine. Typically, 6 prongs are used with larger diamonds. But, ultimately, it's really your preference.

Just my $0.02 worth.

Good Luck in your search.
I think that you will get more for your money if you go down in color and clarity. No one will notice the color difference for the top group (D,E,F,G,H...) once the diamond is set. And the top clarity grades are only visible with a loupe.

The most important factor to "show" the diamond is the cut, proportions and angles. Go for an ideal cut, Class 1A. You might investigate the "Hearts & Arrows" & "SuperbCert" (sp?), etc. that are talked about here.

Just my thoughts...from listening to all the experts here. (Correct me, experts - I'm still learning!)
From reading the tutorials and articles here, I know cut is very important. Otherwise, I would go to my favorite warehouse (Costco) any buy a 1ct. ring for about $5k with <VS1 and <I. Have it independently appraised for the cut after that.

But since I'm looking just for a 0.5ct diamond, I could get better specs. I know 99% of the people walking on the street can't tell the difference bet. a D/E/F/G/H or F/IF/VVS1/VVS2 but I ultimately will know from the specs. Yes, the paper specs is important to me just like when I buy HiFi equipment. Buying a dedicated 7 channel amp. at 110 compared to 6 channel amp at 100. I'm running 5 channels only btw. So, the extra channel and 10amps doesn't do anything for me. But I like to know it's there.

So, given the choice of getting a 0.5ct D/IF or 0.5ct H/IF or 0.5ct F/VVS1 or 0.5 ct H/VVS1, I would choose the one with the better spec AS LONG AS I stay within the budget of $4k.

I also read about the A&H, I presume arrows and hearts. But that requires buying extra equipment. I've also read about the pros and cons of Tiffanys. At least the debate is more civilize than say comparing Bose to other known HiFi equipment maker.

I know Tiffany is charging more which I do not mind paying. Same carat, same clarity, same color and similar cut, for more at Tiffany's is OK with me as long as I don't go over $4k.

I guess I'm fortunate to have settle on the 0.5ct limit. Thus I don't get into the dilemna trying to decide whether to get a bigger stone from somewhere else for the same price as Tiffanys.

Can someone suggest (or comment the diamond I found on bluenile) a diamond that will maximize all the other 3c (since I've decided on 0.5ct) to come under $4k?

Then with the same specs. I'll head over to Tiffanys and see what I can get. Thank you.
Since you are so convinced to purchase from Tiffany's, then I think that comparing specs from other vendors will not make too much sense. Tiffany's has excellent quality diamonds, but they do not bargain for your business in any way shape or form. So getting pricing of about $3000 and comparing it to a Tiffany price of maybe double that may just make you depressed! If you want the tax break, I would suggest going to a state other than your state of residence, and requesting them to ship it to you. Then you will not pay the tax.
caratgirl - If I can get the ring I want from Tiffany's for the price I want as well as the specs, why not? My concern is since I've been to Tiffany's before, I do not know what kind of diamond specs I can get for the price of $4k for 0.5ct.

If I can get knowledgeable responses as to the other 3c for the price of $4k, I can then make an informed decision.

Are you saying for a bluenile diamond I found, 0.5ct E/IF and the other specs I listed will cost $6k at Tiffany's? If that's the case, I will probably not buy it from them.

I just want to know for the specs I'm looking for, what should I expect from online merchants and Tiffany's. I'm not looking for another why one shouldn't buy from Tiffany's debate. It is a personal choice.
Hi there. I think your best bet is to go to a local Tiffany's and ask to see the .5 with the specs you want and get their prices from them. Then you can compare and see if it's feasible to get what you want from Tiffany's. Then you see if you can get it from another store without the tax.

If you don't mind me asking, what made you decide on the .5?
Sorry if my post came out that way. I did not intend that. I take every opportunity to browse at Tiffany's, and just love their stones and settings. I was just not willing to pay for the markup, but others do all the time. It is just what makes you happy. I do know that IF high color stones are extremely expensive, so I would check out Tiffany's first to see if you can afford the ring for your budget.
Hey Jlim~

I hear ya about being comfortable with personally knowing the specs being great (even when other people could give a hoot) and buying with future use in mind (your stereo equipment). But the Tiffany's name won't necessarily insure you're getting the best quality bang for your buck in the diamond. There are more than a few threads here where the Pro's comment about the quality or lack thereof in Tiffany diamonds. Yes, Tiffany's sells "some" great cuts, but like all their jewelry, you pay a premium to get the name. And, with Tiffany's, as with many other things (like Benz in cars, or Ralph Lauren in clothing, or Picasso in art), the name commands a price that sometimes the quality alone would not bring.

