
Healthy Living Thread


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, how's sis doing? It's great you can use so many of your previous materials (with updates) rather than recreating the wheel! Would you like to come over and wrap all of MY presents?! I HAVE to do the ferals and the Iowa kids starting TODAY. X-mas in Iowa is on Sunday so that's a MUST. And the ferals are going to start nosing around (if they haven't already). When we were are Costco the last night Liam mentioned something he wanted as we were walking by it, so I guess I'll be picking that up today LOL. It's some sort of car thing (a battery charger/jumper maybe... ?) and I know where it is (or at least where it was last night, assuming they haven't moved in in the past twelve hours... ) so that should be easy.

Yesterday I go all my orders shipped and ran X-mas gifts to the post office and UPS people along with my packages. Today I need to take some cookies over to the packaging people and pick up yet another giant bag of peanuts. I'm killing the planet one styrofoam peanut at a time...

OK, enough typing; actual action needed. Early present wrapping to being in 3... 2... 1... !!!!!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, my sister is still digging out but her power has stayed on and they got propane. It is nice to recycle old programs. I had a lot from teaching I can use too. No thanks on wrapping your presents. Marty’s canvas print showed up in a giant box. I’m not wrapping that sucker. I’m not surprised the ferals would be snooping around for presents. I sure did that well in to my adulthood. Ha ha. Nice Liam pointed out something he wanted at Costco. Those things are few and far between, good idea to go get it.

Did you get your wrapping done? Progress getting things shipped though. I’m totally picturing the giant bag of peanuts. I bet you go through them quickly.

We had a busy weekend. Marty got home early from the gym Friday night since the weather was so nasty. Saturday we went to breakfast then grocery shopping. He had his gym party here that day so he picked up a bunch of deli cheese and deli meat and some bread. About 20 people were here. The bratty kids were pretty good. Other only thing I caught them doing was they found one of Marty’s golf balls he putts around the basement and were playing with it. The older girl is kind of the sh*t stirrer and she she all of a sudden rolled it over towards where some people were standing and talking. I picked it up and put it away.

Last night we watched Santa Claus 3 and all six episodes of the Santa Clauses.

Today I baked peanut butter blossom cookies but used Lindt milk chocolate and dark chocolate squares rather than kisses. We each tested two of them.



Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

#sameoldstuff today :lol:

It's cold and windy here. I worked only 7 hours today, you know cutting back on the hours. I ran a few errands and have decided 7 of the 15 rings they sized need tweaked up a bit. And I'm considering a new ring for our peach. Maybe . . .



Mar 26, 2006
Just a quickie to let you know I'm alive, but swamped. Will write more later!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, thanks for affirming you are alive. I was worried you were trapped in a corner, surrounded by glassware and couldn't get out. :lol:

Not much going on here. The lady who cleans our house is here and I'm working. I need to run out and pick up a few things at the grocery store so I'll probably get lunch while I'm out.



Feb 27, 2007
Dee Jay, I see you might get way more snow than we do. Just think it's not even quite winter yet - that's tomorrow. Woo hoo! We could get wind chills down to -65 tomorrow night.

I only worked 5 1/2 hours today. I did run to the grocery store at about 11 a.m. and you'd think this weekend was Christmas. What a zoo. There wasn't an egg to be had in that store.

Marty got our outdoor Christmas lights fixed. Naturally the half that are plugged in on the roof got so wind blown the plug was loose. And then my Snoopy mailbox snapped off at the base so he had to use spikes in all four corners to get it to stand upright again. If we make it through January without further incident, I'll be surprised.

I got Rod's Christmas card back. They must have moved. We haven't heard from him in a long time. I hope they are okay.

I contemplated going out for supper somewhere but decided this week I shouldn't splurge since this weekend will be an eatathon. So I have a potato baking and will warm up some hamburger I browned yesterday. But, I'm still eating some chocolate or ice cream for supper.



Mar 26, 2006
Helllllllllooooo! Alright, big catch up!

