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Dec 7, 2003
Hi guys! I just found you all Friday and my eyes are bloodshot from reading this board and Jonathan''s site almost non-stop since then. I''m thrilled to find a forum with people as obsessed as I am with diamonds!

My story...and it''s a long move along if you don''t want lots of details.(You''ve been warned!)

My husband and I got engaged in January 1979...Yes, 25 years ago next month. At that time, we knew not to buy from a mall store, so we went to a downtown jeweler who had much better prices. My sister had chosen her 3/4 carat solitare from them. I remember that we called before we went down to get a price idea on a 3/4 solitare and they said $1200. I didn''t want my fiance to put it on credit and he could afford to pay about $1000 cash, so that was our budget.

The first ring we saw on the tray was the one we chose. It was a 5/8 carat stone on a 4mm yellow gold rounded band for $900. The prong setting was a "tulip" setting. They sized it (4 1/2) and my fiance picked it up a couple of days later. That night, as we were sitting there looking at the stone, I noticed what I thought was a "crack" in the diamond. There was a flaw that you could see from the top of the stone near one of the prongs. My heart sunk. For one thing, I hated any kind of conflict and I felt like we''d been "taken." In 1979, I knew there were various qualities of diamonds and when we''d picked this one out, I''d asked about the quality and was told it was "good." LOL.

The next day my husband called the owner of the store and the owner assured him that the stone wasn''t cracked and told him to bring the ring in. I SHOULD have gone along, but like I said, I had that "avoiding conflict" thing going on back then. My husband said when the jeweler looked at the ring his comment was, "Oh yeah, that should be set down low in a man''s ring." He then brought out another stone which my husband approved and they replaced the flawed one.

When my husband (then fiance) brought the ring home and gave it to me that night, my first thought was, "This diamond is smaller." I couldn''t be sure, having only had the original one for a day, but this one didn''t look as big as the first. But I let it go.

Some time in the next year, I read about the cut of stones and how a deep cut stone would appear black in the center. Bingo! I realized that I had a deep cut stone. For the next 9-10 years, every time I looked into the center of that stone and saw that dark circle, it bothered me. Also, I became obsessed with wishing we''d gone with a bigger stone like a 3/4 carat. But, as you older folks around here may remember, the price of gold and diamonds skyrocketed in the early 80s. I remember asking about upgrading to a 3/4 carat stone once very early on (1980 or ''81) and was told it would be another $1100 plus my stone traded in. So, a $300 difference in 1979 between the 5/8 and 3/4ct. was now an $1100 difference...more than we''d paid for the original ring. It was out of our budget.

A note about the pricing at this paticular jeweler. At that time you paid by the carat size. They had a few stones/rings of different quality for various prices, but for the most part, all their stones were within a certain quality range and you paid $900 for ANY 5/8 carat ring in 1979 and $1200 for ANY 3/4 solitare. My appraisal listed the stone as a VS1 quality and "J" color and 5/8 carat size (no points listed).

So, by January 1989 I was ready to upgrade. I knew that the original jeweler where we''d bought my ring would give me $900 towards an upgrade but instead I went to another downtown jeweler that my friend had used. They had two stones that I chose between. By now I knew about colors and clarities somewhat. I was choosing between a .93 J color, I1 clarity and an .82 H color, SI2 clarity. The .82 stone was a shallow cut and the .93 was a deep cut so they appeared similar in size. The .82 stone was $2200 and the .93 was $1800. I remember the jeweler there really talking up the smaller, better quality stone, but to my eye they were similar enough that I went with the .93 stone. I had it put in my setting but I had my engagement ring band (shank?)filed down to a very narrow band...maybe 1 or 1 1/2mms. I LOVED that solitare. When I looked at it from the side, I could see a dark carbon spot, but it wasn''t visible from the top and I felt like I knew what I was getting and paying for at the time. BTW, this diamond did not appear dark in the center like my original deep cut stone. I loved it!

