
Healthy Living Thread


Mar 26, 2006
Happy early Saturday kids!

Wow, what a crazy dream I had last night! I was living somewhere other than Chicago (I think Kansas City, but not 100% sure) with a roommate... who was possessed by the devil and killed her whole family and a bunch more people. (DEE!!! STOP READING ALL THE HORROR NOVELS BEFORE YOU GO TO BED!!! :lol:) So I decided to move out (wonder why... :cheeky:) and came back to Chicago to a complex I used to live in and I was trying to rent a space. Ultimately I picked a unit on street level that looked like commercial space when you walked in but really had three bedrooms and three bathrooms and a big living room... although now that think about it there was no kitchen - hahahahaha! And because of the terms of the lease indicating commercial space at the front I decided to put some glass on display and have a sign made for the door with the name of my Etsy Empire and hours "by appointment only." Oy. WTF happens in my head?!?!?!?!

Anyway! My goal today is to list early and often! I want to get all the green up that I bought yesterday. As far as I could tell when I was packing it up I think everything is in good shape except for the lids on the cookie jars. Of the three one has a small chip and the other two are... well... a WRECK. Not sure about the candy jar lids because I didn't have the heart to examine those while I was packing them after seeing the cooking jar lids, but I am hoping they are better... I also need to mix some other stuff in because I don't want a sea of all one color.

It's going to "warm up" to 20 today so Liam has an idea about grilling steaks on the deck for dinner. Have at it buddy -- I'll be INSIDE where it's a whole lot warmer than 20!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, your pizza mixture sounds great! The recipe I’ve used probably uses the same ingredients just put together different. The one I’ve used is you take a pound of lean hamburger, smash it in a pie pan like the bottom crust of a pie and bake it until brown, then pour a small can of pizza sauce in the middle, top with whatever other toppings you want, followed by mozzarella and bake another 10 minute or so.

Nice you won the second online auction. Darn that the cookie jar lids were not in good shape. I hope the candy jar lids are in better shape.

Oh no that the doorbell isn’t working.

What a crazy dream you had! I hate those where you mix things, places and people. You wake up exhausted and think what the hell triggered that hodgepodge of memories? Too funny about the killer roommate though so yes good idea to move out.

Woo hoo to 20 degree weather and grilling steaks. We were near 50 today but the forecast for this week looks very grim.

Yesterday I lifted then did my lesson 6 of Lightroom. Then I wasted time on Angry Birds and watched some more episodes of 24. A friend of mine brought us Culvers for supper and we played cards then I taught her how to knit. I haven’t heard from her today if she is practicing today before she forgets how to knit and purl!

Today I slept i until almost 8. My right knee was going “yo Bit*h” at about 4 am and it took me forever to get back to sleep. Marty and 6 of his clients were competing in a strength meet today starting at 9 am so I was late arriving for that. All of them got a medal for their division, some even won 2 medals. Only 19 were competing so we were out of there a little after 1 pm. We all went out to lunch afterwards so didn’t get home until after 4 pm. His 80 year old got 2 medals again - she is the only one in her age class but still that is amazing.

I’ll go see if you posted your new green stuff. You know green was my mother’s favorite color and she had tons of green glassware.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, last night's crazy dream involved refinancing my condo. I had a VERY detailed conversation with my mortgage guy--right down to discussing the 1099 from my Etsy Empire! Are you guys in for some snow? I hope not, because if YOU get it then I get it a day or two later! :cheeky: That's awesome about Marty's clients and all the medals. And I just love hearing about that one older lady! No green glass listed yet, but I took pictures of EVERYTHING yesterday and did the price research, so now I need to put it all together.

I spent nine hours on my feet yesterday, not even sitting down to eat lunch! By the time dinner rolled around I was DONE FOR. As we were eating some friends reached out to see if we wanted to go up north and have a drink with them, but I told Liam to go because the only place I was interested in being at that point was in bed! I took a "nap" starting about 7 pm... that's pretty much still going on, LOL. Although there's going to be some bacon and coffee in bed here in a minute and then I'm going to get back to the picture taking. I need to do some things in other colors to mix in or else my page will be a sea of green.