Curby, I'll text you the address I have for Rod. He and Charlie did move (I think about two years ago now) so you could indeed have the old address. I still haven't made it back to Costco to get Liam's gift. Tomorrow HAS to be the day or else it ain't gonna happen! WTF is up with that child?! Someone has to take control there, and unfortunately it looks like it's going to be you. Ugh. The impending snow... what a cluster... Sister #1 and I are contemplating leaving first thing Thursday morning instead of Friday morning, which I think is a very wise idea... but she's not fully committed yet. If we don't do that, I'm not sure we'll get there at all frankly. My eatathon has already started. If it listed out here all the bad things I've had this week I'd have to got into a second post to finish it all! :lol:

The recap... I have no idea where Saturday went. It was just GONE. Sunday I was supposed to go wedding dress shopping with my super junior woodchuck but her son fell face-first ice skating late Saturday night and she ended up in the ER with him for many hours (seven stitches in his chin) so that plan got bagged. That meant I was obligated... eeehhhhh... I mean *free* to go to Iowa for family Xmas with Liam and the ferals. When we got home I had ten orders to pack. Monday I went into the city for work and took my super junior woodchuck home that night because I'd gotten her a set of Christmas dishes that she wanted as a gift, which was way too big and heavy to get home on any sort of public transport. If we'd done the wedding dress thing I would have just moved them from my car to hers at the time, but obviously that didn't happen. Today I was in the office until about 3 and then I headed north. And here I am...

There needs to be some more present wrapping for the ferals, some order shipping and some trip packing in anticipation of Thursday's drive Tomorrow is going to be a busy day!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, the bomb cyclone has arrived. It dropped about 40 degrees once it got here and we are having a snow squall right now. Fun! Is it there yet?

Good plan for you to leave early. My niece was flying to Denver from Houston and they already called her suggesting she reschedule her flight. Guess she switched to Sunday and so that's one less person here on Saturday. Good luck getting out for your trip.

Did you get back to Costco?

I think Rod got my card last year but I may have missed updating my database on his address. Darn.

I'm trying not to start my eatathon until this weekend. When I bake cookies though it's rough.

Oh no to your junior woodchuck's son falling on his face on ice. That sounds painful. Did he break anything? LOL that freed you up to go to Iowa. Nice of you to take her home since you were giving her the Christmas dishes.

I didn't work much today and could be doing a post right now but don't feel like it. Marty is firmly planted on the couch instead of heading to the gym. I have no idea what we'll do for supper since I rarely have to feed him, but I'm pretty darned hungry right now.

Not looking forward to how cold it will be here.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, we're blizzard free as of now, but I fear that's going to change real soon. And the driving plan is now back to tomorrow. Whatever; it's out of my hands at this point. I did go back to Costco, and now I need to go AGAIN today because Liam and I were thinking we might have lobster for dinner... oh... and he wants me to pick up a ham, a big bag of potatoes and some form of dessert for him and the ferals since they'll be here for x-mas. Another fast and easy trip to Costco! :lol: My super junior woodchuck's son actually didn't break anything, but they did x-ray his wrist to be sure (it was just a sprain fortunately). Is it freezing there now? Our high tomorrow is supposed to be ONE!!!!!

Yesterday I packed up two orders, ran to Costco, UPS and the post office, and decided to take a nap when I got home. Wellll... we had plans to go to dinner at a local distillery that included a bourbon tasting and I thought it started at 6:30 so I had plenty of time. It actually started at 6:00, and our friends wanted to pick us up early so we could pop into the shops in the little town before the event began. This second part wasn't communicated to me so I woke up, looked at my phone, had several missed calls from Liam and a text from our friends saying they'd be here in twenty minutes -- which had been sent ten minutes prior! So I bolted up, threw on some other clothes, and did my best to be presentable when they got here. Fortunately Liam pulled into the driveway right before they did so I didn't have to answer the door in my skivvies!

One of the local jewelers that I stopped at over the weekend knows Liam and he texted him a picture of the vintage three stone ring I liked when I was in there. Liam has already gotten me Bob Ross for my birthday in September (set to ship on December 27 BTW) and Paris or X-mas, but if he came home with the three stone I wouldn't exactly be mad about that! :cheeky: Of course then I get nothing for my birthday NEXT September (or at least that would be the deal, hahahahaha!). We'll see!