Oh, and I traded in my original stone. I had no qualms about doing this because I''d always felt like this was not the stone I''d chosen. When they took it out of it''s setting they confirmed that it was a VS1 clarity and "J" color, but it was only 54 points. Now, it may have been worth as much as my original stone considering the clarity, but it made me angry that they''d replaced a 5/8 carat stone with a 1/2 carat stone. No wonder it looked wasn''t just the cut. And in a place that sold by the carat size, they should have only charged $600 for the stone I got (their price for a half carat in 1979.) But, at this point, I took the $750 that the new jeweler gave me for the trade in and was glad to be rid of that diamond.

Oh, man...this story is taking longer than even I intended! Basically, I have since had this stone re-set into a ring by a local jeweler who I''m very fond of (our daughters are friends). It''s a wide (8mm?), yellow gold setting with 6 small stones on either side of the middle one. (Someone who posts here has a VERY similar setting.) The side stones are 7 or 8 points each and they are pave set. They came from two eternity rings that I''d had. I started with one eternity ring of 7 stones channel set. I then got another one just like the first and had the two made into a ring guard. I had this new jeweler come up with drawings of possibilities for me and I chose this setting which I do like very much. I like the idea of having just one nice ring, although I do wear a very thin (2mm) gold band with it sometimes.

So, now that January is coming up, and since it will be our 25th anniversary in May, I''m looking to upgrade again. I could replace this center stone or go with a new ring all together. Reading this board has thrilled me with all the possibilities. I love the look of the Regent stone and I also love sapphires so I love the look of...oh shoot...that one person''s ring with the regent and two round sapphires on either side. It''s gorgeous!

Also, I''m facinated by the whole H&A thing. I want an excellent cut this time. I saw a 1.35 stone at Superbcert that interests me because it''s only $4600. It''s an I1 with a noticable inclusion in the middle top part. But it''s a G color (which I think I want) and it''s a H&A which I think I may want. I don''t know if the inclusion would drive me nuts or not. I think the H&A sparkle would make up for it, and the price is SO attractive. BTW, my current jeweler pointed out that my .93 stone has a visible flaw through the top (table?). There is a dark spot that I always though was part of the shadow from the stone being a deep cut. It doesn''t bother me b/c the stone has good sparkle and like I said, I got what I paid for.

Our local jeweler ordered in a stone for me to see last year but we decided to wait until this year to upgrade. The one he got in was a "Premium" cut, VS2, G color. It was $7800. I''m fairly sure now that I will buy from the internet to get a better price and to get an "ideal" cut. I''m still a little confused as to the the various "ideal" cuts versus "H&A cuts" versus "superbcert cuts" etc. But I''m sure that I will sort all of that out before I decide on a new stone or new ring.

Okay...enough, right?! Sorry to bore you all, but if you''ve read this far, all I can say is...I warned you! I''m so glad to be here and I enjoy reading all of your posts. I think I''ll hang around a while.


Oct 30, 2002
Hi Patty and welcome. What a story. I am sure that this story is not as unique as we'd all like to hope...unsuspecting people get taken for rides by bad jewelers all the time! This leads to one Q I've had which is...why do people trust people they don't even know to help them select a stone? There is obviously a sale or commission in it for the jeweler--I'm a big fan of doing research on *anything* before buying if it's a significant dollar amount but even my fiance has done the same thing (gone into a 'recommended' jeweler and gotten something different than he paid for) in the past. Anyway--I am SO glad that you found this site. I often wonder how any product research was done before the internet.

The ring you are talking about liking with the Regent is Diane's ring. It's very beautiful from the pictures!! I just got a small .37c Regent and I adore it. It looks so interesting...the sparkle of a round brilliant but in a squarish shape. When we started looking we loved Hearts on Fire Dream cut diamonds--but the markup was astounding. The Regent markups from what I can tell are nowhere near that, for a similar looking (probably better cut!) stone. Anyway I love RB's...but the Regent has really captured my heart.
However my eRing is a it's like best of both worlds to have different stones!