So that my big exciting plan for the day. :lol:


Mar 26, 2006
I just put up twelve green Cameo listings! I may still be in bed (hahahahaha!) but I have accomplished something today!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, sounds like your crazy dream covered it all. The semester I took sleep and dreams in college they had us try and manipulate our dreams and I had the weirdest, craziest, often most disturbing dreams ever.

Yes, sadly we have snow in the forecast for Tuesday night in to Wednesday and very cold temperatures all week so I am sure it will come visit you too.

I thought it was great every one who competed from Marty's gym took their division. The crowd and competitors really cheer for the 80 year old lady when she lifts; she is really tickled (as she should be) with her medals. She wore them at the dinner table yesterday. I put Marty's medal on my stuffed puppy - that won't last long when he notices.

Wow you had a very long day yesterday especially standing that long; I bet your crashed when you got to sleep. I'll go check the new listings!

It's nice here today. I took a shot of the sun since it has some decent sunspots. I also tried looking at the sun through our solar filter that the handle to move around the tripod is larger than my hand so I keep getting it off to the side. Darn my carny hands. I got to see the spots and some filaments in passing though.

Marty ran one of his clients down to DIA this morning - you know the girl who asks for rides all the time. I did make a snarky comment did she give you gas money? But then said you are a good friend to your clients. What I find funny is he's not really a touchy feely guy and I know he doesn't like to listen to lots of personal problems but I bet he knows more about his clients problems than he does mine.

After Marty got back to town we went out to eat breakfast. I started a roast in the crock pot and I am working on laundry. I need to run out and pick up a prescription but might do that tomorrow. It's the last day above freezing for the entire week. I need to run some errands tomorrow anyway.

Have a great day.

Today's sun with sunspots


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, I would love a class on sleep and dreams -- how interesting! It's 9 degrees here now, but we're supposed to be above 40 tomorrow! Thursday... we get your snow... Your sun spot pic is cool! Yesterday sister #1 sent a photo she took of an eclipse last winter (apparently she's behind in going through her pics, LOL). It was really interesting; the moon looks pink!

Yesterday was the biggest listing day I've ever had! I made myself slam out twelve listings on the green glass before I ever got out of bed, and then I took pictures and put up seven more through the day. Powering through is the only way I'm ever going to get on top of this! After dinner I washed up glasses to do three more today. But then... I bought five flats of glass in last night's auction... :lol:

No idea what work will be like today, although there are two calls I have to sit in on.

The dogs are going nutso downstairs, better go and see if we're being robbed. And if we are, I hope they take some glass! :cheeky:


Feb 27, 2007
Here is today's sunrise


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, the class on sleep and dreams was rather strange. It's not like there was any right or wrong answer for a test.

9 is cold! Boo to snow coming your way. We have about 7 inches in the forecast for tomorrow to Wednesday. We are near 40 here today but crazy windy again. We have more "hurricanes" here than the entire hurricane season. How annoying. I ran errands first thing this morning and been goofing off ever since. I did get up to enjoy a lovely sunrise though.

Nice that sister #1 got a great lunar eclipse picture. It was cloudy here that morning.

Good deal you got a lot of things listed. I will check them out.

I hope the dogs this morning weren't reporting a smash and grab in your dining room. I watched a video a while ago of some grandma blocking a guy's cart full of unpaid bounty, she ripped his ski mask off and kept pulling his cart back in to the store. He finally gave up, grabbed his backpack out of the cart, got on his bike and rode off - she was yelling at him that he was an a**hole and everyone else had to pay for what he steals. It was awesome. Go Grandma!!!

I need to finish the February newsletter today and get it posted. Not much else on my agenda. I thought of going yarn shopping while I was out but didn't. I do have a skein of blue variegated yarn I could make a hat for someone out of it.

Have a great day! How is Pinkie: I have on my pad wannabe halo sapphire ring today. I quit wearing my diamond ring and band again because that knuckle is still tender and I keep hitting it on something and it starts bleeding again.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, no smash 'n' grab in the dining room... but I kinda WISH someone would steal some glass out of the dining room. Not that I'd notice LOL! No Pinkie... or anything else lately. I've been dealing with so much glass that I'm afraid of taking a ring off to wash or wrap/pack and losing it. Speaking of losing things, this morning I was walking through the bedroom and something caught my eye on the floor. It was a super thin hoop type earring sitting on the carpet over by the sliding glass door of the balcony. I went into panic mode because I had them out a week or two ago and was afraid that I'd set them down on the comforter and they got flipped off... which meant where was the second one... ? I looked all over and then got the bright idea to look in the jewelry box--and there it was! I was so relieved! Can you wrap you your whole finger and see if that keeps it safe long enough to heal? I'm sure that would be a huge PITA... but just an idea... ?

