
Healthy Living Thread


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

I am so glad the weekend is finally here. Marty met some friends for a beer downtown; I decided I didn't want to fight the Friday night bar crowd; especially downtown on this rainy night. I had supper and am watching TV. The Excite-O-Meter is not registering.

Hopefully we can get our flowers planted tomorrow. Marty is probably going forward with his rental on a space for his gym.

Take care.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

We've had a busy day. We started at Lowes picking out flowers for our flower pots and Marty got one of the older versions of the Dyson V6 that was on sale for his gym. The pressure valve in our sprinkler system was broke and Lowes was out of them so we raced around town to 2 different places where we could get one; the first guy had it but since we weren't a dealer and could not buy wholesale we were out of luck. Then we raced off to the other store and made it there with 5 minutes to spare before they closed. Marty has the sprinklers running and will plant flowers tomorrow since our afternoon thunderstorms have started already. Then we had lunch at Outback followed by grocery shopping. I picked up flowers for my parents grave for Father's Day so ran those out there after we got home. Now I am working on laundry and need to make a cheesecake this afternoon.

Marty enjoyed his night out at the bar last night. He apparently accepted a dinner invitation for us tomorrow evening hence the cheesecake and he needs to make a salad to take.

I didn't get to my Saturday morning lifting yet so will do that tomorrow.

Our dessert at Outback was delicious - it had carrots and cheese in - aka as carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. :lol:
Take care.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, LOL on the carrotcake! and I get so annoyed with places that will only sell to dealers. I understand there can be reasons at times, but other times it's just silly.

What a busy few days! Thursday we drove over to Michigan when TR came home from work. We st!ayed in a hotel in Saugatuck because my best friend from law school and his partner weren't coming up until the next day. On Friday we went to a bunch of garage sales and and then I walked around the town. My friends came up and we had dinner there too. Saturday we had lunch with my friend's step dad who is 95 and still just as sharp as a tack and a complete gentleman. Last night we went to a charity event at the botanical garden. We got outbid on a five foot tall meta chicken sculpture that we were going to get for TR's mother as a gag. The thing went for $750! This morning TR as itching to get going so we left crazy early. When we got home I went back to bed (where I still am!) but now the kids are here to all peace and quite are long gone. I am going to get up and take a shower now. I've heard a rumor there will be Culver's for lunch and Giordano's pizza for dinner for Father's Day!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, it sounds like you had a great time this weekend. That's great your friends step dad is going strong at 95. You can't ask for more than that. Too funny about the 5 foot chicken sculpture; that would have been good. My dad was always battling squirrels and we used to pick up gag squirrel stuff for him. Darn you had to hit the road so early today. Marty likes to get on the road early too; I like to sleep in a bit.

Not much going on here today. Marty got our flowers planted, I lifted weights and have been knitting or reading most of the day. We are having supper with some friends tonight. Then it's back to the salt mines.

Take care.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids1

Curby, you and I can sit in the back seat and doze and the guys can go up front and drive. Seriously, the place we're going -- it will still be there no matter what time we arrive! And if its not, well maybe it's better we took our time, ha ha!

This morning I dropped my Lexus off at 7 am for an oil change... and then the ba$tards threw in, "Oh, it needs this XYZ scheduled maintenance... that'll be $510." Argh. It's been an expensive car month! I got to the office pretty early this morning though and I have to work hard on the annual review all week because my boss is out next week. Nothing like a little deadline looming to motivate me!

My clients who are under contract to buy the relocation house got an offer on their current place last night. It's a pretty decent offer too, but the potential buyers have been a bit of a PITA over one item related to the construction of the complex (the husband buyer is an architect). I do think this will work out, but there will be a few extra hoops. Oh well, that's what they pay me for, right?!

