
Help! Help! Help with recommendation for repair!

Owies Nana

May 16, 2010

I have a 14k yellow gold sand dollar charm/pendant that my husband gave to me when I was pregnant with our first child 42 years ago. Last Friday my three year old granddaughter managed to mangle it with a backwards head butt to my chest while sitting on my lap. She crushed it into my diamond pendant that I received when our son went to college leaving us as empty nesters. The blow took a chunk out of the sand dollar and damaged the bale on the charm.

The pendant is significant to me beyond being a pregnancy gift during my first pregnancy. I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer in the spring a little over four years ago. Shortly before my biopsy, I found a perfect sand dollar after a magnificent, terrifying storm on the beach where I had walked for over 60 years with my family. I had never found one before, and, despite the high, violent surf from the storm, this one was perfect (though not alive!) when I found it while waiting for my diagnosis. I heard the voice of God Himself speak into my soul saying, "Do you see all the carnage here? All of the dead fish and pieces of crabs that have been beaten by the waves and torn to pieces during the violence of this storm? I kept this sand dollar so that amidst all this carnage from the storm so that you would find it. If I can keep this sand dollar in perfect shape during such a storm, I can keep you safe, even if you have to deal with cancer."

At that point, I remembered that I had this pendant in my old jewelry box. I had never worn it because I didn't have a chain that would fit through the bale. I realized that I had kept it for 38 years, never wearing it, because THIS was the moment that I needed to be reminded of God's faithfulness to me. He knew when my husband gave it to me that I would need it later in my life to remind me that God Himself controls the events and circumstances of my life, even preparing me to hear him speak to me through the finding of a sand dollar on the beach after a violent storm.

I cried and cried...
...and was comforted.

Within days after taking the shell back home, it developed a hole on the top in the middle, and so I knew in the very depths of my soul that the biopsy would be confirmed as malignant, which it was, and after the diagnosis, through all of my treatments, and ever since, I have worn it with my diamond pendant almost every single day for the past four plus years because wearing the two pendants together reminded me of the beginning of my "motherhood" and the end of raising my children. It reminded me daily of God, my Heavenly Father, who spoke to me from my present circumstances, back through my past and forward into my future, and it was His peace and the knowledge that He was with me that enabled me to move through treatment for cancer.

With the cancer, I lost all of my internal female organs in surgery, and then had six cycles of chemotherapy. Having something tangible to wear and to touch from the beginning of being a mother, and from the end of having children in the house was a daily reminder of God's plan for me BEFORE cancer was even a part of my life, and His speaking. directly to me during my personal storm of cancer through the sand dollar I found on the beach and in my jewelry box.

Now you know why it is important to me to find someone who is willing to do the repair.

Do you think can be repaired? If so, I need to find a goldsmith with artisan skills who recognizes my need to repair it (due to the enormity of the significance of it for me) and who has the skill to do fine delicate work. Can you recommend someone who would be sentimental enough to undertake the difficulty of restoring the pendant for me? Maybe it won't be as difficult as I think, but seeing it in its current condition makes me want to cry. I will try to upload a picture.

Thank you in advance for your recommendations.


Jan 7, 2012
Do you have pics you can show us?

Owies Nana

May 16, 2010
There it is.

I am heartsick. :oops2::cry2::cry2:


Aug 14, 2018
I’m bumping this thread for you in hopes that others see it. It’s a very heartwarming story and I am so sorry that your sentimental piece has gotten damaged. I would take it to a jeweler and see if they might be able to solder the gold to it to make it whole. Did you manage to retrieve the piece that was knocked off?

I don’t know if @denverappraiser would be able to tell you if this is reparable or not.


Nov 4, 2018

This should be repairable by a competent goldsmith. Could you give us an indication of where you live, in case anyone can make suggestions? Are you in or near any major metropolitan area? In the US, or elsewhere?

Owies Nana

May 16, 2010
I am in the suburbs of Baltimore, Maryland.

Owies Nana

May 16, 2010
I’m bumping this thread for you in hopes that others see it. It’s a very heartwarming story and I am so sorry that your sentimental piece has gotten damaged. I would take it to a jeweler and see if they might be able to solder the gold to it to make it whole. Did you manage to retrieve the piece that was knocked off?

I don’t know if @denverappraiser would be able to tell you if this is reparable or not.

I could not find the other piece. :cry2:

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019

what a beautiful piece
i am going to google sand dollar in a moment
and a very meaningful story
i am positive there will be a skilled jewler in your town who will be able to fix it for you
it was the next generation wanting a part of the pendant's story and i think as such it will be even more special when it is restored
best wishes

Owies Nana

May 16, 2010
Thank you for your insight...and your encouragement.

The legend of the sand dollar is amazing and a part of the story as well.

Owies Nana

May 16, 2010
The legend of the sand dollar is amazing and a part of the story as well.
That should not be too hard for a skilled jeweler, especially with a laser. Best wishes for continued good health!

Thank you! I am seeing the oncologist on the 2nd for my 6 month check up. My four year cancer free anniversary was September 23rd, so I am grateful to have this time with our three year old granddaughter!


Aug 14, 2009
If you want it repaired expertly - send it to Sako.

Might want to skip the religion bit when you reach out though.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Thank you for your insight...and your encouragement.

The legend of the sand dollar is amazing and a part of the story as well.

you know thinking of your dear wee grandaughter i almost want to suggest making the repaired part a feature and having it done in a different colour

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Thank you! I am seeing the oncologist on the 2nd for my 6 month check up. My four year cancer free anniversary was September 23rd, so I am grateful to have this time with our three year old granddaughter!

best wishes for the 2nd


Nov 4, 2018
I am in the suburbs of Baltimore, Maryland.

Well if we're lucky, someone from the Baltimore/DC area will chime in.

If you ever come up to NYC, I use a guy here for repairs who was originally suggested to me by another PSer who had used him to do some very intricate and detailed repair work on ethnic silver jewelry where entire sections of detail were missing, and he seamlessly replicated the missing parts and repaired the piece. You would never have known, were it not for the before/after photos.


Jul 21, 2004
I’m bumping this thread for you in hopes that others see it. It’s a very heartwarming story and I am so sorry that your sentimental piece has gotten damaged. I would take it to a jeweler and see if they might be able to solder the gold to it to make it whole. Did you manage to retrieve the piece that was knocked off?

I don’t know if @denverappraiser would be able to tell you if this is reparable or not.

This should not be a difficult repair. It requires a laser welder, which is an increasingly common tool among goldsmiths, and a bit of time. Call around your local market and ask about the welder. When you find one, go talk to them and see what they think. You may want to start a new thread here with a title like 'looking for expert goldsmith in Baltimore.' You might get some first rate recommendations.

Owies Nana

May 16, 2010
Thank you all for your encouragement and expertise. I will open a new thread here in this forum asking for an expert goldsmith in Baltimore.

Thank you again!!! I'll post pictures after the repair. :)


Oct 28, 2023
So sorry about your beloved pendant and hope it’s an easy fix.


Nov 22, 2023
Well if we're lucky, someone from the Baltimore/DC area will chime in.

If you ever come up to NYC, I use a guy here for repairs who was originally suggested to me by another PSer who had used him to do some very intricate and detailed repair work on ethnic silver jewelry where entire sections of detail were missing, and he seamlessly replicated the missing parts and repaired the piece. You would never have known, were it not for the before/after photos.

Hi! I’m also looking to do repair for my ring and am based in NYC. Can you share this person’s contact details?
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