
Healthy Living Thread


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, I got gas the other day and did a double take at the pump! That's AWESOME about Marty's 79 year old client!!! At 51 I can barely bend over to tie my shoes, ha ha. Did you and Marty get more pics of the autumn leaves? I'd love to see some color!

Yesterday didn't unfold like I'd anticipated. Liam headed toward the auction up north and I followed a little while later. He called me just as I got on the road and said you have to head to Janesville (a town just over the Wisconsin border)! He stopped at an auction there "just to see" and there was a TON of uranium glass! I bought all of it, LOL, as well as two giant flats of jadite and two flats of carnival glass that I probably way over paid for, but some guy was p!ssing me off so I decided I was going to own that too. When we got home I started washing everything and did make some progress, but off course there's always more to do...

Today I need to list, list, list!!! Oh... and do my job too. :cheeky: A bunch of people at my company (my boss included) are going to an offsite this week Wednesday through Friday so I made the executive decision I'm working from home until I head to D.C. on Thursday.

Alright, time to start piling things on the dining room table and taking pictures!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, yep gas is apparently at a 7 year high - I don't foresee me driving slower to save on gas though.

I was so tickled for Marty's clients especially the 79 year old lady. She kept wanting to back out of the competition but was so tickled with her results. Good for her!

Marty got one nice shot that I'll post. We went towards sunset and the sunlight wasn't at the right angle; hopefully we can go again this weekend.

Sounds like you got a haul at that auction. Too funny you were determined to not let that guy outbid you. Ha! Dee won! You'll be busy washing, taking photos and packing up everything. I checked your site during lunch today. Looking good.

Good idea to work at home this week. Are you heading to DC for work or fun? Have a safe trip.

The weather was lovely today; not too smokey, 80 degrees with very light wind. It was like we were transported to somewhere else. Marty's company let some people go so Marty inherited more projects and things to do. He was still home when I got home tonight; he was late for the gym. I was lazy and made a grilled cheese for supper and had some grapes. I did eat 2 cookies though.

I am taking Friday off this week. I tried to get an appointment for my 6 month oil change and can't get in until November 2nd. I can't believe I've had the new Curbymobile 6 months already.



Feb 27, 2007
Notice all the dead trees in Marty's pictures? Beetle kill had trashed so many trees in the west.

Martypic.jpg Mysunset.jpg


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, I can't believe you've had the new Curbymobile for six months already either! My Audi is flashing the message at me that I've got an upcoming oil change. I bought it last November and I'm coming up on 10K miles so it makes sense. Billy Ray might get to go to the post office today since I've only got two package to take (so far). Those pics are great! The beetles can be SO destructive. When I lived in Idaho there were a certain kind of bug (I can't remember what now, maybe it was a beetle too) that was evident in a tree because there would be a line of holes going up the trunk, and the tree was a gonner once you saw that.

Yesterday I was a listing machine! I put up thirteen (to be fair two of them were from the pink Miss America dishes that the lady already bought but I was waiting for her to unpack everything and make sure it was OK before I posted these last ones in case I needed to send her any replacements for broken things). One of the new ones sold already! I was a really cool uranium glass decanter. Today, in between training, I am All Jadite, All The Time! I also need to do some laundry and figure out what I'm taking to D.C. It's for fun BTW, not work. Going to see some of the guys from the ski trips. They bought an old farmhouse and we're going to have a housewarming. I can't wait to see them!

Some guys at one of the auctions last week gave me a leads on local places that make bubble wrap and boxes. I'm going to reach out and see if they sell to individuals, and if so, what the pricing is like. I would be very happy to give my money to a local business, and I also like the idea that I wouldn't be a the mercy of Amazon when when it comes to lead times because I can see those things taking a while as we get closer to the holidays and with my luck I'd run out.

We damn... Liam just came in with my coffee and said he sold a fishing pole overnight and asked if I would take it to the post office when I go. I guess Billy Ray stays in the garage today. Or else I could just open up the sunroof! :lol:

OK, off to make myself presentable for the three zoom trainings I'm doing this morning.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids,

Dee Jay, it doesn’t seem like you’ve had your Audi that long. Time flies. Darn you couldn‘t take Billy Ray to the post office today. I’ll go check out your site to see the new postings. That would be great to get bubble wrap and packaging stuff locally.