OK, off to get some stuff DONE!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, very good point that there is no since rushing to get some places; they will still be there. I get agitated listening to Marty's road rage too. I wish I could nap in the car.
Oh no that your Lexus is going to cost you some money. I was nervous today when a dangerous thunderstorm (as Accu weather called it) rolled through with hail and lots of rain. Luckily hail was small at work.
Good luck working on your annual review.
That's great your clients that are under contract have an offer on their current place. I hope the one sticking point works out and the offer stands. Yes, that is what they pay you for; unlike our lame realtor. :lol:

Supper with our friends was fun last night but I didn't feel well afterwards and was up often during the night. They smoked a tri tip and I'm not overly fond of smoked meat and they gave me end pieces since they are done more but they were all fatty. They kept filling my wine glass so I am drinking on an empty stomach, I basically ate a little bit of meat, a few potatoes, some apple and peach slices with little pieces of cheese and a huge piece of cheesecake. I had to take an alka seltzer at about midnight. I felt better by after lunch.

Marty is making progress on his new business. He officially changed the name today, ordered some more equipment and filed for a new EIN. He hopes to open on July 1st. The rental owner is letting him sky his first 3 months rental (which still makes me nervous WHY???) so let's hope it all works out for him.

Take care.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, we've been very up front with the buyers of my clients' place about the sticking point so I hope they feel they are going into this transaction adequately informed.

Last night I picked up my car, swung by my clients' to grab the balance of the earnest money, dropped it at Fed Ex, drove home, and found TR in a snit. So now his ex-wife is getting an offer from the job she "accidentally" interviewed for in North Carolina. She's trying to talk him into either (a) moving there with her and the kids (not in a married way, but just for him to also get a job there so he won't object to her moving the kids) or to (b) let her take the kids and he would have them during summers. Well there ain't no way no how he's going to give up his kids PERIOD. There's a battle coming for sure. The sad part is I lived through all this first hand when my mother moved me and my brother to Idaho from Pittsburgh against my father's wishes when my brother and I were around the same age TR's kids are now. Ugh.

Anyway, I made some progress on the annual review yesterday and today I've gone one big thing on the list that I've been really dreading. If I get that one thing don't I will call it a successful day!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I hope those buyers were paying attention. Good luck!
I hate to hear about the situation with TR's ex-wife. Does she have to get his permission to move with the kids? Not buying she accidentally interviewed for a job. It is definitely a rough situation. Good luck with that.
I hope you got that one big thing done today and you had a successful day.

My day was interesting with some anticipated excitement and then what felt like a crushing defeat. My boss called me in to his office first thing and asked me who I'd be willing to give up to replace someone in one of our senior manager's departments. Of course I eagerly suggested my Neg Nellie and had several reasons why it made sense. My boss said he agreed with me so he said he'd let me know. Later my boss, the boss of the other department and the senior manager met and the other boss wouldn't take Neg Nellie. While I can't say I blame her I was utterly crushed. I seriously almost cried. They are doing quite a shuffle. My former employee who went over to my boss's department will fill the position that was vacated, my senior employee will take her slot then a similar group but for a different service will become part of my team. I apparently will be in charge of that other team too and while I can kind of do the work I no NOTHING about running it and who I would talk to for problems. That will be interesting.

I left a roast in the crock pot for supper and had some peaches with it. They were hard like apples but did taste peachy. Marty is at the gym training. He is slowly depleting our checking account getting stuff ordered for his opening soon. I asked when are you going to make money and pay us back? :lol:

Take care.
Curby new job same old employees


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, I'm sorry your thrill of victory was chomped up in the jaws of defeat yesterday. How thrilling it must have been to think you were getting rid of your Neg Nel!

I worked a little late and had a decent drive home. Dinner was left over pizza from Sunday -- I'm glad that's out of the house now! The kids were going to come over last night but their mother brought them this morning instead. TR had the chance to talk with them a little before he went to work. They told him they want to move to NC... because their mother implied that their dad was going to come too. She's given them the impression he's just going to get a job down there and move and nothing would change with their schedule but the location. He had to set them straight, but he did it in a way that I'm afraid he left the door open to hope -- he said it wouldn't be that easy to get a new job. As a child what I hear from that is: "It might take me a little while but I'll do it." I told him he has to be unequivocable, if indeed he's not going to go. My guess is that she will move the kids down there and he will simply follow because he can't be without his boys. So she wins. My best advice to him was to make it clear to the boys he was not going to do this and to make it clear to her he would haul her in front of a judge immediately if she did anything that even smacked of moving down there. This is getting worse and worse...


