
HELP! 7 stone w/25 pointers too big?


May 27, 2010
Hi Everyone,

I need your expertise. Im considering a 7 stone with .25 pointers. I wear a size 7 and 25 pointers are about 4mm or so. It would be a u-prong design. Im wondering if I should go lower with 20 pointers or would 25 pointers be ok. I love the look of a row of diamonds across the fingers. I'd be stacking it with two eternity bands about, one is 2mm other 2.3.

I had a 5 stone with 40 pointers that had great finger coverage, I have interest in a 7 stone because its "7"stones. :)) lol.

I need expertise, opinions, and critiques. Please help me.

Thank you
Can you go try like this on? I have a 3/4 eternity with ~20 pointers.. and I can't close my fingers with it on. It pokes into my pinky and middle finger, and feels funny. It took a while for me to get used to. I wear a size 7.5-8, so I have plenty of "cushion" to make it comfortable, but it still felt funny.

If you stack it, will you be bothered that it may stick up higher from the finger than your other two stackers? I can't even wear mine with anything else because the heights are completely different, and it looks weird. Maybe I'm picky. *Shrugs.

If none of these worry you, I don't think 25 pt-ers are too big at all :naughty: C'mon, this is PS!! Is there such a thing as too big? ;))
Depends on your finger size I think. And how it's set. If the stones are really close together and your finger size isn't a 4 or 5 it might work.

I had a 7 stone with 15 pointers and it was a bit big for me at a size 7, but I thought it was perfect for that size ring. I have seen a VERY lovely size 8 ring with 20 pointers as well, and thought it looked amazing. These were set with a thin bar (the way I prefer mine to be).
Thank you madelise and gypsy!!!

I'd love to try either size on at a local jeweler, but they don't have any and look at me like im an idiot for asking. lol.

I where a size 7. I was gonna order from IDJ. Luann told me they could modify that 9 stone U prong setting to 7 stone U prong.

Here are my thoughts the 5 stone I wore had an average of .45 pointers about 4.8mm or so each? The 25 pointers are only 4mm. So the stones are smaller...The U prong design is very comfortable. Im wondering if 7 stones will fan out as much as the five stone, though?

I love look of bar settings and emailed her the link of a 5 stone bar setting but she didn't mention if It could be modified to accommodate the 7 stone. I could email her on that again.

Gypsy do you wear you 7 stone with 15 pointers as a stand alone or with other rings?

Madelise what type of setting do you have for your eternity? Is it prong set?

I was looking for some PS photos of 20 or 25 pointers. I found one link but she is wearing 30 pointers on a size 8 finger, boy does it look FANTASTIC!!!!


Mine is also from IDJ. I purchased it from ArmyWife. It's U-Prong, and I believe she requested them to make it as low as possible.. and it still pokes me! But beauty = pain :tongue: So I put up with it! haha

What's a bar setting :confused: ? Am I missing out on the best thing ever?

Here's a pic of it on my pointer finger, showing how much it protrudes off my fingers on the edges. I actually prefer wearing it on my pointer finger just so it pokes into 1 less finger since the thumb isn't bothered..

Madelise. Bar set means like the picture below. But MOST bar settings are FUGLY. This particular one is PERFECT. On the hand they are amazing, and provide more coverage.


ZB-- I wore it as a standalone. I was too much with my other rings. BUT, none of my other rings are of a design/style that worked with that size either. So it's not like I had options and just didn't wear them. I had nothing that worked with it. HOWEVER, I suspect that even if I had, I would have still worn it as a standalone. I would have been VERY happy with 20 pointers too. But for me 25 pointers would have been pushing it.
Thanks for the visual, Gypsy! I thought it was a miracle cure for the sides :wacko: That does create a uniform, fluid looking edge that looks more comfy, though
Beautyiful band madelise!!!

I have alot to consider. I do prefer the bar set. The stones look more secure than the U prong. Very fluid as well. That is the perfect setting gyspy!!!

Thank you ladies!!! :))
ZB, If you want that setting I'll help you get a nice version of it. I know what to look for. Or if you are going custom I know what to ask for.
So for custom, I'd send the two pics above with this email:

Hello! I am in the market for the following custom CAD and cast platinum ring. If you can please provide me with a firm quote for what this will cost me, out the door (tax, shipping, metal, labor, etc.) and breakdown the costs for me so I can understand how to are computing things, I would appreciate it. Please date the quote and let me know how long it is good for.

I want a bar set 7 stone band. I want 15 point stones in H/I color and eyeclean SI clarity for a total of 1 ctw. I want very well cut super bright melee, but do not need hearts and arrows stones. I would like the setting to be platinum with a mirror finish and I would like it to be identical in design to the one pictured in the attached pictures. Please note the A) proportion of the bars to the stones and B) the comfort fit tapering shank and C) the low profile scooped out closed gallery with the holes under each stone. These details are important to me and I want the final product to incorporate all of them.

I would want this project completed and in my hands on or before December 2nd. And I would need a size 6.5. Also please specify the alloy of Platinum you prefer to use, if you please.

If you can provide me with a quote (if there are any deviations in color or clarity of the stones in your quote please let me know) in the next week I would appreciate it.

Thank you!

The portions in italics are what you would customize for your desires/needs.
THANK YOU GYPSY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))
Gypsy, I think everyone of us should cut and paste that letter/email request!! It is perfect - specific, detailed, clear. Thank you for posting that. I'm copying it right now to save on my computer!!

Here's my 7 stone with 25 pointers on a size 7 hand. It is a U prong.

derbygal, that's lovely.
Thank you, Gypsy! It is Roberto Coin Cento. The larger Cento stones don't appeal to me as much, but I enjoy the faceting on the smaller ones.

Gypsy|1346433367|3260418 said:
ZB, If you want that setting I'll help you get a nice version of it. I know what to look for. Or if you are going custom I know what to ask for.

Not ZB, but I have a few questions: Does ID make one of these for a 5 stone? If not, can you point me towards who might? I'm in the process of saving for a five stone, but am waffling between what style. Are these more secure than a prong setting?