
Healthy Living Thread


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, have a safe and hassle free trip to Aspen and have a great time. Do you fly straight in to Aspen? I will never forget how many private planes were at that airport. Such a sight for a lady from the sticks. Our airport has a few guard planes and helicopters and a few small planes here and there.

Darn that we have trash can duty. I'll take my phone with me too if it's icy. Just our luck we'd either break our phones or it would go flying so far from us we can't reach it. Then when our guys come home and find us sprawled out on the driveway they'd say something like "you left the garage door open all day?" Ha Ha.

Glad your anger and determination gave you super powers to get across the windy parking lot with your unique frame. Hopefully the person who remakes it for you knows what the heck they are doing.

No word on Pinkie yet? I cleared my wide open calendar for days in case you did decide to have it FedEx'd to me.

Your rice and chicken bake sounds like an adventure and it was so wise of Liam to just quietly clean up the assorted extra ingredients. That is too funny about watching the Swedish chef from the Muppets - I can see it now.

I had an uneventful rest of the day yesterday. I am stuck on level 73 on the new Angry Birds but I keep trying. I did about 10 more mini puzzles on my iPad and watched some podcasts on YouTube. I am going to go exchange some money for window food for lunch today and make some cookies this afternoon. A friend of mine is coming over for lunch tomorrow and I am making lasagna. She found a great tee shirt yesterday on Woot I wanted to get Marty for Valentine's Day but you have to check out through Amazon which means he'll see it so I had her order it for me. It's a combo Monty Python / lifting shirt which is perfect for him. He needs another work shirt aka tee shirt like I need another teddy bear but I couldn't pass that up.




Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, the flight was (of course) delayed, but I finally made it. No word on Pinkie... Now I'm hoping Ilya will text me and tell me it's ready on Monday so I could just zip down from O'Hare after I land and grab it. We'll see... I hear you on ordering things from Amazon. There were a couple of things I wanted to get Liam for xmas and I had to wait until I was at my office and also use my own account to do it. I usually order through his Prime account, but obviously I couldn't do that. And I didn't even want to do it on my own account from the house because whatever I look up then produces a bunch of ads on all of his devices too. This big brother crap really annoys me sometimes!

Today was pretty low key. Sister #2 and I went over to one of the ski places because she wanted to demo some skis before committing to buying them. After that she headed up the mountain and I headed back to the room to do some stuff and take a shower. We met up for lunch and shopped our way back to the hotel. Now she's getting ready and we'll head out for a drink while we wait for our other friend who's driving in from the Denver area, and then a fabulous dinner awaits us!

Tomorrow's big plan involves wandering the streets and trying to find shops that will take my money. :lol:


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Saturday kids!

#2 and our other friend are busily getting ready to hit the slopes. I'm busily getting ready to hit the shops! (Well, I will be once they clear out of the room and I have the bathroom to myself, ha ha). Then we'll meet up for lunch. I recharged my heated insoles last night so I'm good to go. These things are amazing BTW! I actually get more heat from my heated socks, but the battery pack is bulky and I have to position it above my boots, which is a PITA, so I'm sticking with the insoles for now. You should really get some of these Curby!

In the spirit of planning ahead I've decided what I want for xmas from Liam next year (a necklace) and there is a store here with a faux version so I'm going to go and try it on today to see what I really think. I didn't try it yesterday when I first saw it because I had on a high necked top, but today I'll dress accordingly, LOL. And who knows what else I'll find along the way... :cheeky:

There are a few webcams around, and one points to a spot kind of in the middle of town. I'm going to set up a time with Liam to go and stand in front of it tomorrow and wave. I'll let you know when if you want to log on and see me!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, glad you arrived in Aspen okay and are wandering around looking for things to buy and help the local economy. Did you buy anything? What did you think of the necklace? I have my own account on Amazon but it was so long ago I have no idea what logon or password I used. I set it up one Christmas to I could buy some things for Marty on the sly. I had the cash for my girl friend out and Marty who never gets nosy about things started quizzing me about why do you owe Nicole money? You lost a bet, didn't you? I finally told him she bought me something for you - but at least he doesn't know what I ordered. Ha! Yes Big Brother crap is annoying. I looked up things at work before and I get ads for the same thing at home.

How was your fabulous dinner? What did you get to eat?

I think I'd love heated insole; I'll have to check those out. I thought the same thing about battery socks; kind of a PITA with the batteries.

Definitely let me know about the webcam. That would be fun! Marty did that in London - they have on at that crossing where the Beatles were on an album cover. I am drawing a blank at what it's called. Is it Abby lane? He even took the killer rabbit with him. I backed up the camera online and played it and took a video of it. Such excitement!

Not much going on with me. A friend came by for lunch yesterday - the lasagna I made didn't suck. I also made chocolate cookies and she brought salad. I've been wasting time with Angry Birds - I'm stuck at level 122. I thought I'd text my nephew that he needs to come help me out.