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, so well put "chomped up in the jaws of defeat". I was pretty excited for a few hours. Oh well :D My boss did come over this morning to see if I was okay today. I told my friend that turned down neg nel I may call her a name now and then when she walked by my desk but I don't blame her a bit for not wanting that lady on her team.

What a stinking mess TR's ex-wife is creating. She sounds very manipulative. I agree with you that he should clearly tell the boys he is not going to move and let her know he'll take her before a judge if she even looks like she is getting ready to move. Sorry you are dealing with this. Custody battles can be so nasty.

I got to about page 75 on my procedures manual in Google Docs and wanted to chomp on something. There are some things I have to put in columns and even if I highlight just that section and change to 2 columns it alters all the pages around it. I'll highlight text on a page and change the font side and it does it through the entire document. You get what you pay for - can't they take their measly $13 license fee out of my check every month and let me keep Office Suite?
I lifted when I got home and then got dishes done. Marty baked some potatoes for us and is grilling some steaks right now. I had some rice leftover from lunch so I'll dump some pieces of steak from tonight and have lunch for tomorrow. I thawed out our last 2 pieces of cheesecake for dessert tonight. Mm.

Take care.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, now you've got me craving cheesecake! I may have to run to Meijer later and get one as a surprise for dessert.

I can't even reasonably summarize for you the craziness that's going on with TR's ex wife... She turned down the job in NC yesterday (if there ever WAS a job, and if they even made her a OFFER), and TR told her he was NOT moving to NC... and so now she wants to move to another IL suburb that's about 30 miles closer to the city. TR also mentioned the possibility of a town farther NORTH over the WI border. It's just beyond confusing, not to mention ridiculous. Whatever. I'm just going to keep drinking and sit tight. Whatever will be will be.

Today I'm working from home (two lonnnnng conference calls) and doing laundry. Of course. My sinus headache has ratcheted up to Defcon 2. Ugh.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids.

See Jay, cheesecake is the best. I didn’t even try it until college. I missed out for about 20 years. What was I thinking.

That is so crappy about TR’s ex-wife. Do you think she is pulling this now because you moved in with TR? I hope the hell she isn’t talking about this or complaining to the boys waa waa waa your dad won’t let me move. Can she move to another state without TR’s permission? He probably couldn’t stop her from moving closer to the city. Grr.

Sorry you sinuses are at Defcon 2. Is it allergies? A drink would surely help.

I had Marty bring me to work today since they are painting parking spots. I didn’t want paint near my car especially with the wind we have around here. He is trying to find a place in Kalisbel, Montana next month but the prices are ridiculous. He is taking a lifting coach certification test there. He picked it since he can drive there. Looks like it won’t save any money. It’s tourist season and near Glacier National Park.

Take care.


Mar 26, 2006
Curby, TR says that his ex and her mother have a co-dependent relationship (not in a healthy way) and as soon her mother and father moved to NC a couple of months ago we could see this coming a mile away. I don't really think it has anything to do with me being here, but they kept the house in joint name even after the divorce because the rate was so good TR didn't want to have to refi. Well last night she said she wants off the mortgage, which is fine, especially now since rates are so low.

The custodial agreements says they both have to stay in the same school district until the kids graduate from high school. He's willing to do the move 30 miles south into another school district where they would both then have to live because it opens up his job options enormously; he could even take a job in Chicago because the commute would be so much shorter.

Buttttttt... we'll see what comes to pass. My understanding is that she's good at starting things but then not finishing them so this latest idea of a move may never happen.

I'm starting to wonder if there's something wrong with ME BTW. The CB's ex-wife was crazy (like literally hauled out of the house in a straight jacket one night when she tried to hack through the bedroom door with a butcher knife) and now I've got TR's wife who is pretty off her rocker too. Am I somehow attracting men who go for koo koo women? Maybe *I* am koo koo and just don't realize it... ? Other???


Feb 27, 2007
Dee Jay, I don't think you are koo koo - CB and TR wised up and found someone who isn't koo koo. :D
That is good their custodial agreement says TR and his ex have to be living in the same school district so she can't just pick up and move. Moving closer to Chicago sounds like it would work out for TR job wise. Definitely it would be a good idea get the ex-wife off the mortgage. If she isn't know for finishing anything she may not move until the boys have both graduated - if at all. Good luck with that!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, I put TR in touch with my mortgage guy yesterday to get the process rolling. He's not in love with paperwork but he's got motivation to get this done so hopefully it will go smoothly!