Alright off to greet the impending blizzard. Today is going to be a big orange coat day for sure!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I hope you get out of there before the blizzard hits.

Darn you had to go back to Costco. I bet it was a zoo today. That's good the junior woodchuck's son didn't break anything. Yes it is freaking cold here. It's -6 right now which is probably the warmest it's been all day. When I got up it was -21 and felt like -52. We did venture out for supper though. I thought of going to wander around Bed, Bath and Beyond after we ate but the wind kicked up again so we came home and watch a few episodes of the new Jack Ryan season on Prime. Marty got a faux fireplace from one of the drinkers that is a heater so he turned it on the man cave and I took a serious blanket down stairs to watch TV. Our basement is always chilly so I'm always cold down there.

You were busy yesterday and good deal you made it out the door in time for Liam to pick you up in time for dinner and drinks with friends. Everyone was probably happy you didn't have to answer the door in your skivvies. Ha Ha.

You are making a haul on new rings for birthdays and Christmas. I like the new vintage three stone ring. It's very pretty. You're like me, I think I've got my presents through 2182. :lol: I haven't told Marty yet it's his turn to buy me something.

I worked until 4:15 right when Marty sent me a text he was heading home from the gym and what do I want to do for dinner. Works for me. I am not used to that much and rich of food that I had at Olive Garden so needed a dose of Alka Seltzer in the middle of episode two of Jack Ryan. Marty asked me "are you sick?" My reply was "no, my body just is going WTF are you doing?" I enjoyed my dinner though. Maybe tomorrow afternoon we can go wander Bed, Bath and Beyond. Marty is pretty much done with work until 2023 and people aren't really coming to the gym this week. Next week he is even taking off from the gym. We are probably heading to Denver one day to turn my rings in for tweaking.


I hope the bears rip open some of my presents.



Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, did you arrive safely to your destination yet? I hope so.

I had a busy day. I had to do up an article and followed a link a guy had posted, had it ready to post but then got to thinking I'd see if there was an update. Yep, the new link had all sorts of new and different information. And I started over. Phooey.

They I mixed up a double batch of everyone's favorite (my family that is) candy cane cookies. Marty helped me roll them out. Right when I got done my sister sends me a text she is sick (flu) and the three of them aren't coming. Within about 30 minutes her DIL sends me a text my nephew is sick with the flu and she and one of their sons are just getting over it. So they aren't coming. So we went from 14 coming tomorrow to 4. I sure have a ton crap of cookies, mini cheesecakes and ham that no one is coming to eat tomorrow.

I got up early and decided the sunrise looked promising for a great photo so I read actually watched and waited for 45 minutes to see that. I got some decent photos but not great photos. Then I showered, got dressed and went to get fruit out of the refrigerator for breakfast and found a sticky mess. The two whole honey baked hams - both wrapped in foil and in a plastic bag - had thawed alright and leaked all over the refrigerator. GRR!!! What a mess. Naturally, they were on the top shelf of the refrigerator so it dripped down on everything else. Once I opened the door it ran out the door and on the floor. My shoes got sticky, the floor got sticky. I got the shelves out and washed them. Wiped down things that got dripped on in the frig and then had to use wooden floor cleaner on the floor and wipe off the bottom of my shoes. What a process.

Since I had to clean up the hams - they are bonelss whole hams and sliced - so I put them in four 9x13 tin pans and ready to heat up for tomorrow. I guess if only four of us are eating, I'll be freezing a lot of ham tomorrow.

At least it won't take me long to get out four settings of Christmas china and glassware. And far less dishes.

Marty just headed to the gym and I bet no one shows up tonight. He'll be back soon.

Have a Merry Christmas!



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Christmas eve kids!

Curby, what a mess those hams made -- ACK! From fourteen to four... yes, you will have A LOT of leftovers! The drive yesterday wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I actually ran into the city first and dropped off gifts for two of my old neighbors begore going to #1's house. We packed her SUV and got on the road. #1 drove for the first two hours and there was a lot of blowing snow and big wind, but the roads really weren't slick at all. I took over when we turned south and the blowing snow improved considerably. I drove the rest of the way and we got here in pretty good time all things considered.

