
Heart shaped ruby engagement ring


Aug 5, 2011
Hello everyone

I thought I would introduce myself and share a bit about my custom designed engagement ring! I have always been interested in gemology - I actually have a degree in Geology and gemology was my favourite study. I don't work in the field, though. I have enjoyed reading pricescope but never signed up - there are so many gorgeous rings and jewelery!

Ever since I was small I had a dream - of a heart shaped ruby engagement ring, in plaitnum. It's very romantic. This year my partner and I agreed to get engaged, and, knowing my love of gems and my dream, he agreed to let me design my engagement ring myself (provided he's happy with it). It would have been impossible to find a ring like that retail anyway.

So at the moment I am impatiently waiting for the ring to be finished by a jeweler in Sydney, Jason Ree. Less than a week to go till it's due and I will post pics when I am done.

The ring is in platinum and has a very thin bezel set heart shaped ruby, with a channel set princess diamond cathedral setting. Underneath the bezel setting there are two heart shapes with an upside down triangle between them. Through these hearts you can see the ruby. The ring is handmade. I hope that makes a bit of sense, it's a bit hard to describe. The wedding band most likely will be a plain plaitnum band. I'll get to that once I've worn the engagement ring for a while.

Heart-shaped ruby
Bright red colour. Shows beautiful flashes of red.
60 point

I actually chose this size ruby because whilst my fingers are a size N 1/2 (I think that's size 7 US), they actually suit delicate rings. I don't really have large knuckles and my fingers taper towards the tip. Plus, good heart shaped rubies are fairly rare, particularly over 1ct!

12 x 0.03 ct princess cut diamonds
D-F colour
No lower clarity than VS1

The princess cut diamonds are channel set in a thin band (2.6mm). I like how there are no gaps between the princess diamonds, unlike round brilliants, and I'm not a huuugee pave fan.

I'm hoping you all like my ring. I think it's quite unique. I think my next project will be to find a similar coloured spinel for a wedding pendant.
Oooo from your description it sounds absolutely lovely. Can't wait for pics and congratulations on your engagement :D
Your ring sounds beautiful! I love very thin bezels. Cannot wait to see it!
Sounds very promising!
Thank you everyone!

I had a chat to the jeweler today and it will be ready this Thursday. :appl: Can't wait!
Ooooh it sounds awesome, I can't wait to see it!!!! :appl: :appl:
Ok so I visited the jewellers today to have a look at the ring. Pics attached. Please excuse the blurriness (and my sausage fingers) because I only had an iphone on me at the time and it just didn't want to focus. :S


The ring looks amazing and I love it! I think I would match it with a matching princess cut semi eternity.

However, there is one thing that maybe bothers me... do you think the gem is too small?? I absolutely love the gem otherwise, but I'm not sure about proportions in relation to the band. If I don't like any aspect of the ring I can change it no problems. I can even bring my own gem (the jeweller found the heart himself).

If I upgraded though I think I might end up with a spinel due to our budget as the ruby is really top class. I don't mind a slightly shorter/wider heart.

So what do you think? Should I keep the ring, or upgrade the gem.. and if I upgrade, to what?
I don't even know where to start looking for ruby/spinel hearts. I can't find them anywhere. :confused:
Congratulations! Your ring is lovely! Now I want sth like that....
Very unique :) I love the color.
Oooh I've been looking so forward to your pics!! I personally love the proportions, I think everything about that ring is perfect! :appl: :love: :appl: :love: :appl:
Size is a matter of preference, comfort and perspective. If you upgrade the heart to a larger size, the jeweller might have to do a reasonable amount of work to change out the head because it is a bezeled setting. You made no mention of treatment of the ruby. I ask this because your jeweller found the stone for you (and not many jewellers are up to date on corundum treatment). Spinel is a good alternative but if you are looking for a strong red, it will be a challenge. Rubies tend to have a blue modifier aka purple while red spinels tend to have an orange modifier.
Thanks for the replies!

I'm liking the ring the more I look at it, I think I was just a little bit shocked initially as I expected the proportions to be different in my head. The jeweler is still happy for me to change the design regardless of the work required, we have a very good working relationship and he's just lovely in general. I would definitely be looking for a strong red spinel if I changed it.

The ruby is completely untreated.
I love your ring. It is beautiful. Size is a personal preference; personally, I like the size and proportions as they are, but you should think about it carefully since it is your ring.

Like Chrono said, I would also ask about treatments. This ring seems that it would be difficult to rework since the ruby is bezel set, and since proportions of heart shapes do tend to vary.
It's a lovely ring! As to size, well it is a personal preference but to me it doesn't look too small since your ruby has such presence.
welcome to the color e-ring group!

another way to think of this is that you have room for a a bigger blingier [is that a word?] wedding band.
I like the color of the stone and I think the ring is beautiful.
I decided to keep the ring the way it is. :)

Also, as a note: the ruby colour is slightly more "red" and less "pink" than in the photos.
I will take more (proper) pics when I can borrow my sister's DSLR and macro lens.

Definitely going to have a blingy wedding band! Probably about the same width (2.6mm)
So glad to hear that--I love it the way it is now. :love:
That ring is dreamy. Looking forward to hearing about the band!
I think it's beautiful. Looks great on your hand, and a matching blingy band would be perfect.
That is a very lovely and unique ring.
I think your ring is lovely! Just lovely. I like the size of the heart, it is delicate and beautiful. Congrats on picking a fabulous stone and the engagement.
Its really lovely! I think it looks great on you =)
Your ring is AMAZING!!!!

Your ring is lovely. I love the side view.

Looking forward to more less blurry pics :D
Lovely, that is stunning!

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