Have fun!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, I did try on the necklace! This faux version has bigger stones than the one I want and I actually thought it was TOO big for everyday wear with the larger ones so I think the smaller ones will be perfect. I'm having a real length dilemma though... I can get anything from 14 to 18 inches and I have no idea... Part of me thinks I should just get the longest version and use the hook to adjust accordingly for whatever I'm wearing, but I've never been a big fan of having the "leftover" dangle down the back of my neck. Considering it's an xmas present, I have time to think it over! :lol:

I found a cream colored faux curly shearling coat yesterday... to the tune of $795. Ugh. I really liked it though, except for the fact that it had a hood that isn't detachable. After we got back to the hotel last night I googled around and found one that I like as much--or better!--on Nordstrom Rack with no hood and ordered it. It was "only" $316, so look at all the money I "saved"! :cheeky: There is also a morganite ring I tried on. Price: SIXTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS. For MORGANITE. With a window you could drive a truck through. Mmmmmm.... NO! I only made it through about half of the town's shops before I was summoned to lunch, so I'll do the rest today.

For the webcam, I'm going to text you the link. Liam and I haven't picked a time yet because he's at some sort of thing with his cousin in Iowa, but we'll figure it out. It would be SUPER fun if you caught me on film!

Here is a review on heated insoles: I looked at all the specs and ended up getting the second ones (PrixHit) because they last the longest. I have to say after two days of wearing these around and trying different heats, they are GREAT! I can't even use the high setting, and I've only put them from low to medium when we were sitting outside for a long time and my feet were sitting on the concrete floor. They are pretty thick though so I did have to get those new bigger boots, but TOTALLY worth it! And even though I like these better, the socks won't go to waste because I got a bigger pair of rubber rain-type boots on clearance for $10 the same night I drove all over god's green earth getting the other ones and they will work really well for auctions. The thick socks fit in them, even with my insoles, and since they are just rubber I don't care how dirty or muddy they get. The battery pack will go above them since they aren't too high either. Win win!

OK, off to get ready for my big Aspen webcam debut, LOL!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, it was fun seeing you in Aspen. A friend of mine did that last year under the antler arch in Jackson and I got to see her. Technology is wonderful - at times. I hope shopping went well for you today. Good deal you liked the necklace; I totally get the hanging part of an adjustable chain is not desirable but I sure like the option to change the length. It looks really stupid when it moves around to the front and you can see the chain hanging off the clasp. After losing that one pendant a few years ago I moved everything to longer chains so I can always see that the pendant is still there. However earlier this week I did shorten the chain on my WG pendant so it didn't catch on some buttons.

Nice you found a less expensive version of that coat you liked. Reminds me of the prices in Beaver Creek - I did spring for a spoon I liked that day. That is a pricey morganite ring especially for a poorly cut gemstone.

Thanks for the link on the heated insoles. If we were still having our annual star parties I would get myself a pair for sure. I will definitely pass the link on to Marty - he ventures out in the cold far more often than I do especially now that I am a retired lady.

Today I wasted more time demonstrating how lame I am at Angry Birds, I knit a few inches on Marty's hat, baked homemade biscuits for breakfast and visited with my sister and BIL for a while. We are meeting some friends for supper in a while so I haven't eaten much today - best not hit the wine too quickly until I get some food in my stomach.

Have a safe trip home.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, are you winging your way home today? Was Pinkie ready to pick up?

Dinner last night with friends was fun. Marty ordered the huge bone-in ribeye and managed to eat all but the fat and bone. I had a small filet. The 6 of us polished off 2 bottles of wine.

I baked chicken for us for lunch which may turn out to be a bad idea since I really shouldn't eat chicken but darn I sure like it. Made some rice pilaf to go with it. Marty was going to grill it but I decided I'm more skilled at baking than grilling and used a meat thermometer to make sure it was done okay. I looked online and it suggested brushing the chicken with olive oil and then season as desired. It tasted okay to me.

I think I'll see if I can navigate the iceberg on the street and go get our mail. I doubt there is any today since it's a Monday holiday but I don't think I've picked it up since Thursday.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy home from Aspen kids!

Curby, waving at everyone on the webcam was a HOOT! As you can see, I am easily amused, LOL. I showed Liam a pic of the ring because he's always interested in what I'm shopping for (or at least he pretends to be -- HA!) and before I said anything he's like What On Earth Is Wrong With That Stone? The current plan is that I might zip downtown on Thursday to get Pinkie. Yet to be determined, but fingers crossed!!!!! He's an odd question... have you tried faux chicken? I see plant based versions at Whole Foods and I'm sure they have it at other places too. Maybe that way you could get the flavor of chicken without the issues?