This morning there is a lot of breakfast activity going on in the kitchen. After that I'm going to take a shower, put on my elf outfit, and get to wrapping! Hopefully come noon someone will slide a piece of cheese and a cracker under the door for me, followed up with a big glass of prosecco!

Off I go!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, those hams were an absolute mess. We had that happen in the frig downstairs with a full tenderloin that thawed out, but it was on the bottom shelf. The four of us barely made a dent in two full whole hams. I have a few pounds in the frig and made about 20 half pound bags for the freezer. I probably made enough scalloped potatoes to feed all 14 of us so there is a lot of them left. Everything was good though. I teased me sister and BIL they drew the short straw and had to come see us. When they left I told them thanks for still liking us.

Glad the roads were pretty good and you made it there okay. Did you get all the packages wrapped? Did they slip you some cheese, crackers and Prosecco under the door? We didn't even crack open a bottle of wine today. Of course, supper with the drinkers tomorrow night will be a different story.

Our two guests arrived about 11, we ate before 1 and they just left about an hour ago. Now the good thing about only four of us, most of the dishes were done with one dishwasher load. All the Christmas china is washed and taken care of already. I still have the holy glasses to wash up, but then I'm done. Woo hoo! I used a lot of tin pans too to cut back on dishes.

I'm even warm, running around all day took my chills away. Guess I should do that more often.



Feb 27, 2007
Merry Christmas and this sums me up perfectly:



Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Santa brought me a little Curbymobile - it's not a GTS but sure looks close to my car.

And Dee Jay, you inspired me to wear some bracelets. That ruby bracelet is a Sears special, closeout, with extra discount I paid about $100 for years ago. The rubies aren't translucent at all but they are great color.

We aren't going to dinner at the drinkers because Marty has the crud.

I got two new lenses for my camera and played with them for a while. One is a fisheye - takes unique pictures for sure but sadly only manual focus and well let's say that will be a challenge for me. Infinity I've got! :lol:

Hope Santa was good to everyone




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Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, love the mini Curbymobile! And your bracelets look great! How is Marty feeling? Did you get your new lenses figured out?

Well I am happy to be back at The North Estate! On Saturday I wrapped presents for SEVEN SOLID HOURS. I swear there are more every year! We had our big meal on Christmas Eve with the plan of having leftovers on Xmas. On Xmas morning the gift opening commenced! It went on so long we had to break in the middle for cheese and crackers and blue prosecco (actually cuvee). I got a slew of good stuff -- a fuzzy throw from Costco, a super soft grey cashmere sweater, a telescoping stool, a lamp from Ikea (that I asked for... and that will require a degree in engineering from the University of Stockholm to assemble... ), and who knows what else. Dad LOVED his 3D printer!

Yesterday mom and dad took #2 to the airport at o'dark hundred (her flight was at 6:15 am). #1 and her boyfriend and I got on the road later than I would have liked, but we made it to their place in the city a bit after five. We had to unpack their car and repack my car before I could head up here. The ferals were eager to see me as they couldn't open their presents from me until I got here. OF really liked his ramen noodle blanket and Maruchan pillow, but the big hit was the 3D pen I got for YF. He's having a ball with it! Unfortunately the filament is out of stock and as of now it looks like the refill pack I ordered won't be here until FEBRUARY. Ugh. Oh well, I guess he'll just get to play with it when it comes. I could buy a different brand, but I'm really hesitant to do that because the reviews mention things like jamming the pen. Hmmm... what to do.

When I got back yesterday I had two questions to answer and TEN orders to pack. One of the orders had two listings and one had SIX listings. Holy cow. That's more than I came back to after Thanksgiving! I answered the questions and packed the two super easy orders, but this morning I've got the eight others to do. Wow. There is A LOT of glass leaving the house! Aside from that, I think I'll throw some chili in the crock pot and do a couple loads of laundry. Always laundry... !!!

Off to get this party started!


Mar 26, 2006
I was one tired little elf at this point!



Mar 26, 2006
How awesome is this?!



Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, that is a LOT of presents. Reminds me of when we used to do the family Christmas with about 20 of us. It took us pretty much all day to get presents open.