Yesterday I put up five more listings in between work stuff. Today I've got things ready for two more but I'm busy with my "real job" so I think it will have to wait. This afternoon I'd like to run over to the auction place and get the glasses I won on Sunday, but that will be a long affair since there are so many so not sure about that either. Where do all the hours in the day go?!?!

Alright... off to do some work on policies. Oh joy, oh joy.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I just browsed your site - your pictures are looking great. Too funny that a smash and grab could clear out some glassware for you. If only they'd wash some glasses up for you while they are there.

I totally get your concern about setting down some jewelry and misplacing it. That's great you found your earring. I go in to panic mode many times when I don't put my rings on the little ring tree I have. I knocked my diamond ring in to the dishwasher once; glad I heard something hit and realized what it was. I would have had HEART FAILURE if I'd lost that.

My knuckle looked better this morning. I bandaged it up again and guess I'll do that until the top layers of skin fill in. Can't believe a little cut can be so sore.

Darn that your job interferes with working on your site. Marty has the same problem with his gym. I don't have that problem anymore - I know bragging isn't pretty.

The cleaning lady came today; I need to be gone when she cleans I swear she talks so much she misses lots of things. I dusted the baseboards after she went then decided to dust behind the washer and dryer - I hadn't done that since II whacked my head on the corner of the cupboard.

I have BBQ ribs cooking in the crock pot and baked potatoes in the oven. Marty thought his calls will be over at 2. I was going to go lift but hate to make that much noise while he is on a call. He says it's fine and he can shut the door to his office but I'll wait.

The snow started bright and early this morning. Right now it stopped but we are expecting up to 8 inches through tomorrow. I saw a story this morning they had a 477 mile long lightning strike recorded. WOW!!! It was April last year and stretched from Houston to southeast Mississippi.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, thanks for sending your snow my way -- NOT! :cheeky: Actually, I don't think it's going to be too bad here. It's started already, but should be done in a few hours, so fingers crossed it's just a little bit. At this point I'd PAY someone to wash glasses, LOL. Too bad (a) the ferals have no interest and (b) I wouldn't trust them anyway, because I'd make those little fvckers RICH if they'd help out, ha ha. Speaking of washing dishes, I have discovered the holy grail of rubber gloves. They are just the regular Meijer brand but they have some sort of cotton lining that is Fab.U.Lous. I've been wearing the same pair for ages and looking for more every single time I got to the store, but I there haven't been any for a looooong time. I've even resorted to trying other brands, but they all suck now that I've discovered the majic of the Meijer ones. Well the other day Liam ran to the store... and came home with FIVE PAIR! I think I was as happy about those gloves as I was when I got Pinkie! :lol: Now I'm set for a good while, and I can just use the others I tried up for cleaning around the house. See how out of control the excitement level is here in The Land of Dee?!?

Yesterday I did quite a bit of work and had a call with my boss. I even managed to get up two listings for things that were in the "way back" part of the dining room. After taking packages to the post office I swung by the auction house and got the things I won the other night. So many of the glasses were chipped... I think I threw away as many as I brought home. That's OK though because I didn't pay very much at all for the flats, with the exception of one flat of cool MCM tumblers, and all nine of those are in perfect condition. The auction guy even took me to his building next door and showed me some really gorgeous Cambridge Rose Point stemware that's come up at the end of February.

This week is the first week in a few months where there's stuff I want at an estate sale, so it will be an early Friday morning!

Better get moving, I've got a new employee to train this morning!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I still have my snow so you can't blame me. It's still snowing now. Yes, I had to put our trashcan out in the snow this morning too. I put on my Land's End snow moccasins; they worked fine. It is cold there too? It feels like -11 here right now. Glad I can stay home! I made homemade beef noodle soup for lunch. I ate 2 servings of soup and cornbread; I am STILL full. It was tasty though.

