
Help choosing a FCD - yellow or pink?


Aug 11, 2011
Hi all!

I’ve been browsing through pricescope a lot lately regarding FCDs and now I am definitely in love with them more than ever and have decided that I want to jump onto that bandwagon too! :love:

So the dilemma is that I initially wanted to get a fancy yellow diamond (around 3-3.5cts) and either set that in a 3-stone setting, or put a delicate micropave halo around it (HW micropave style). But after extensive online browsing, I have ventured out and looked at fancy pink diamonds (my favorite color is pink) and have fallen in love with them too! I definitely realize that fancy pinks are much more expensive than fancy yellows, so size wise I would surely have to go down to half (if not more) what I am looking at in the fancy yellows. The pink, since it would be much smaller, I was thinking of just putting it into a halo setting. I also tend to lean towards radiants and cushions.

I was leaning towards the fancy yellow because size wise I would get more bang for buck. And also by leaning towards fancy yellow and not fancy intense, I could also get more carat weight. My husband thinks that if I get a smaller fancy intense (he doesn’t like the dark yellow color to begin with… and it helps that the fancy yellows are cheaper haha), DSS will set in pretty quickly with me… :((

Now I am a bit confused, because I obviously can’t buy both …. So I am not sure which one I should ultimately get. I guess I do care about the size of the diamond, but I also know that fancy pinks are much harder to come by. I am also a bit concerned if the yellow diamond is set as a 3-stone, the fancy yellow will looked washed out as compared to the FIY? Or will the FY look like FIY when set in yellow gold?

I definitely am having a hard time deciding and it doesn’t help that I can’t see any of these diamonds in person! So I am asking for your FCD enthusiasts’ help! I am aware of the limitations with pink diamonds because of price, so best deal for best color and best carat weight would be ideal… but that is where I am so confused as it’s so hard to compare these things!!

I saw this post by Kenny (almost at the bottom of the page) and I really like that color, and that “deal” just because it is a fancy pink brown and not a fancy pink with no modifiers

I am also not against having a brown modifier in the FCD as long as it’s not a dominating color and that it isn’t the first color that jumps out at you.

I have been looking for quite a while now, but I still feel that I don’t know enough about FCDs and I have been so wishy washy that even my husband has said… well you could have bought one by now, but you haven’t found anything yet!

Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance!


Aug 25, 2009
Have you looked at Diamonds by Lauren yet? He has pink and yellow diamonds and many PSers have bought from fact I just bought a FLY yesterday and recieved it today. Very happy with the purchase.

If I remember correctly he has a STUNNING cushion fancy yellow in a pave halo right now. I attached a picture. I think he has a 2.5ct or a 4+carat ring but not anything in the 3-3.5ct.

In regards to a 3 stone if you did yellow gold prongs or a basket around the FLY that will help with the color so it won't look washed out from the sides stones. I would go on the SMTB forum and look at the colored diamonds thread. You will see many great examples there of colored stones.

As far as pink vs yellow- that is a tough one. Pink is way way way more expensive so as you already stated you would go smaller. If you get a cushion cut those face up smaller as well so now you are really looking at some serious DSS. I would probably go with the yellow as for a ring I like bigger stones. Then perhaps down the road sourse 2 smaller pink stones for earrings and make some gorgeous dangle pink diamond earrings to assist with the "pink need."


Amys Bling

Jun 25, 2010
While i like pink- something about a FC yellow stone makes me swoon more- especially for an engagement ring. Do check out diamonds by lauren as they have a good selection as well.


Jan 18, 2009
2,216 me, yellow says "engagement ring" more


Oct 16, 2009
PINK! I think the uniqueness of the pink stone would be so fun, even if it is smaller. Have you considered orangey-pink? What a color!


Nov 27, 2007
I *prefer* the look of a much lighter yellow or a brownish-pink, myself- in terms of having it recognizable to the general public, a yellow is more likely to "look like a diamond" if that matters at all, of course. I would probably pick the lighter yellow to get size, since it's going to be a very large size difference between those colors.


Aug 11, 2011
Oh, forgot to mention that this would be for a right hand ring, as I already have an engagement ring. I also definitely think that yellow screams more "diamond" when compared to a pink diamond as well. After your posts, I was browsing through the Diamonds by Lauren site and am now wondering if I want a smaller yellow because a large one will look "too large??" (Is there even such a thing???)

I am also fonder of a yellow diamond that isn't fancy vivid. I think a FVY is just way too yellow for me.

And another question, is it weird/odd to have a RHR that is larger in carat size than your engagement ring?


Apr 30, 2005
Gosh I can give you no advice on color.
Buy what you love.
You already know for a given budget a pink will be much smaller than a yellow.
Again I think some of the Brownish Pinks can be a great value when the brown is subtle enough that nobody would notice, but the price is much lower than Orangey Pink, Purplish Pink or pure Pink.

Just because one color is more expensive doesn't make it "better".
Plenty of people prefer the colors that cost less.
Lucky them.

One thing I love about my FCDs is that they DON'T scream diamond.
Even if I get one set into a ring, its identity and value will go unnoticed.
While this appeals to me, I understand that people vary and there's nothing wrong with wanting your diamond to be recognized as a diamond by others.
I think most people assume a white diamond on the ring finger of the left hand IS a diamond and something colored on the right hand is usually not a diamond.
People will surely perceive yellow as being more likely to be diamond than pink, unless you are walking down the red carpet at the Oscars.

People who know even a little about FCDs know that pinks are much more expensive than yellows, which is why even a small pink carries such panache.
But again, if you are one of the types who just buys for your OWN enjoyment panache holds no weight.