Your Brut and glass is pretty darn awesome. Sounds like you made quite the haul for Christmas. Sweet. Glad the 3D printer and 3D pen were a hit. How could they not be.

I bet you will have orders rolling in for several weeks. Late shoppers. Or people spending Christmas money. Sweet. That will keep you busy.

I did not mess with my lenses today. I should have because it was kind of nice here today, but I worked about five hours and a friend stopped by for a visit. Marty started watching Stargate Atlantis and I'm all hooked on watching on five seasons of that now. I was going to run to the store today to get more food, but didn't make it out for that. I am already sick of ham.

Marty is feeling slightly better. I hope it continues. I wanted to run my rings to Denver today but Marty didn't sleep well and was pretty bad this morning. He's so congested it sounds like he isn't breathing well. I woke up last night and couldn't hear him breathing at all, I admit I kind of freaked out. But he'd moved to the other bedroom because he couldn't sleep. I didn't hear him leave, which I usually don't sleep through him getting up and opening the bathroom door.

I might start taking down some of my Christmas decorations tomorrow. I enjoyed them for a month and am getting tired of them. I need to run out and get some bubble wrap because I sure plan on using some of it on my Snoopy Christmas village.

Well, best get to bed. With Marty on vacation this week and him being sick, I'm not getting my usual work or chores done.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, too bad we don't live close because I've got enough bubble wrap to cover your actual house, let alone your little village houses! I had some left over ham that Liam made when I got back here on Monday. It was good, but I can only eat so much of it before I don't want any more either. How's Marty feeling today? The Xmas tree here needs to come down too, but it's going to be a mess. The needles are falling off alarmingly (what is the point of a fake tree if it sheds needles worse than a real one?!) and I can't see how we're going to get it out of the house and into the trash without a trail of green plastic everywhere. Oh well, it is what it is.

Yester was a pack-a-thon! Seventy-three pieces of glass left the house! In between all that I managed to make a batch of chili and buy some stuff I don't need online. :lol: At the end of all that packing and shipping I had to clean up downstairs because it was an absolute disaster. This morning I've got an order of seven glasses to ship off and then I'm doing work stuff for a few hours. Hopefully I'll get some other things done today too... but I just never know LOL.

Our weather is improving and I think it's going to about 40 today. It's a heat wave!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I bet you have a ton of bubble wrap and enough to wrap our house. That's like all the laminated posters I had when I was teaching, those suckers will still be in tact after our sun has become a bloated red giant and swallowed the Earth. I bet I can at least lift that stack of posters now but they'd still fall because they are all slick plastic.

Yes, I am with you on ham. Marty finished the last few pieces of thawed ham with his eggs this morning.

Marty is doing a bit better today. He at least moved off the couch. I was able to work a few hours then since the TV wasn't blaring. He is messing with a new security camera right now. We both even took pictures this morning at sunrise, even though the sunrise wasn't very colorful. That fisheye lens is rather bizarre.

I notice the needles fall off the fake trees too. For live trees, we used to dump them over on a sheet to haul outside. That helped with the mess. Our newer tree hasn't shed many needles, but it's only a few years old.

You are really shipping out the glasses. Sweet. You're down now to only a few tens-of-thousands left. Ha Ha.

I had a very pleasant surprise while working today. I got a very generous bonus for 2022. It almost pays for my 4th quarter taxes. Sweet. It's nice to be appreciated.

I just ordered us some steak dinners from Door Dash for lunch. I don't think Marty should be among the populace yet. I hope he's well enough to take me to Denver Friday so I can turn in my rings. Now, I might splurge on a different ring and maybe a halo for our peach. Any word on when you'll get Bob Ross back from WF?


We need this as bumper stickers for our Speedymobiles



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, it sounds like Marty is going to live! That's a relief because I moved all my long hanging stuff, including my black funeral dress, when the closet imploded and I don't know where it is right now. :lol: That's awesome about your unexpected bonus!!! When do they name you CEO? :cheeky: Bob Ross is allegedly shipping TODAY. For some reason WF will only send it to a Fed Ex location instead of to the house so I'll have to go there tomorrow and pick it up. What a PITA. Oh well, better I guess than having it left on the porch.