Too bad the ferals aren't interested in earning some money washing glasses for you; it seems like kids today in general aren't that interested in chores to earn money. Heck I'd still do a chore for money. Nice that Liam found several pairs of gloves that you like. Darn that you had to throw out so many of your glasses from the online auction but that's good they were not real expensive for you. Sweet you might be able to get some nice stemware later this month - but I do have to ask you was the auctioneer who showed them to you the guy who Liam said you are the auctioneer's pet? See being sweet and cute pays off!

You were busy today! I can't say I was too busy. I got the soup going at about 9 then made my noodles at about 10. I did lesson 7 of the Lightroom class then I haven't done much productive since. I need to go do round 2 of dishes but I find if I leave the dishwasher alone for several hours after it's done most of the dishes are dry and I don't have to leave some dishes out to air dry.

My knuckle looks better but the skin hasn't filled in yet so I put a bandage on again then couldn't get my diamond ring over it. Phooey. I just googled it and there are 7 layers of skin but a bottom layer - I believe there are several more layers to fill in before I don't need to try and protect it from getting bumped.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, I was talking to my boss yesterday and heard his kids in the background. They had a snow day because they got so much -- at least 10, and probably 12 inches. He lives in a south suburb of Chicago, I'm of course up north, and we didn't even get enough to cover the deck. Weather is crazy! The auctioneer I talked to the other day was not the same one. This guy only does on-line stuff for the most part, and I talk to him all the time when I go there to pick up the things I've won. I'm sure Liam thinks I'm his pet too, ha ha. How's the finger?

Yesterday I managed to get up three listings, but once again work got in the way. Today is likely to be the same unfortunately. Assuming nothing changes I'll be back in the office on Monday and Tuesday next week, so hopefully I'll get a lot done and won't need to do stuff (or at least AS MUCH STUFF) on Thursday and Friday.

Ilya sent me a video of a potential ruby from the gem show he's at this week. It might be the worst gem video I've ever seen, LOL, but I think the stone has potential. My criteria are unheated/untreated, eye clean, RED (not pink, not purple, not orange), no window, and origin is flexible. I actually prefer a slightly darker tone too that stop light red. He actually showed me a 5 ct unheated Burma the other day, but it wasn't transparent at all. The color was good though... Hmmm... Do you know anything about rubies? I'm trying to learn, but the clarity factor eludes me. Of course I'd prefer transparent, but some sites say transparency doesn't matter in rubies. Colored stones are so complicated!

I've only got one order to pack up this morning but the lady got gift wrap. How exciting -- you know how much I love to wrap presents! :appl:


Mar 26, 2006
Forgot to say, I think I might have milgrain added to Pinkie's bezel. What do you think?


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, i think adding milgrain added to the bezel on Pinkie is a great idea!

As for ruby shopping - how fun! I love rubies but only nice ones - most of them I see SUCK. They are either cloudy, pinkish, brownish and / or dull. I knew you'd get a kick out of grandma's "genuine" ruby. Even if that was bought in the 60's something that clean and size would have cost a fortune and lets just say they were very frugal people. Plus a clear ruby that size would be in a museum or private collection. My SIL inherited it and doesn't generally wear jewelry so it's stashed with my jewelry. It is really hard to photograph rubies so that ruby Ilya found may look way better in person than it shows in a video. Are they at the Tuscon Gem Show? As for my knowledge of rubies I would not say I'm an expert but I probably know more than most people working in jewelry stores. Then again sometimes that's not hard. I do know the "pigeon blood" color is considered the best which is a little darker than stop light red and in gemstones color is the number one factor in rating them. What I've read is finding an eye clean over 1 carat with good color and clarity is pretty rare and IMO I would not like one that is not transparent. I actually have a ruby bracelet that has 3x5 ovals with great color but you can't see in to any of them. What do I expect though - it was discounted down to $99 at Sears. It was one of the first piece of jewelry I ever bought and I still have it - most of those pieces were long ago liquidated in either my jewelry sales or given to some friend of family member. Keep my posted since I love helping you spend your money. Now that I am retired I'm trying to hold off my next jewelry purchase until at least my birthday. Let's hope I don't develop withdrawal symptoms from jewelry shopping withdrawal - then again I totally plan on going out tomorrow to a store that has 50 to 70% everything on Super Bowl weekend. That is the place my friend found the 3 stone diamond earrings so reasonable a few years ago.