That said, keep doing reseach on H&A and the different types of 'quality cuts'. A stone like a SuperbCert or an A Cut Above are really just exceptionally cut H&A branded stones. Whereas another site like Jonathan's sells unbranded H&A's...meaning they are confirmed H&A but with no one name to them. Sometimes you can save some money going unbranded H&A--but not really depends on which vendor you shop with. Whatever you do, because you note you are very interested in this, shop with only vendors who will give you that additional info that you seem to really like. Especially online. Offline all you get usually is a loupe and a Sarin if you are lucky. Online, you get addicted to the reports, and the numbers, the pictures!! It's very important when virtually shopping for a stone to get as accurate of a picture as possible--and to trust your vendor as well. Search for accolades on your chosen vendor online to be sure they have the customer's interest at heart. When you are ready--have the stone shipped to you for inspection, or have it shipped to an independent appraiser for final check. Anyway--stick around and keep learning. You will soon be more addicted than you thought possible!


Jan 23, 2003
Hello Patty! What an interesting story you have!

Some advice: since you have a substantial budget, I would not get an I 1. I 1 stones are great if you are working on price ranges (eg. a 1ct at no more than $2500 or a 2ct at no more than $6000), but you have a wealthy budget, so I'd go for a lower color but SI 2 clarity or maybe an ideal cut, but not superideal. These can be very pretty and can help you getting the size and quality of your dreams. From a little research I just did a 1.2ct well made AGS0 stone H/SI 1 is about $5600, while a 1.2ct same specs, but H/SI 2 is approx. $5000.


Dec 7, 2003
Hi Mara and Giangi, thanks for the welcome.

Yes, Mara, it's Diane's ring that I love. I couldn't remember her name...but I do remember yours after reading this board for two days! Also, I can't find the post I read from the person who had the setting very much like mine. Her post was about how her husband didn't want her to upgrade her 1 carat center stone...Anyway, she also had the 7-8 point smaller stones pave set on the sides, but she had 16 small stones where I have 12. (I have two 7 pointers in a ziploc bag upstairs left over from the eternity rings.)

Mara, in 1979 I thought I had done the research to not get taken in that I knew not to go to a mall store, lol. You are right that the internet is amazing when it comes to researching things. The thing is, this jeweler probably wasn't corrupt as much as careless in his sales. He probably did not have a loose 5/8 carat stone in stock when my husband went back so he went with the largest 1/2 carat he had of a decent clarity. (Still not right, though!) My sister's 3/4 carat stone from him was later verified as 72 points, VVS2 and J/K color which matched her appraisal from the place. And my mom bought a 5/8 carat stone from him that was later appraised as a 63 point, H color, SI1.

The old man has long since retired from this place but his daughter is still running it. I was in there once with a friend and I said something about my current diamond not being from them and that it was an I1. The saleswoman (not his daughter) said snottily, "We don't sell any I clarity stones." I told her that may be true, but they certainly sold us a stone with a visible flaw!

Giangi, I appreciate your advice and your doing some research for me. I love to get a good deal on things so the I1 stone appeals to me, but I admit that the flaw may eventually drive me crazy. The thing that bothers me the most about my current .93 J I1 is the color. That's why I thought I'd go with at least a G color. I know that the ideal cuts look brighter and prettier, but I'm a little wary of going with an H. As for going with an "ideal" cut but not a super certified ideal cut, that's something I need to research further. I mean, if I didn't know that my current stone had an eye-visible flaw obvious from the top of the stone until my jeweler told me, I'm not the most discriminating when it comes to visual details. I just want a VERY sparkly stone.

Giangi, as for our budget, yes, I could go more expensive than $4600 but I know my husband would love for me to be conservative. I'll tell him you said to go for a more expensive stone!


Dec 7, 2003
Thanks again Giangi! I think I want to go with about a 1.2 carat stone. I'll put you to work when the time comes!


Nov 25, 2002
......and here's the hearts image. Breathtaking!

1.158 H SI1 hearts.JPG


Oct 30, 2002
Yes that one was a knockout AL...

Wanted to also chime in again and say to Patty that you mention you feel leery about H's....but I have a G e-ring stone and just got the H colored regent and to me there was no visible color difference. The H was throwing off so much beautiful color and sparkle that you don't even see a hint of color. Then again I wasn't scrutinizing it for color--but my point is that if the stone is amazingly well cut--no one tends to think about color as long as the stone still appears white to the casual observer's eye. When I get the H back from the jeweler (Tuesday I think)--I will do more close comparisons, but I would hands-down get an H.