Thanks for saying I'm not koo koo! Even if it's not true, I still appreciate it! :lol:

I made it through my calls yesterday, did all of the laundry, and a little bit of other work too, so it was a productive day! TR has just headed off to the office and I'm here again with the ferals. I plan on making hot dogs for lunch as a break from Culvers. I was hoping our weather would be good today so i could take Billy Ray for a spin but it looks like we're going to get some rain. Poor BR is feeling neglected!

OK, off to the shower!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, good idea to get TR's refinancing going. We use VA loans that has a lot of paperwork for sure.
I don't think you are Koo Koo - but then I am amused by stuffed teddy bears and stuffed killer rabbits - so do I know what Koo Koo looks like?
How did you survive the ferals today? Hot dogs are an easy lunch to fix.
Poor BR being neglected. I enjoyed the drive home today - the back stretch was mostly open and free of slow people in front of me. Sweet.
We are getting snow in the mountains around here today. It's 50 degrees here locally so I flipped the switch from AC to heat. Marty called me a wimp.

I got over 1/2 of my procedures book done in Google Docs today. Progress. My new employee who we knew was quitting at some point will work through August 2nd. Back to the drawing board there.
We have our astronomy meeting tonight.
Marty brought home some donuts and donut holes from the donut / coffee shop. We had a donut and a few donut holes for supper now since we usually go out and eat breakfast after the meeting.

Take care.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Saturday kids!

Curby, well you know about my and Bill's stuff pig POG! And TR has accumulated for me an orange octopus and two ponies. Apparently I don't really know what koo koo looks like either, ha ha!

Yesterday I finished one piece of testing that I really hate to do. It's the social media review and I look at people's LinkedIn and Facebook and Twitter pages. The thing I absolutely hate to do the most! Today I want to finish the personal trading review. There are four parts to that and I've done one already, two is mindless but time consuming, and the last two parts require that I engage my brain. I just realized that I'll have to manage this 12,000+ line spreadsheet on my laptop with no mouse though so I'm not sure how that's going to work out.

TR has gone off to an auction, one of the children is downstairs yelling at the dogs, and the other child is still in his bedroom. Ah, the life of a suburban pseudo step mom... At least TR brought me coffee before he left!


Feb 27, 2007
HI Kids!

Dee Jay, well if people think we are Koo Koo they will stay out of our way. :lol: I want to see the orange octopus and two ponies. I get teased at work about my teddy bears all the time.

Interesting you go check out people's LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter pages. Is there something specific you are looking for on them? Good luck with that large of a spreadsheet and no mouse. That is tough.

Did you survive the day as a suburban pseudo step mom?

We went grocery shopping early which led to Marty power washing the garage. We had his pickup and he knocked some glass bottles out that broke all over the garage floor. I picked off dead flowers in our flower pots and the went downstairs and did my weight lifting. We went out for lunch a little while ago. I just finished brewing up some chocolate chip cookies for Marty's poker game. I have yet to start laundry so that now becomes my Sunday project. I need to write my article for the newspaper but my current book is winning my attention.

Take care.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, a friend of mine who did seven tours of duty with the CIA (we're all convinced he's a spy!) always told me that if I get in a "situation" start talking to yourself and acting crazy. People will generally leave you alone if they think you really are escaped from Bellevue!

Yesterday i did a bunch of not much. To be fair, I worked on a work project for a few hours, but my goal was to finish it yesterday. Well that goal has now been punted to today, ha ha. I'm going to have to put in some long hours this week too because I have to get this thing ready to hand to my boss first thing on Monday the second. Nothing like a deadline to get me moving!

No idea what going to happen today here in The Land of Excitement. Probably laundry, video games, and the like. Lather, rinse, repeat... I am reading a pretty good book that kept me in bed until after 10 this morning and I'm sorely tempted to pour myself another cup of coffee, curl up in a chair in the living room and keep on going..