That is crazy Chicago had the much snow and you didn't get much at all. I saw Colorado Springs got 22" from this storm. I'm guessing we had maybe 6" here. It is still frigid out there though. Just think only 3 1/2 more months to go then MAYBE we won't have much more snow. I always say we are probably safe from from starting June 5th but I'm not betting anyone on it.

So yes you are probably that other auctioneers pet as well. Liam must be so jealous. Tell him he just picked a keeper!

I slept in until 7 today then visited with Marty while he ate breakfast so I didn't get showered and dressed until about 8:30. I am oven grilling burgers for us today at lunch. I have been watching videos on Lightroom so maybe I'll go out and get some pictures tomorrow when I go browse the jewelry store. I did start a batch of laundry this morning. I thought of washing our sheets and putting them back on but that would probably result in knocking my knuckle more than I want so I'll leave that for another day.



Feb 27, 2007
Happy Friday!

Woo hoo - the sun is shining and we are currently at 25 degrees. I saw a friend of mine who lives in Artesia, NM posted on Facebook it was 6 degrees there which is cold for them. I wanted to respond "in a Bruce Willis voice say welcome to the party pal". But he is kind of sensitive so decided to be nice. It's so unlike me.

I got up a bit before 7 today and just as I was getting out of the shower Marty sent me a text to see if I wanted to go out for breakfast. Sure - no dishes that way. I think I'll order Door Dash for lunch or go get us something. I like no dishes days.

I just finished lesson 8 of my class. This was using brushes to heal spots or lighten / darken just certain areas. Their online PDF's are not up to date and they have corrections in discussion which I didn't read first. So it looked like I was scribbling on peoples teeth and eyes with white out. After I found the additional instructions it worked. I am not impressed with their efforts to update this class - the online instructions are for version 4 and this is version 7.

I have no idea what I am going to do today. My knuckle spot looks better. Woo hoo!!! I even have my ring on but didn't put on a band.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Saturday kids!

Curby, ruby update! I think Ilya has found me a stone! It's a 3 ct unheated cushion (9.5mm x 9mm) and I'm already looking at settings -- of course! He's going to view it again tomorrow morning to make sure he's 100% happy with it, but I think this is The One! LOL on scribbling on people's teeth with whiteout! It sounds like you know as much--or more--than the people who are teaching this class. Perhaps online instruction will be your retirement "job" LOL.

Yesterday I worked a bit and also took some pics for listings. Of course it started snowing late afternoon when I was getting ready to go and have dinner with my friend, and it was really coming down for a while when I was on the highway, but I made it there and back safely. We ordered in from a nearby Italian place and I ended up eating a little bit of pasta... and a brownie... :cheeky: ... Oops!

Today was Cold Auction Day. I had my heated socks on though and multiple layers (running tights, jeans, long underwear top, fleece turtleneck) plus a heavy coat and had so I really wasn't too bad. I got quite a bit of stuff!

Tomorrow is listing listing listing. Plus I have to do my nails and pack up a big order for a nice lady in Alabama. Thirty-two pieces total, and it's going to be heavy... ugh.

Hopefully I'll get up early and get right to it! Ok, off to look at (more!) setting ideas for the ruby!


Mar 26, 2006
I just realized I said the stone is 9.5 x 9 -- it's 8.5 x 8! That's what happens when you start typing after two glasses of prosecco on an empty stomach!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, did Ilya send you a picture of the ruby? Did he think it still looks great today? I am anxious to see / hear more. Ooh rubies. Too funny you are looking at possible settings already. I had on my yellow cushion cut sapphire yesterday; I love that stone.

I would totally go back to teaching online; I truly enjoyed it and certainly paid more attention to my students.

Glad you made it okay in the snow to meet a friend for dinner. We had pasta and brownie sundaes today as well.

You were bundled up for the cold yesterday and that's great you got quite a bit of stuff too. Did you get everything in one box for the lady in Alabama? That had to be a big and heavy box!

I need to do my nails to but I have dry skin splits in both thumbs so I might pass for now. We are supposed to be above freezing this week. Sweet!

