
Hello to All Newbie Here


May 14, 2011
hello everyone,

As my username says I'm totally cluless when it comes to diamonds,clarity, depth, cut who knows lol. I've stumbled onto your site accidentaly when looking for ideas for my 30 year aniversary ring. Wow is what I can say about your site very amazing oh and the bling on here! The reason I'm here is this I was looking online and stumble across this antique ring, not very pretty, I call it the Wilma Flinstone ring lol. But looking at it with my ignorance I saw many possiblilities for it. I need your excpert advise. The ring is described as marquis ottoman 19 century with rose cut diamonds. Now I counted something like 21 stones on this ring, and economic times being what they are I thought hum, possibly can turn it into 21 solitaires, studs, pendants buy it and turn it around? What do you guys think, like I said I know nothing about diamonds. Would what I'm think be doable, or is it just not worth it. What is the max I should pay for it.

Thank you for your responses and taking the time to read this.


Anna, ironically our 30th anniversary is what brought me here a few years ago! I am not against finding beautiful antique jewelry at all, but that piece definitely is not very attractive. If you wanted to try to use the stones, they would all have to be recut. I just had a stone recut, and it is $350 a carat with a minimum of $350 per stone. So multiply $350 times the number of stones in that ring and you can see that you could do much better finding a piece of jewelry that is ready to wear, whether new or second hand. Even if you could find someone to recut for $100 or $200 per stone, it would still add up! My other concern is that those stones look pretty rough, and they may have poor clarity and not even be worth recutting. If someone liked that ring because of the history it represents, buying it at a good price would be one thing. But that ring is not a candidate for unassembling and reusing the stones, in my opinion.

Here's a thread showing what good rose cut diamonds look like:

I just wanted to add that if you tell us what kind of jewelry item you are interested in as well as budget, people would be glad to point you to some good sources!
Hi diamonseeker,

Thank you so much for you're response, see I am cluless lol. I was thinking more about turning this ring around to make some money, does'nt sound like a very good idea after all, thanks for the advice. As for my ring I had one custom made, simple yet elegant, to my liking. I originally wanted a bigger stone maybe one carat but one of my son's friend's offered us a half a carat that he said was f in color and vvs2 at a good price, I'm guessing that should be pretty good so went for it. I just have to have it apraised and see how much of a good deal I got. The important thing is everytime I look at it I smile.
Well great, I am so glad you found a ring that you enjoy! :))