
HELP!! I broke my diamond!!!!!!!

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Dec 18, 2003
Oh my, I am in shock.

I was at the grocery store, and opened the car door and my hand smashed between the car and the cart.

A CHUNK of diamond came off. I am sick now.

This happened a half an hour ago - and I can''t reach my husband''s stupid cell phone to even tell him.


So, what''s my next step? Has anyone ever had to make a claim? Do I need to take it to an appraiser first for insurance purposes to delare it broken??

I''m searching while typing through the filing cabinet for the policy information - but any information would be extrememely helpful right now.

Will post pics in 2 minutes.
that sux :{
Call the claims office listed on your policy or your agent as soon as you can for instructions.
What happens next will vary company to company.
They will tell you what you need to do.
Here''s the first of 3

Here''s the side.. it went all the way down and I think toward the middle too

Oh Laney, that''s terrible. I don''t have any advice but THANK GOD FOR INSURANCE.
Oh Laney. That really does suck big time.
I have no advice for you, but my heart goes out to you!
This really is upsetting... I really loved the stone we had from GOG....

I am so sorry!!!! That''s just the worst. Get in touch with your insurance agent pronto and he will give you proper instructions. Hugs!!!
OH MY GOSH that is terrible! I have never seen such a thing happen. Laney I had seen pictures of your ring somewhere on Show Me the Ring and it is one of the prettiest on pricescope. I am so glad you have insurance. Let us know how it all comes out. You certainly have my sympathy for the damage to your beautiful ring.
I feel SO bad for you.

Sure glad you got insurance.
We would love to hear your report about your experience with the claim.
Perhaps if your insurance company knows they are under the Pricescop/Microscope they will bend over backwards to make you happy.
Hi kenny -

Yes I will keep you posted on the process. We have a rider on our homeowners with allstate. So - although the policy is enough to cover it, I am a bit fearful of the process. From my understanding the insurance companies get the "new diamond". After being a pscoper for over 2 years... how am I going to let anyone else select a DIAMOND?

We didn''t get a cash out policy like Chubb - because we couldn''t get a hold of an agent.

My fingers are crossed that we are able to be involved in the process....
OH my gosh, Laney!
How horrible!
I have never seen anything like that either!!! That is sooooo bizarre! How did it happen again? I just can't envision how it happened. Did you scratch the car? Did you find the piece of the diamond that came off? Is the ring damaged? Wow. Unbelievable.

We should all remember this post and when a newbie says they aren't going to bother with insurance, we can show them what happened here.

I have often wondered about the diamond replacement process, too. Please keep us posted.

{{{ hugs! }}}

Thanks Lynn. Yeah? it's weird. When I finally got to speak to my husband he thought I had damaged the band... not the stone.

I must have really hit it hard on a wierd angle.. and it just sheared down like that.
No scratches on the car door - and I didn't bother to look at the cart.
I looked breifly at the ground.. but it was the parking lot.. I doubt I'd find a small piece there.

The ring is fine..? The stone took the brunt I guess..

Too bad I can't get a hold of anyone today at our insurance office. I just really hope that I have input into the process....
I would make sure that you tell them you know a thing or two about diamonds and want the exact same quality stone that you had. Nothing more and nothing less!!! Stand firm!!!! Good luck and let us know what they say!!!!
Oh No!!!!
How did something like that happen? I know everything is breakable but your hand allright?
I am soo sorry.
I hope that your Allstate agant is as nice as they calim to be in their adds. Perhaps on the vendors or appraisers can explain how diamonds break. I hope this is taken care of swiftly. *hugs*
Oh no, Laney, I''m sooo sorry to hear this! What a nightmare!

I''m amazed that you didn''t hurt your hand at all. Like you said, the stone must have taken the brunt of the blow.

I hope that your insurance agent takes good care of you.

I had to check out this thread, the title was too intriguing. Can''t believe it Laney, I hope your process to replace it goes smoothly.

I''d seriously be in trouble if something like that happened.....


my ring is uninsured.
YIKES Laney that is horrible!!!! Was there a feather in the stone at that area or anything??

I let my insurance lapse because I felt like ''what could happen'' I am thinking of restarting it after seeing your pictures!!! Gosh..keep us posted and stay positive.
I read that Kmom!

Go get thee insured!

I take my rings off to go to bed... and to do most household chores.. this is the last thing I would expect to happen while getting dinner at the grocery store.