DC sounds like a fun trip. Have a great time!

I hope training went well today with all of your zoom meetings. I only had one Zoom meeting today. We use Google meet internally at work. I hate GMail BTW.

i don’t know if the trees dying in Idaho were from the same disease but it’s awful. I thought it migrated up from the south but it’s been going on for so long I don’t remember for sure. All that dead kindling needed cut down and burned or it will lead to lots of wild fires. Oh wait that already happens. My parents had a cabin in the mountains that was thick with pine trees. I was checking webcams up there the other day to see if leaves were turning and all the trees along the road were dead. Really sad to see.

I am going ring / ruby shopping Friday. I’m either getting a larger ruby if they have one as nice as my 3/4 carat and / or getting a chunkier ring and a halo. I’ll see what strikes my fancy that I want to afford. My SIL is going with me. She isn’t a jewelry person so she’ll be bored.

Off to Etsy.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I hope you are having fun in DC.

I totally enjoyed playing retired today. My SIL and i went to Denver to do something with my ruby ring. As I've found for the last 8 years or so they didn't have another ruby of that color and clarity in a larger size so I picked out a new ring and added a halo. Way better!!! I should get it next Thursday. We then headed to Fort Collins and had lunch at our favorite steak house. I took the scenic route then back to the highly - saw lots of lovely golden trees. Now I'm working on laundry - yay get Saturday's chores done a day early.

You'll enjoy this - I took in all of my jewelry pieces from that store to be cleaned and checked today. I have several pieces so I count how many rings, bracelets, pendants and earrings I get back. Rings are by far the most plentiful and I have them in 2 small jewelry boxes so the girl that brought them too me helped me count - so the one box with 8 rings she touched the table on each center stone to count them. My SIL knows me well enough to know I'm going like - um don't touch the gemstone please. I cleaned them all when I got home.

My SIL leaves tomorrow. She is starting her new retired life. Nice for her.

Yesterday was Marty's B-Day. We went to dinner with friends; it was fun.


Here is my original ring, an online build of what I bought except the halo will be YG and then a makeshift view of the new ring, halo and ruby at the store.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, I really like the mock-up of your ring! And what on earth was that lady thinking, touching the table on all the rings?!

DC was a lot of fun -- and work too! On Thursday my friend picked me up from the airport and, along with his mom and her friend, took us to the house about an hour and a half north. The next day we went to Antietam and then had lunch in a super cute town nearby. Saturday was the housewarming and even though we did some preparation getting the yard ready, etc. (putting out the bales of hay, mums, pumpkins) there was still quite a bit to do. The party went great though so it was all worth it and I think my friend and his partner were really pleased! Yesterday we headed back into DC and I was on the ground in Chicago by 3 pm or so. I had some orders to pack up when I got back to Liam's but such is the nature of the beast, right?!

Speaking of the beast, I am in full holiday preparation mode. Oy. Come January I'm going to need a BREAK!!!

Just back from having my long procrastinated root canal. The novacaine is wearing off and I think I'm gonna be prettttttttty sore... Yowch.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I know - how rude of a person in a jewelry store to touch tables on diamonds or gemstones. What was she thinking? I cleaned everything again when I got home. I am anxious to see the finished ring.

Glad to hear you had a lot of fun in D.C. That's nice the housewarming party went so well. Speaking of pumpkins I guess you won't be doing your giant pumpkin this year.

Ugh to having a root canal - I hope you are feeling okay tonight. The worst part of the one I had was how long my mouth had to be open. That darn tooth of mine that broke off past the root sure bugs me; the temp crown definitely isn't right. I'll be mad if the periodontist can't get it to a point I can have a crown and I end up needing it pulled anyway.