You don't have to buy anything special to go with a Hearts and Arrows diamond. The vendor usually supplies a viewer when an H&A diamond is purchased. White Flash and Superb Cert both ship a complimentary diamond kit that includes the H&A viewer. USA Certified Diamonds ships a viewer on loan that they ask to have returned. The viewer is really only useful for the total experience in an unset diamond.

Go to Tiffany. Check locally for a Bricks and Mortar diamond broker. Look at diamonds. Call Blue Nile. Get hard information-Sarin information on crown and pavilion angle degrees, as well as table and depth %'s. You will need the Sarin information for a fair evaluation of the Blue Nile diamond you mentioned. Use the Cut Adviser, and plug in the numbers. The Cut Adviser will tell you a lot about what to expect in the way the diamond will visually perform. Using the Price Scope price stats (which are based on current Rapaport trading prices), you can expect to pay around $3,600 for a D, IF, and $2,500 for an E, IF, half carat American Class 1A cut. In Hearts and Arrows, you are looking at about $3,900 (D, IF) and $2,750 (E, IF). It is totally feasible to get a great quality cut diamond in your specs and price range.

If you are truly looking for the BEST half carat diamond out there, then don't settle for less. Keep in mind too, that "half carat" terminology is not exactly 0.50. A diamond is considered a half carat +/- a few points. So, you could go a tad over and still call it a half carat.

Good Luck in your search!
I haven't been to a Tiffany's and I want to gather as much information as I can before I head over there. Just like buying a car. I *buy* all the info I need over the internet and then head over to the dealership knowing what's out there and it helps ease the pressure of stepping into a store like Tiffany's which I suspect will scorn on me if I dare breath any other jeweler while I'm in the store.

The thing is I don't know how much it cost there. All I know is I want a 0.5ct diamond ring set in either a 4 prong or 6 platinum for under $4k. It may be a personal choice to get 4 or 6, but I do believe one will show the diamond of a smaller size like the one I'm looking for better. Like replacing a 15" rim with 17" or 18" on a regular car. One will actually compliment the looks of a car whereas the other will make it look ridiculous though it is only an 1" larger.

I'm not set on getting IF. I am open to getting VS1 also if it means getting the ring I want. Or the color D/E/F. I think F is about the lowest I want to go. So, maybe an F and VS1, 0.5ct, ideal cut? But like I said, if I can get say a D and VS1 for under $4k, why not get it from a snooty place :P

To anwser your question FANCY, I decided on a .5ct coz' my girlfriend is pretty slim. She's about 5' 3" weighing around 105lbs with her shoes on (and clothes too). I think a 1ct. will look ridiculous on her finger. 0.5ct is just nice. Not too big, not too small for her finger. Like putting on 17" rims on a Civic. It compliments the car w/o looking ridiculous.
LOL, well for a tiny petite woman, or any woman for that matter, I am sure the half carat will look beautiful! It sounds like you can get what you want for the price from somewhere, even if it's not Tiffany's.

Personally, I sacrificed "on paper" quality for size. But that's my personal preference. If money were no object, that would be one thing, but given the choice, any day I would rather have an eye clean SI1 with a good cut, and a larger diamond.

Good luck!
Can someone comment on this:

I notice the GIA cert says it is an F color, but the desc. says it is E. Putting in the specs into cutadvisor, 60.8% depth, 55% table, 34.6° crown angle, 40.8° pavilion angle, it says

Light Return Excellent
Fire Excellent
Scintillation Excellent
or diameter for weight Very Good

But I'm one who believe specs do not tell the whole story. One could be bet. a E and F and depending on who's doing the cert. it could be an E rather than an F. Basically I'm looking for a place where I am guaranteed I'm getting what the cert says I'm getting w/o a doubt. Also, I would like to buy from a well known place as well. I know buying from Tiffany's do not increase the value of the diamond anymore than paying full price at the dept. store when I can get a similar or better product from Costco. But I would like to stay away from buying an important thing like an engagement ring from a place called (fortunately such domain name does not exist).