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I have heard that too about acting crazy; it is kind of a natural reaction for everyone to just kind of back away. I'd be a natural at being crazy too.
Phooey to working on the weekend. I had to dial in once yesterday and need to do so again today. We are so dedicated! Or crazy - as in see above. :lol:
I hope you had an easy, relaxing day. I finished my book last night even though I had to stay up until midnight. The poker game was still going strong in the man cave when I turned off the light. I don't know who won but Marty was down $120 for the evening; at least $60 of it was from the Killer Rabbit's stash. Ha!

I had to do laundry today since I didn't get any of that done yesterday. I finished my July article for the paper and got that emailed. Woo hoo! I may as well use it for the July newsletter so I started on that this afternoon. The Thrill-O-Meter is showing a negative number now. :D

Take care.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, I dialed in on Thursday and just left my computer running all weekend because I kept going back and doing work sporadically. It didn't occur to me to keep logging out and back in until I unplugged my laptop this morning to bring it to the office. I'm sure the IT guys were like WTF... ?

My drive today was pretty good! If I'd been inclined to work out I would have had plenty of time, but really I was just inclined to get into the office and Get To It because I have to have this annual review done by the end of the week. My goal today is to do at least one things that has to involve someone else, and then a second thing that involves someone else tomorrow. If I can at least get done the stuff that other people have to help me with I could in a pinch do all the writing up myself before Monday.

Off to the races!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, you were working all day and all night since Thursday - what a dedicated employee!!! Our VPN connection cuts me off even if I leave everything open.
Did you get a lot done on your annual review today? It'll be nice to get it done.
Good deal your drive in to town went smooth.

I was busy today. I learned some of my new job; which I totally enjoyed. A lady from another department had me on the floor talking about how she avoids talking to my Neg Nel because she complains about EVERYTHING. :lol: The lady who is training me on my new job and I were talking about it and we decided NN's 23&Me results had to say she is 110% a victim. :D

Take care.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, if I were working constantly from Thursday to Monday morning I wouldn't be in such a panic right now over what's still left to be done, ha ha! And LOVE the thing about 23&Me! Our office services manager says he got his results back and it confirmed that he's 78% crispy cream and 22% chicken gravy!

I worked about an hour late yesterday (but I got here an hour early so that' really TWO hours -- right?!). TR made burgers on the grill for dinner and we went to bed early. Traffic was pretty good again and I got here not much after 8... but then my boss emailed me a question that through a monkey wrench in my early morning plans. Damn. But I'm determined to get back on track ASAP! I think I'm at the point that I have everything I need to do the review from other people so after I go over on more thing today (which is pretty big... ) I can move more solidly into write-up mode. Fingers crossed I get this done by Friday because TR and I are hoping to go to MI for the weekend, but I'm not going to do that unless this thing is DONE (or as done as it can get before my boss gets back next week and I can go over final questions with him).

OK, off in search of another cup of coffee and then SHAZAM!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I love the office service managers 23&Me results. Too funny. My employee played her PA card today. I'd emailed her a few times this morning about some things she missed yesterday so she signed off on her task as "XXX the error maker". You can't make this kind of stuff up!

I hope you got a lot done on your review today and good luck getting it all tied up by Friday so you can head to MI with TR and enjoy the weekend. You can't finish it anyway until you talk to your boss.
Grilled burgers sound quite good. I saw where Chick Fil A had peach shakes this month so I stopped for some nuggets and a small shake. My tongue / tooth still hurts so I ate mostly soft food today. I picked up an egg McMuffin for breakfast and had PB and graham crackers for lunch. I'm still hungy but I'll just sip on water. I cut up a cantaloupe tonight so I can have that for breakfast tomorrow.

I got to fill out talent planning on my employees today. Some took longer that others. :lol:
Marty is at the gym. A thunderstorm is moving in but my car is in the garage so I'm good.

Take care.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, I think you should sign your emails to NN "Curby the Babysitter." :lol:

We also had a storm yesterday, but just rain, no thunder and lightening. It blew through crazy fast though -- a friend of mind texted me that I should leave to go home so I would miss the rain and by the time I looked out the window it was already pouring. Oh well, I just kept on working and ten minutes later it was sunny again!