Also, sounds as though your first two stones were not even remotely close to being well cut. Cut plays a huge combination piece with color--a well-cut stone shows up whiter than a mediocre-cut of the same color. So a mediocre-cut G will most likely look the same as an exceptionally well cut H. Just some food for thought--and an H stone will get you that extra size you want for your budget. Stick with SI1 or even a very clean SI2 (but be sure to get clarity photographs) and you'd be amazed at what you can find out there. Since you already have a J--a well cut H will probably knock your socks off.

Good luck!


Feb 22, 2003
Hi Patty!

I guess since you've been reading your eyes out by now you probably already know what I'm going to say, but....

Check around and find local diamond brokers. Check the Yellow pages for the jewelry stores with BIG ads. Call around and see who has an assortment of Ideals, possibly some H&A's, and well cut diamonds. Go to a few and look at diamonds. Look at the range of colors. You will get a feel for the color range you are comfortable with. You might be surprised to learn that an Ideal cut I or J will work for you. H and I colors are kinda the sweet spot to maximize budget. The pic AL posted is an H color stone and it is GREAT! Also, if you live near one, you can view H&A's at Helzberg's. They have a Master Piece line of H&A's. This is a really good time to shop as most jewelers have a good supply on hand for the holiday shopping season. And, don't feel bad about looking. These learning/shopping experiences are fair game in my mind. As long as you have not bought, you are a prospective customer.

Clarity is another way to maximize budget. Why pay for something you can't see. And a spot in the center of the table ain't sumthen you can't see. No offense to SuperbCert. They have great diamonds. The key to inclusions is size, color, type, and location. There are many 100% eye clean SI1's and some SI2's to be found that will be great diamonds. Again, like the one AL posted pics of.

Hearts and Arrows diamonds are cut with precise internal optical symmetry to produce the H&A patterns. Beware of diamonds marketed as H&A's when they really aren't. The grading labs note in the Comments section of the Certs things like "Hearts and Arrows inscribed on the girdle." or "Exhibits Hearts and Arrows patterns." The diamond may not indeed be a true H&A. When considering any diamond claimed to be H&A, always ask for an Ideal Scope image to verify the H&A pattern and the quality of the shape of the Hearts and Arrows.

One way you can look at diamonds on Price Scope that are truly great cuts is to Search with a Known HCA Score on the homepage. That's a good place to start so you get a feel for the information/reports provided on various diamonds, you get to see what size (diameter and depth measurements) better cuts are supposed to be, and you'll even see some magnified pics of the diamonds and any inclusions.

Search past Forum threads about different Vendors to read other people's experiences. Check out the differnt Vendors return/refund/upgrade policies. Call and chat with a few to find one you are comfortable working with. Everyone I spoke with during my search was very friendly, knowledgeable, and never pushy. As Todd of Nice Ice said recently, the Vendors here conduct business in a fishbowl.

Good luck with your search. When you have possibles, post them here for opinions. There are experts that post regularly on the Forum as well as very knowledgeable regular folk like Mara, Giangi, and ALJDewey.


Oct 30, 2002
Oh and another point..CanadianGrrl used and got a beautiul 1.20c I1 stone with inclusions that are not visible to the eye and she adores it. Plus it obviously was an EXCELLENT deal due to clarity. Don't recall offhand what the color was but it's a gorgeous well-cut stone. So though you did see the SC I1...there may be I1s out there that you may get lucky with...but SI2 is a great alternative as well.


Jun 10, 2003
C'est un F.

There are nice I1's, and cruddy I1's. I've seen both. Mine is clean, and the nicest one I've seen. There's a feather off to the side that would likely be visible were it not pronged. There's also a feather under the table - can't see it without a loupe. And a bunch of twinning wisps - invisible to the naked eye. If you're looking for an I1, I'd avoid any black inclusions. They would drive me crazy.

A properly graded I1 is a great way to maximize your carat weight. If the cut parameters were roughly the same, I would recommend a clean GIA/AGS D-E-F-G I1 over a J SI1/SI2, any day of the week.