From reading about Tiffany's thread on this forum, I believe under 1ct. there's no cert of any kind other than Tiffany's.

If that's the case, how can I be sure it is really a D, E or F color? If I send the diamond to be certified by an independent gemologist, willl I get different rating based on who I send it to?

I think my selection might be too broad. Say I want the following.

0.5ct (approx)
D E color
IF VS1 clarity
H&A 1A cut

set in a 4 or 6 prong platinum (please I need help on 4 or 6 too)

for under $4k.

And from a reputable company.

Thank you.

You can find a .58 diamond, E color and IF at for $3815....within your budget. It scores an amazing .7 on the HCA! Even though it is 8 points heavier than your desired .5, it is unlikely to look out of proportion to your gf's fingers. It measures 5.44 mm....not significantly more than a well-cut .5, which measures approx 5.12-5.15 mm.

Also, These two diamonds from Whiteflash are both exceptional cuts and well within your budget.

.495, E, VVS2, Cut Above, scores 1.4 on HCA, ideal cut for $2,004
.536, E, VVS1, Cut Above, scores 0.9 on HCA, ideal cut for $2,650

Other options: has the following 2 stones:/[/img]>/[/img]>

.50, F, IF, for $2,538
.51 E, VVS-1 for $2,588

All of these diamonds are certed by either AGS or GIA, so you're assured that you are getting what is presented, and all three vendors have impeccable reputations.

Good luck!
Go by the Cert. and GIA is accurate. You would only need worry if this were an EGL Cert. Ex/Ex/Ex/Vg is a pretty darned good HCA performance rating. Diamond looks good too. Faint "Flour" shouldn't be a problem. Stronger might give the diamond a milky or oily look in direct light. Faint should add enhancing blue flash to the sparkle. Price seems close. Can't say exactly as Price Stats for IF are not available for .48 carat. Superb Cert, too! Many Price Scope posts proclaim that Barry sells a quality product. You might want to check his website directly, Not meaning to take a sale away from Duttons, but you may find more to choose from at Barry's website. Also, USA Certed carries Superb Cert as well. Both Barry and USA Certed will ship direct to Dave Atlas, aka Old Miner, for evaluation prior to you paying. Mr. Atlas will report directly to you so you can rest assured that you are getting what the cert says you are paying for and the other reports match as well. Duttons may extend the same courtesy. Check out their return policy and lifetime upgrades. And, definitely, before you have it mounted, take the opportunity to view the Hearts and Arrows patterns. It is part of the joy of an H&A buying experience. Does Duttons provide an H&A viewer??

I noticed in a previous post that you decided the size of diamond based on the size of your lady. Have you asked her what she wants? You don't have to be blunt about it. Feel her out. With Mother's Day coming up, you can cruise jewelry counters and see what draws her eye without attracting suspicion. You might be surprised by what you learn from her.

If you have a really great stone, then I am of the opinion that it is a shame to cover it up with more prongs than necessary...although those extra two prongs do protect the stone a lot more...and may may the stone look larger than it is.

What about the rest of you women out there? What made you decide on the prong number? In my case, 4 just looked better with the fancier setting.

You may just have to take a look in some jewelry stores to decide on your preference - or can you find out your girlfriend's preference in some sneaky way?
Extra comment on reputable companies.

WHITE FLASH!!! They spoiled me when I purchased from them!!
Just a thought but maybe it would be best to go to Tiffany's first just to see if they even have anything within you price range and go from there. I would work backwards that way if they don't have what you want you can start looking at the online vendors.

On 4/29/2003 1:25:22 PM jlim wrote:
Can someone comment on this:

I notice the GIA cert says it is an F color, but the desc. says it is E. Putting in the specs into cutadvisor, 60.8% depth, 55% table, 34.6° crown angle, 40.8° pavilion angle, it says
Jim: I suspect that Duttons Diamonds does not actually have that diamond in hand. This is a SuperbCert I went to their site,, and there it is!