We have some of that cold white stuff in our forecast. Phooey. Work was very hectic today and this afternoon I found out dozens of reports we use need updated and I am not sure how to start that process. I asked my boss and he gave me the helpful advice of "well fix them". I'd already messed with formulas when I asked; maybe I should write my resignation letter tonight. Ha ha.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, I can't believe you might be looking at the cold white stuff already! Then again, I also couldn't believe how the leaves were turning in the DC area last weekend so maybe I need to update my thinking and realize it's not summer any more! After the endodontist got done with my root canal yesterday she said there was a very good chance that the crack at the back of the tooth would be fine and I wouldn't need to have the thing pulled after all. Whhhhaaaaaa?!? There was never any discussion of that -- I thought the root canal and then permanent crown were the end of it; this possibility of pulling the tooth was news to me! Ack!!!

Yesterday I just didn't have it in me to work super late so I left around 7 and stopped at the grocery store on the way home. I got a couple of frozen meals and some wine, but just ended up eating half of a meal and going to bed early. This morning then (of course) I woke up early and made the mistake of going back to reading the book I am working on... and the next thing I knew it was after 8 LOL.

Today I've got training to do and a bunch of clean up before we can get the quarterly certifications out. My boss just came into my office and asked what I was working on now that the annual review is done. I about smacked him in the head! I only got half way through my list before he headed for the door.

OK, time to update some lists. How exciting is my life?!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, it got down right cold here today with the wind kicking up; it felt like 22 degrees when I came home. We are expecting only about 2 inches of snow. Sadly summer is over.

Oh no you didn't know about the crack in your tooth. Hope the root canal and crown take care of it FOREVER! How is your mouth feeling today?

Good for you not working too late last night. Sounds fun to get up and get engrossed in your book. I finished the book I was reading and need to start another one.

Ha ha you had a lengthy list for your boss to answer his what are you working on question. Sorry he asked you, eh?

Yes, your life is exciting. My thrill-o-meter must need new batteries since it hasn't shown much activity lately.

Not much new with me. My boss did start updating some of my reports and I went and tweaked them after he got them going. I picked up tacos and potato oles for supper on the way home.

Hoping to get a shipping notice tonight for my ruby ring.

My CurbyMobile got dirty driving home in the rain today - how rude!



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, the ending of my book was only meh. So disappointing because it was pretty good (not GREAT, but better than some) and the "wrap up" was like... uh? THAT'S the best you could come up with?! Oh well, can't win 'em all, right? My mouth actually isn't bad! I only took pain killers the first day, and only because she told me to, but now it's not bad at all. I'm happy about that!

Yesterday I worked late enough that the traffic had died by the time I left downtown so it was one of my fastest trips up north ever! At one point I realized I was going 86 in the express lanes downtown, but since there is nowhere for the cops to hide in those and I was just going along with the flow of traffic I figured why not.

I only wrapped up one of my three open orders when I got here, so I'll do the two first thing. And I'm communicating with a lady in California who's looking for some things for a holiday party, including a punch bowl. Well I got a really great punch bowl and twelve cups a few weeks ago! Here's the kicker... I looked for it last night to take a picture -- and I can't find it! Who loses a giant white milk glass bowl the size of a basketball?! If you saw the dining room you'd understand LOL. So part of my mission this morning it to seek that out. I don't even remember it being in a box; I recall wrapping all the cups in bubble wrap and putting them inside the bowl, but then I thought the bowl was just on it's own. Hmmm...

So now, and for the next several days, I am All Listings All The Time! Oh. And some work when required, LOL.

Alright, off to find that bowl!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I hate that when the ending of a book is lame especially when it's one you stay up late to finish and then you are thinking - really that's the best you could do?

That's great your mouth isn't hurting. I am not looking forward to my upcoming dental work.

Sweet you had smooth sailing heading to north estate. Coming back from Denver I was running about 85 too but I just stayed with the flow of traffic. Of course being an out of state vehicle I figured I'd be the one who got pulled over - luckily no problem there.

That's great you are selling so many things. Did you find the punch bowl? Any estate sales or auctions this weekend?

