
Help in Finding 1 Carat Cushion-Cut Diamond for Platinum Halo


Mar 21, 2019
I've been educating myself, but I could use some help. I want to replace my wife's old engagement ring with something better. I want a 1 carat center stone in a platinum halo setting. The setting I like is from James Allen. My budget for the center stone is $3,000-$3,500. I could go a little higher for a much better diamond.

These are the criteria I've been using based on the research I've done on cushion cuts:
Carat: 0.98 to 1.02
Cut: Ideal or Very Good
Color: G or H
Clarity: VS1 or higher
Table and Depth: 69% or Lower

Here are some questions:
1. I started out considering VS2 or lower, but almost every VS2 I looked at had what seemed like a noticeable black occlusion near the top center of the stone. Am I being too picky?
2. I've read that cushion-cut stones show color more than round stones, and some sites recommend G or less color. I can't tell much difference between G and H in the photos on Would the color be noticeable with an H color stone in a platinum setting?
3. Also regarding color, the stones in the setting are G-H. Again, does it make any noticeable difference if the larger center stone is G or H against a background of G and H stones?
4. How much difference is there in Ideal vs Very Good cuts? My wife and I are in our early 50s, and our eyes aren't what they used to be, so could we tell the difference?

Finally, these are the diamonds I've roughly selected based on my VERY limited knowledge, but I would love to hear from experts on these or other alternatives. Thank you in advance!
Have you considered antique/vintage cuts?

Yoram at cuts some amazing stones, as does Rhino at August Vintage Inc. :)
I haven't considered vintage cuts. My wife is pretty specific in what she likes, so I'm going on what she wants!

I'm not seeing much different in your search, other than yours goes down to SI2 clarity and "good" cut. Can you point out anything about the diamonds I've listed that maybe I'm missing? They seem to have what I've read are the right characteristics, but if anyone can answer the questions in my original post, I'd appreciate the help!
^ OP, I am not Rpb, but FWIW in my view the 1.05ct H-VVS2 Cushion is a much better choice than the 4 you posted because its crisp facet pattern lends itself to a more lively and dynamic diamond (in other words, a great performer).

In comparison, the 1st, 2nd and 4th diamonds you posted all look "mushy" under the table which results in a flat or dead looking diamond. The 3rd diamond you posted has not only that same mushiness but also exhibits a fisheye effect (white ring just inside the table outline) -

If you can stretch your budget a couple hundred dollars more, the 1.05ct H-VVS2 will make a stunning center stone for the platinum halo ring for your wife.
I haven't considered vintage cuts. My wife is pretty specific in what she likes, so I'm going on what she wants!

I'm not seeing much different in your search, other than yours goes down to SI2 clarity and "good" cut. Can you point out anything about the diamonds I've listed that maybe I'm missing? They seem to have what I've read are the right characteristics, but if anyone can answer the questions in my original post, I'd appreciate the help!

Ok, let me step back a minute.
What you want in a good stone is good light return (with a little bit of contrast). You can not pick fancy cut stones (cushions, pears, ovals, etc.) from
the numbers. You have to look at the faceting pattern and try to see how well it is returning light. Below is the first stone you linked. We would say
that the center is "musy" as @marymm described above. No well-defined facets, gray in appearance, no good light return. The facets are not angled
well to return the light to the eye. The light may be bouncing around and headed out the sides (pavilion) of the stone (bad).

Versus a stone like the one below. Well defined (delineated) facets, clear white facets and a small amount of contrast (black). Facets are returning light
to your eyes. With cushions we like to request an ASET images so we can see how well the stone is returning light. You can request up to 3 ASETS from
James Allen so ask for help before you request them (you dont want to waste your asets on bad stones).
nice cushion.PNG
Here is the link to this stone so you can have a better look...
This is what a computer generated aset looks like for the stone above. Red is the brightest light, green is the second brightest, blue is caused by
obstruction by head/body/camera. White or black (depending on background) signifies leakage (bad). As you can see from the ASET image this stone
has nice light return. However, we really want a "real" ASET image of the stone and not just the computer generated ASET.

I hope that makes things a little clearer. Bottom line is you are looking for good light return, a little contrast and a nice faceting pattern.

Here are the questions from your original post
1. I started out considering VS2 or lower, but almost every VS2 I looked at had what seemed like a noticeable black occlusion near the top center of the stone. Am I being too picky? You really have to evaluate each stone's inclusions. Some/most/a lot? of SI1s will be eye-clean. VS2s are usually
eye-clean but occasionally you'll find ones that do have a dark inclusion on the table that just doesnt cut it. You have to remember these
images are really blown up so be sure to use the magnifying scale and take them down to "real life" size to see what you can see.

2. I've read that cushion-cut stones show color more than round stones, and some sites recommend G or less color. I can't tell much difference between G and H in the photos on Would the color be noticeable with an H color stone in a platinum setting? H would be the cut off for most people as far as not seeing color (for those who are not color sensitive). So if you want to stay really safe go with G or above. If you find
an H that checks all the boxes, that is probably ok too. People who are color sensitive would want to stay G+.

3. Also regarding color, the stones in the setting are G-H. Again, does it make any noticeable difference if the larger center stone is G or H against a background of G and H stones? No, it will not make a difference. Smaller stones (pave) almost always show up whiter because they are
so small you cant see any color in them. This is normal.