Also, it would be an F. The GIA cert shows it as an F and the SuperbCert website also shows it as an F. It may have just been a typo on the part of Duttons to list it as an E.
thanks for looking up the other diamonds within my specs and price range for me. I definitely appreciate it. I'll check them out. Btw, can you explain more about HCA.

I don't quite understand this:
A score below 2 (Excellent) means you have eliminated known poor performers (more than 95% of all diamonds). Your own personal preference may be for a diamond with an HCA score of 1.5 more rather than one with a lower score of say 0.5.

So, I want as small a number as possible to 0, right? For for example, they do not publish the crown, pavilion and cutlet values. I guess if I do decide on them, I'll have to give them a call. But the above statement explaining HCA point confuses me. If <2 is excellent, then why would one choose 1.5 over 0.5??

Knowing her I know she wouldn't want me to spend too much money though how much is too much, right? I know she doesn't like to *parade* around w/ a big stone but obviously, it can't be too small. I think for her size, 5' 3" 105lbs, short slim fingers, a 0.5ct will look nice but I'm sure she wouldn't mind a 1ct. but I think she would be self-conscious wearing it.

I know she wouldn't mind if I bought it off the net but I know deep down, she'll feel better if it came from Tiffany's. But if all I can get from Tiffany's for $4k is H and VVS2, then I'll definitely buy a D or E, IF for $4k online.

I know a trip to Tiffany's is unevitable but I would like to gather as much info as I can before stepping into the store. Knowing exactly what I want ahead of time will help me shop better there.

I'm with you. I'll like to know from the ladies out there, what do you think of 4 vs. 6 prong on a smaller stone around 0.5ct.

Btw, I found another diamond on bluenile for $3562.
- 0.53ct
- 62.3% depth
- 56% table
- IF
- D

but no info on crown and pavilion that I can use to use cutadvisor with.

This is the GIA cert:
Also, the ring setting is important. Here are the 4 I like from bluenile. It doesn't necessary mean that I'll buy from them but their site is userfriendly and good photos.

Any ladies here care to comment on which setting they like? Thank you.

I like B. Also I personally like 6 prongs over 4 as to me 4 sometimes makes the diamond look square at first look and not round.
I like B the best as well...nice balance.
On 4/29/2003 2:18:39 PM pqcollectibles wrote:

I noticed in a previous post that you decided the size of diamond based on the size of your lady. Have you asked her what she wants? You don't have to be blunt about it. Feel her out. With Mother's Day coming up, you can cruise jewelry counters and see what draws her eye without attracting suspicion. You might be surprised by what you learn from her.

Good comment.

I was about 5'3"-5'4" and weighed about 105 when I became engaged w/ a .70. In no way was it too big. If my "to be" could have afforded more $, I'd have been sporting a 1c for sure. Shrinkage happens real fast.

While I can appreciate you wanting the quality, it's really more about what *she* wants. She may indeed want a larger f/vs stone; or, she may want to pocket the difference between a d/if & f/vs for a house or the wedding. *She* is the one who will wear it for the rest of her life. Heck, she may even want a G-H/VS2 (still one heck of a stone)in a carat.

As for the Tiffany thing, they are not the end all be all of quality. You can find the same if not better quality & service on the net.

Good luck. And above all, get a stone w/ a very good make.
On 4/29/2003 2:54:58 PM jlim wrote:

Knowing her I know she wouldn't want me to spend too much money though how much is too much, right? I know she doesn't like to *parade* around w/ a big stone but obviously, it can't be too small. I think for her size, 5' 3" 105lbs, short slim fingers, a 0.5ct will look nice but I'm sure she wouldn't mind a 1ct. but I think she would be self-conscious wearing it.


She will get used to the size real quick!!

I like ring shank (could be the angle)# B & setting #1 - four prongs. I'm with another poster who stated that a killer stone will be hidden by 6 prongs. As for the squared off comment, there is some truth to that. We rotated the head so that the prongs faced North, South, East & West. It really popped out the stone (great cut F/VVS)& did not square off the diamond.