I've been updating reports all week at work; that is keeping me busy. We had just enough rain then snow Tuesday night we ended up with a lovely sheet of ice everywhere for the Wednesday morning commute. Marty hadn't rolled the trash can out when he headed to the gym at 4:30. I kind of touched the thick layer of ice on the driveway when I left and thought forget that - the trash can wait until next week. Luckily it had melted by the time I came home.

I got my upgraded ruby ring today. It's a mini version of GG and BB so we can all it LR - little red.




Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Busy day in M&MLand. Marty got up early and went moose "hunting". He is determined to get a picture of the moose he sees hiking with his new lens. One of his friends went with him since sunrise is later now than it was in July. After he got home we went out to eat and ran the Curby Mobile through the car wash. It had snow melt all over it, bug guts on the windshield from my Denver trip and bird droppings on the hood. I told Marty I notice how much easier my car "slid" through the air now that it is cleaner. Ha Ha. While Marty was gone this morning I did my Sunday lifting, worked on laundry and made some vanilla cupcakes for tomorrow. My sister, BIL and nephew are coming to visit and take Marty out for a belated birthday dinner. Cake mixes don't have high altitude info on them any more so I dug up notes I had from another brand of cake mix and adjusted accordingly - sadly the cupcakes are kind of dry. They'll taste better with ice cream tomorrow and I'll send the rest of the cupcakes home with my sister - my nephew will eat them for sure. We had popcorn for supper. I lost 4 pounds since I weighed earlier this week - hopefully 1 cupcake and some popcorn didn't negate that. I definitely need new PJ's - my bottoms are about to fall off when I stand up.

I am enjoying the new ring for my ruby, I emailed Brittany at WF to get some halo earring jackets for my ruby studs. They are 4mm so I need jackets for a .25 diamond and online the smallest size is for .30 carats. I don't know if the difference between 4mm and 4.3mm or 4.4mm would be enough to notice but hey I can ask. I was looking at prices to just have the studs mounted in some diamond halo studs but they would be quite a bit more expensive. These studs were me being in the right place at the right time. I took some rings in to a jeweler downtown to get sized and he had his gem salesman in the store at the time. They were showing me some of his gemstones and at the time I was looking for ruby earrings and all my studs at the time were 4mm size (my earlobes are tiny). He sold me two 4mm Burma rubies for $80 each. The jeweler mounted them for me and I was a happy camper. Now I want them in a halo to match my ring and I don't think that will add much size on my ears. Most of my studs now are around 5mm.

I am trying to figure out what my topic will be for the newspaper article. I need to get busy on that.

Take care.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, I LOVE your new ring!!! The color on the stone is just great and the halo setting really suits it well! Was Marty successful moose hunting (LOL!)? When we were in Aspen for my 50th birthday last year Liam and one of the friends out there with us decided to go for a walk the last day way up in the mountains. They came across a moose taking a morning drink. Judging by the photos he was HUGE! I did find the punch bowl... and that was just the beginning! She bought a slew of stuff, including that bowl and ANOTHER one too. It's going to be quite a party!

This weekend went so fast I can't believe it's gone! I spent SIX HOURS at an estate sale on Friday morning buying one particular line of glass. Saturday I swung by the local auction (because I just can't help myself!) and there was only one thing I wanted so I asked Liam to bid for me, but it went too high. I'm so glad I didn't stay for that one thing! As it was I got a bunch of pictures taken so it was a productive day, and yesterday was the same. Today, since I already had the listings drafted and the pictures taken it was an easy matter to get them posted while I was half paying attention to a call.

Tonight I'm not sure if Liam is going to come down or not. I'm fine if he doesn't because frankly I'm tired! I also don't think I'm going to work super late.

Ok, off to send an email that's going to make someone mad... !


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, thanks - I am liking my ruby reset. WF is looking in to a diamond halo jacket for 4mm studs for me.

Marty did see a moose but didn't get a picture. The guy who went with him was quite noisy but then again that's good to not startle a moose. That is cool Liam and your friend got to see a moose. Yes, they are big! I used to drive my dad's old Willy's Jeep from our star party back to their cabin at about 1 or 2 am and came around the corner in a heavily wooded area and came right up on a moose; he was definitely taller than the jeep. Scared the crud out of me in the dark. Pretty much every time I went back to the cabin I'd see something. Good thing jeeps are slow and mountain roads aren't designed for speed.