And here''s a weird thing.. I had some bags in my hand while this happened. When I got home I noticed that I had poked a hole in the heavy cream.. about ring size? Now how did I do that?

Aye yi yi!
Oh Kmom, get that baby insured pronto!!!!! It''s my twin, you got to insure it!!!! My hubby only insures my ering. We used to insure a lot of my jewelery, but it''s too expensive. I wish I could insure my grandmothers ring, because that is the one piece besides my ering that I treasure most.
Hey Mara..

NOOPEEE no feather or inclusion AT ALL in that area. I''m an SI2 girl.. but my inclusion is right down the middle of the table. It''s still there -- it didn''t extend or change shape either.

We''ll have to see how good Allstate is going to be. With the amount insured.. that is listed on our policy.. I could get a nice.. actually larger stone... however... how in the heck am I going to be able to buy it myself...

I''ll find out Monday I guess...
I am soooo sorry to hear about this misfortune Laney! This is the time for your insurance company to show you what customer service is all about. I agree with the previous poster who said to be very adamant about them giving you a stone as identical to your current one as possible. Goodluck with the process (hopefully a quick and painless one), and let us know how it goes.
OMG, I am speechless. And guess what came in my mailbox today? The bill for the next 6 months'' premium for my e-ring policy. Putting that in the mail on Monday, as if that was ever in doubt! Soooooooooo glad you had insurance. I have never made a claim, and I have a cash-out policy anyway, so I''m not sure of the procedure in your case. Please keep us informed. {{{{hugs}}}}} Try to stay calm, if at all humanly possible!!!
Thank all of you. I am calm now. I wasn''t when it happened, my heart just dropped. About half way back from the store I realized that I had insurance (DUH) and then when I got home I was just sad. Only because I had researched for months for a stone.. and was really proud of the one we found.

Then I couldn''t get a hold of my hubby. But when he got home he was like "well just replace it.. no problem". And wasn''t upset at all. I guess I wasn''t thinking.. lol!

Oh well, he calmed me down with the "it''s only an object that can be replaced" speech. But it''s a very pretty object that was ruined by my careless grocery shopping... (ok.. I''m not over it yet!)

Send in those renewals!
Hi Laney,
I''m so sorry about your ring, I too would be upset. I have my ring insured through Allstate and am in the middle of processing a claim for 2 chips that were found on my ring in the recent appraisal. they have been super so far. i was unsure if they would even cover anything but they sent to to someone to look at my ring and decide if I want to have the stone polished, recut, or replaced. if i choose to replace it, she would find one but I believe you can chose to accept it or not. if your detailed appraisal isn''t easily replaced
they will cash out. feel free to pm me if you want anymore info.
Laney--that is just TERRIBLE!

I so know how you feel, I had my e-ring stolen a few months back. I hope your insurance claims process goes well...I will be sending good vibes for you on that!

And for everyone reading this thread: Insurance is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO important on something like a diamond ring. If you do not jahve any...get some ASAP!!!!

Noone expects it, but accidents happen, and how horrible would you feel if an accident did happen and you were out thousands of dollars on top of being heartbroken over the loss of your diamond????

I actually work in auto insurance claims, and I can''t tell you how many time s a week I tell a customer: "that is why they call this an accident, you could nto have known it was going to happen, but it is all going to be OK"

Laney--I am sure it is all going to be OK...good for you and your hubby to have the forethought to insure yourselves. I am sure the replacement will be a great stone, b/c it appears that you know how to pick''em :)

I just called the number on my policy when mine was stolen. They told me what to do when I talked to them...for me, it was getting apolice report and an appraisel to see if it was worth more than we had it insured for currently.

They should explain everything....just call the claims number on your policy.
Do you really need insurance?

Here''s a good test..

Ask youself this question......

Can I dig into my savings or other money and buy another diamond ( even if it costs a little more) and not feel a "pinch"?

If the answer is NO then you can afford to self insure.

If the answer is YES, then YOU GOTTA GET INSURANCE!!!!!!

You poor thing! I would have had a stroke...what a shocking thing to have happen.

BUT the good news is that it CAN be replaced--may be a bit of effort, but there are beautiful stones out there and you WILL get an equally beautiful stone.

I can only imagine how distressing this is! hang in there and before you know it, we''ll all be posting on your awesome new stone!
How awful!!! I can''t imagine what your reaction must have been! I think I would''ve been ill.

Thank goodness you have insurance!! Please keep us updated as I also have an Allstate rider policy and I would like to know of your experience with them G-d forbid if I ever have to use it!!!
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