Yesterday worked out really well travel-wise. We had our alarms set for six but I was wide awake by 5:45 anyway so I just got up and got ready. The taxi was there right when it was supposed to be. Breakfast at the airport wasn't terrible. The flight was on time and no issues. I was only charged for four days of parking at the airport instead of the five I was expecting (so I only had to give up ONE kidney! :lol:) And the drive back to Liam's was quick. Fabulous! When I got here I packed up my five orders and even did a tiny bit of work before I went to bed. To bed EARLY that is!

And now... back at it! I've got a pile of laundry, of course, and training for three new people, starting at ten so better get going.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, glad you made it home okay. It's a good thing you are easily amused - it makes life so much more enjoyable. Funny side story to your webcam appearance - I set an alarm on my phone for 10:58 in case I forgot - but had the webcam open in plenty of time. Then about 11 pm guess what went off on my phone? Ha Ha. There IS a difference between AM and PM - who knew? Ha Ha.

Too funny that Liam at least pretends to be interested in what your shopping for and knew that stone wasn't a real "gem". Ha Ha. I've heard Marty tell people more than once that he knows more about diamonds and gemstones than he ever wanted to know. At least we know they pay attention to us, right?

Yay for only needing one kidney for parking - that's a plus! Sweet the trip home went smoothly. And now you can plan your next trip - just to the big city to get Pinkie. I am excited to see it. I wore my pink sapphire ring yesterday to kind of match Pinkie. I couldn't wear my wedding rings for 2 days - I took a small chunk out skin out of my ring finger knuckle so decided not to push 2 rings over it all day. Today I am just wearing my diamond ring. Sadly I have no idea what I hit.

I got Marty's hat done last night - right now it's completely covering up one of my teddy bear's heads. Marty isn't feeling well yet he is well enough to pick on my teddy bears.

I did visit our financial guy today and asked what the different between a 401K, IRA and annuity. Sorry if you know any of this already - I didn't. 401K is your retirement with your employer, the IRA and annuity or any of the retirement investment accounts basically do the same thing but have a different cover - some have different rules/regs but basically they are all the same thing. We ended up calling Fidelity and moved my account to someone through the credit union. I have 100 shares of stock there too from my company and for know I'm leaving that there. They only mail you the check and our mail delivery service is iffy at best so I paid $25 for them to send it to me through UPS. The guy at the bank said quite a few of his clients have had lost checks - one was for 2 million. I'd have a coronary on that!!! He wanted to see my new car so came outside with me - I naturally hadd to rev up the car for him in Sports Plus!

The cleaning lady was here this morning, then I ordered us burgers through Door Dash, headed to the bank, lifted and heated up some soup for supper. Off and on during the day I wasted time again on Angry Birds. I am stuck on level 155. I might have to have Marty get me past that level - I am way too cheap to pay money and buy more birds.



Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay - are you wearing Pinkie today? Does it sparkle like crazy in the Sun?

I ventured out in the cold to get some frosty tree pictures this morning. It was still pretty icy so I took pictures from inside my car with the window rolled down - I am real adventuresome, eh? I should have left when I got up because by the time I showered all the pine trees were no longer snowy / frosty on the side facing the sun and I wasn't going to shoot pictures with the sun behind those trees. I got a few shots I like though. I hadn't used my new lens much since i got it so was glad to get some pictures outside. I even imported them in to Lightroom, flagged the ones I liked. Adjusted some of the lighting - look at me learning that stuff in my class.

I wasted more time last night on Angry Birds - I am up to level 180 and stuck again. I swear it eventually takes pity on me and just "lets" me get through a level. Marty is probably up to level 300 the brat! I am sure the ferals could whip rip right through it.

I am venturing out to Culvers shortly to buy our lunch. I'm starving and Marty is napping so I am getting him chicken salads and will put them in the frig. Marty is still sick with a cold - I love it when he has a cold because his voice gets really deep - I used to get him to say "this is CNN" but he won't fall for it anymore. Darn.

I keep forgetting to answer your question about faux chicken - I have not tried anything like that because since my highest allergens are plants and trees I don't think I'd fare well with plant based foods. Marty often tells people it's easier to tell people what I'm not allergic too. Oh well.

Have a great day.

Some of the tree shots from this morning:


Mar 26, 2006
Curby, your pictures are GREAT! Last winter we had "hoar frost," which looked liked white fur on all the trees, and I drove around trying to get pics but never really captured how cool it looked in person. I am wearing pinkie today! I posted in SMTR but I just cannot get an accurate photo of the color. Your mention of Culvers makes me want the chocolate custard! Over the summer every day after I went to the post office I'd swing through the drive through and get a cone. It was my afternoon treat! :lickout:

Yesterday was frantic! I drove downtown, got ready and went to the office, did training with someone, picked up Pinkie, went back to the office and had lunch with the HR lady, spent the rest of the afternoon getting something together that had to go out by Fed Ex, bolted to pick up my coat before the place closed at 5:30, went to my condo and grabbed my car, drove back to Liam's, and then worked until almost 11 pm. WHEW!!!