Cut and shape will also mask inclusions. A well cut RB will give off a sparkle that will hide imperfections, and the faceting of the RB helps in that regard as well.

The Superbcert stone might be eyeclean. Try emailing them to find out.


Jun 10, 2003
Patty, here's a pic of my stone that Rich Sherwood, the appraiser, took under magnification in diffused lighting. Nothing visible to the naked eye. Bear in mind that an I1 clarity grading technically means that a stone will have one or more eye visible inclusions - but some can be pronged, and some just aren't that visible.



Dec 7, 2003
canadiangrrl, the I1 at SuperbCert was NOT eye clean but a beautiful stone except for the one flaw. The reason it caught my eye was because the price was so low for a 1.35 H&A stone.

Okay, from what I'm reading here, Hearts and Arrows is a BRAND? So if GOG has stones that have the laser inscription of hearts and arrows, they are stones that exhibit hearts and arrows but are not the brand H&A? Like...they are generic H&A's? If so, GREAT! I have no desire to pay for advertising or a brand. And is SuperbCert a brand? And shouldn't ideal be the best? Why is there super ideal? Sorry, I'm obsessing here.

pq,what is HCA? I understand the AGA score, I think. Triple 000 is great for symmetry, polish and proportion but not the same as Triple Ideal which means the color and clarity are perfect too, right? And yes, we do have Helzberg here so I can check out some of their stones.

Mara, you are right in that a well cut H will probably knock my socks off. And Al, that stone you posted is gorgeous!

Thank you all for your help.


Dec 7, 2003
canadiangrrl, That's beautiful! Thanks for posting it.


Feb 22, 2003
At the top of the page is a link to the Cut Adviser developed by Garry Holloway,.... The Holloway Cut Adviser, HCA. You plug in table and depth %'s, and crown and pavillion angles, and the HCA rates the Cut of the diamond. It's a great screening tool to help weed out poor performers. Read up on it to learn what the scoring means. The HCA also makes buying recommendations. It will tell you things like "the girdle is dangerously thin" or "Buy if the price is right".

Branding is a relative term. White Flash sells A Cut Above branded H&A's. SuperbCert is also a branded H&A. Good Old Gold and Nice Ice hand select their H&A's for their great cut. All are competitively priced. Hearts on Fire and 8* are also branded H&A's. Those are available thru retail outlets around the country and their pricing is less than competitive.

BTW, I took a look at the pics of the SuperbCert diamond you mentioned in your first post. I'd pass too. That inclusion is sitting smack dab in the middle of the table. No way to miss seeing that!
But, don't just dismiss SuperbCert because of 1 diamond. They have many very nice diamonds and lots of satisfied customers.


Dec 7, 2003
Thank you pq for explaining the H&A thing. I had seen things about 8* and thought maybe it was a fancy cut, but I guess it's just a name for one brand of H&A stones? Thanks for pointing out the HCA link. I will check it out. And yes, I understand that SuperbCert has many beautiful stones and good prices.


Jun 10, 2003
Patty - just curious - did you see the Superbcert in person?

Here's a brief synopsis on the H&A phenomenon.
Most well cut round brilliants will exhibit some form of hearts and arrows pattern. Many moons ago, someone figured this out, and decided to capitalize upon it.
Hearts and arrows represent fine symmetry and cutting precision. That's it, in a nutshell.

Some vendors choose stones that display what they feel is the best H&A pattern, and market the stone as such. Some vendors cut their own stones within tolerances in order to achieve this pattern. Some of these stones have brand names, some of these stones don't.

Whether the hearts and arrows stone carries a brand name or not, hearts and arrows is becoming a brand in and of itself. Stones that are branded as being hearts and arrows are perceived to be of superior quality, and they will typically carry a premium.

Canadiangrrl, exhibiting massive self-restraint


Nov 25, 2002

On 12/7/2003 9:10:35 PM canadiangrrl wrote:

Canadiangrrl, exhibiting massive self-restraint

Yeah.....and WHY is that? LOL


Jun 10, 2003
Because I'm a cynical marketing hack. And because I never drank the Kool-Aid. And you can't make me!!!!!!