I finished all 8 episodes of Reacher on Prime yesterday. We rented Ghostbusters Revsisted to watch last night and had popcorn since it was movie night. This morning we went out to breakfast and picked up groceries. My sister and her son came to visit and we ordered Olive Garden as takeout and I made homemade brownies which was the key ingredient to those delicious and I'm sure low cal brownie sundaes. After they left Marty and I drove around town looking for a spot to get pictures of the capital building with the moon but the moon was way too high for that to happen. Summer might be better since the Moon is lower in the sky then.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, Ilya sent me two videos... honestly though I can't tell a ton from them so I'm trusting his eye. I have to run over there at lunch to pick up the earrings for my friend for V-Day, but I'm not sure if he's back yet since the Tucson show went until yesterday. I'm dying to see the stone for real! The shipment to Alabama is in two boxes, one of which is 16 x 16 x 16 and weighs 27 lbs. I did warn her to be careful when lifting if she's got a bad back! The other box is a bit smaller, but still pretty heavy.

Yesterday did not pan out at all like it'd intended. My plan was to be super productive on the listing front, and I did get up early and pics for three of them. But then the orders started rolling in and I was worried about how long it was all going to take to pack. The big order alone was so many pieces (full service for eight), and there were several more by then, so I started packing stuff up early. Good thing I did because even with the early start I still wasn't finished until after 10. Then this morning I got about 25 miles down the highway... and realized I'd forgotten my bag. UGH. Liam hopped in the truck and came and met me at one of the off-ramps, so I only added about 30 minutes total to the trip, but 30 extra minutes in the morning growwwwws. Oh well, it is what it is.

Alright, heading over to Ilya's!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay was Ilya there with the ruby? How did the earrings look for your friend? It does sound like those 2 boxes you sent are quite heavy; I bought a packing box for plates to store my Christmas china (I have 20 plates in that box) and while I can lift it now I still have Marty carry it out to the dining room for me - I can see me dropping it and breaking every last plate in the box. I did break one of the bread and butter plates but dropping something on top of the stack of plates and the top one broke right in half. Darn.

Wow you had a lot of orders to pack up yesterday; sounds like a long day for you. That was nice of Liam to meet you this morning to bring you your purse.

It was near 40 here today. Nice. The wind is coming back with a vengeance tomorrow though. Phooey. I have more errands to run so I'll get some rocks for my pockets.

I dropped off the vision report at the eye doctor's office to fill out to renew my driver's license. I need to renew my license and I worry my evil eye will cause me problems with the 3D eye test so thought I'll get the eye doctor to fill it out for me. Then I called the county assessor's office to get info on how to fill out a personal property report for Marty's gym - I guess he will be getting taxed on it. Joy! While I was fixing lunch the eye doctor's office called and said they had my form filled out so after lunch I went and picked it up plus dropped off the forms at the assessor's office. Tomorrow morning I am dropping off our papers to our accountant for taxes and think I'll run the Curbymobile through the car wash again. I picked up more yarn today. Marty wants another hat because it needs to be longer. He can leave the first one in the pickup as a backup. The first one isn't quite long enough to double up the band and cover his ears all the way, It's close but I'll add about an inch and a half on this hat so it should be warmer for him. Then I got yarn to knit a small shawl for a friend of mine for her birthday. I also lifted today, such excitement.

I'll be watching for pictures of Ruby.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, the stuff from the gem show is still in shipping, and Ilya won't be in the office until Friday, so I'll just go by next week (probably Monday). The earrings are really great! They sparkle like MAD! So Marty has to pay tax on a space that he rents...? Good for you for having your tax stuff together -- I haven't even started!

Yesterday I worked until about six and then went to my friends' for dinner. Liam and I got there at exactly the same time, and he parked his truck in their garage... which I would have bet you a million bucks it wouldn't fit...but it did! SO much easier than trying to find street parking in that neighborhood for a vehicle of that size.

This morning I started with an 8 am call that I had to listen too. Can you Speaker Phone and Mute while in the shower?! :cheeky: I talked with my doorman this morning on the way out because he asked the mail lady yesterday what was going on since my mail is apparently being "returned to sender." She said there was a change of address put in. ????? O...K... even if that's the case, why isn't it being forwarded at least instead of returned? Personally I call bullsh!t; I think they just don't want to deal with mailboxes that get filled up. But now I have to call the main post office. I might was well just accept there is an hour of my life I'll never get back. Ugh.

Alright, off to do some work!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, we have to wait till next week to see our er I mean your ruby? You probably realize patience is not among my personality traits. I can't wait to see it. That is awesome the earrings turned out so pretty. I was toying with looking for some diamond hoops but do I NEED more earrings? Just like that lens I am contemplating - do I NEED more lenses?