Today my grand plan of sleeping in was foiled by someone who asked if a meeting could be moved up to 8:30 so I got up and made myself presentable for that... only to have it rescheduled for 9:30. Ugh. I packed up one order after that and have been working ever since!

I kind of want some thin rose gold stacking bands for either side of Pinkie but the choices on Etsy are overwhelming... Maybe I'll call around to the local jewelry stores and see if anyone has any I can try on because the best width is a mystery to me... 1 mm, 1.3 mm, 1.5 mm, 1.8 mm... ???

Alright, off to nag some new employees about doing their paperwork!


Feb 27, 2007
Dee Jay, you did have a very busy day yesterday but you got Pinkie plus your new coat. Do you like the coat? I wore my down jacket today and got hot in the car in it - but it was warm enough for the great, freezing outdoors!

I will go check out your Pinkie thread.

Mmm chocolate custard.

I love frosty trees and always saw the greatest shots on my way to work when there was no way I could stop and get a picture. I don't have that problem now - of course now my problem is getting up in time. Darn that you had to get up and dressed for an early call only to have it moved an hour later. When I was working at home I covered up my camera for meetings,. I get that some of them you can't do that though.

I think it's a wonderful idea to go try on assorted bands with Pinkie to see what you like. I can usually tell on everything else what I might like but for rings it's tough. Some rings I thought I'd love I hated on my hand and vice versa. I have 5 bands I swap out with my diamond ring and do so frequently. I like the Tiffany band and the 5 pointer WF channel set band the best with it though. Until that little cut on my knuckle gets better though I am just wearing my diamond ring. I am so lame; I name teddy bears and cars but not my jewelry. Maybe I should name my diamond Sirius because it is my brightest star just like the real Sirius is in the sky? Come to think of it I could name my gemstone rings after stars as well - by their color. Good plan. First thought was my ruby ring and how ironic the most red star is called the garnet star - that wouldn't work. There are other red stars though.

Marty is still napping so I am being quiet - I best not go try Angry Birds because I might start uttering some Gordon Ramsey colorful metaphors out loud and wake him up.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, the coat I picked up the other day is a shearling I bought at a flea market last summer and had cleaned and fixed up. It is SO heavy -- I hadn't realized HOW heavy! -- but also SO warm! I honestly don't know how much I will wear it, but now I own it... story of my life! The cream colored faux shearling I ordered in Aspen is out for delivery today, so hopefully I'll love that. Because... yanno... I need another coat! :cheeky: Did Marty try out his hat yet? LOL on Gordon Ramsey -- I resemble that remark!!!

Yesterday I was busy busy busy again. All this WORK really disrupts my fun! Liam came home and we had a quick dinner and then went over to a friends' house to finally exchange xmas gifts. That was a good time... until... we went to get in the car and it wouldn't start because it didn't have a key to recognize... ??? We looked EVERYWHERE inside and outside the house, but no luck. Finally the husband drove us back to Liam's, I grabbed the extra key, and we went back and got the car. When we got home we realized that the key was on the counter... ????? I started the car in the garage to let it warm up before we left, and must have put it on the counter when I came back inside instead of putting it in my pocket. But WHY ON EARTH DOES MY CAR LET YOU DRIVE IT WITHOUT A KEY IN IT?!?!?! I really thought it specifically WOULD NOT let you do that!!!!! Thank god we were here locally, but what if I had driven clear downtown with no key?! Or taken a long road trip to visit my friends in Michigan? I could have made it there on one full tank of gas, so I wouldn't have stopped along the way, and then I would be 300+ miles away with no key! I'm super mad at Audi right now!!!!!

Anyway, I better stop being mad and start getting up, LOL, because I have to interview two people by zoom this morning, and I would like to go over to the mall to look for stacking bands, but there's a reallllllly good chance that's not going to happen. Plus, I've got another order to pack up and hopefully one on the way because I traded messages with someone this morning on a particular set of glasses he's interested in.

Up and at 'em!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, that is nuts about your Audi. I believe they told me on my A6 it would only work a limited number of miles away from the key fob. Apparently that wasn't true! How far away do your friends live? I can email my Porsche / Audi guy and ask him - he is a whiz at all things Porsche and Audi. I know neither the Audi or Porsche will let me lock it with the key inside. When I borrowed my mom's car the summer my orange car was torn apart in the Audi parking lot I was an absolute ditz driving a car that required a key - I'd leave the keys in the ignition, walk up to the car and couldn't open the door then had to dig out the key - (how quaint), etc.

So you now have 2 very warm coats between the one you just got cleaned and the new one. Warm coats are vital where both of us live.

