
Heartbroken and confused....

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To the ladies that added their personal stories. OuPeargirl, DebShine, Purelily, swom324,WinksElf, Miscka

WOWZA! and not in a good way. WHAT TURDS! I mean this LITERALLY. When you put something nice and sweet into a relationship, and it comes out as $hit, dont take it out of the toilet and re-eat!!! NO, FLUSH IT AWAY! Bye Bye, MAN-TURD!

I know, that was a REALLY gross visual. But if you are not down with eating feces, then don''t take their crap! You all are gorgeous women who deserve so much better, and I am glad that you women agree, and are doing well... happy w/ new loves!

Ok, sorry I was soo repulsive! HUGS HUGS!
Thomp, things will get better, and I am glad you have moved to the anger stage. I think it is Denial that it is over, anger that they are gone, bargaining is next "if I only did this, he would have...", Depression - the actual sadness for the happy times, then acceptance.
This can take awhile to get over... depending on how long you are in each of the stages. Sometimes they say it will take twice as long... but I don''t believe that. It takes as long as you let it hold onto you. He was right about setting it free. Let go of the hurt, the anger, all of those emotions. Let go of the happy times too. I just think he was being a turd by sending the email. It was like the one that HURT you is telling you how to get over it... whatever. Best wishes to you. I am not the best to give advice, but I have found women usually fall head over heals in love w/ the next serious guy the date after the heartbreaker. You aren''t willing to take the crap anymore, and so you move on...
My personal example, to make this post EVEN LONGER, I dated a guy and then I found out he was cheating on me... he took pictures of a woman we worked with cleaning the banana, and happened to show this picture to one of my guy friends. (He thought the guy friend wouldn''t tell me bcuz of guy code.) Guy friend told me (thinking I''d run into HIS arms) and instead I ran off w/ his best friend
. TOTALLY Dumped the turd who cheated... and fast forward a few years, married the best friend!
So, based off of my example... start dating!

Honestly, huge hugs... things will get much better, I promise!
Date: 2/3/2009 2:12:49 PM
Author: tlh
To the ladies that added their personal stories. OuPeargirl, DebShine, Purelily, swom324,WinksElf, Miscka

WOWZA! and not in a good way. WHAT TURDS! I mean this LITERALLY. When you put something nice and sweet into a relationship, and it comes out as $hit, dont take it out of the toilet and re-eat!!! NO, FLUSH IT AWAY! Bye Bye, MAN-TURD!

I know, that was a REALLY gross visual. But if you are not down with eating feces, then don''t take their crap! You all are gorgeous women who deserve so much better, and I am glad that you women agree, and are doing well... happy w/ new loves!

Ok, sorry I was soo repulsive! HUGS HUGS!
Thomp, things will get better, and I am glad you have moved to the anger stage. I think it is Denial that it is over, anger that they are gone, bargaining is next ''if I only did this, he would have...'', Depression - the actual sadness for the happy times, then acceptance.
This can take awhile to get over... depending on how long you are in each of the stages. Sometimes they say it will take twice as long... but I don''t believe that. It takes as long as you let it hold onto you. He was right about setting it free. Let go of the hurt, the anger, all of those emotions. Let go of the happy times too. I just think he was being a turd by sending the email. It was like the one that HURT you is telling you how to get over it... whatever. Best wishes to you. I am not the best to give advice, but I have found women usually fall head over heals in love w/ the next serious guy the date after the heartbreaker. You aren''t willing to take the crap anymore, and so you move on...
My personal example, to make this post EVEN LONGER, I dated a guy and then I found out he was cheating on me... he took pictures of a woman we worked with cleaning the banana, and happened to show this picture to one of my guy friends. (He thought the guy friend wouldn''t tell me bcuz of guy code.) Guy friend told me (thinking I''d run into HIS arms) and instead I ran off w/ his best friend
. TOTALLY Dumped the turd who cheated... and fast forward a few years, married the best friend!
So, based off of my example... start dating!

Honestly, huge hugs... things will get much better, I promise!

LOL I love your posts! Honestly, they are great! Yea, I think I''m definitely in the pi**t off/I hate you stage. I know wasting my energy on him is not worth it, but every day that goes by everything makes more sense and I start to feel better. I still have sporadic crying periods, but I know eventually that will go away. Ironically enough, his grandmother called me yesterday to apologize. I didn''t expect her to, since obviously she didn’t do anything to me. She said sorry for his bad behavior and wished me the best. That right there proved me that if his own family disapproves of him and that he is a big turd! ;)

My friends have been talking about setting me up on dates. I don''t think I''m ready yet, but perhaps within a few weeks I will. Slowly but surely…

Thanks again ladies for sharing your stories and the encouraging never ending support!

Stay busy, but make sure you take a few weeks or even a few months to let yourself mourn the death of the relationship. You''ll have days that you feel liberated, but you will also have days that you just want to feel sorry for the loss. That''s normal. Just keep busy, and keep smiling. Fake it til you make it. You''ll get there eventually.