Yes, we will have to pay taxes on whatever stuff Marty has to run his business. I turned in our tax papers this morning then had to come home and change categories on a bunch of Marty's expenses. The software he uses picks categories for his expenses so she said the professional charges amount would trigger an audit for sure. Now I'll keep that up now that I know what to do. She was telling me people are going to get charged for bitcoin purchases; we don't have any thing like that. She also seemed to think moving my 401K to an IRA at our credit union was a bad idea. Apparently banks are not supposed to do that anymore because they don't have actual financial advisors or something like that. Hum.

Dinner with friends sounds like a nice evening. What luck Liam's pickup fit in the garage - is it a 3 ton? I know every pickup Marty has ever bought gets tested in our garage first. His F250 extended cab full bed did not fit in the garage at our old house. Since it was diesel he had to keep it plugged in too.

You did start your work day quite early. The joys of working from home does tend to have unusual places to call in for a conference call. That's why I used to shut off my camera view. How annoying about your mail at your condo. Good luck with that! You'll be lucky if you get that resolved in an hour and with a phone call. We had a PO Box for the astronomy club after we moved because I didn't want our home address out there - I had a creepy club guy show up at our door way too often at the old house. I'd forget to go get the mail and it was always crammed full most of which was junk mail.

I got up about 6:30 today. What was I thinking? I reviewed my stack of tax papers again and washed the Curbymobile while I was out and about. After Marty and I updated categories on his expenses I went and picked up Arby's for lunch. This afternoon I wasted an hour or so on Angry Birds. I think I'll rent a movie and knit for a while this afternoon. My thrillometer isn't showing much activity. It's crazy windy again so I think I'll stay home. I need to get my few things from Kays/Jareds checked but since it's the week before Valentine's Day they would probably be busy.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, yes, sadly it will be next week before OUR ruby makes an appearance! As of now my top setting choices are: halo split shank, halo no split shank, three stone with half moons, three stone with cushions/rounds. I really like the idea of a three stone, but I also like the idea of the added size that comes with a halo. I did realize that this stone isn't much different than my spinel (8.5 x 8 vs 8.9 x 8.3) so at least I have some idea of size, especially if I do put it in a halo like the spinel is. Hmmm... what to do... In my search for ideas I ended up on the Berricle site (not sure how I've never been there before?) and I just ordered a cute little cz ring for no good reason on than... well... why no?! Liam has to plug his truck in too (diesel). What a concept! I had no idea what he was talking about in the beginning! I was like... Did you buy an electric truck and I just didn't know it... ? :lol:

Yesterday I stayed at the office until a bout 8 pm and caught up on something that I just hate to do, but at least now I'm current again. The traffic had cleared by the time I was done, however I didn't get up here to the north estate until almost 10.

I've got a call this morning starting at 9, so that will have to keep me company in the shower. I'd much prefer to listen to an audio book while I wash my hear, LOL, but it is what it is. Then I've got four other calls/meetings today, none of which I'm looking forward to... And I'd like to queue up some stuff for listing pictures, but I don't know if that's actually going to happen.

Oh! I think I got to the bottom of the mail mystery! When I started my Etsy Empire I ordered some priority mail shipping boxes through a USPS account and had them delivered here. Well apparently the post office took that as a change of address! But then why wasn't my mail being FORWARDED HERE rather than RETURNED TO SENDER?! They can't really 'splain me that part. Anyway, I *think* I've got it straightened out. What a PITA.

Alright, better stop shopping for random jewelry I don't need and get moving here this morning!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, okay I guess we have to wait until next week to see our ruby. Fine. You have some great ideas for mountings already. What metal are you thinking to use? Of course you need a fun new ring, you can never have too many rings. I had no idea diesels needed plugged in either - I can't foresee electric cars being too reliable in frigid weather especially if you get stranded on the highway. There is a stretch of I-80 in Wyoming that is considered the most dangerous patch of interstate because it is closed so often and has so many accidents on it from snow, blowing snow and ice. They are actually talking about moving it to the north so it no longer goes directly over the mountains. We will see; I read a book on why they decided to put it there - all politics and fighting - go figure.

You did work late yesterday but yay for getting an unpleasant task out of the way. I always do the thing I don't want to do first because then everything else is an improvement. At least the traffic was good heading to the North Estate.