Canadiangrrl, losing all self-restraint


Nov 30, 2003
Welcome! I hope that you will learn a lot and wind up with a beautiful ring for your anniversary. I also did a lot of reading on this site to "assist" my now-husband in purchasing my rings. By assist, I mean that I picked everything out and he bought it (he had already proposed)!

One thing I would suggest is to see as much as you can in person. You can then see how the different stones face up and decide what specs you are looking for. I would also suggest that you try on a variety of settings. I was set on a three-stone ring and a thin plain wedding band, but when I tried them on, I HATED that look on me. Now here I am with a solitaire and a five-diamond wedding band, so I guess you never know.

Anyway, there are a lot of people here who know a lot more than me, so I will leave the more detailed advice to them. Good luck in your search and I look forward to following your progress on the board!


Dec 7, 2003
Thanks canadiangrrl. But wait...Are you saying that your stone does NOT have perfect hearts and arrows? I don't know if I could live with one heart that's smaller than the others.

And no, I did NOT see the SuperbCert stone. I just found you all and the vendors two days ago. We are not ready to buy yet. Okay...I'm ready to buy, but I'm giving my husband a little bit of leeway here. He was willing to go with the $7800 stone last year but I decided (agreed?)to wait and he was relieved. Of we've had some major unexpected expenses in the past year so he's not quite pushing me to upgrade immediately. It will happen, but you know...timing is everything.


Nov 25, 2002

On 12/7/2003 9:37:07 PM Patty wrote:

Thanks canadiangrrl. But wait...Are you saying that your stone does NOT have perfect hearts and arrows? I don't know if I could live with one heart that's smaller than the others----------------

Only you can determine that. All I can tell you is this: You need to figure out what you can live with "on paper".

To the eye, the stone with one heart slightly smaller won't look ANY different than another stone with uniform hearts. This doesn't affect performance AT ALL, but it maximizes your dollar.

But, if on paper you know that a heart is smaller and that bugs you, then you need to consider that.

We just purchased my e-ring diamond.....and it's an SI2. Some people couldn't live with knowing that their diamond is an SI2. Me.....? I couldn't care less. It's eyeclean (in fact, cleaner than an SI1 it was compared to!), and as long as it's eyeclean, I'm good. Saved a ton of money thanks to the drop in clarity.....which my eye CANNOT see.

Same won't see a difference in performance with the smaller heart. But if the psychological part of you cannot rest unless all the hearts are perfect, then go with that.


Apr 8, 2003
Hi Patty Welcome, glad you liked my ring...the pictures dont do it justice

I am sure you will find lots of help here...its a great place...

If you are still considering Regents, take a peek at Good Old Gold and see if they have someting that you might like...there aren't lots of them to choose from...not like RB, but since you are not in a may come along...

That being said...since you aren't it too big of a can wait and see what comes up

Also just a note on H&A...the caveat is just because it says it is H&A doesn't mean it need to see optical evidence such as idealscope images...which many vendors here provide on their sites...

Good advice re trying on different styles...many jeweler will have diferent things for you to look at including different side stones...

Best of Luck in your search


Jun 10, 2003
Patty, that Superbcert pic was taken under magnification. You probably know that already, but I wanted to point it out because I imagine the stone might be pretty clean to the naked eye. That inclusion under magnfication looks massive, but within the proportions of the stone, it's very small. If it's reasonably clean sans magnification, that's a decent price for a stone with that cut, carat weight, and colour.

My stone has nice arrows - dunno about the hearts, I never asked before it was set.
I knew it would exhibit excellent symmetry, though, because of its measurements, and its symmetry rating from AGS.


Dec 7, 2003
Thanks I said, your ring is a beauty!

Al...I was being sarcastic about not being able to live with one smaller heart. I couldn't find a wink smiley-face, though!

Thanks for the advice about trying on different styles sxn. I will do that for sure.


Jun 10, 2003
On 12/7/2003 9:52:22 PM diane5006 wrote:

Also just a note on H&A...the caveat is just because it says it is H&A doesn't mean it need to see optical evidence such as idealscope images...which many vendors here provide on their sites...