Nov 27, 2007
smiley_face|1313117709|2989049 said:
Oh, forgot to mention that this would be for a right hand ring, as I already have an engagement ring. I also definitely think that yellow screams more "diamond" when compared to a pink diamond as well. After your posts, I was browsing through the Diamonds by Lauren site and am now wondering if I want a smaller yellow because a large one will look "too large??" (Is there even such a thing???)

I am also fonder of a yellow diamond that isn't fancy vivid. I think a FVY is just way too yellow for me.

And another question, is it weird/odd to have a RHR that is larger in carat size than your engagement ring?
Hahaha, no. My larger OEC is 3.39 cts, and it's really a RHR- my actual e-ring is 1.22 cts. However, you may find yourself swapping them if you're right handed if you end up with a fairly large RHR- I did. I just whacked the bigger one into things *way* too often, so it lives on my left hand for safety's sake. Oh well. My husband couldn't care less, so that's what I ended up doing. (Bezels are also a klutzy girl's best friend, as I've discovered!)


Jan 8, 2008
Two questions: what is your budget and have you done any looking online to see the specs it will get you in both yellow and pink? What is your skin tone like? I think an intense yellow would look amazing on darker skin and the non-intense/vivid pink looks great on creamy skin.

Amys Bling

Jun 25, 2010
As to whether or nt it's weird to have a RHR stone bigger than your ERing- I've actually struggled with this question as well. On one hand- it's more of a fun ring and therefore you can go with a color/size/style you love that maybe you didn't want as your ERing to wear everyday--- on the other hand I wouldn't want to insult hubby or my ERing... All that matters is how you feel.


Apr 30, 2005
If your's RHR's diamond is larger just tell everyone it's from your wealthy boyfriend. :naughty:


Aug 11, 2011
kenny said:
Gosh I can give you no advice on color.
Buy what you love.
You already know for a given budget a pink will be much smaller than a yellow.
Again I think some of the Brownish Pinks can be a great value when the brown is subtle enough that nobody would notice, but the price is much lower than Orangey Pink, Purplish Pink or pure Pink.

Just because one color is more expensive doesn't make it "better".
Plenty of people prefer the colors that cost less.
Lucky them.

One thing I love about my FCDs is that they DON'T scream diamond.
Even if I get one set into a ring, its identity and value will go unnoticed.
While this appeals to me, I understand that people vary and there's nothing wrong with wanting your diamond to be recognized as a diamond by others.
I think most people assume a white diamond on the ring finger of the left hand IS a diamond and something colored on the right hand is usually not a diamond.
People will surely perceive yellow as being more likely to be diamond than pink, unless you are walking down the red carpet at the Oscars.

People who know even a little about FCDs know that pinks are much more expensive than yellows, which is why even a small pink carries such panache.
But again, if you are one of the types who just buys for your OWN enjoyment panache holds no weight.

I do agree in buying what you love. I just find it so hard as I really LOVE them all! Hahaha. Making it that much harder to narrow down! And if I buy a loose stone, then I would have to figure out how to set it, thus affecting what shape cut I would get. A lot of it I think will come by luck too.. depending on what is available.

LGK said:
smiley_face|1313117709|2989049 said:
Oh, forgot to mention that this would be for a right hand ring, as I already have an engagement ring. I also definitely think that yellow screams more "diamond" when compared to a pink diamond as well. After your posts, I was browsing through the Diamonds by Lauren site and am now wondering if I want a smaller yellow because a large one will look "too large??" (Is there even such a thing???)

I am also fonder of a yellow diamond that isn't fancy vivid. I think a FVY is just way too yellow for me.

And another question, is it weird/odd to have a RHR that is larger in carat size than your engagement ring?
Hahaha, no. My larger OEC is 3.39 cts, and it's really a RHR- my actual e-ring is 1.22 cts. However, you may find yourself swapping them if you're right handed if you end up with a fairly large RHR- I did. I just whacked the bigger one into things *way* too often, so it lives on my left hand for safety's sake. Oh well. My husband couldn't care less, so that's what I ended up doing. (Bezels are also a klutzy girl's best friend, as I've discovered!)

Well I am glad that having a bigger RHR isn't totally an issue. I don't really want it to overshadow my current e-ring. But who knows, I may end up swapping it in and out depending on how I feel that day!

kelpie said:
Two questions: what is your budget and have you done any looking online to see the specs it will get you in both yellow and pink? What is your skin tone like? I think an intense yellow would look amazing on darker skin and the non-intense/vivid pink looks great on creamy skin.

The budget is around 30k and I have extremely fair/creamy/milk-colored skin....which everyone I know finds odd, because no one in my family is like this! I think that might be why I'm not too fond of the FVY's... since they look kind of weird on my skin tone.

Amys Bling said:
As to whether or nt it's weird to have a RHR stone bigger than your ERing- I've actually struggled with this question as well. On one hand- it's more of a fun ring and therefore you can go with a color/size/style you love that maybe you didn't want as your ERing to wear everyday--- on the other hand I wouldn't want to insult hubby or my ERing... All that matters is how you feel.

My husband still thinks RHR's are ridiculous and doesn't understand why I (or girls in general) love diamonds so much. I say I don't understand his car/watch/electronics/gadgets obsession, but heeey. But I do think it is a "fun ring," and that you are right to go with a color/size/style I love that maybe I didn't want as my ERing to wear everyday. I actually never thought about it like that!

kenny said:
If your's RHR's diamond is larger just tell everyone it's from your wealthy boyfriend.

My husband would find this hilarious and would actually love that! Someone else lucky enough to support this "so-called diamond obsession" of mine!
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