I hope all of your calls went well today. Marty sent me a text while I was in the shower so I got out to read it in case he wanted to meet for breakfast and it was just to tell me to check out the sunrise. I got up at 6:15 and it didn't look promising so I didn't check again and then missed a nice sunrise while showering. Oh well, there is always tomorrow. I may so out tonight and look for someplace to watch the sunset; it is mostly blocked from here by other houses.

Hopefully you got your mail straightened out; that is strange they decided you moved on their own. Your winning numbers to Publisher's Clearing House is probably setting in a junk mail pile somewhere. How rude!

I have been busy today. I did lesson 9 of my class, made PB chocolate chips cookies to take to a friend and fixed sirloin and baked potatoes for lunch. A friend of mine had hernia surgery on Monday and I thought of sending her flowers but then decided what if they made her sneeze? So I decided cookies would be a better option. I ran them over to her at noon. She is pretty miserable. The snow is melting a bit so now the Curbymobile is dirty again. Phooey.



Feb 27, 2007
Yay I went sunset shooting tonight

Sunset 2.jpg


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, I'm thinking platinum for the ruby. I realized last night that my original sapphire is around the same size as the ruby so I got out the jewelry box so see how I like it without any sort of halo (it's a three stone with round diamonds on the side). It seems so smalllll now compared to BB and The Green Goddess. :cheeky: I'll likely have to halo! Good idea not to take flowers to someone who might sneeze post-surgery! Not exactly the same, but I once sneezed with a herniated disc. I thought I was going to pass out from the pain. No joke! Your reminded that my Audi is in DESPERATE need of a wash. It's going to be about 40 here tomorrow, I think I'll make a point to get it done. Great sunset pic!

Yesterday I worked like a busy little bee, including a call that went from 7-8 pm. Ack. Then I went to bed early... which of course mean that I was wide awake from about 3:30 on...

Today I have nothing on the work docket so hopefully I'll get a slew of pictures taken, although the light is pretty lousy. Oh well, if I waited for good light to take all the listing photos there would only be about three days a year here in the midwest where I'd get any done!

I've got a bunch of pics to send you on setting ideas... should I wait to actually SEE the stone first? I think not! :lol:


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I went and looked at mountings too with a cushion cut ruby in that approximate size. Ha Ha. No matter you what you choose it will be gorgeous. Rubies are special. I will watch for your pictures on setting ideas.

I bet sneezing with a herniated disc was very painful!

Darn that going to bed early resulted in a very early morning. You did have a long day again yesterday.

I got up about 6 am today and got some sunrise pictures. I also finally got a decent picture of my ring with my new camera; that saved me $1299 because I was considering a 100mm macro lens. Now I don't have to buy another lens. Yay or darn there. What was funny (or not) is blowing the picture up I could see finger prints all over my diamond. I clean whatever jewelry I wear every day - I guess my microfiber cloth allows finger prints through it - I'll get my jewel jet out tomorrow! I did get most of them off with a different cleaning cloth.

More of my temporary crown broke off today - I honestly have needed it replaced for about 6 weeks now and my broken tooth is getting my attention. I had soup and ice cream for supper plus most of my teeth are having sympathy pains for it. I have an appointment in the morning to get it replaced.

I went grocery shopping this morning, did a few batches of laundry and lifted this afternoon. Other than that I've been goofing off. My thrillometer is not showing much activity. I didn't go chase the sunset tonight and it looked really pretty from what I could tell. Oh well. That wind was COLD.



Feb 27, 2007
Here is a slice of my sunrise picture this morning.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, good job on "saving" $1299! I think you should take the $ and buy yourself some bling! :cheeky: I'm so glad you're getting a permanent fix for your tooth today. The whole time I had my temp in I lived in mortal fear of one wrong bite! I haven't sent any pics on setting ideas yet because I'm trying not to get tooooo excited before I actually see the stone, LOL.

Yesterday I managed to get seven listings up and spend $246 at Costco, all before mid-afternoon! This morning I'm happy to report there was no estate sale I felt merited sitting in front of someone's house in the pre-dawn hours, but there is one I might run over to later when I take packages to the post office. No much else exciting to report today. I wish I'd queued up some stuff to photograph this morning, but since I didn't I better get up and start washing things!
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