(((BIG HUG!)))

Tlh, I absolutely LOVED your way of putting it!
So sorry for you situation but so proud of how you are handling yourself! Keep your head high and your Prince Charming WILL come around that corner when you least expect it!
Thomper, I just wanted to say that I admire your strength. Not many women realize a crappy situation for what it is and get out of it before any more hurt gets caused. I''m so sorry that this happened to you, and can attest to the fact that Navy men can be real dogs sometimes. I''m happy to see that you''re doing well so far and I know it isn''t easy. I''ve been in your shoes before and wish I would have had the enormous amount of strength that you''ve shown. I wish you the best of luck in this new chapter in your life and hope that you''ll stick around the pricescope community to let us know how you''re doing.
The other day I watched "Someone Like You" with Ashley Judd and Hugh Jackman. It''s no great movie, but it''s about a breakup.

One quote that struck me, is when his character is consoling hers he says "Ray is not the last man you will ever love."

Just tell yourself that once a day! It helps, I swear. I''m learning to believe it myself.
Thomper I didn''t want to threadjack JulieN''s thread, but that e-mail...

Oh wow, are you well shot of him, and lucky too! Kudos for "spamming" him! Hope you''re feeling better
Date: 3/20/2009 12:08:15 PM
Author: Porridge
Thomper I didn''t want to threadjack JulieN''s thread, but that e-mail...

Oh wow, are you well shot of him, and lucky too! Kudos for ''spamming'' him! Hope you''re feeling better
Yeah seriously. He''s trying to justify his shi!tty behavior.
Date: 3/20/2009 12:20:22 PM
Author: fieryred33143

Date: 3/20/2009 12:08:15 PM
Author: Porridge
Thomper I didn''t want to threadjack JulieN''s thread, but that e-mail...

Oh wow, are you well shot of him, and lucky too! Kudos for ''spamming'' him! Hope you''re feeling better
Yeah seriously. He''s trying to justify his shi!tty behavior.
Thritto up in here.

i wanted to B&%$# slap him through the computer.

So glad you got out, lady!
Date: 3/20/2009 12:25:36 PM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 3/20/2009 12:20:22 PM
Author: fieryred33143

Date: 3/20/2009 12:08:15 PM
Author: Porridge
Thomper I didn't want to threadjack JulieN's thread, but that e-mail...

Oh wow, are you well shot of him, and lucky too! Kudos for 'spamming' him! Hope you're feeling better
Yeah seriously. He's trying to justify his shi!tty behavior.
Thritto up in here.

i wanted to B&%$# slap him through the computer.

So glad you got out, lady!
Quadritto. Good for you for blocking his emails, this person is extremely cruel and you are far better off without him. Oh and trust me, I have been with a military guy for well over 20 years, he has been deployed on a number of occasions and been in incredibly difficult situations and they are not all like that, cruel and insulting and playing mind games!
Good riddance. What a jack§$%&.
Ugh. I read that email too. A person like that will NEVER be satisfied and will always be looking for an excuse.

You''re well rid of him.
Date: 3/20/2009 12:08:15 PM
Author: Porridge
Thomper I didn''t want to threadjack JulieN''s thread, but that e-mail...

Oh wow, are you well shot of him, and lucky too! Kudos for ''spamming'' him! Hope you''re feeling better

Delighted that you spammed him. What an a**!
hey thomper chick how are you going?
Thomper, if there''s any one lesson I''ll be hoping to pass on to my girls (that''s if this next one is a girl, which I expect it is...) it''ll be to strongly encourage them not to nurse jerks.
This guy has been a jerk.

His email that was on the other thread was just a ''typical''
example of a self-centred, immature guy struggling to come to terms with the issues in his own life, and putting those difficulties on your lap.
Believe me, I have met a few guys like this in my time!
Some men are very immature... but very few ever actually get called out for it. In many ways, men have to grow themselves up, particularly when it comes to emotional maturity.

This immature guy is probably struggling somewhat to do his best, but seems in fact to be barely coping.

Perhaps (and this is a big ask) the best way forward is to ''rise above'' the irritation of his personality, and to see his struggle in a compassionate way - particularly now as he has no link or contact with you.

If you can''t manage compassion, try contempt!

Please do not spend the next two years - or even six months - mooning and tearing up over this guy! Your biology might be telling you one thing (*''pine for him!''*) but your brain is more powerful! Get distracted!!
Go travelling dear one!

Having a grand adventure is definately the best way to get a man out of your head (especialy if there''s a bit of a flirtation or filng while you''re adventuring
, someting very casual and fun. It''s totaly easy to get work overseas - all over asia they need English teachers (Japan is great), or you could nanny in Europe. you will learn so much about yourself.

Now it the time to realy connect with yourself and decide what you want in your life, man or no man - finding a dream to follow or a core purpose to pursue will keep you sane and grounded no matter what your relationship status is.

You are a Strong , Beautiful, Courageous woman !

Now go out there and set the world on fire!
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