Marty did wear his new hat and said yes it kept his head warm. A friend of mine is going to coming over sometime for knitting lessons and try to make herself one. I was going to make her one for her birthday but if she does that I won't have to - she can make her own.

Yes, you are really busy and how rude of work to interrupt it. I have to admit I am enjoying the not working bit more and more each day! I am such a lady of leisure. I of course will soon be noticing I don't get paid anymore. Today I am going to clean the knife block and dust all the bottom of the kitchen cabinets where the door opens. I dropped something and bent over to pick it up while a cupboard was open and it was like OMG - dust alert!

I started my day lifting even before I ate - that probably wasn't one of my brighter ideas. I wanted to get done before Marty got back from the gym in case he was in meetings for work. I made myself an egg, cheese, toast, canadian bacon sandwich for breakfast and brewed up hamburgers and mashed potatoes for lunch. That reminds me I need to clean the stop of the stove because the water boiled over while cooking the potatoes.

I did my lesson 4 for Lightroom class this morning and then watched some tutorial videos on Photoshop. I used Photoshop Elements over 10 years ago but now it's like reading something in Japanese so I need a refresher course on that. It is coming back quickly though - I took my favorite tree picture from yesterday in there and used the blemish tool to remove a pole, 2 signs and a power line. You can "see" the coverup of the pole if you know exactly where to look but I was pleased with my first photo edit.

Off to do my chores.


Feb 27, 2007
I was curious and went to the Audi forum - apparently like what happened to you it will go until it shuts off but then won't start again. They also said your car will beep at you for when driving away from your key and a yellow alert message will display that the key can't be found. That is kind of rotten it can drive that far away. Some guy on the forum dropped his wife off at the airport, drove on to work then when he went to go home he realized he didn't have a key and his wife had the key in her purse wherever she flew off to that day. Such fun. I remember once the battery in my key fob died right as I got to the mall. I'm freaking out thinking how the heck can I get home? Then I realized there is that valet key or whatever they call the key in your key fob so I didn't embarrass myself and call Marty first. I don't think I could get the one in the Porsche out; seems like it has a different process than the Audi. Technology is great when it works, eh?


Mar 26, 2006
Happy a$$ crack of dawn on a Saturday morning kids!

Curby, thank you for looking all that info up. I AM SO FVCKING MAD AT AUDI!!! This could really be a disaster! The only message that flashes on my car is something about touching the remote key to the…? But then the message goes right off. No dinging or anything. ARGH! Your mad photo skills already amaze me — I can only imagine what you’ll be capable of after this class!

Yesterday was more work work work. Ick. But I did run out to the local mall in the late afternoon and get some stackers from Claire’s and Pandora to try them out. If I do really like them I’ll get some real rose gold ones.

I’m currently sitting in front of a house waiting for an estate sale…. That doesn’t start for another 2 hours and 40 mins. At least I was here first LOL and got the list started. Someone else just showed up and added his name to the list. He’s in his pajamas. No coat. And he’s walking around peering in all the windows. He just went to the back of the house. In his pajamas. No coat. I know I said that already but let me also say it’s 19 degrees with a frigid whipping wind. I might be here crazy early but at least I’m appropriately dressed for the weather!

Ok, off to cruise the library site for a book to read for the next two hours. :cheeky:


Mar 26, 2006
Mr. Pajama Man and I just negotiated. I’m first and I get the Fostoria June pattern blue pitcher, salt and pepper, wine glasses and candle holders. He wants the Anchor Hocking cobalt nesting bowls and some milk glass tumblers. And we’re going to take turns going to use the restroom at the gas station and watching the list. So very civilized! This location is a farther drive than my usual territory, but maybe I should add this area to my scope!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I can't believe that guy went to the estate sale in pajamas, no coat and is wanting the same things you want. At least you negotiated a deal with him especially watching the list while one of you goes to the bathroom. Some things are important. I hope you find lots of new treasures after waiting that long.

Smart keys can certainly cause PITA problems. I plan on looking up what the Macan does if I don't have my key fob.

Good idea to get some band from Claires and Pandora to see what you like with Pinkie.

I'm still stuck on level 191 on stupid Angry Birds. I got up at 6:30 today and sadly couldn't fall asleep when I went to bed last night; I need a nap already. I have no idea what is going on today. We need to get some fresh fruit so maybe we can go eat somewhere. I wouldn't mind getting Marty to run my car through the car wash - it is filthy.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, Did you find out what happens without a key in the Curbymobile? I'm still MAD about this! Good idea to run through a car wash. I really need to do the same. Can Marty come over and take care of that for me too? :bigsmile: Pandora turned out to be a great random idea! Even though they are only gold filled (i.e, gold plated), this might be my new go-to resource for stackers! When they have the three for $99 sale it's really a good deal!

