
help! do pics lie? custom asscher pic in

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Oct 26, 2006
hello everyone,

my ring is done and i just got a picture of the ring - i''m disapointed to say when i opened the file i didn''t get excited...can pictures lie???

has anyone had a custom project, see a pic and then found the ring to be pleasantly well done?

i''m picking it up on monday, i live in southern cali and am going up north for the week to San francisco... the lines aren''t as clean as i thought they would be and some of the work around the small diamonds looks uneven/blotchy??

am i overreacting??
Welllllll .... here''s a more life-size version ... it''s hard to know what you''ll think when you see it in person but I will admit it does not look as sharp & precise as the similarly jumbo-sized pix of the Daniel K ring you asked the jeweler to copy.

~~I have to agree about the small stones looking a little "blotchy", but the asscher is gorgeous!!! Maybe someone with a little more experience can chime in... (ETA: like Deco!! We were replying at the same time!! lol)
Date: 12/14/2006 5:07:08 PM
Author: decodelighted
Welllllll .... here's a more life-size version ... it's hard to know what you'll think when you see it in person but I will admit it does not look as sharp & precise as the similarly jumbo-sized pix of the Daniel K ring you asked the jeweler to copy. is not absolutely 100% perfect at whatever mag the picture is..but the picture IS hugely magnified. Take a look at it when you pick it up and see if you can detect the imperfections. If so, then have them correct it.
Here is, I believe, the inspiration pix ...for comparison sake. The proportions on this ring are different though, partly because the stone is much larger ... and some is optical illusion because the shank part of the ring is intentionally out of focus.

I actually think it looks lovely. And I'm not sure what a "blotchy" work is...My opinion is that with the exception of a few vendor's I've seen here, you just won't get Daniel K or Leon quality work with a replica...that's why it's a replica or copy. You can't expect perfect with nearly all custom work imo...It's a risk.
That said, it looks close, if not, perfect to me...
looks pretty good to me...
ok - thanks everyone!

you definitely made me feel better...i'm going to pick it up w/ an open mind...i know the pic is hugely magnified (but hey, so is the daniel k!! ha)

oh, and my stone is 1.13 carat, i'm sure the daniel K is well over 2!

and hope i will be happy - will post pics when i get it in hand!!!

Date: 12/14/2006 5:19:01 PM
Author: moremoremore
I actually think it looks lovely. And I''m not sure what a ''blotchy'' work is...My opinion is that with the exception of a few vendor''s I''ve seen here, you just won''t get Daniel K or Leon quality work with a replica...that''s why it''s a replica or copy. You can''t expect perfect with nearly all custom work imo...It''s a risk.
That said, it looks close, if not, perfect to me...
exactly. well said, mmm!

i hope you love your ring momof3!
Hey Momof3,

Don''t hit the panic button yet. One big difference in the two photos is the picture itself. The inspiration ring has a gorgeous pro photo. Your new one, well, that''s not much of a photo to judge from.

I would not get too emotional til I see that ring on your hand. Then you can decide about workmanship compared to what it cost, your expectations, etc.

I think the overall design is lovely.

I understand what you must be going through with so much anticipation and waiting and so on. Hang in there and post the new ring when you get it. Good luck!
When I first saw a pic of my ring, I hated it. I thought the proportions between the halo and the band were off. I think the macro pictures show all of the imperfections which aren''t as visible when you see it in person. Let us know how it goes once you''ve picked it up.
thanks alleycat,

good to know!!! that''s exactly what i''m hoping...=D would hate to send it back for any tweaks, especially since it is so far away!

i just want to put it on and go!
I love your ring. It is so beautiful!!
typos and all belle!! LOL....I cringe when I saw my improper '' LOLOL
I think it looks beautiful, it should look much more delicate in person! When the pics are magnified that much the milgrain looks much larger than it will in real life, it will be fine and delicate when you get it.
Date: 12/14/2006 4:41:00 PM
hello everyone,

my ring is done and i just got a picture of the ring - i''m disapointed to say when i opened the file i didn''t get excited...can pictures lie???

has anyone had a custom project, see a pic and then found the ring to be pleasantly well done?

i''m picking it up on monday, i live in southern cali and am going up north for the week to San francisco... the lines aren''t as clean as i thought they would be and some of the work around the small diamonds looks uneven/blotchy??

am i overreacting??
maybe.... I mean I''ve seen rings that looked lovely just to loupe them and see ugly little melee prongs/beads that would make PSers cringe - but in my head I''m thinking that 2 seconds ago before I magnified it I just thought the ring was lovely. What you see on your finger will NOT be what you see in the pic.... but it stil might bug you regardless. It looks fine from here - the pic isn''t super clear so I don''t know what to attribute to the ring and to the camera.... but really - do you need loupe fine work? Some do! If I can see it with my *pickiest* naked eye - that''s my line. It might not be perfect under magnification, but unless I''m spending the big bucks for a superdesigner or something, I can be a bit forgiving as long as it''s "eye clean" lol
oooh i just have to stop looking at the leone mege thread that went up! that is what i would have chosen, had i been more patient and done some more research! oh well.

i do hope i love the ring! it will bother me if anything looks wobbly or uneven - i won''t put up with that. but they always say they want their customers to be happy so we shall see huh?