Another caveat...what one vendor sells as hearts and arrows can and will differ from what another vendor sells as hearts and arrows - with or without photographs/corroboration. Point being that hearts and arrows standards differ between individual vendors. It's not like buying a VW Jetta from two different vendors, and getting what is essentially the same car. Just to further muddy your waters.


Apr 8, 2003
Good point Canadiangrl...

I know this has been brought up before...and the tutorials here and elsewhere are helpful

So Patty the reason I even mentioned it...was what sometimes happens is people have the girdles of the diamond inscribed H&A then send it to be graded by say GIA...GIA then notes on the grading report under "Comments" 'Additional inscription' "H&A" that doesn't mean the stone is H&A (it might be) but that it is inscribed 'H&A' some less than trustworthy dealer will say see GIA says it is H&A you don't need to see pictures...hee hee hee


Feb 22, 2003
On 12/7/2003 10:17:55 PM diane5006 wrote:

Good point Canadiangrl...

I know this has been brought up before...and the tutorials here and elsewhere are helpful

So Patty the reason I even mentioned it...was what sometimes happens is people have the girdles of the diamond inscribed H&A then send it to be graded by say GIA...GIA then notes on the grading report under 'Comments' 'Additional inscription' 'H&A' that doesn't mean the stone is H&A (it might be) but that it is inscribed 'H&A' some less than trustworthy dealer will say see GIA says it is H&A you don't need to see pictures...hee hee hee


Quite right Diane! Always verify the patterns!


When you do your searches you will sometimes see the same diamond listed by multiple Vendors. The Vendors have pulled the info off a "multiple listings sheet" as it were, and are marketing the diamond. The Vendor typically does not physically have possession of the diamond. They are relying on data, Certs, and reports from the Broker/wholesaler. If you decide that one of the "list" diamonds is of interest to you, be sure to work with a Vendor that will have the diamond shipped to them for prescreening prior to purchase. Some Vendors provide that level of service for their customers. Others simply "Drop/Ship" the diamond sight unseen.

Check out the Nice Ice post about getting photos of inclusions prior to purchase. Diamond Bob posted recently about a customer refusing the White Flash prescreening and was sorely disappointed with the diamond.


Oct 30, 2002
Important to note too that all diamonds exhibit some sort of H&A when scoped out...but they may not be what most sticklers would consider real H&A. The H&A means excellent symmetry, which is a good thing to have in a stone, but not all beautifully cut stones require that.
It's a tough thing to quantify...your eyes tell you the most probably.

Secondly, as CG noted, the magnified I1 picture of the SC will not tell you if it's eye clean or not. You need to confirm that with the vendor. Personally, I think it may be eye clean because I have not seen many SC's that are I1, so maybe it was a fluke with a visible inclusion that they just kept to sell at a discount for someone on a budget, or quite possibly the sparkle masks the inclusion...this has been known to happen. Some experts think the best place for an inclusion to be hidden is smack dab in the middle of the table...the sparkle is so intense in a well-cut stone that your eye may not even catch it. Just food for thought--I would ask Barry @ SC just in case--to confirm. It very may well be a stone that fits your budget and is 99% eye clean...


Jun 10, 2003
Good point Raphne - I've never seen an I1 in SC's inventory either, so I would imagine that if they chose to carry one, it wouldn't scream "hey, I'm horribly included" from a foot away. I imagine there's a market out there for well cut eyecleanish I1 stones - Patty's not the first poster to post about this stone - and it's nice to see a superideal vendor taking heed. Hint, hint.


Dec 7, 2003
Okay...So last night I'm throwing a quilt in the wash and I've got the Spray 'N Wash and I'm looking for a spot I thought I had seen on it. I couldn't find the spot at first and I really thought to myself, "Hmmm, it looks eye clean!"

pq...Thanks for pointing out that some vendors may list the same stone. That would have confused me.

Also thanks Mara and canadiangrrl for giving me your input on the I1 stone at SC. From the pictures it looks like a wonderful stone except for that one flaw. canadiangrrl, I think I think a lot like you when it comes to clarity. I guess I'd have to see it in person. Which means I'd have to make a call. Which means I'm more than just "researching" this online...I'm SHOPPING.
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