Glad you got the line of glasses you wanted Friday. That works well you and Liam and bid for each other at auctions. I haven't checked your site in a few days - I will go check it out. I am now down to 5 of my glasses - an ice cube coming out of the fridge door broke a big chuck out of the edge of the glass. Waah!

We had snow again today but it didn't last long. The snowflakes were huge and very pretty. My boss has been majorly cranky - such a joy to work for; I need to get my resignation / retirement letter ready. Of course it's not like a sentence or two will take me long to type out and sign.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, when you craft up your resignation letter make two -- one for you and one for me! Oh no to an ice cube breaking one of your glasses! I broke two pink glasses in a row one time because the new metal stopper I had gotten for the prosecco bottle would spring right up in the air and come down again if it wasn't PERFECTLY seated. Both times the glass I had just poured was sitting right beside the bottle. That sucker went right in the garbage... unfortunately along with the glasses. I'd pretty much p!ss myself if I came around the corner and found myself face to face with a moose, LOL.

Yesterday I did some real work and then some packing. I had three orders, two of which were just an absolute PITA. Well, OK, one of them wouldn't have been a PITA but I was trying to get creative with the box used because it is going to Hawaii and shipping there is soooooo expensive. After a while (too long!) I gave up, put everything in the bigger box I should have used in the first place, and paid the extra $$$. Ugh.

Liam and I went to dinner with friends last night, but were still home pretty early so I made myself clean up the room I used to pack up my orders. It was Out Of Control. It took a while, but I am much happier now. Plus I found the "missing" scissors, tape measure and a couple of other things. I have one order to pack up this morning, but it shouldn't be too bad.

I need to do at least one thing for work today that I've been putting off. And then I want to reach out to a couple of local manufacturers about boxes and packing material because it's getting to be crunch time!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids!

And apparently I was a little confused yesterday and thought it was TUESDAY instead of THURSDAY. ??? Hope nobody is counting on me to keep track of the calendar! :lol:

As a follow up to yesterday's request to craft me a resignation letter along with yours Curby, I got a message from my boss last night at 9:30 that caused me to scream, "Fvck you Jeffrey! Fvck! You!!" And then I went to bed. Liam was genuinely alarmed. Do we need to deliver these letters in person or can we email them?!

Yesterday I did... hmmmm... I'm not really sure exactly WHAT for the entire day! I got an order packed up and made contact with one of the local packaging companies and placed and order for bubble wrap and boxes (which won't be available for pick up for a week, but that's OK)... but other than that I can't really tell you where all the hours went!

Today I need to inventory all the stuff I bought last week so I can think about getting it listed, and then I need to whip out my phone and take pictures, pictures, pictures! Nothing at the estate sales this week is compelling to me -- thank god -- so I am at least getting stuff OUT of the house instead of brining it IN. Always a bonus given the current situation! :cheeky:


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, Tuesday, Thursday - they all blend together. I will get busy on our resignation letters. Sorry you got a crappy message from your boss; what a way to ruin your evening. I kind of feel emailing in our "see ya" letters is more than adequate. They'd probably be embarrassed for us to see them cry. My grumpy boss was out of the office 2 days in a row and didn't talk to me at all today so it was like a 3 day vacation.

Oh no your metal stopper shot up and broke some glasses - I would have thrown it away too.

I bet it is pricey to ship a box to Hawaii. You definitely want it packed really well to go that far though. I browsed through your site during my lunch yesterday. Great to see new things and that you are continually selling things. I just spent time packing up my ruby earrings to send to Whiteflash. I am having them mount my rubies in YG halo studs. Studs were only $100 more than jackets and since my current studs are lightweight mountings I thought new studs were a far better way to go. I'll post the picture below of what I'm getting.

Dinner with friends sound fun; I miss going out to eat since Marty has the gym every night but we tend to eat out on weekends. Sweet you cleaned up your shipping and packing room plus found some of your missing packing essentials.