Yesterday I packed up two orders, went to UPS with a ton of packages (big line, but it moved fast), picked up some packing materials from the local manufacturer, worked for about two hours, did three loads of laundry, ran to the post office, went back to UPS again to send a send of dishes (line was Out the Door so I bagged that), met Liam for dinner at a local bar, went to UPS for the third time and actually dropped off the box, and came home to drink wine and shop online. Whew! What a full day!

Today I need to continue cleaning up around here, including putting the Xmas detritus down in the storage closet. Boxes and paper and bows--oh my! I'm having a hankering for some pumpkin bars. There is a keto recipe that looks pretty good, but I have no idea if Meijer will have a couple of the ingredients. I should also come up with a dinner idea of some sort...

Liam made noise about bringing me coffee a while ago, but nothing yet. I might have to actually get up and get it myself!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids!

Well yesterday got derailed early on! Liam said, oh, there's this ladies clothing store that's going out of business and they're running a huge sale so you should go check it out. And of course I DID. It was actually TWO stores owned by the same person, one was full of home stuff and the other was ladies clothing. I bought a TON of stuff, including six sweaters/blazers, a fancy dress for a new years party, two other fancy tops, a pair of black velvet floral combat boots (don't ask, LOL) a purse (because... yanno... I need another purse... ), five gifts for x-mas next year, and a bunch of decorative type stuff. Holy cow... It was amazing! That all took HOURS though, so other stuff got pushed around. I did make it to UPS and the post office, ran by the jeweler that was shortening my three row tennis bracelet and got that (the other bracelet won't be done for a while yet), stopped at the estate jeweler where Liam got one of my gifts to say thank you, and then we went to dinner up in Wisconsin with friends. There was a crazy bru ha ha in the sushi restaurant and I think the crux of it was the little private room there must have gotten double booked so there was a party going on and then a lady showed up with what looked like her daughter and bunch of other people for a birthday party in that same room. She went BALISTIC. Like "I really hope this lady doesn't pull a gun out of her purse" bananas. It was really a little scary! After all that trauma drama the people who used to live in the house next to Liam texted and said they were in town for the holiday and wanted to have a drink, so of course he went and did that. I think it was around one am when I finally went to bed!

Bob Ross has shipped... but expected delivery is next Tuesday. WTF. I thought WF always did next day delivery. My bad for not asking that specifically. Of well, nothing I can do about it now.

Today I need to do my nails first thing and then I'm committed to a grocery store trip to get stuff for these damn pumpkin bars!

Alright, off to do all the things I should have done yesterday! :lol:


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Saturday kids!

Curby, how goes life as the walking wounded?! Are you still going to be able to type for your job? Now that you're "in charge" I don't know what they'd do without you while you heal! At least you got some of your rings turned back in.

Yesterday was another expensive day... I stopped at Old Navy to buy a sweater... and $375 later... Plus I ordered a bunch more stuff off the site when I got home. Someone needs to take my American Express card away!

Today I need to turn to Costco and get smoked salmon and some jalapeno artichoke dip for a champagne party tomorrow. And then... The House Clean Up Commences! While I'm doing all that, Liam needs to get a haircut and see if can bring himself to spend $$$ on new tires for his truck.

There is some bacon cooking and some coffee brewing so I better gear myself up for enough nutrition to get me through the day. Or at least get me through until lunch. :lol:


Mar 26, 2006
Happy New Year kids!

Curby, how's the injury? Have you figured out an easy way to get dressed yet? Is Marty being good to you?

I got some x-mas stuff organized yesterday (nothing actually made it down to the basement LOL) and ran to Costco to get some smoked salmon for a party today as well as other stuff. The afternoon chugged along until I decided to try a nap half sitting up in the family room--and it worked! I also put in earplugs and took a muscle relaxer and four advil... so that might have had something to do with it. :lol: Went to bed early and slept pretty well... until the big dog when nutso over fireworks after midnight.