Well... I have good news and bad news about yesterday... The thing I wanted the most (the pitcher) was just too much so I didn't buy it. Of course now I regret it because even though I would have made very little (or possibly no) $ on it, it was such a pretty piece that I would have liked to own it for a while. Oh well, water under the bridge! I did get the salt and pepper shakers, which are now soaking in water to get the residue out. I hope those do turn out ok because they are even more unique than the pitcher, and a lot easier to ship, LOL! I also got the gorgeous aqua colored glasses. Of the eleven three are chipped on the rim, but that's ok because I'm keeping those and I still have eight to sell, which is the perfect number. Then I went back to the local auction and got four more boxes of stuff. There are always two rings running at the same time and when I went to one side the auctioneer stopped in mid bid and looked at me and said, "Little Miss, the auctions starts at 9 -- you're late!" and when I went over to the other side the main auctioneer saw me and said, "We tried to wait to you this morning, but eventually we had to get started." Liam was with me for both of these things and grumbled that he's been doing this for years and no one notices if HE isn't there, but I show up less than a year ago and I'm "the auctioneers' pet." :lol: At the very end of the auction there were only a few people left and although there was still a row of pictures hanging and the main auctioneer was just done after a long cold day so he started to walk away and leave those for next time. I said, wait, what about the art? He asked what I was interested in and I pointed to one thing I wanted and he handed it to me and said to the lady who writes down all the sales, "Sold to number 100 for one dollar." He's such a sweet old guy! It's an embroidered piece, and nothing special, but I wanted it to hang up downstairs in my packing room because it's just cute. And done in 1850! I'll text you a picture later.

When I got home yesterday I took and lonnnnnng hot shower and then screwed around for a couple of hours with dinner and the internet. After that I washed up a bunch of dishes for today. I think I've got seven listings ready to go. If I did seven listings EVERY DAY I might be caught up by the of February, ha ha.

OK, off to get my Etsy Empire up and running this morning!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay LMAO that Liam says you are the auctioneer's pet. That is really funny. Tell him don't hate me because I'm pretty. Very cool the auctioneer sold you the piece of art you wanted for a dollar. You are special. Darn that you decided to pass on the pitcher then wished you had bought it; I am sure there will be more cool pitchers for you to contemplate. That's great the aqua glasses ended up with 8 glasses to sell. Sounds like a cool color.

I did not look up info on the Curbymobile yet but I did run it through the car wash this morning then cleaned the inside and used Windex on the back window. SUV back windows don't clean up well in car washes. I am also working on laundry and will start baked potatoes soon. We got a 15 pound bag at Sams Club a few weeks ago and those potatoes are HUGE so I bought normal sized ones at the grocery store yesterday. Marty said he'll take a huge one but I'll bake me a normal size one. I actually used one of those huge potatoes the other day to make mashed potatoes for the 2 of us and some of it was left over. We picked up some tenderloins at the store yesterday so that will be our lunch. I might check our wine stash some pino sounds good with steak!

LOL your ESTY empire. I haven't checked it in a few days - I'll do that soon. You know those stupid Angry Birds are keeping me occupied - I am now on level 196 - Marty is over 300.



Feb 27, 2007
Yep, the Curbymobile and key fob act the same way.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, it always annoys me that after I got through the car wash the back window under the little overhang is still dirty! Costco potatoes ARE huge, LOL. We've bought them in the past for things like Christmas and Easter dinner and I'm amazed at them. The grapes are giant too! I literally have had grapes so big from there that I have bitten them in half to eat them, ha ha. So you're in the same boat with the key fob. Ack. I wonder if Billy Ray does this? I'll have to check when I get him out of storage in the spring.

Yesterday was productive! I put up eight listings and packed up four orders.

Every meal we've eaten for the past several days has involved hamburger because Liam is headed to Iowa to get the latest half of a cow shortly so we're trying to use a bunch up. He realized last night when he was digging around in the freezer that we're still eating beef from the 2020 cow! I kept saying we should hold off on the next one, but he said it wouldn't be until the end of summer and he was afraid we'd run out. We seriously need to get on a more realistic schedule with this because... well... did I mention we still have two year old meat in the freezer?!

Today I've got a work call from 10-11 but I really hope to get some straightening up done around here. And laundry. Always laundry...

OK, up and at 'em!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, yep that back window on SUV's doesn't come clean too well in a car wash. I noticed Sam's Club grapes are huge too - Chernobyl fruits and veggies! The produce is generally pretty good too. I bet Billy Ray does the same things as your Audi and my Curbymobile.

I was just looking at your site before coming here. Lots of cool things listed. Nice you have orders going out all the time.

Nice you are cleaning out the freezer before getting the new 1/2 of a cow. I have 2 rather large packages of hamburger in our freezer downstairs. We should have broke it up before we froze it but "NO" we can do it later. I thought of making something like goulash up but Marty doesn't eat too much pasta.