4. How much difference is there in Ideal vs Very Good cuts? My wife and I are in our early 50s, and our eyes aren't what they used to be, so could we tell the difference? As I stated above you can not evaluate stones by the numbers (or how the vendor ranks them). This is different then round
brilliants which can almost be bought by the numbers so you can easily put them into categories. So you can find nicely cut stones in
the Very good category as well as poorly cut stones in the Ideal category.

Hope that fills in some more of the picture. If you have more questions just let us know. tyty333
Wow, fantastic information! Thanks to all who responded! I think I've learned enough to continue on, although the more I look at the diamond that RPB linked, the more I like it.

Thanks again for taking the time to educate me!
Wow, fantastic information! Thanks to all who responded! I think I've learned enough to continue on, although the more I look at the diamond that RPB linked, the more I like it.
BTW...that was in the list of stones I provided you.
Thanks again for taking the time to educate me!
I see that now tyty333. Your post was very educational. Thanks for taking the time to explain it.
I need a little more help! I didn't realize how quickly my selected diamond would go, and I lost the one I wanted while I was still trying to discretely figure out my wife's ring size and preference for white gold or platinum. I've learned a lot from this thread and others, particularly thanks to tyty333 and marymm, but I would appreciate your help again! I've put together the following list based on your previous comments. Please help me select from this list or suggest an alternative. Are there any diamonds in this list you would outright reject, and if so, why! Thank you!

I need a little more help! I didn't realize how quickly my selected diamond would go, and I lost the one I wanted while I was still trying to discretely figure out my wife's ring size and preference for white gold or platinum. I've learned a lot from this thread and others, particularly thanks to tyty333 and marymm, but I would appreciate your help again! I've put together the following list based on your previous comments. Please help me select from this list or suggest an alternative. Are there any diamonds in this list you would outright reject, and if so, why! Thank you!

I can’t help you with picking the right diamond....but I will tell you that there are lurkers here that will snap up a diamond faster than you can speak. It doesn’t hurt to put it on hold. If one comes up that the people here suggest..move fast! Good luck!
Thank you Joanne. I tried that, but the representative I spoke to at James Allen told me they wouldn't hold a diamond. To "hold" it, I had to purchase it. In retrospect, I should have done that!
Thank you Joanne. I tried that, but the representative I spoke to at James Allen told me they wouldn't hold a diamond. To "hold" it, I had to purchase it. In retrospect, I should have done that!
That’s crazy! I’ve had Blue Nile hold diamonds for me before. They hold them for a certain period of time..I think it was a few days..
Thank you Joanne. I tried that, but the representative I spoke to at James Allen told me they wouldn't hold a diamond. To "hold" it, I had to purchase it. In retrospect, I should have done that!
I don't think the sales rep you talked to is correct. I had a diamond held for me for 72 hours a few months ago without any issues
Thank you tyty. I'll do that. Do you see anything undesirable about any of these? I want to choose something that will really dazzle her, so if there are better selections out there, I'd like to know!

J Color similar style cushion in a halo, for reference.
Thank you kb1gra! That's beautiful. The one you mentioned is a little outside my budget, but I'd find the money if it really stood above the rest. But I can't really see much difference from those in my list. Can you point out what makes that one stand out?
My favorite of those is the H/VS1 but my favorite in that price range is actually this one:

it's $300 more than your budget BUT the faceting looks amazing when you zoom out closer to real life size, AND it's a huge 5.93x5.62 whereas the H/VS1 above is 5.75x5.62.

This stone most likely wont aset out as well as the other ones I've posted. If you look under the table the facets are not nicely delineated. They are somewhat
fuzzy and "mushy". Looks like they are out of focus. Those facets dont usually produce good light return.
Thanks tyty. I didn't get the image for that one, although I liked it. I got (or will get) these:

What are your thoughts on these, particularly the h vvs1? Compared to the "mushy" image you showed near the beginning of the thread, I thought that one in particular looked very sharp and in focus.
Has your wife specifically requested a cushion? You could more easily find a stunning round and set it in a cushion halo.
She likes both, but I got the impression she preferred a cushion. I'm open to suggestions though! I'm now thoroughly frustrated with Even though I was able to select all of the diamonds on my list, and a representative told me they were all available today, apparently none of the three I requested ASET images for are available anymore. I don't know how they expect a customer to make a choice when they do such a poor job of managing their inventory.
It appears that the person who told me that they weren't available may have been confused. I spoke to another representative that said that not only were they available, but he would but a hold on all 3 for me! Apparently there is some confusion at James Allen! I will post ASET images when I get them.
The H/vvs1 is my favorite. However, I do wonder about the contrast showing up in 3 of the 4 quadrants but not the North/West qudrant. Could just
be the angle the stone is sitting at. The aset will show if something different is going on in that area of the stone.

Post asets when you get them. Thats weird you are having so much trouble with JA. They will usually put 3 stones on hold for you while requesting
asets. You do know that JA probably does not own these stones? They are probably not in their inventory. They are usually owned by someone
else (diamond broker/diamond cutter) and advertised by various diamond vendors. The stones then get "called in" when someone is interested in
them. So its probably not as straight forward as you're thinking but by now JA should have it figured out!:lol:


  • Capture.PNG
    64.8 KB · Views: 45
ASET are not common... Video are meant to provide at least the same information & it is somewhat diffcult to think through the beautiful distraction.


- a cushion with arrows WWW

- one without WWW