I had a busy week at work. I updated my procedure manual and changed all the mentions to "ask Marcy" to ask your supervisor. I wonder if anyone will notice. Ha Ha. At least it's current when I leave.

Marty got new wheels and tires for his pickup. He wanted tires that were better on snow and off road. The tire dealer had some used 18" Ford wheels he sold him for $300. He will try to sell his wheels and tires. I drove by the gym on my way to FedEx to pick up boxes for my earrings and saw his old wheels and tires in the back of his truck - I said nice you have them there for the world and all it's thieves to see. Hopefully they'll make it home okay.

Marty also apparently saw a Macan today that looked like mine - I must have a twin in town now. It better not be a GTS or I'll be mad. Ha Ha.

Marty is heading to the mountains in the wee hours of the morning to take pictures - I have no idea of getting up and going with him. I would like to get out and take some pictures though. I should go pants shopping. I found a bunch of tops in smaller sizes I washed up so I don't need new tops. I tried to find smaller sweats to sleep in but every single one I found were too big so they all got packed up for meals on wheels.

Take care.

My halo studs will be in YG
image001 copy.jpg


Feb 27, 2007
Simplest is best


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Saturday kids!

OMG Curby -- that's FABULOUS!!! I am going to print mine (on the office color printer of course!) first thing Monday morning and keep it handy!!! Your new earring are going to be gorgeous! Liam got new wheels for his Trans Am the other day too; there must be something in the air. The body shop guys said it might be done being painted as early as next week, so he's pretty stoked.

Yesterday I went on a mission to inventory the glasses from last weekend. Two. Hundred. Ninety. One. In fifteen different styles. All from the same line. Holy. Cow. Now I need to photograph everything and get it put away. Wow. I also ran to Fed Ex, and Liam called and asked me to go by an estate sale and see if something was still there for him. The thing he wanted had already been sold... and the house was so disgusting I couldn't bear to be there a minute longer than necessary. Usually the local estate sale company have everything cleaned up and well organized but this was a company we hadn't heard of before and it was just a disaster. It looked to me like the gentleman who passed away was one step away from being a hoarded and the estate sale guy just put some signs in the yard and opened the front door. Nothing was priced and the place was filthy. No thanks!

This morning Liam headed out to an auction. I refused, saying I don't want to buy any more stuff until I deal with what I've already got!!! So you can imagine what I'll be doing today... :cheeky:


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, we are set now whenever we decide to submit our resignation. Ha Ha. I stayed up last night searching for funny resignation letters; that was one of my favorites. The next thing to work on is the farewell email to all employees. They nipped that in the bud where I work after one came out about 10 years ago that including accusations against a co-worker being a home wrecking whore including her initials and how she was glad to be moving on from this cesspool. Now the all employees distribution list goes to one person who can then release the email. The best part was the home wrecker was the daughter of a lady who worked for me at the time. She is the lady we later fired who filed a lawsuit against the company, me and my manager. Another one of my employees was going on and on about the email and she wondered who they were referring to; it got rather uncomfortable in our room that day., Fun times were had by some.

Nice the the Trans Am is getting painted and has new wheels. I told Marty yesterday I've got NOTHING to say about wanting new wheels and tires since we have 4 very obvious Goodyear tires in our garage that barely have any wear on them.

That is some inventory you picked up last week. Good idea to take care of what you have first but I imagine the lure of estate sales and auctions are like meteor showers - most of the time I am disappointed but I never want to find out I missed a great show. That is too bad the estate sale you went too wasn't organized and at least cleaned up. Sounds like a last minute deal.

Marty got up and left before 4 am this morning to drive up to the Snowy Mountains to take pictures. I didn't go with him but had a hard time falling back asleep. It was cold, windy with snow on the ground up there but he got some nice pictures of Mirror Lake. I ventured out to get some pants that actually fit me. The store was pretty low on inventory so I got 2 pairs of pants in dark gray and came home and ordered 2 pair of the same thing in black. I also ordered some Cuddl Duds pj's. No more pants falling off me now and I am sure everyone is grateful for that.