Today we're heading downtown for my friends' new years champagne party. Black tie preferred, but Liam doesn't have a tux so now sure what he's going to wear. I'm going to put on the new sparkly dress I bought a few days ago. Too bad I put on five pounds over the holidays, but nothing I cand do about that between now and 11:30 when we're leaving, hahahahaha!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi kids

I'm testing out dictation on my laptop let's see how it goes so if it doesn't make sense, that's why

Dee Jay, yes, Marty's going to live. He is feeling better. As for me. I'm hanging in there.

I'm excited to see Bob Ross. They ship it FedEx to pick up at the store because they use outside insurance. Did you get all your Christmas decorations down? I took down my snoopy villages and the stockings and little stuff, but the tree is still up. I might work on that some tomorrow but I can't put them back in the boxes - that would be rough,

Sounds like you got a bunch of great new clothes. That sounds fun. I wish I kept some of my bigger stuff because of easier to get over my splint. I don't have any coats that will go over my splint because of the cuffs but I have an old fleece jacket that was in my car that works and then I can wear a vest over it. You know, who needs a coat at the coldest time of the year?

You were certainly busy yesterday. You can wear rings and bracelets for me because I don't think I can for a while. The fight at the restaurant sounds interesting. Don't you love dinner and a show?

You'll also have to keep your nails done for me because I don't think I'll be doing that for a while either. This is so fun

Sounds like you made a haul at Old Navy. We don't have one of those here. I used to not think they were very nice but I looked online and they look like they have some good stuff. Good luck at going to Costco because that'll be expensive too.

Happy new year, I'm getting better at getting dressed. I even kind of took a bath in the sink today and washed my hair. I feel like a new person.

Have fun at the champagne party.

Not much new with me. I ran a lot of errands yesterday. I got myself some nightgowns to sleep in since I just have PJ sets and I topped off my gas tank and picked up groceries. I'm managing laundry so far, so I guess I'm not doing too bad time will tell. For lunch today I even managed to slice up some strawberries and eat some yogurt. Talent.

I'm finding that the best way to hang up a shirt is to stick the hanger up from the bottom and out the top. And on pants, I fold them in half and lay them over the chair and then put the hanger on then. That's working. Marty's T-shirts however, didn't get folded very well.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, did you dictate that whole post? If so, it did pretty damn good! You get points for even ATTEMPTING laundry in this condition! If you take the ornaments down will Marty put them in the boxes for you? Some things from Old Navy and great, and others are kind of "disposable." I got a bunch of T-shirts there one year and they all got holes in them. But other stuff just goes on and on. Can you put a bag over your arm and keep in in place with a rubber band to take a shower? Maybe put one on and then put a second one on with the rubber band a little higher up so you'll be double bagged and well protected? When I had stiches in my knee my surgeon told me to wrap saran wrap around it to shower. It worked great!

Yesterday we made it to the champagne party pretty early and for a half hour or so we were the only ones there with one other couple. I started to get worried, LOL, but by the time we left the house was full.

Once we got back here to The North Estate I was exhausted and went straight to bed, where I stayed until eight this morning! Thanks to the muscle relaxer, advil and heating pad I slept wonderfully again! It was amazing. I haven't slept more than a few hours at a stretch for weeks (months?!) so this is just fabulous! Of course I don't want to have to medicate every night, but I think I'm going to keep it up a few nights more with the hope that I'm actually getting better and not just masking the problem.

Today there really needs to be some cleaning up around here! Liam just went out to the shed and realized it's locked... and he has no idea where the key is. Rut ro. Off to see if I can find it!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi kids

Dee Jay, yes I did dictate all of my post yesterday and I will do so tonight. I used it for work today too but then my throat got sore from talking after a couple hours stupid thyroid it’s hell getting old.

Interesting information about clothes from Old Navy. I know when I lived once I didn’t think it was very nice stuff but I haven’t looked for a long time. I like the stuff that last a long time I sure wish I had some sweaters that fit me right now ha ha

I hope you got a good nights sleep and feel better now. I guess I had not realized your back was acting up again. The champagne party sounded fun and sounds like a lot of people showed up fashionably late.

Did Liam find the key to the shed?

Yes Marty said he could take care of the ornaments if I take them off of the Christmas tree. I thought of getting one of those ornament storage Containers but I didn’t. Maybe I should but I really don’t feel like going to the store.