Sweet Home Alabama did wonders for marketing Tiffany engagement rings. I've said my piece on Tiffany's. They are trading on their name. She may think it's cool; but, is the double the cost worth it to her. Especially, as you stated, she doesn't want you to spend too much.

I agree with Fire & Ice. I too, wanted something small, and I am 5'0" with small hands. After trying on rings with my fiance, I thought a 0.50 carat tiny, and my girlfriend got engaged with a 0.75 carat.

I also originally wanted D or E, VVS1 or VVS2. But, after reading this website realized an F or G with VS2 or even SI1 would look exactly the same to my and others eyes as the higher color and clarity!

I ended up for $ 3,200 with a RB diamond with a 0.83, ideal cut, 0.6 HCA, F, VS2, GIA from We had it appraised upon receipt. I love my e-ring.

It was set in a lovely Scott Kay platinum setting with side diamonds. I couldn't be happier, and I am so glad I went with a larger size carat weight.

IMO, I think your fiance would be much happier with a larger size, and keep within your budget.
Prongs.... My e-ring is a pear shape with 5 prongs and V to protect the point. Personally I don't like prongs. They always seem to snag on something or have a lint, stringy thing sticking out.

On a smaller diamond, I prefer the 4 prong to showcase the diamond without diminishing it. The N,S,E,W suggestion sounded like a good option to not square off the look. Plus, it will add a unique touch as well. If you were getting a larger 1+ carat, I'd definitely vote for the security of 6 prongs. Platinum head will much more durable, thus more secure, than gold in the long run. Gold prongs can bend and get pulled out of shape. Platinum stays put.

Get out and look locally. Price compare and get hard info (Sarin) to plug in the Cut Adviser when you get home. Check the chart to rate the cut, then refer to Price Stats and see where you are in the pocketbook.

When I first came to PS, I thought all these people were just a bunch of number crunching DIAMOND FREAKS. LOL How little I knew then. I decided to see what all the Hooplah was about. So, I went to view "Ideal" cuts and H&A's in person. If I hadn't seen an H&A, I'd of probably been happy with an "Ideal" cut. Once I saw a true H&A, I was ruined. And, I knew the PS folk were right about gathering information, checking things out, and making an informed buying decision. I also learned that I could get more bang for my buck buying online through a reputable dealer. In one of my earlier posts, I gave you some pricing stats for H&A versus Am Class 1A. The "premium" invested is rather small in relation to the return of brilliance performance.

Once you get out and shop, all your research might just go out the window. You're thinking .5 carat, she would really like 1 carat but reasonably won't allow herself to go that high, so she decides that .75 carat is just right. And, then again, she might just spy a great princess or radiant cut that blows the whole plan out of the water, and puts your research back to Square 1. Who can say when it comes to "affairs of the heart".

Don't we all sound like the in-laws telling you what we would do??? LOL Seriously though, you sound very solid and your lady sounds like she is well grounded too. You're on the right track by learning before buying. You'll do fine, whether you buy online or local.
On 4/29/2003 10:56
9 PM pqcollectibles wrote:

On a smaller diamond, I prefer the 4 prong to showcase the diamond without diminishing it. The N,S,E,W suggestion sounded like a good option to not square off the look. Plus, it will add a unique touch as well. If you were getting a larger 1+ carat, I'd definitely vote for the security of 6 prongs. Platinum head will much more durable, thus more secure, than gold in the long run. Gold prongs can bend and get pulled out of shape. Platinum stays put.

It is me who had the 4 prong rotated. The only problem w/ setting the stone this way is the jeweler needs to carve a nitch for the wedding ring to sit flush. And, yes it was unique. It actually made the stone appear larger & it sat up higher.

I have my 3c set in four prong vatche setting. It's plenty secure; but, I think one needs to look at lifestyle. I do not wear my rings when I am doing certain activities. Also, if you go w/ a thin girdle, there might be some concern.
I highly agree with the other girls on finding out what your gf wants before you do all this research on a .5c stone. One of my friends is around 5'2", extremely small and thin (wears like a size 0 or girls 14), and she has a .30-.40c stone in her e-ring and its TINY. In no way does it look big or even remotely overwhelming on her. She likes small stuff so it's fine for her...but she definitely could have gone around .70 or so before it looked big on her hands. Just my two cents. Shrinkage DOES happen fast, and you never know...she could be thinking along the same lines as you were. But you never know. A diamond on a hand is not like putting rims on a car. Hands fit all sizes of diamonds quite nicely
Be careful or you will think too much like a male in this definitely feminine psychological purchase. I thought I wanted a 1c when we started to look but I got a 1.25c and its already looking a little small! It's not that I think it's small, its more that you just start to get used to the look on your hand and think..hmm. Oh and also have you seen a .5c in person? You may be surprised at the size.