I made cheesy scalloped potatoes for lunch today along with a small smoked ham. I used 2 huge potatoes and 1 normal sized potato and was excited that I sliced them all up without drawing blood from any of my fingers. I have NO idea what to fix for lunch the rest of the week though; if Marty doesn't finish leftovers from lunch tonight we can have it for lunch tomorrow. I had soup and a piece of toast for supper tonight.

I got my February article proofed and emailed out today and watched some more photoshop videos today. We got something from the county assessor for the gym which is strange since Marty rents the place; I was totally going to figure it out today but have successfully ignored it so far. Yes, I wasted time on Angry Birds.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, I wonder if cauliflower noodles would work for the goulash? I haven't used them but I have tried two different brands of cauliflower rice now. Scalloped potatoes are sooooo good! I especially love the brown crust on the top. :lickout: I wonder why the assessor sent something to Marty. Speaking of assessors, our first half tax bills will be due in a month or so. Ugh.

Yesterday I did a mix of real work, cleaning up, and laundry. I also redid my nails because the last time I painted them was before I went to Aspen, so almost two weeks ago, and they were starting to go. My new color may have been a mistake... brilliant red. With little sparkles no less. This polish will definitely have to be replaced before we go back to the office, as of now scheduled for Feb 7. The Compliance Officer DOES NOT have sparkly red nails!

I stayed up late doing a bunch of things last night, but by about 10:30 I was DONE. I've got my weekly call with my boss today so I need to put some things together for that too, but at least I'm not so far behind now.

For my next listing adventure I have a set of Irish dishes I bought last summer sometime and I want to get them washed and up. That should clear another two boxes out of the dining room, maybe three!

Off to cruise the estate sales for later this week and then better get up!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, Marty tried cauliflower crust pizza once and said it tasted okay - that is all I know about it. My goulash was okay but Marty was caught on a call so long I left it in the oven on warm for almost 2 hours so the sauce became solidified and the pasta was mushy. Oh well, not much I can do when Marty is working. I agree the crusty top on scalloped potatoes is the best part. I have no idea why Marty would get the report from the assessors for a rental. I may call them and ask. Phooey on upcoming taxes due.

You had another busy day. Ooh to sparkly red nail polish. I haven't painted my nails all month. Between dry skin and breaking nails I just haven't painted them. That little cut on my ring finger knuckle was almost better then I hit it last night and took the scab off. It's about the size of a BB but right where the finger bends.

So you are going back to the office in a few weeks? Maybe you won't have to have so many meetings with you boss then. Seems like you've had a lot of them lately. I still haven't got any questions from anyone at work. They forgot me already.

I am picturing the dining room with glassware and boxes stacked up everywhere. Just what you have listed on your page must take up a lot of room.

I didn't do much today. Cooking lunch and trying to keep it warm took far longer than I planned. Marty had calls most of the day and left for the gym late so I didn't go down and lift until 4:30. I did one batch of laundry, got through 2 more levels of Angry Birds and at least read over that assessors document. I watched an episode of 24 and a movie on Prime. We got over 4 inches of snow overnight so I didn't venture out anywhere today.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, I have looked at the info on cauliflower crust pizza but every one I see would still be more carbs that I want to eat right now. I think the last one I saw was 38 carbs for 1/3 of a small pizza, so I took a pass. It's too bad Marty got stuck on a work call and the goulash suffered! I CANNOT BELIEVE the work people haven't called you one single time!!!

Yesterday I have no idea where the time went... I worked all day as well as packing up three orders and running to the post office and doing more laundry, but really it flew by. On the way back from the post office I stopped at Aldi (the only store between there and the house) and got some mushrooms to throw in with the roast that was in the crock pot. That turned out really good! I also grabbed a few other things while I was there. It's a really cute little store, and while it certainly isn't a giant Meijer, it's got a lot of stuff. I really need to remember that when I just need a thing or two since it's right by the post office anyway.

Today I need to make a bunch of phone calls and also start to hunt people down for the quarterly/annual certifications because they are due on the 30th (so effectively this Friday).

There is a lot of green glass on the online auction tonight that I want. I've got my alarm set for 6:30. Let the bidding begin!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, darn that a cauliflower pizza has too many carbs for you to enjoy one.

I am rather surprised as well that work hasn't called me yet.

That's great you found a decent grocery store near where you drop off packages. That will be handy! Your mushrooms with the crock pot roast sounds great. We met for breakfast - this time we confirmed the exact location first - and had have rice and grilled steak for lunch.

Sounds like you'll be busy getting certifications done by the end of the month. Good luck with that.

Have fun with tonight's auction. You won't have to get in line and you will have easy access to heat and the bathroom. That's a win-win.