I'm starting to get a false sense of security over this traffic... I'm sure the other shoe will drop at some point, but as of now I'm making pretty good time in the morning.

The closing on my condo is set for next Tuesday. Instead of being downtown the seller's attorney scheduled it for some place way up north and west in the city. I guess the saving grace is that by the time we're done rush hour will be well over and I shouldn't have a hard time getting into the city.

Progress on my review yesterday was pretty good. The big thing I need to look at is still looming over me but I sorted through it yesterday and it's all organized so now I just have to lay it all out and look at it. I'm going to shut myself in a conference room and just plow through. Ugh.

OK, one more cup of coffee and then I'm off to the races!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, nice that your drive to work hasn't been bad. Sweet. Are you taking BR sometimes?
Good idea to sign off on the white board as the Babysitter; that is sure what I feel like most of the time.
I love those fast moving storms, all talk, a little action, a rainbow appears and we all get on with our days. :D
That is great new your closing on your condo next week. It will be nice to get that done.
Good luck organizing and thinking through your big project. That's a good way to get through things like that go off somewhere by yourself and just get it done.

I had a busy day. The new department they moved under me took most of my time. I learned how to edit events, had to sign up for some accounts and distribution lists then drove the girl training me crazy with "why, how come, what's the point of that" questions. My other team got moved out to the cube farm today. It was funny old NN was packed and moving practically before I got out of the room letting them know what cube they had.

I lifted weights when I got home and then we went out for supper. We split a small nachos and then I ordered a small pizza; 1/2 of which is my lunch tomorrow. It's warm enough Marty is on the deck studying.

Take care.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, I haven't commuted into the city with BR this year, mostly because I'm still so damn mad about the two tires with nails that I paid a fortune to replace this spring. I'm not convinced that they didn't come from some sort of road construction...

I worked a little late yesterday and when I got home TR showed me a picture of an auction this weekend that has what looks like purple depression glass. I've been searching for that for YEARS! We got to talking about that and some other stuff and next thing I knew it was after eleven. Five am rolled around pretty early...

Are you a maven on the HCA by any chance? I have a stone that I want to run through but I only have the crown %, not the angle. I tried converting it using Dave Atlas's formula but even after I put everything in the HCA won't give me a result saying the girdle is dangerously thin, even though the cert says it's medium to slightly thick. I don't want to post the stone because it's kind of an anomaly and I don't want someone to snatch it out from under me...

OK, today I am All Annual Review All The Time!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I do not have that skill set of being able to figure out the crown angle. I am intrigued though. Ooh new diamond.
I totally get avoiding any place you can get nails in BR's tires. When they were building on our street I was getting nails all the time. I feel your pain on how expensive the tires are. Someone at work was complaining is was over $500 to get all new tires for their car; I was thinking I would be happy if that's what one new tire cost. :lol: Oh well, I knew that when I bought it.
How cool to maybe have found purple depression glass; hopefully that works out for you and of course I'd love to see pictures of it. Sorry you had a short night. I did too but that's what we do is get on with the day anyway.

My team all moved out to the cube farm today. NN who was thrilled to be out there called in sick today. I trained some on with my new team so the day zipped by. Marty is enjoying the nice weather on the deck; I am cooking myself supper and plan to read when dishes are done.

Take care.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, to be fair, I used a program on the internet! Neil posted a formula once that has to do with using tangent, but I haven't thought about that since my junior year of high school and had flashbacks just looking at it on the screen so I wimped out, ha ha.

Yesterday I had three major-ish things left to do on the annual review... did two of them... and added to more to the list. So I'm starting the day pretty much where I thought I was starting the day yesterday. Damn! But my goal today is to finish two of those (one can't be done until the others are totally finalized) and either make a pass at proofreading the report or print it out and take it with me to proof depending on what time I get to that point. I'd love to leave here early today!

Alright, off to put my nose to the grindstone!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi kids. Yay it’s Friday!!!

Dee Jay, maybe the best bet on that diamond is to see it in person. I know I’ve seen formulas as well but it’s Greek to me. His ha.
Good luck getting those 2 things done today. I’m off to the salt mines now.

Have a great Day!
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