On the Tiffanys discussion, I also agree you need to go into the store and get information. I may be wrong but my mother told me that Tiffany's does not even offer any certification with stones under 1c. So you definitely will only have the Tiffany word on how things shape up. It will probably be very accurate, but I would get it double checked after purchase within your return-policy window. Plus an appraiser can run tests on the stone for you that Tiffanys information will not have.

Coming on here to get information beforehand is admirable, but comparing online stones to Tiffanys is like comparing apples to avocados. Their markup can be around 30-40% depending on what you are talking about. Plus they don't negotiate so finding out what you'd be paying here doesn't make a difference until you find out what the pricing is at Tiffany. Someone on here recently posted that a .75c stone at Tiffanys (dont recall color/clarity but I recall it was pretty good, maybe F VS) was around $9000. RIDICULOUS. That same stone online in an even better cut would be around $4000 most likely. All for the love of a little branded solitaire setting? No way. If you have extra money to burn, get a custom setting and a better stone. Custom is way more 'shi-shi' than a Tiffany setting in my opinion. Maybe I am biased.

Then again I always give props to Tiffany for their superior marketing and branding. If only we could bottle that and sell it..I'd be much better at my job. Maybe we should package our products in a little purple box and double the price.

Oh and if you are looking online, Blue Nile's pricing can be a little inflated, and they don't give you all the info on the stones because they don't have it. Stick to shopping with online sites that DO give you the tools you need to make an informed decision. Sarin reports, closeup of the stones inclusions, GIA/AGS reports etc, Bscope, H&A images, the list goes on. It's all out there for you.

Anyway whatever you choose, good luck! and have fun!
Thanks to all who replied. I'm still in my quest.

The reason I chose to get the ideal diamond online then look for Tiffany's is simple. Once I know what kind of ring I can get here at the price I'm willing to pay, then it is a simple matter of heading over to Tiffany's and tell them to show me the rings that they have available for $4000. If I had done it the other way round, I would have several rings from Tiffany's to choose from, sizes, clarity, inclusion and cut to compare with the rings that I get quotes from the vendors here.

In anycase, it is interesting a few ladies (I presume) seem to think that a diamond is never too big on their fingers and that for a petite woman a 0.4ct is small. I was just talking to a friend who is also shopping for an e-ring. Unlike me, he has been to several Tiffany's store. At one particular store, the salesman told him this. American buyers generally buy ct. With monetary constrains, they would usually sacrifice quality and get the biggest diamond they can get. Japanese buyers however, buy the best quality diamond they can get even if it is a small diamond. Though I'm neither American nor Japanese, I'm of Asian heritage. I value quality over quantity so to speak. For the same price, I would get a higher quality stone over a larger stone EVEN IF you can't tell the difference bet. a D/E/F & IF/VVS1/VVS2 over a G/H & VS1/VS2 through the naked eye. Maybe it is a cultural thing.

Anyway, I feel a 0.5ct will look nicely on my gf's finger. In fact, I've been looking for slightly bigger stones. My criteria now is bet. 0.6-0.7 ct. D/E/F & IF/VVS1. From the responses I get from online vendors whom I'm been contacted or contacted, it seem my choices are getting smaller due to the $4500 (up from $4000 since I've also decided on the setting) cap.

Once I decide on the one ring, I'll head over to Tiffany's and see what $4500 can buy there. I was told they carry only D/E/F/G and IF/VVS1/VVS2. So, their rings will look great I'm sure. But for $4500, I know I'm getting <0.5ct and probably F/G & VVS2. Then I only have to decide if it is that big of a difference (hopefully I will have the ring that I'm buying from the vendor here with me) bet. their ring and mine.
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