After meeting Marty for breakfast I did my lesson 5 for Lightroom. Then I watched several episodes of 24 on Prime Video. It's above freezing today but just barely. My 401K check and Marty's new lens is out for delivery from UPS - Yay I am hoping they deliver a lens I want rather than Marty's lens. Ha Ha. I did 3 reviews at BHVideo to enter to win $500 which I would totally use towards another lens. Let's hope I win.

I forgot to tell you yesterday about my stunt tablet. I have both a mini iPad and a regular size iPad. I usually take my mini downstairs when I lift. I get a bottle of water out of the frig down there to take in to my gym. After I'm done lifting I top off my bottle of water and put it back in the frig. Well yesterday I get upstairs and realize I brought my water bottle with me so I decide to take it back downstairs right then so I don't forget. I theoretically put my mini on the banister and went to head back downstairs only to see my mini (which had the cover folded back so the screen was fully exposed) bouncing down the stairs ahead of me. 16 steps later it fell face down on the carpet in the man cave luckily not bouncing once more to land face down on the tile in the bar section. I thought well that iPad is history. Wrong - it didn't even have a scratch on it. Sweet!



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, wow on the stunt tablet! How super lucky that it was OK!!! Did your deliveries come? All this talk of cauliflower pizza makes me want to try one. Maybe if I just ate a litttttttle of it... HA! Like I could EVER eat a "little" pizza! That being said, I went to Meijer yesterday after dropping packages at the post office and got a little crazy in the frozen foods aisle. There were a bunch of cauliflower things that I've never noticed before so I came home with mashed cauliflower with bacon and cheddar, cauliflower tots, cauliflower mac and cheese, and riced cauliflower with parmesan cheese and sea salt. I'm bound and determined to find things to eat with the "meat"! There were some other cauliflower things that were still too high in carbs, but hopefully some of these will work out. Tonight is "pizza pie"; i.e., browned hamburger mixed in with pizza sauce, mushrooms and pepperoni, topped with mozzarella, and then baked in the oven 'till the cheese browns. The recipe sophistication here is off the charts! :lol:

Yesterday was more work... mostly calls with people I really didn't want to talk to! Today will be more of the same. Ugh.

The auction last night got a little pricy -- I spent over $700! But if this stuff is half as good as it looks in the pictures it's a score. There is another auction tonight with just one flat that I want so I'm going to see how that turns out before I make my appointment for pick up. Might as well get it all at once if I win the last flat. And so much for clearing stuff out of the dining room! :cheeky: Honestly, I'm not sure how this ever gets resolved as long as there are auctions/estate sales. Naively I though this would clear itself up over the holidays... but noooooo...

Battery almost dead, better hit post and then get in the shower.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, yes I consider my stunt tablet quite lucky - for me anyway. I wouldn't replace it since I have a regular sized iPad but still. Our deliveries did come, Marty has played with his new lens and I ventured out in the cold and snow this morning to drop my check off at the bank.

That's great you found so many things to try made with cauliflower. I hope they are tasty. On your hamburger pizza pie do you make the hamburger basically the crust? If so, I used to make that as well. It was in a low calorie cook book and I think the recipe was called hamburger pizza. I remember it was quite good. I should make one again.

Darn you had to talk to people you don't want to talk to for work. Marty was filling me in on the same thing during lunch. Not to brag but I don't miss those calls. Ha Ha. I know bragging isn't pretty.

I hope your treasures from last night turn out to be in as great of shape as they appeared. Good luck with the auction tonight.

I am watching the old USA Top Gear and they just test drove the 911 GT2RS - it goes 205 mph. Very cool!!!

Since I was out in the elements this morning I decided I may as well go get groceries too. My clean car is now filthy! I got stuff to make tacos for lunch and assorted other things. I did a batch of laundry and need to wash the table cloth now that we had lunch. I thawed out a piece of leftover lasagna for supper.

I'm up to level 207 on Angry Birds now. Woo hoo!!!

I did finally ask Marty if he noticed my gag pictures on his camera. He said I kind of remember them but thought it was something he took pictures of and didn't pay much attention to them. That ruined all my fun.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, basically I brown the hamburger and cook the mushrooms and then I mix that all together with the pizza sauce. Than I put the mixture in a baking pan and load it with mozzarella cheese and a layer of pepperoni on top. I have to admit it turned out pretty good last night... and I ate more of it than I should have! Last night I won the one flat I wanted in the online auction so I'll head up today and get everything. LOL on Marty thinking he might have taken the pics!

Last night someone from finance gave me info I need to work on something for my boss so I'll see how far I can get on that this morning. I'm waiting for a Fed Ex to be delivered to me that requires my direct signature so I'm trapped here until it arrives. The tracking says by noon so I hope that's true.

Better get downstairs so I see the Fed Ex truck since the ring doorbell has decided not to work and I definitely don't want this package to go back to the depot today!
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