Then I dropped off my ruby studs to send to Whiteflash. FedEx is busy when they open on Saturday. We spent a small fortune today filling the Curbymobile and Martymobile - $160 for the two and my tank was half full.

I need to finish my November article and get it sent to the local paper and get Halloween cards ready to send the family.

Take care.

Here is a pano shot Marty took this morning


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, wooooooahhhhhh on the farewell email with all that, uh, "extra info"! It's pretty standard for our people to send an email, but it's very formulaic; it's been an honor to work with all of you brilliant people, I'm headed to something different but will miss you tremendously and hope our paths will cross again, blah blah blah. If anyone sent something other than that it would be SHOCKING! That photo Marty took is amazing!!! And I hear you on the gas thing... every time I fill up now I wonder if that's the tank that will require kidney donation!

Yesterday I ran to the post office early and also stopped by an estate sale Liam had gone to the day before and had seen a set of glasses. There were nine of them and the first two I touched were chipped to sh!t on the rims so I didn't bother going any further. I did get some candles I need for photo props though, so that worked out OK. Then I got the bug to take Billy Ray for a spin, and someone bought something when I was one my way home from the post office/estate sale so it was the perfect excuse! I packed up the order, went BACK to the post office, ran through the touchless car wash, and went for a ride. When I got home I only managed to get four listings done, but I have a bunch of things washed and ready to photograph this morning. Hopefully the bad weather on the radar will pass because the current light is not conducive for pictures...

Liam said last night he wanted fried chicken for lunch, so now even though it's only 8:30 that's all I can think about, ha ha!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, that farewell letter was a classic. I printed my sorry for your loss card and will have to take it to work with me. It will amuse me to know it's in my desk. Ha Ha. Like you - I'll email people I work with a fond farewell and thank them for everything over the years. I have no intention of burning bridges but it's amusing to think of these things.

I just checked out your site - some new cool things are there. Sweet.

Darn those glasses at the estate sale were chipped but glad you found that out right away. Sweet you took Billy Ray out for a spin. We took Marty's pickup to dinner last night so I could check out his new wheels / tires but he drove the CurbyMobile when we went to breakfast and grocery shopping today. I lifted this morning, did one more batch of laundry and ventured to the park to get some pictures.

This afternoon I got an article ready for the local paper on an upcoming almost total lunar eclipse. Between that article and the November article I've got a few pages done already for the November club newsletter. Sweet.

How was your fried chicken? We had grilled chicken and rice for lunch. It was my last box of Uncle Ben's rice - the pasta / rice isle at the store this morning was pretty much empty. Phooey. Too funny - but sad - mentioning we might have to donate kidneys soon to buy gas. I may have to keep working if this crap keeps up! We did just follow up lunch / dinner with some cherry chocolate chunk ice cream.


Here are 2 photos from today
IMG_2053.JPG IMG_2058.JPG


Feb 27, 2007
Good morning!

Dee Jay, I have my card stashed in the back of my desk calendar. You never know when I might want it.



Feb 27, 2007
Great sunrise this morning.
B515D75B-D166-41F8-9686-322EB8E0FADD.jpeg B515D75B-D166-41F8-9686-322EB8E0FADD.jpeg


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, I am thiiiiiiiis close to printing out MY card and using it. That's all I'm sayin'... WOW -- what a gorgeous shot!!! Our fried chicken was OK, but I had such high expectations it could never have lived up to them, ha ha.

Yesterday was pretty much a bust. The light never improved, and I did manage to get some pictures to use to set up the gift wrapping option for my shop, but that was about it. I'm having someone who's placing an order today test out adding gift wrapping so we'll see how it works. I didn't really even try to get other photos yesterday given the gloom.

Today the drive in was rainy and slow. Ugh.

OK, off to do the things that will keep me employed while I consider if I want that to still be the case!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids! Sorry about posting the sunrise picture twice - then I couldn't quickly figure it out how to delete one. I was 5 minutes late to work too; what are they going to do - fire me?