I think it looks very pretty!

The focus seems off on the photo... and I don''t think the photo itself is taken as well as the Daniel K.

Daniel K''s was probably Photo Shopped and obviously taken for advertising.

I wouldn''t judge just on the photo :)
As a two time custom jewelery orderer, my piece of advice to you is to email them and say you are concerned because the finish doesn''t look as "fine" as it should. Tell them you understand that it is hard to tell from a photo, but if the workmanship is rough you are going to have to have them continue to work on it until it''s to your satisfaction.

That way, they have a heads up to do some fine tuning/polishing, or even re-cast it if they did a half a$$ed job. And also, don''t take it home with you if its not up to your standards! Make them "do it over!". Trust me, once you walk out the door with it, its YOURS for better or worse.



and for what its worth, my ring turned out great, but I had them make about 2 adjustments to it.
It looks very pretty to me--I guess you will be able to judge better when you have it in your hands. I hope it works out!!
can anyone tell technically - how the small stones in the halo were set - is that pave???

does anyone else think some of the bottom diamonds in the halo look crooked?

also, how does this differ from the technique the honorable mr. leon mege uses? i''m having buyers remorse, and haven''t seen it yet! just want to know the difference...

also, what are my obligations as the purchaser of a custom piece? if i hate it, and don''t want them to fix it do i lose my money (paid half in deposit but that covers the diamond and the setting)

i was never told that the ring would differ in any way to the picture... and they clearly do not look very similar - only similar in concept - halo w/ diamonds on all sides...

if it is nice in person i will be fine - but if i see blotchy work i will be unhappy! i''ve seen bad pave work before and told myself i wouldn''t settle for it!!! argg!
Momof3, I''m sorry you''re having buyers remorse, but really I wouldn''t worry until you see the ring in person. The ring is so magnified that you might not be able to see anything in real life without magnification. And I don''t want to sound rude, because I''m not trying to be, but I would never expect another company to perfect a different company''s work. I would always have to assume that there will be differences.

Please let us know what you think when you get the ring! From what you said, they should be willing to fix things, so I wouldn''t start worrying just yet
hi rascal,

thanks, i understand...i think it was just the surprise when i got the picture - they never said anything to temper my expectations - like we can get it close, or we use different techniques etc...and she knew i was picky given how much i made them go through to find the diamond!

guess i put more time/effort into the diamond search and didn''t think about doing that for the setting.

i''m still hopeful, just want to be prepared on what to do if it is not acceptable!
i personally think it looks beautiful. like others said here, it is highly magnifiied and you will never notice these little things that are sticking out to you now. Also, it is a really low quality pic. Can''t wait to see the actual thing on your hand!
ok ok
i''m picking it up tomorrow! will let you know.

will advise them NOT to send pictures until they get some technology in there! haha

thanks everyone, seriously - you have greatly lessened my neurotic thoughts!

Did you read my original post? I''m dead serious when I say you might want to consider calling them and (politely of course) expressing your concerns just as you did here.

A few things I''ll tell you about custom, in my experience.....

First off, they probably hand carve the wax & cast it. That will cause the work to look a little more "rough" or less "perfect" than your pic of the Daniel K. (which I suspect was made using CAD design & computers & high tech casting machines --- etc, and I know very little about this, so anyone with good knowledge can jump in--but I do know the difference between the techniques can be great).

Secondly, with custom...legally, they cannot ''copy'' the ring 100%. They have to change it at least 30% or the folks at Daniel K would be very upset (little thing called copyright infringement). My ring is inspired by a Chris Corriea design, and while from a distance it looks spot on, up close, you can tell the band is different, and there isn''t a "wave" in my side bands of pave & my diamond is set a little higher.

Lastly, you are going to be out the money that you paid. They actually did provide a service by carving, casting, and polishing the setting, so while they may be very good about making sure you are happy with the ring, that generally means working on the setting until it is "right", but essentially, yes, you are the owner of that ring now.

Which is why I said, if its not right DO NOT LEAVE THE STORE WITH IT! I''d call them today, really, and say you think the diamonds look crooked on the bottom & its not as crisp and sharp as your picture, and is that just the picture or could they just double check the workmanship before you get there to be sure its as it should be.

Please, don''t be intimidated by asking this of them. Done politely and professionally, they will most likely be happy to work with you. I hate to see folks upset by disappointments in custom work (which happens---its just not the same if you are copying a high profile designer) but it can be avoided by constant and clear communication with your jeweler.

Hope this helps,

Please let us know how it looks in person today!!
Hope it looks GREAT. Please check in.
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