Yes I did take a shower this morning with a bag over my arm and rubber band and And I wrapped the top of the splint with some of that press and seal so it works really well.

tomorrow I have a doctors appointment at 1 PM so hopefully I get a cast put on.




Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, wow, your dictation is working out great! If you decide to get those ornament boxes, definitely DON'T go to the store! Who knows what you'd break traversing THAT parking lot! Press the "buy it now" AND the "DELIVERY" buttons! That press 'n' seal stuff is pretty amazing. It really saved me when I had to shower with stitches. Did you get a cast put on today? The shed keys were on the pantry area counter... under a bunch of things. I found them when I stared to clear up that area. Liam was quite happy.

Yesterday we did to some major cleaning up, especially in the family room. It looks the best it's been since LAST x-mas! I also packed three orders and then -- just for thrills -- downloaded my bank and credit card info for the year so I could start organizing my taxes. I have to admit I was a little disappointed in my net profit number for the Etsy store, but then I realized I purchased enough inventory along the way to fuel the almost 500 listings that are up, so I felt a little better. Plus, I've got another slew of boxes full of glass yet to get listed so I really did spent money up front for things that will bring it back over time. It still sooooo much work though...

The drive into the city this morning was a sh!t show thanks to a big rain that is still going on all these hours later. I did mange to go back to bed at my place for about 45 minutes, which I enjoyed thoroughly!

Bob Ross has been delivered to the Fed Ex location by Liam. Of course I received the notice about 8 o'clock this morning, and by then it was far to late to do anything about it so I imagine I won't get it until Thursday morning because Fed Ex will close before I can get there from the city tomorrow night. Oh well, I've waited this long, right?!

I'm making progress in terms of writing up transition stuff. It's super tedious though and I have to say I'll be DAMN GLAD to walk out that door next Wednesday!!!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Let's say dictation works better than typing with a cast. This would get a lot of hits on tic tok. :lol:

Dee Jay, too funny, you mentioned going through icy parking lots. After I got my cast on, we went out for lunch somewhere and Marty's being careful, pointing out where the ice is in the parking lot and I stepped right on it. He's like woman "I told you there is ice there and you step right in it." Oops. Oh well, I survived.

Yes, I got my cast on today. It's a pretty blue sapphire color. He didn't x-ray it today. I go back in a week to get an x-ray. He said my only restrictions were don't lift and don't get it wet. I can use my fingers. They're a bit more open. It's like a fiberglass type of cast. It's lightweight and kind of thin but it's very hard. I can get my larger down jacket on now, so I'm glad I have a jacket again, but all my sweaters seem to be like kind tight.

That's great that you found the keys for the shed. I always do that. I put some thing on top of something and then I can't find it. Sweet that you got the place all picked up. That's always nice to enjoy. I started on my taxes too. I am taking our tax lady my fourth-quarter payment on Friday. It shouldn't be icy by then - let's hope. I'm sure that eventually your Etsy will make more money and you do have a ton of inventory. That makes a difference. Marty's net profit was not too high for this past year at the gym. Like I always say, it's just a hobby not a business. Yes this dictation works way better than trying to type with a really rigid cast and they have my fingers kind of bent to the to the left. And then the cast is hard so I can't stretch my fingers much to type. Like I said, it's funny to watch. I'm pretty excited to have a more solid cast on for now.

That's great bye Ross is getting is ready to pick up I'm anxious to see it. At least I'll get it in a few days. I think I could maybe wear earrings and rings now that I can use my fingers but we'll see I was really proud of myself after we ate lunch I was able to zip my jacket woo hoo. What a treat.

i am trying typing in my lap. yes it works hunting and pecking but not typing as normal. the cast is too rigid, like i broke something. ha ha.

That is great you are so close to your final day at work. I totally remember typing up a book full of how to do things before I left my job. Based on what I've heard since I left, I don't think it's been utilized much. I bet you are excited for your new adventures. What day do you start your new position?

Sorry you were getting rain there so much. It's probably the same storm that dumps a bunch of snow and cold on us. And all that stupid ice that you know can be so treacherous.


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