Dee Jay, glad you have access to a quick resignation card just in case. The sky this morning was amazing; such great color. The sun did all the work - I just recorded it. Darn your fried chicken was not as you imagined but as you say things are sometimes hard to live up to expectations. I have really been craving chicken. I love Chick Filet nuggets but they are always so busy when I get off work I just skip it.

I had a one on one with my boss today and he brought up first how close he was to quitting last week so I did tell him I have one eye and foot heading out the door towards retirement. He didn't seem surprised. I told him it could be as soon as tomorrow or who knows when but I'm ready because I am old, I can and it's time.

Nice to get your gift wrapping shop set up. I stopped at Barnes and Noble after work tonight and ironically thought of the many times my astronomy club gift wrapped there for donations before Christmas. Each year we earned less because people just carry less cash anymore. It was fun though.

Darn the light wasn't good for photos yesterday.

Phooey to the drive being rainy and slow this morning.

I stopped at B&N after work because they have puzzles buy one get one 50% which inspired me to go look for Christmas gifts. I got a friend of mine the daily Bitch calendar, bought myself the daily Far Side calendar and got a puzzle for some friends of ours and my sister in law. Yay, I have some Christmas presents. I ordered some of those Lennox jeweled Christmas ornaments a few weeks ago for the family white elephant exchange. See, I'm getting prepared.

The weather was lovely today. Tomorrow is cooler and rainy.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, we need to have T-shirts printed that say: *I am old, I can and it's time* HAHAHAHAHA! I won't even go into what yesterday entailed with my boss, but suffice it to say that it was no better than Monday. Ugh. Good for you for getting your Christmas shopping under way! I'm very very behind this year...

Yesterday after work I had dinner with a friend that I met through work about 20 years ago. We had a good time catching up, and then I came back north. I decided it was a good idea to have a cup of coffee after dinner so I'd be nice and away for the long drive. Oh, I was nice and awake alright!!! When I got here I packed up three of my four open orders and then did a little more organizing. Around midnight I came upstairs wondering why I didn't hear Liam... he was dead asleep in bed! Even after I settled in it took me a long time to go to sleep.

Today I've got a call with my boss at 10... because why not ruin three days in a row... ? I'm sure a bunch of new work with come out of the conversation, so I've got THAT to look forward to. NOT.

Ok, off to get myself showered and put on some body armor so I can fight my way through the call!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Wednesday indeed!

Dee Jay, I did get up to 102 this morning before rudely needing to apply the brakes due to a car going the speed limit in my way.

I love the tee shirt idea. Perfect. Sorry your boss is being a PITA. He must have called my boss. I hope the call today didn’t require body armor e can do it!!!

I am shocked you are not done Christmas shopping yet. You seem to shop year round for that. You can give everyone glassware. See I’m always thinking.

Dinner with a friend sounds great. I need to arrange one of those myself. Darn the coffee kept you up so long. You were productive though since you were awake.

I am definitely getting skinnier. I got farther in to the kitchen this morning before setting off the alarm. Ha ha. I hope it woke up all the neighbors and their dogs that wake me up bright and early on the weekend.

Not much new with me. My earrings arrived at WF but that’s all I know. Busy week at work. I am working on getting this new gal trained so I won’t feel bad saying bye.

it’s chilly and windy here today. Darn.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, LOL on giving everyone glassware! I did think of that... but it seems like a cop out so I'll probably end up sending everyone other stuff. Tempting though! Good for you for getting skinny!!! I'm being sooooo good on my no-carb plan. Two and half months in I'm have only slipped once (someone handed me a glass of sangria and I drank it without thinking, but there was juice in there, and I had tater tots on my birthday). It is working though, so I'm sticking with it! Once again I'm at a dreaded in between size on pants though. Ugh.

Yesterday the call was just as miserable as I imagined it would be. And the rest of the day was only meh. I did go to the post office and Fed Ex, and stopped at Kohls with an Amazon return, but other than that nothing exciting. Today I need to do something for work and also clean up the glasses I have all over the family room. I do try to contain my mess to the dining room if possible, ha ha.

It's already after 9 here, better get hopping!
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